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Kimmeridge-clay, Saurian Remains, 366.
Kinahan, G. H., Geology of Galway,
567; Notes on the Growth of Soil,
263, 348; on the Formation of
Ravines, 406; Petrology and Litho-
logy, 92; Suggestions on Denuda-
tion, 109.

King, W., and T. H. Rowney, "Eozoonal"
Rock, 84.

Kingsmill, T. W., Geology of China, 87.
Kirk, J., "Geological Theories," 83.
Koschkull, F. von, the Caucasus, 120.


LA Lake basins, in Westmoreland, 272.

--deposit near Crofthead, 390.

District, Geology of the, 56, 105,
116, 167, 229, 272, 370, 382, 489
Lankester, E. R., Elephas meridionalis
in the Norwich Crag, 190; Mammalia
of the Crag, 47; Note on a new Tri-
lophodont Crag Mastodon, 355; On
the Occurrence of Machairodus in the
Forest-bed of Norfolk, 440.
Lartet, E. and H. Christy, "Reliquiæ
Aquitanicæ," 24, 277, 463.

Lea Valley, Freshwater Deposits of the,
385. 389.

Lead-bearing districts of the North of
England, 317.

Leaf-bed, Lower Bagshot, 522.
Leaves, Fossil, collecting, 522.
Lebour, G. A., On Western Brittany, 442.
Leonhard and Geinitz's Neues Jahrbuch

für Mineralogie, etc., 272.
Lepracanthus Colei, 481.
Liassic Brachiopoda, 550.
Lightbody, R., Geology of Ludlow, 353.
Lignite Bed near Cape Town, 15.

mines of Podnernuovo, 227.
Lincolnshire, Oolites of, 99.
Linnarsson, J. G. O., On some Fossils
found at Lugnas in Sweden, 393.
Lithodomous perforations, 48, 96, 282,
380, 483.

Lithology and Petrology, 92.
Liverpool Geological Society, 562.
Lobley, J. L., "Mount Vesuvius," 122.
London, Water-supply of, 414.
Lory, C., Comparative sequence from
the Gault to the Oxford Clay, 252.
Lucas, J., The Boulder Clay and the
Thames Valley, 188.

Ludlow, Geology of, 353.
Lyon, G., Trap-dykes of Edinburgh, 374.

MACHAIRODUS in the forest-bed

of Norfolk, 440.

Mackintosh, D., Drifts of North-west
Lancashire and Cumberland, 368; Li-
thodomous perforations, 282; 380;
Scenery of England and Wales," 465.

[blocks in formation]

Martins, C., Glacier of Palhères, 32.
Mason, J. W., On Dakosaurus, 27; New
Acrodont Saurian from Chalk, 371.
Mastodon, 38; New Crag, 355.
Maw, G., On some Raised Shell-beds on
the Coast of Lancashire, 72; Section
of Gault and Lower Greensand at
Lower Fettleworth, 335; Variegation
in Cambrian Slate, 576.

Medlicott, H. B., Faults in Strata, 341.
Megaceros Hibernicus, 523.
Megalosaurus, Maxilla of, 327.

Metals, Precious, Production of the, 361.
Metamorphism of Rocks, 359.
Meyer, C. J. A., Note on the Passage of
the Red Chalk of Speeton into the
Underlying Clay-bed, 13.

Miall, L. C., Experiments on Contortion
of Mountain Limestone, 505.
Mica-schist, Columnar, 137.

Microscopical Examination of Rocks, 115.
Midland Scientific Association, 377.
Miller, J., So-called Hyoid Plate of
Asterolepis, 384.

Mineral Deposits of Maritime Alps, 117.
Veins in Carboniferous Lime-
stone, Contents of, 563.

Miocene Beds of Greenland, 174; Flora
of Greenland, 322.
Mississippi Valley, 421.

Mitchell, W. S., Centenary of W. Smith,

Mollusca, Burrows of, in Carboniferous
Limestone, 483.

