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Secretary for Scotland, 876

Sedgwick, Adam, 80 seq., 700



Select Committees, Parliamentary:
Commons; on Railways, 288;
Decorative Art, 620, 622; of Commons
and Lords on Intemperance, 864
Sellar, W. Y., 662

Severn Tunnel, the, 738
Shaftesbury, Earl of (Lord Ashley), and

factory legislation, 163, 164, 299, 300;
Mines Act, 314: offered post at Court,
320; supports Public Worship Act, 591
Shawls. 856

Sheffield, trade outrages at, 818
Shelley, P. B., poetry of, 36-37, 597
Sherbrooke, Lord. See Lowe
Shilleto, Richard, 654

Shipbuilding, naval, 175 seq.: iron and
steel, 747, 748; on the Clyde, 512
Shipping, Scottish, 145. See Merchant

Siberia, exploration in, 904

Siemens steel process, 746 eq.

Sikh wars, 165, 174, 347

Silks, foreign, 319

Silk trade, decline of British, 804

Simeon, Charles, 30

Simpson, Sir J. Y., 43

Sirius, the, 452

Sir Lancelot, the, 450

Slavery abolished, 27, 28, 152


Smallpox vaccination for, 267; decline
of, 722

Smith, Alexander, 384

Smith, James, of Deanston, 101, 295
Smith, Prof. William Robertson, 671

Smith, Robert Payne (Dean of Canter-
bury), as Syriac scholar, 670

Smith, Sydney, 42. 184, 315

Smith, William, geological map by, 77
Social economy, the (1815-1832), 115-127;
(1832-1846), 298-314; (1846-1865), 488-
502; (1865-1885), 814-830

Social life (1815-1832), 127-141; (1832-1846),
318-326; (1846-1865), 502-510; (1865-
1885), 861-874

Socialism, Owen's, 306; and the

Unionism," 822; growth of, 826; muni-
cipal, 828, 876

Society for the Diffusion of Useful Know-
ledge, 838

Society, tone of, in 1820, 1842, and 1860, 133
Sociology, 676

Soda, manufacture of, 718

Solar physics, 686, 687

Somaliland, exploration of, 918
Sorby, H. C., 703

Soudan, 540; colonial troops in. 566

South African affairs, 536, 533; explora-
tion, 912

South, James, 243

South Kensington, Department of Art, 621
Spain, relations with, 156, 344, 345
SPARKES, J. C. L.: Pottery and Porcelain
(1815-1885), 764

"Spasmodic" school, the, 384
Spectroscopy, 689 seq.; and chemistry, 716
Speke, Capt. J. H., 912

Spence, Thomas, and land nationalisa-
tion, 120

Spencean philanthropists, 2, 120

Spencer, Herbert, and the doctrine of
evolution, 429 seq.; philosophy of, 676—

Spinning, 100, 793. 796, 800
Spirit-drinking, 862, 864
Spiritualism, 508

Spode's china, 770

Stanfield, Clarkson, 232, 396, 406

Stanford, Sir Villiers, 646

Stanhope, Spencer, 612

Stanley, Arthur, Dean of Westminster, 593
Stanley, Lord. See Derby

Stanley, Sir H. M., 913, 914

Stars, variable, 692; distances of the, 694;

mapping of the, 693

State medicine, beginnings of, 266, 267
Statute law, growth of, in 19th century, 542
Statutes: Agricultural Holdings Act, 528,

554, 814; Alkali Act (1874), 826; Allot-
ments Act (1883), 554; Anatomy Act
(1832), 91; Apothecaries Act (1815), 90;
Artisans Dwellings Act (1875), 826;
Ballot Act, 525; Bank Charter Act
(1844), 166, 311 seq.; Beerhouse Act,
866: British North America Act
(1867), 522; Burials Act (1880), 596; on
Church rearranging endowments
and dioceses, 183 seq.; Church Patron-
age (Scotland) Act (1874), 527; Coal
Mines Inspection Acts, 752-755: Com-
bination Laws, 124; Criminal Law
Amendment Act (1871), 819; Convey-
ancing Acts, 553; Corn Laws of 1815. 2,
118; of 1822 and 1827, 124; of 1846, 166;
Ecclesiastical Titles Act (1852), 185,
346; Education Act (1870), 524, 836;
Education Act (Scotland, 1872), 874;
Electric Lighting Act (1882). 792; Em-
plovers' Liability Act (1880). 826;
(1897), 557; Encumbered Estates Act
(1849). 344, 487, 515: Endowed Schools
Act (1869), 842; Endowed Schools (Scot-
land, 1882), 875; Factory Act, 163 seq.,
298-300, 491, 824; Fines and Recoveries
Act (1833), 553; First Offenders Act,
854; Friendly Societies Acts. 816.
817: Gaol Acts (1823-1824), 315;

