talents committed to my trust: and when I appear before Thy dread tribunal to give an account of my stewardship, may do it with joy and not with grief: and may receive that crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the Righteous Judge, will in that day give to all them who shall have fought a good fight, and finished their course, and kept the faith. Grant this, O Blessed God, for the sake of Thy beloved Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. General Intercession. O MOST merciful God! to Thine infinite goodness and mercy, I likewise commend all my fellow creatures. Bring in thine ancient people the Jews; fill up the fulness of the Gentiles; make them one fold, under one Shepherd Christ Jesus our Lord: unite and sanctify Thy holy Church grant that all who name the name of Christ, may depart from iniquity; and by the unreprovableness of their faith, and the unblamableness of their lives, may put to silence the ignorance of foolish and gainsaying men, and adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things. Be particularly gracious to this sinful land, pardon our great and crying impieties: heal our miserable distractions and divisions: turn from us all those evils which we most justly deserve Thou shouldst inflict upon us: and pour out of the abundance of Thy Spirit, upon all orders and conditions of men amongst us, that all may turn unto Thee, from the highest to the lowest, and so thoroughly amend their ways and their doings, that we may be indeed Thy people, and Thou mayest be our God; and rejoice over us to bless us, and to do us good, from generation to generation. Save and defend Thine anointed servant our king; make him a lasting blessing to this nation; an instrument of Thy mercy and glory here, and a partaker of both hereafter. And, O Thou, Who art the Lord of the vineyard, send forth painful labourers into Thy vineyard: endue them with gifts and graces suitable to so high and excellent à calling and let thy good Spirit so direct their studies, and accompany their teachings, that through Thy grace and heavenly benediction they may both save themselves, and those that hear them. Bless us with faithful counsellors, just judges, diligent and upright magistrates, and an industrious, loyal, and religious commonalty. Have mercy upon all that are in affliction of mind, body, or estate: give them patience, com comfort, and sure confidence in Thee: sanctify Thy fatherly chastisement to their profit; and in Thy good time deliver them out of all their troubles. Bless, I beseech Thee, all my relations, friends, and neighbours, especially my the * mitted to my care; and all those who remember me in their prayers, or desire to be remembered in mine: Grant them health of soul and body; preserve them from sin and error; make them Thy faithful servants; and defend them evermore with Thy heavenly grace, that they may continue Thine for ever, and daily increase in Thy Holy Spirit more and more, till they come to Thine everlasting kingdom, for the sake of our blessed Saviour. Amen. General Thanksgiving. AND now, O Lord, as I depend upon Thy free bounty for the supply of all my wants; so I magnify and bless Thy holy name for all Thy past and present mercies. I thank Thee for my being, and for a nature capable of eternal felicity for my education, promo * Here may be named those for whom our prayers are more particularly due, as wife, or husband, parent or child, &c. &c. tion, friends, health, and reputation: for a capacity of discerning and retaining truth: for a mind in any measure enlightened: for any degree of knowledge and wisdom: and for all the helps and opportunities Thou affordest me of growing wiser and better. Above all, I give Thee most humble and hearty thanks for Thine inestimable love to mankind, in purchasing to Thyself an universal church by the precious blood of Thy Son Christ Jesus: for admitting me into the privileges of it by baptism; and sealing them to me anew in confirmation and the Lord's Supper. [ and for advancing me, Thy most unworthy servant, to the great dignity of the priestly office, and for whatever sincerity or success has accompanied my labours.] O Lord, I thank Thee for Thy long-suffering and patience, Who hast not cast me off, or punished me for the many grievous sins I have committed, as I most justly have deserved; for Thy restraining Grace, which has withheld me from any the greatest sins; for Thine exciting and assisting Grace, which has enabled me to do any the least good; for all internal and external comforts; for the means of grace, and for the hope of glory; for this * For the use of the Clergy only. this night's preservation; and for bringing me to the beginning of this day. What shall I render untó Thee, O Lord, for all the benefits Thou hast done unto me? O my God, I offer unto Thy Divine Majesty myself, my soul and body, to be a reasonable, holy, and lively sacrifice unto Thee; most humbly beseeching Thee so to dispose and govern me, that in all my thoughts, words, and works, I may ever seek Thine honour and glory; and press forward towards the prize of the high calling that is before me, in faith and patience; humility, and meekness; mortification, and self-denial; charity, and constant perseverance unto the end: All which I beg for Thy Son our Lord Jesus Christ's sake; to Whom, with Thee, and the Holy Ghost, be all honour and glory, world without end. Amen. OUR Father, Which art in Heaven; Hallowed be Thy name: Thy kingdom come: Thy will be done in Earth, as it is in Heaven: Give us this day our daily bread: And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us: And lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil: For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever. Amen. |