Molyneux, W., Burton-on-Trent : its

History and its Waters, etc., 520.
Montagna, C., Metamorphism of Rocks,

Montreal Natural History Society, 38,


Moore, C., Drift Deposits of Bath, 375;
Report on Mineral Veins in Carbon-
iferous Limestone, and their Organic
Contents, 563; Secondary Fossils from
Australia, 571; Plant- and Insect-bed
in New South Wales, 572.
Morgans, M., Brendon-Hills' Spathose
Ore-veins, 225.

[blocks in formation]


JEUES Jahrbuch für Mineralogie,
etc., 272.

Newberry, J. S., Extinct Floras of North
America, 364.

New Red Conglomerate of Central Eng-
land, 182.

Nice, Geology of, 308.

Nicholson, H. A., British species of
Graptolites, 224; Geology of Derwent-
water, 229; Intrusive Igneous Rocks
of the Lake-district, 370; Plants in
the Skiddaw Slates, 494; On the
Skiddaw Slates and the Green Slates
and Porphyries of the Lake-district,
105, 167, 213.

Nicol, J., Parallel Roads of Glen Roy,282.
Næggerathia obovata, 155.
Norfolk, Broads of, 226; Denudation of, 45.
Northampton Sand, Origin of the, 221.
Northamptonshire, Geological notes on,
236; Oolites of, 99, 446.
Norwich Crag, Mammalia from the, 47,
190, 237.

Geological Society, 90, 186, 231.
Intraglacial erosion near, 226;
Phenomena in the Drift near, 508.

BITUARY notices of G. V. Du Noyer,


93; J. D. Forbes, 95, 137; Lady
Murchison, 227; C. Æ. Oldham, 240;
J. B. Jukes, 430; J. W. Salter, 432,
477; J. Hunt, 480; R. N. Rubidge, 526.
Odontopteris Plantiana, 155.

Oldham, C. E., Obituary notice of, 240.
Old Red Sandstone and Devonian, 449.
Oolites of Lincolnshire, 99; of North-
amptonshire, 99, 236, 446.
Origin of Species, 75.
Ormerod, G. W., Glaciers in South

Devon, 40; Granite of Dartmoor, 281.
Orocanthus, 34.

Orton, J., Expedition in S. America, 120.
Owen, R., Description of Strophodus

medius, Ow., from the Oolite of Caen
in Normandy, 193, 235; Note on the

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

etc., in Mayo, 47.

Permian Rocks of the North of Eng-
land, 134.

Petrology and Lithology, 92.

Phillips, J., Oldest British Belemnite,

239; "Vesuvius," 122; Pholas-boring,
48, 96, 282, 380, 483.

Pictet, F. J., Classification of the Cre-
taceous System, 255.
Pinites, 1.

Plant, J., Pseudomorphous Crystals of
Chloride of Sodium, 377.

N., The Brazilian Coal-fields, 147.
Plant-remains from the Brazilian Coal-
beds, 151; from the Skiddaw Slates,

Pleistocene Deposit at Hackney, 91.
Deposits, Middle, 542.
Plutonic Energy, 475.
Poikilitic, Application of the term, to the
Permian and Triassic periods, 89, 90.
Popular Science Review, 78.
Portland Bill, Raised Beach at, 326, 438.
Post-tertiary fossiliferous beds of Scot-
land, 185.

Potts, J. F., Claystones of Arran, 36.
Powrie, J., Earliest vestiges of Verte-
brate life, 283.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small]


Reid, P. S., Mineral deposits of the
Maritime Alps, 117.

"Reliquiæ Aquitanicæ," 24, 277, 463.
Reptilia, Fossil, of North America, 476.
Dinosauria and Birds, Affinity

between, 573.
Richthofen, F.,

Natural System of
Volcanic Rocks," 510.
River Sediment, Measurement of, 156,

Rock-masses, Waste of, by Solution, 379.
Rocks, Metamorphism of, 359; Micro-

scopical Examination of, 115.