Grammar Schools Act (1842), 841; In-
dustrial Societies Act Amendment Act,
496; Infants' Relief Act (1874), 555;
Irish Church Act (1833), 152; Irish
Arms Act (1843), 164; Irish Church
Disestablishment Act, 881; Irish
Intermediate Education Act, 982:
Irish Land Act (1870), 524, 881; Irish
Land Act (1880), 534, 884; Judicature
Act (1873), 526, 544 seq.; Land Pur-
chase Act (Lord Ashbourne's), 541;
Landlord and Tenant Act (1860), 487;
Licensing Act (1874), 867; Limited Lia-
bility Act (1862). 498, 815; Local Govern-
ment Act (Scotland, 1885), 876; Lunacy
Act (1890), 724; Medical Act (1858) 441
seq., 719; Merchant Shipping Act. 528,
556, 825; Militia Act (1852), 347. Mines
and Collieries Act (1842), 312, 750 seg.;
Municipal Corporation Reform, 157;
Oxford University Reform Act (1853),
348: Poor Law (Scottish, 1845), 337;
Police Acts, 140, 141; Pollution of
Rivers Act (1876). 826; Poor Law
Reform, 153, 154. 302, 303; Prescription
Act (1832), 553; Prisons Act (1877), 853;
Public Health (Scotland, 1867 and 1979),
876; Public Schools Act (1868), 842;
Public Worship Regulation Act, 528,
591, 592; Railway Acts, 276, 284, 285;
Railway and Canal Traffic Act (1854),
289; Railway Regulation Act, 1873),
Reciprocity of Duties Act, 8;
Reform Act (1832), 14; (1867). 520; (1885),
538; Royal Titles Act, 528; Settled

Land Act 1892), 554; Summary Juris-
diction Act, 854; Sunday Closing Act,
867; Ten Hours Act (1847), 491: Tithe
Commutation Act, 84, 292; Univer-
sities Act (1877), 850; Veto Act (Scot-
land), 334

Steam ploughs, 478 seq.

Steamships in the Navy, 176-182; mercan-
tile, early, 451-453; lines, 454 seq.
Steel manufacture in Scotland, 876
STEELE, ROBERT: Chemistry (1815-1832),
86-89; (to 1846), 259-264; Chemistry
and its Applications (1846-1865), 713-
STEPHENS, F. G.: Artists of the Middle
Victorian Era, 392-413; Later Vic-
torian Artists, 608-618
Stephenson, George: safety lamp, 249;
and railways, 273, 274, 276
Stethoscopes introduced, 93
Stevenson, R. L., 605 seq.
Stirling, J. Hutchison. 684

Stokes, Dr. Whitley, 890

Stoneware, 776 seq.

Strike, engineers', of 1871, 820

Stubbs William, afterwards Bishop of
Oxford, 594 seq.

Sturgeon, W., 253

Sullivan, Sir Arthur, 640, 647
Sully, J., 683

Sulphuric acid, manufacture of, 717 seq.
Sunday observance, 325 seg., 867
Surgery, 93 seq., 443 seq.. 721

Surrey Iron Railway," the, 268, 273
Swedenborgians, 208

Swinburne, A. C., 383 seq., 602 xen.
SYMES, J. E.: The Social Economy (1815-

1832). 115-127; (1832-1846). 298-314;
The New Era in Economics (1846-1865),
48° 502: The Social Economy (1865-
1885), 814-830

Symonds Sir William, naval designer, 175
Syriac, 670

Syrian Question, the (1840), 162

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Tithe commutation, 184, 292, 554
Tithe war in Ireland, 148, 149, 152
Tobacco, consumption of, 868
Topography, classical, 666 seq.
Torpedoes, naval, 578 seq.
Tower Bridge, 738, 742

