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5. Where was Cribb when the battle of Waterloo was fought; and who was the real champion of England on that memorable day?

6. Enumerate the various qualities of Henry Hunt's Matchless Blacking, his Roasted Corn, and his quondam friend Cobbett's History of the Reformation. Analyse the three, and say which should be taken internally, and which applied externally, and why?

7. Give an account of the Epping Hunt on an Easter Monday, and explain the reason why the horses generally go a great many more miles than their riders; also, why the cockneys so often indulge in their propensity for stag-hunting, when it is notorious that they are themselves properly classed under the head of horned animals in the best treatises on natural history.

8. Determine what it was that Peeping Tom of Coventry wished to see. Having found that out, ascertain whether the rays from that focus of attraction were too dazzling for his optic nerves, or whether excessive straining of his eyeballs occasioned his blindness?

9. Give the diameter, and then find the circumference, of Mr. Green's new balloon. Having correctly ascertained these, show why Miss Stocks was found on her back and Mr. Harris on his face when they so unfortunately, and fatally for H., descended near Croydon. Determine, also, whether it was on the principle of expansion or compression that the accident took place, and how many feet distant from the earth the aeronauts were when Miss Stocks put the glass of brandy to her lips.

10. Name the principal banking-houses in London, and give a general description of all the parish beadles within the bills of mortality. Repeat the observations

made by Sir Richard Birnie to Michael O'Shaunessy, the cobbler, when he was taken to Bow Street for making a lap-stone of his wife's head. Show the connection between each of these propositions, and say in what particulars they vary.

11. Why should Harriette Wilson, Miss Foote, and the Princess Olive be considered of more consequence than ladies of quality generally? What qualities do ladies of quality generally possess? and what is the difference between a lady of rank and a rank lady?

12. Where is Covent Garden situate, and what flowers thrive best there? Upon what principle is it that the productions reared in the neighbourhood of this celebrated garden delight in hot beds, and yet come to maturity without being forced?

13. Where did Parson Irving come from before he came from Scotland, and where is he likely to go to if he continues to go on in the way he is going? Determine how nearly he is related to Dr. Eady, and what degree of affinity subsists between them and the Rev. Alexander Fletcher?

14. What is the difference between a dentist, a dentist-surgeon, and a tooth-drawer? Which of these is the Chevalier Ruspini, which Dr. Bew, of Brighton, and which Mr. Hartrey, of Hayes Court? Show that the two former are entitled to a guinea, although the last receives only a shilling per tooth, in consequence of the infinitely greater trouble they take in the performance of their task!

15. Describe the different kinds of breeches that are at present worn by the English. Name the tailor that made the first pair, and determine with accuracy how much more double-milled kerseymere it takes to make a pair

of Wellington trousers for Lord Nugent than would be necessary for the Achilles in Hyde Park.

16. What reasons can you assign for the necessity of having one leg or the other always foremost when walking and, having proved that a man can step a yard at a time, ascertain how far he can reach in a hop, step, and a jump.

17. Scan the following lines, and then translate them into Latin hexameters :

"High diddle diddle!

The cat and the fiddle,

The cow jumped over the moon!"

In what quarter was the moon when the cow jumped over her? Was it an Alderney or a Welsh cow? State, also, whether she descended on her legs after her extraordinary leap, and in what parish she fell.

18. When was April Fool's-Day first observed? Who is the first April fool upon record? What city had the honour of inventing bug-traps? Of what size were the fleas which Sir Joseph Banks mistook for lobsters, and how much salt did he put in the saucepan, when he boiled them? If one flea can skip a mile in an hour, in what time would a million of fleas draw the mail-coach from London to Bath?

19. Enumerate the different figures of speech made use of by the late Lord Londonderry, and state precisely what sort of figure his lordship cut, when he stood prostrate before the House, and spoke of his fundamental features? Where was Mr. Canning at that time? What honourable member was it that turned his back upon himself, and in what manner did he effect se novel a position?

Cambridge Parties;



(Originally printed in the Brighton Magazine.)

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