one that knows he must shortly appear before the judgment-seat of Christ, and be sentenced to everlasting happiness, or everlasting misery, according to his good or ill behaviour in this life? Have I exercised a due care and watchfulness over my thoughts, words, and actions; so as neither to think, nor speak, nor do any thing unbecoming my Christian profession?" Have I been chaste and inoffensive in my discourse? candid and charitable in my opinions of others? sincere, affable, and obliging, and (as occasion offered) useful in my conversation? What mercies have I received? and with what sentiments of gratitude have I entertained and acknowledged them? What temptations have I been assaulted with? and how have I acquitted myself under them? What ground have I got of the sin that doth most easily beset me? How have I governed myself with respect to the little accidents, that daily happen to provoke me? What opportunities have I had of doing good? and how have I improved them? What opportunities have I had of discouraging vice? and how have I opposed it? Am I now in a fit temper of mind for devotion? Am I truly penitent for all my offences against God; and earnestly desirous of his pardon and forgiveness? Have I a just sense of God's infinite power, wisdom, and goodness; and of my manifold wants and necessities, and absolute dependence upon Him? Am I unfeignedly thankful for the innumerable mercies I have already received; and stedfastly purposed to make a faithful use and improvement of all the blessings and favours, both spiritual and temporal, which God shall vouchsafe hereafter to bestow upon me? Do I from my heart forgive all those who have provoked and injured me? and sincerely wish and desire the welfare and happiness of all men, as well enemies as friends? Confession of Sin; and Prayer for the forgiveness of it, and for Grace to serve God more faithfully for the time to come. O Eternal and almighty Lord God! Maker and Governor of the world! and our most gracious and merciful Father in Christ Jesus! I humbly pray Thee, in and through Him, to look down from Heaven, the habitation of Thy holiness and Thy glory, upon me Thy vile and sinful creature, now prostrate before Thee to adore and worship Thee, and to own all dependence upon Thee; to beg pardon for my sins, and to return thanks for Thy many continued benefits and blessings. I am a sinful man, O Lord! and altogether unworthy to lift up mine eyes to Thine offended Majesty! Of the many days and years which Thou hast afforded me, how few minutes are there of which I can give a just account to Thee, or to my own soul!-O my God! with shame and sorrow I confess, that as Thou of Thy mercy and forbearance increasest the number of my days; so through the frailty and perverseness of my corrupt nature I daily increase the number of my sins. In how many instances have I offended this day? How far have I been from living answerably to the obligations of my holy profession! How far from walking before Thee in a due awe of Thy sacred presence, and of the account I am to give of my time, and of all the talents committed to my trust! Lord! my own heart condemns me; and Thou art infinitely greater than my heart, and knowest all things! But, O merciful God, Who willest not that any should perish, but that all should come to re pentance; such as Thou wilt accept, Who triest the heart. Work in me an entire hatred of my sins; and enable me to offer unto Thee the sacrifice of a broken and contrite spirit, which Thou will not despise; and whereby I shall be entitled to the benefits of that all-sufficient sacrifice which Thy blessed Son, by the oblation of Himself, hath made for all pénitent and returning sinners. And, O Lord, I pray Thee, let the consciousness of my great sloth and unfaithfulness hitherto in all the parts of my stewardship, excite mé henceforward to a more diligent improvement of all the talents Thou hast put into my hands. Make me always mindful that I shall one day be brought to judgment, as for all that I have done in the flesh, so particularly for those peculiar advantages I enjoy above many others: and oh! let these terrors of the Lord effectually persuade me to a cheerful employing of all I have received, to those ends for which Thou hast bestowed them. Teach me so industriously to husband every minute of the precious time Thou lendest me here, as may be in order to a blessed eternity hereafter. And grant, that by the assiduous practice of every part of my duty, I may arrive to such a habit and relish of it, as may enable me to subdue and mortify all sensual inclinations, and F may make me feel and know that the ways of religion are indeed ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace; and that in the keeping of Thy commandments there is great reward. Lord, grant that, renouncing all the vain ambitions of this world, I may seek before all things to be approved by Thee, as a good and faithful servant, and to be an instrument in Thy hand of bringing many to the obedience of Christ: and this I beg for the sake of the same Thy Son Jesus Christ our Saviour; Who with Thee, and the Holy Ghost, liveth and reigneth, one God, world without end. Amen. General Intercession. O BLESSED Lord, Whose mercy is over all Thy works! I beseech Thee to have mercy on all men; and grant that the precious ransom which was paid by Thy Son for all, may be effectual to the saving of all. Give Thy enlightening grace to those that are in darkness, and Thy converting grace to those that are in sin. Look with Thy tenderest pity upon the universal church: O be favourable and gracious unto Sion; build Thou the walls of Jerusalem. Unite all those that profess Thy name to Thee |