Volcanic, Natural System of, 510.
Rodentia of the Somerset Caves, 371.
Rofe, J., Note on the Cause and Nature

of the Enlargement on some Crinoidal
Columns, 351.

Rogers, A., Geology of the country sur-
rounding the Gulf of Cambay, 370.
Romney Marsh, Formation of, 126.
Root, E. W., Enargite from California,


Rothliegende age, Beds of supposed,

near Knaresborough, 283.

Roulin, M., Stone Implements from
Java, 125.

Rowney, T. H., and W. King, "Eozoo-

nal" Rock, 84.

Rubidge, R. N., Obituary notice of, 526.
Rugby School Natural History Society,
219, 288.

Ruschhaupt, F., Salt Mines of St. Do-
mingo, 225.

Ruskin, J., Banded and Brecciated Con-
cretions, 529.

Russell, R., On the Flow of Rivers, and
the Measure of River Sediments, 268.

St. Domingo, 225; in the Cauca-

Deposits at Stassfurt, 215; at

sus, 121.

Salter, J. W., Obituary notices of, 432,

Salvador, Geology of, 455.

Sandstone, Recent Formation of, 140.
Sanford, W. A., Rodentia of the Somer-
eet Caves, 371.

Saurian, New Acrodont, from Chalk, 371.
"Scenery of England and Wales; its
character and origin," 465.
Schloenbach, U., Table of the Upper
Cretaceous Strata, 306.

Scotland, Geological Survey of, 129.

Post-tertiary Fossiliferous-

beds of, 185.


Secondary Fossils from Australia, 571.
Seeley, H. G., Dakosaurus, 188.
Selaginella, Fruits of, 297.

Selsey, List of Shells from. 41.

Sharp, S., Notes on the Northampton
Oolites, 446.

Shelve, Geology of, 519.

Shropshire, Geology of, 518, 519.
Sigillaria, Structure and Affinities of,224.
Silurian Beds of the Pentland Hills, 228.
Period, Fauna and Flora of, 20.
Star-fish, List of, 244.

Sinai, Cretaceous Fossils from, 31.
Skiddaw Slates, 56, 105, 116, 167, 229,
382; List of Fossils from the, 498.
Slate, Variegation in Cambrian, 576.
Smith, G. J., Deposit at Hackney, 91.
W., Centenary of, 356.

Smyth, R. B., Gold-fields and Mineral
Districts of Victoria, 459.
Sodium, Chloride of, 377.

Soil, Connection of, with Phthisis, 80,
144, 369, 499.

Growth of, 263, 348.
Somersetshire Caves, Rodentia, 371.

Coal-field, Faults and

Contortions in the, 187.

Coast, Movements, 178.
Somervail, A., Depth of the Carbon-
iferons Limestone Seas, 139.
Sorby, H. C., Note on the Excavation of
the Valleys in Derbyshire, 347.

Award of the Wollaston
Medal to, 179.

Speeton, Red Chalk of, 13.
Star-fish, New Silurian, 241; List of
Silurian, 244,

Stoddart, W. W., Geological Notes from
Norwich, 177, 287.

Stone Implements from Java, 125.
Strombeck, A. von, Classification of Cre-

taceous Rocks in Germany, 261.
Strophodus medius, 193, 235.

Subsidence at Marton, near Northwich,
288, 336.

Suffolk Bone-bed, 355.

Sun's Heat, Meteoric Theory of the, 476.
Surface-Geology of the Lake-District,

Sutherland, Dr., Auriferous Rocks in
South-Eastern Africa, 134.
Sutherland Gold-fields, 327.
Sweden, Fossils from, 393.

Organic Remains in the Funda-
mental Gneiss of, 173.

ПABLES, Geological, 423.