Towns, growth of, 115, 872, 808
Tractarians, 373

"Tracts for the Times," 190, 191, 193
Trade, foreign (1815-1832), 118 seq.; (1851-
1865), 496; after 1865, 829, note
Trade unionism, rise of, 119 seg.. 124-126;
(1832-1843), 303, 304;.(1846-1865), 491-
494; (1865-1885), 818-822

TRAILL, H. D.: Introductory, 1-2; Litera-
ture (1815-1832), 32-48; (1932-1846),
209-230; (1846--1965), 378-392; Litera-
ture Retrospect (1815-1885), 596-608
Tramways, 138, 263
Transportation discredited, 317, 318
Treaties and conventions: Anglo-Turkish
Convention (1978), 530; Berlin, 530;
commercial, 499; Hunkiar Skelessi,
156, 162; of London, 525; of Paris, 352;
San Stefano, 530; of Villafranca, 357;
of Washington, 525

Trollope, Anthony, works of, 392, 605
Tuberculosis, Koch's researches into, 722
Tunnelling, 738

Tupper, M. F., 385, 600-602

Turley, relations with, 8, 156, 348 seq., 352,
528 seq.

Turner, J. M. W.: paintings of, 49-52;
works by, 402; death and character of,

Twining, Thomas, 651

Tylor, Dr. E. B., 680. 681

Tyndall, John, 704, 706-708

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of, abolished (1813), 119; agricultural,
before and after repeal of corn laws.
470; no fall up to 1885, 809; effect of
"minimum wage," 830

Wagner's music in England, 640, 642, 643
Wakefield, Gilbert, 651

Wales: separate judges abolished (1830),

Walker, Frederick, paintings of, 611
Wallace, Alfred Russell, and the doctrine
of evolution, 434, 437; in the Malay
Archipelago, 924

Wallace, Prof. William, 684

Wallis, Henry, 610

Wallpapers in 1851, 626

Ward, W. G., his "Ideal of a Christian

Church condemned, 193

Warrior, the, 372

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Watson, M. L., sculptor, 393

Watts, G. F., 404, 614

Wealth, the national, 829, 868

Weapons of war, 172, 566 seq., 573 seq.
Weaving. See Textiles
Webb, Philip, 634, 636
Webster, Thomas, 231, 406
Weismann and heredity, 438, note
Wellington, Duke of, and his Ministry

(1828), 8; secession from, 10; foreign
policy, 12; and Reform Bill, 14; letter
to Sir J. Burgoyne (1847), 168; policy
towards Army, 168; duel with Lord
Winchila. 322

Wesleyans, 199 seq.

Westbury, Lord, 358

Whewell, W., 846

Whistler, J. McNeill, 616, 618
White, J. Blanco, 190

White Star Line, 463 seq.
WHITTAKER, THOMAS: Philosophy and
Logic (1846-1865). 413-423; Philosophy
and Anthropology (1865-1885), 675-
685; Biology (1846-1865), 423--440
Wilberforce, Samuel, Bishop of Oxford,
196; opposes Darwinism, 436
Wilberforce, William, 27

Wilkins, Charles, 672

William IV., 12, 14; death of, 154; and use
of wine, 866

Williams, Isaac, divine, 32

Williamson. Prof.. chemical work of, 261
Wilson, H. H., 673

Wilson, John (Christopher North), 41, 42
Wilkie, Sir David, 394

Winchilsea, Earl of, duel with Duke of
Wellington, 322

Wines, consumption of, 865
Wire rope, 760

Wollaston, W. H., 87

Wolseley, Sir Garnet, afterwards Lord
Wolseley: military studies, 173;

Ashanti War, 526; in Red River ex-
pedition, 569; victory at Tel el Kebir,
538; expedition to Khartoum, 538, 573
Women: in coal mines, 749 seq., 760; in
medical profession, 720, 875; at uni-
versities, 845; dress of, 129 seg., 318
seq., 854 seq.; life of, 314, 873
Woollen manufacture, 802-803
Wool-sorting, 803

Worcester china, 776

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(of car-

Wyllie, C. and W., 614

Westcott, B. F., Bishop of Durham, 595
Westminster Hall exhibitions

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FEB 19 1915

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