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became Big Brothers, and saw the need of correctional advice that the information given by boys was pure. The adults and parents came into the boy's life too late. His mind was already poisoned and his habits formed. One boy said, "When I was hardly out of the kindergarten all kinds of impure jokes and information began to pour into my ears from the mouths of other boys. My father, when he found out my condition, informed me in a very direct and emphatic, though kindly way about the true facts and taught me to abhor rigidly even the slightest suggestion of impurity, but he came into my life too late." The schoolyard was the place where a ten-year-old boy found out the wrong side of life. A farm hand was the instructor in evil for an eleven-year-old boy. Another boy said, "My honest opinion is that the parents of today do not give the necessary information to their boys about such a vital matter. I know of many fellows who have fallen into immoral habits because their parents have not told them."

The Young Men's Christian Association in one of our American cities, desiring to be of service to the parent as well as the boy, in the matter of sex instruction, sent the following letter to one thousand parents inclosing addressed reply envelope:

To the Fathers of our Boys.
Subject!-Sex Education.

Dear Sir: The Educational Committee of the Boys' Division is desirous of obtaining the opinions of the parents on the subject of Sex Education. The Committee realizes that many parents are reluctant about giving their boys instruction in this subject and it is anxious to help them overcome this reluctance if possible.

If the replies received on cards similar to the one inclosed, indicate that the parents are willing to give this instruction, the Committee may arrange to give a course of talks or readings to assist the parents. If, however, the returns indicate that the parents prefer to have their boys instructed by those who are thoroughly familiar with every phase of the subject, the Committee will plan a course of talks and readings for the boys, dividing them into groups according to their physical development.

It is the Committee's intention that all instruction shall be based upon the sacredness of God's laws as exemplified in nature through reproduction in plant, bird, fish, and animal life. Wherever the boy, through right thought, is led to make analogies in human life, his questions will be truthfully answered. All morbid details will be avoided in answering these questions and the boy's curiosity will be thoroughly satisfied.

We hope you will be prompt in filling in the inclosed card and in mailing same in the addressed envelope provided.

The Educational Committee

Boys' Division.

A card was also inclosed upon which was printed the following:

Please answer the following questions by marking an (X) in either column under Yes or No.

1. Do you prefer to give all the Sex In-
struction to your boy yourself?
2. Are you willing to have your boy given
Sex Instruction in accordance with
the intentions of the Committee?
3. Would you be willing to meet with
other parents to discuss this subject?
4. Do you feel that your boy knows all
he ought to know about the subject?

Yes No

After a lapse of one week 105 replies were received or about 10 per cent of the number of parents addressed.

The replies were as follows:

To question No. 1 "yes" 7 "No" 90 8 made no reply

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of parental willingness to shift responsibility upon other shoulders for the instruction of their boys in matters of sex. The replies to No. 3 reveal an attitude of indifference that is staggering, as well as appalling.

In talking with parents upon this subject they exhibit an attitude of fear lest their boy be not old enough to understand. It is better for parents to tell the facts to their boy two years too early than ten minutes too late, for if the wrong boy comes into the boy's life ten minutes before father or mother becomes his confidential adviser it is too late. Already the author of the "language of the fence" has poisoned his mind. The fact that one hundred and forty-four boys received their first information in sex matters from other boys instead of their parents is a serious indictment against parenthood. "Oh, why didn't my parents tell me!" is the pitiful wail of the habit-bound boy. "Ah, how fortunate for me!" is the satanic reply of the quack who harvests a rich crop of unfortunate students of this fence language. Who is the real sinner, the boy or his parent?

"The City Beautiful" agitation has aroused civic conscience to such an extent that even if the bill board has not been done away with, it is at least better censored. In many cities ordinances forbid the posting of vulgar show bills

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