manifest an inward sense and feeling of my innumerable wants and miseries, and a just esteem and value for the inestimable mercies I sue to Thee for; with an entire submission and resignation to Thy blessed will; and with a firm and lively persuasion, that Thou art both able and willing to fulfil all my desires, and that if I ask according to Thy will, Thou assuredly wilt fulfil them in such a manner, as shall be most expedient for me. And because Thou hast made our forgiveness of others a condition of our obtaining forgiveness at Thy hands; and hast commanded us to lift up holy hands in prayer, without wrath, as well as without doubting; endue me, I humbly pray Thee, with such a meek and even temper, as will not easily be provoked or discomposed; and with such a charitable and beneficent spirit, as may incline me readily to forgive whatever affronts or injuries I may happen to meet with; and cheerfully to do all good offices in my power to any of my fellow creatures. Finally, I beg that I may always approach Thy throne of grace in a due sense, that I am infinitely less than the least of all Thy mercies, and utterly unworthy to offer up any petition unto Thee, but in the name, and through the mediation of Thy Son Jesus Christ; by Whom alone we have access unto Thee, our offended Father; and in Whom we are sure to be accepted; for He is our merciful and faithful High Priest, Who hath put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself, and is able also to save all them to the uttermost, who come unto Thee by Him, seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them. To Whom, therefore, with Thee and the Holy Spirit, be ascribed, as is most due, all honour, glory, thanksgiving and praise, now and evermore. Amen. THE LORD'S PRAYER, given by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; both as a form to be used by us when we pray, and for a pattern to direct us after what manner we ought to pray. OUR Father, Which art in Heaven; Hallowed be Thy name: Thy kingdom come: Thy will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven: Give us this day our daily bread: And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us: And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. a Luke xi. 2. b Matt. vi. 9. THE LORD'S PRAYER WITH AN EXPLICATION OF ITS SEVERAL CLAUSES, BY WAY OF PARAPHRASE AT LARGE. 1. Our Father, Which art in Heaven; MOST great and gracious Lord God! The Creator, Preserver, and Governor of the World, and our most merciful and loving Father in JESUS CHRIST! Who dwellest in the highest Heavens; and Whose throne is encircled with myriads of glorious spirits, that veil their faces, unable to behold the brightness of Thy majesty; and that delight in attending upon those ministries whereunto Thou hast appointed them! 2. Hallowed be Thy Name: WE Thine unworthy servants prostrate ourselves with all humility at Thy footstool, beseeching Thee to possess our minds with great and worthy thoughts of Thy transcendent excellencies and perfections, and with a just and lively sense of Thine absolute sovereignty and dominion over us, and of our entire dependence upon Thee; and to inspire our souls with sincere and zealous resolutions, to make it the constant study and endeavour of our lives, to promote Thine honour and glory in all our thoughts, words, and actions; and to express our great reverence of Thy majesty, by shewing a suitable regard to every thing that relates to Thee, and by striving to grow every day more and more into a likeness and conformity to Thy Divine perfections. 3. Thy Kingdom come: SEND Thy grace into our hearts, to subdue and mortify all our evil inclinations, and to deliver us from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. And pour out Thy Spirit upon all flesh, that all may know Thee, from the least to the greatest; and by a diligent obedience to Thy holy laws, may approve themselves faithful subjects and servants to Thee, the true and only God, the supreme Lord of Heaven and Earth. To this end may it please Thee to enlarge the borders of Thy Church, and to bring all nations within the pale of it: and where it is already established, go on more and more by Thy grace to destroy the power of sin, and the dominion of Satan; and to implant the fear and love of Thy name in the hearts of all Thy servants; that so, Thine eternal kingdom also may be enlarged, and the fulness of Thy saints accomplished; and that blessed time may come, when we shall all be translated into Thy Heavenly kingdom; and, all other powers and dominions being done away, Thou alone, O God, shalt be exalted, and rule over Thy saints for ever and ever. 4. Thy Will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven: GIVE us grace to resign ourselves absolutely and unreservedly to Thy blessed will. Grant we may always seriously consider the ways of Thy providence, and discern what it is that Thou wouldst have us either to do or to suffer in obedience thereunto: that whatsoever it be, that Thou shalt thereby call us to, whether to a prosperous or adverse state, to receive good from Thee, or to suffer evil; we may in the one improve Thy blessings to the glory of Thy name, and the benefit of those about us; and in the other, patiently submit to whatsoever Thou shalt call us to suffer for Thy sake. We beseech Thee likewise to dispose and enable us faithfully to obey all Thy commandments, how contrary soever they may be to our own corrupt desires and affections, or the prevailing maxims of a wicked world; and as far as the infirmity of our nature will permit, to do Thy will here on earth with the same readiness, zeal, constancy, and delight, as Thy blessed angels do it in Heaven. |