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precious atonement: that I, who am not worthy of the daily bread which sustains the body, should be made partaker of this bread of life which nourisheth the soul: and that the God of perfect purity should vouchsafe to unite Himself to so polluted a creature.

O my God, suffer me no more, I beseech Thee, to abuse Thy grace, and to make Thy mercy an occasion of my security: but let this unspeakable love of Thine constrain me henceforward to a sincere and universal obedience; that as my blessed Saviour died for me, so I may no longer live to myself, but to Him that hath so dearly bought me.

O let my Saviour's sufferings for my sins, and the vows I have now made against them, never depart from my mind; but let the remembrance of the one excite me to perform the other; that as I have listed myself anew under His banner, so I may fight manfully against those irreconcileable enemies of His, my lusts, which would not that He should reign over me; and may cheerfully follow the Captain of my salvation, even through a sea of blood, if it shall ever please Thee to call me to so blessed a privilege.

Lord, lift up my hands that hang down, and strengthen my feeble knees, that I faint not in

this warfare. O be Thou my strength, who am not able of myself to struggle with the slightest temptation. Alas! how many of these sacramental vows have I broken already: and I have still the same inconstant deceitful heart to betray me to the breach of this: OThou, Who art Yea, and Amen; in Whom there is no variableness, nor shadow of change, communicate to me, I beseech Thee, such a stability of mind, that I may no more thus start aside like a broken bow; but having my heart whole with Thee may so faithfully perform the conditions of that covenant, which Thou hast now permitted me to renew with Thee at Thine altar, that I may finally attain the completion of all those blessings, which Thou hast been graciously pleased to promise us in the same, through the merits of Jesus Christ, Thine only Son our Saviour. Amen.



for the use of those who want the opportunity of receiving the HOLY COMMUNION, or are any ways disabled from going to it at the usual times of its PUBLICK administration.

¶ In order to dispose the mind to a more devout and affectionate use of the following prayer, it will be proper to read over attentively some of the Scriptures of the foregoing office, and particularly the historical relation of the sufferings and death of our blessed Saviour, Section I. page 452.

Almighty God, and most merciful Father, Who art present in all places, and more especially nigh unto all them that call upon Thee, even to all that call upon Thee in truth; I prostrate myself before Thy Majesty in the deepest humility of soul and body, to implore Thy grace and favour towards me in the pardon of all my sins; that they may not hinder the powerful presence of Thy holy Spirit with me at this time, to enable me to perform an acceptable service to Thee, through Christ Jesus.

O Lord, unto Whom all hearts be open, all desires known, and from Whom no secrets are hid; Thou seest the desires that are in my soul, to go with my Christian brethren to wait upon Thee in Thine house, and at Thine altar; there to commemorate the dying love of my blessed Saviour; to give Him thanks and praise for of fering up Himself a sacrifice for the sins of the whole world; and to express my humble hope of partaking in all the benefits of His death and passion; and together herewith to devote myself with unfeigned love, in renewed resolutions of faithful obedience unto Thee; to unite my heart also in brotherly affection to all the faithful servants of the Lord Jesus; and to rejoice in the holy communion of Him, and of all His saints; that so I might receive increase of power and strength, to walk worthy of this holy fellowship, and to continue therein to my life's end.

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And blessed be Thy holy Name, O Lord, that I feel such desires; blessed be Thy Name, that I find myself thus piously disposed: which as it is the effect of Thy singular grace, I humbly hope may be an earnest, that Thou wilt supply the want of outward means by the inward operation of Thy holy Spirit; representing to me in so lively a manner, the death and passion of our

Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and filling my heart with such faith in Him, such love of Him, and such unfeigned resolutions to be perfectly devoted to Him; that though I have not opportunity to receive Thy creatures of bread and wine according to our Saviour's holy institution; yet I may so thankfully remember His death and passion, as to be made thereby a partaker of His most blessed body and blood, Who in the same night in which He was betrayed took bread; and when He had given thanks, He brake it, and gave it to His disciples, saying, Take, eat, this is My body, which was given for you; Do this in remembrance of Me: likewise after supper He took the cup, and when He had given thanks, He gave it to them, saying, Drink ye all of this; for this is My blood of the New Testament, which was shed for you, and for many for the remission of sins: Do this, as oft as ye shall drink it, in remembrance of Me.

Behold, O Lord my God, I now do this which Thou hast commanded, in my mind and heart, in remembrance of that wonderful love of my Saviour, which made Him content not only to die, but to be broken and crucified for me; and I seriously desire that it may be wost thankfully and joyfully commemorated

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