Scrope, G. P., On Pretended "Raised Tate, R., Additions to the List of

Sea Beaches," 535; On the sup-
posed influx of waters to the interior
of the Globe, as the Cause of Volcanic
Eruptions, 196; On the supposed
Internal Fluidity of the Earth, 145.

Brachiopoda of the British Secondary
Rocks, 550; Geology of Guyana in
Venezuela, 330; On the Oldest Bri-
tish Belemnite, 166.

Tawney, E. B., Terebratula diphya in
the Alps of the Canton de Vaud, 326.
Taylor, J. E., On Certain Phenomena in
the Drift near Norwich, 508; Sub-
sidence at Marton, 336.
Terebratula diphya, 300, 326.
Terraces on the sides of hills, 535.
Thames Basin, Springs in the, 414.
Valley, 188.

Thecidium subserratum, 552.
"Thesaurus Siluricus," 20.
Thompson, T., On the discovery of a
Skeleton of the Hippopotamus in Post-
Pliocene Drift near Motcomb, Dorset,

Thomson, W., Geological Dynamics, 472.
Time, Geological, 8, 472.
Titanium in Mayo, 47.
Tithonic Stage, 256.
Trap-dykes of Edinburgh, 374.
Trogontherium Cuvieri, 49.

Twemlow, G., Facts and Fossils adduced
to prove the Deluge of Noah, 81.

ULRICH, G. H. F., Mount Tarran-

gower Gold-field, 329.
"Underground Life," 175.

VALLEYS, Excavation of, in Derby-

shire, 347.

Variegation in Cambrian Slate, 576.
Venezuela, Geology of Guyana, 330.
Vesuvius, 122, 145.

Victoria, Gold-fields and Mineral Dis-
tricts of, 459.

Vitrified Fort near Inverness, 371.
Volcanic Action, Probable seat of, 245.
Eruptions, Cause of, 196.

Rocks, Natural Sytem of, 510.
Volcano, Extinct, in New Zealand, 27.
Volcanos, 511.

[blocks in formation]


Water-supply of London, 414.
Waters, Spring, Analysis of, 420.
Westropp, W. H. S., On the Occurrence
of Albite in Granite of Leinster, 561.
Whitaker, W., Locality of Hyperodapedon
in Devonshire, 89; On a Raised Beach
at Portland Bill, 326, 438; On the
Connection of the Geological Struc-
ture and the Physical Features of the
South-east of England, with the Con-
sumption Death-rate, 79,144,369.499.
and H. W. Bristow, On the
Formation of the Chesil Bank, 325,
433, 574.

Whitley, N., True and False Flint
Weapons, 78.

Williamson, C. J., Volcanic Phenomena
of Hawaii, 370.

Wilson, J. M., Rugby School Natural
History Society, 288.

Wiltshire, T., Red Chalk of Hunstanton,

Winkler, T. C., Musée Teyler, Catalogue,
324; Tortues Fossiles, 324.
Wollaston Medal and Donation Fund,
Award of the, 144, 179.
Woolhope Naturalists' Field-club, 470.
Wood, S. V., jun., and F. W. Harmer, In-
traglacial erosion near Norwich. 226.
Woodward, H., Long-eyed Trilobite from
Dudley, 43; Man and the Mammoth,
58; Note on the Tooth of Ctenodis
tuberculatus, in the British Museum,
317; On Eucladia, a new genus of
Ophiuride, from the Upper Silurian,
Dudley, 241; The Freshwater De-
posits of the Valley of the Lea near
Walthamstow, 385.

Wynne, A. B., Geological Notes on the
Bombay Presidency, 17.


YORKSHIRE Wolds, Geology of the,

Young, J., Beds beneath the Boulder-
clay at Kilmaurs, 285; Heterophyllia
mirabilis, 42; Sandstone of Gilmore-
hill, 35.

J. W., Action of Organic Matter
on Perioxide of Iron, 284.


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