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A faithfull man shall abound in bleffings, that is, he that dealeth Prov. 18. 200 fincerely and truly with men,and is not willing to deceive any in word or deed,carrying him felf in all holy fimplicity towards God, as he liveth honeftly amongft his Neighbours, and that not in one thing, but in all, and is therefore in the Originall Text called a man of faithfulneffe; he hall abound in bleffings of all forts, with plenty fo farre as is expedient, with good eftimation, with kind friends, with fpirituall graces, &c.

The more fincerity, the more affinity with God: for truth is

a neere tie, and hath an uniting power in it. The true and found Pfal.73.27,38, Chriftian is the Lords neere neighbour : fo much the necrer, as

the wicked are farre off: for God will draw nigh to them, that

draw nigh unto him in truth. God is the God of truth, Pfal.31.5. Jam.4.7. Chrift is truth, fob.14.6. the fpirit is the fpirit of truth, Joh.14. Jer.30.218 17. Truth is one speciall branch of that Image of God according Ephes,4.23,24♪ to which man was made. And the greater meafure of truth in the Cor3.18. inward parts, the more are we (to fpeake with the Apoftle) changed into the Image of God. And the more we refemble God and have communion with him, the more is our affinity with him. Satan ever did, and ftill oppofeth fincerity by perfe cutions, opprobries, and reproaches, as of pride, hypocrific, diffimulation,fpecially when God afflicteth his people, 70b.2.6,9 But the more Satan oppofeth truth and fimplicity, the more hould we be in love with it : for Satan would not loade it with difgraces if it were not excellent. Satan labours to foilt in the leaven of hypocrifie in our daily course, that by little and little he might pick the good feed of righteoufneffe out of our hearts, but our care must be to difappoint him. Here our refiftance is to hold us to our owne, and pray to God to rebuke him.

And here to prevent miltaking we must diftinguish the degrees of foundneffe and fimplicity, and the nature of it. In nature The foundnes of the godly is true, but io degree weake and im perfect, and therfore now and then through frailtie and weakeneffe in the performance of good duties they looke more at man then at God, and propound indirect meanes when they fhould eye his glory only. But as we fay of other finnes, fo of hypocrify, it is either raigning, or not. In the hearts of true Chriftians there may be bypocrific, but not raigning hypocrific. David when he Laid, Bleed is he, in whofe fpirit there is no guile, did take himselfe Pfal.32




Ezra 7.10.


tardie in this evill: and Bradford with others of those most holy Martyrs, doc much fecke pardon of hypocrific and carnall gofpelling. But finne that raigneth not, muft not difcourage: and if we have an unfained purpose against it, if we grieve for it, if we fecke for ftrength against it, it reigneth not.

The effect or evidence of a found heart is, that being well informed in the truth of God, he doth heartily refigne himselfe to be guided and directed by the Lord, in all things. As Paul prayeth in behalfe of the Philippians, that they might approve things that are excellent, that they might be fincere, and without offence till the day of Chrift. And it is noted of Ezra,that he prepared his heart to feeke the Law of the Lord, and to doe it: and to teach in Ifrael, Statutes and Judgements. And from this generall fpring diyers particu


Firft, Truth breeds an hatred of all falfe and corrupt opinions in Doctrine: because found affections require good judgement and true understanding, and if the understanding that fhould guide and governe the inferiour powers be perverted with errour, the heart muft needs move out of order. Folly is joy to him that is defti tute of wifedome, but a man of understanding walketh uprightly, or di recteth himselfe ftraite in walking: He can never fhoote ftraight, that takes his aime contrary. The voice of a true heart foundeth Pfal.119-113, thus in David, I hate vaine thoughts, but thy Law doe I love. I efteeme all thy Precepts concerning all things to be right, but I hate eve ry falfe way.

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Secondly, It hath in deteftation all falfe and devised worship, which is nothing but lying pompe and vanity. Ephraim compaffeth me about with lies, and the house of Ifrael with deceit. Truth feeke neerenes and acquaintance with God: but in devised worship no comfort or profit is to be found: rather the heart is removed from God, when men draw nigh to him with their lips.

Thirdly, It worketh an univerfall hatred of all finne,that is, of fecret as well as open finnes, of leffer finnes as well as of greater evils, of fuch finnes as whereunto we have fpeciall inticements by fome particular content or profit, which they feeme to promife, as well as of thofe which afford neither gaine, credit, nor pleafure. A true heart hath a coftant purpofe in no one thing, willingly to finne against God,but rather to indeavour the uttermoit in eve


ry good way of Gods commandements. And as he ftands refolved against all finne in generall, both fimply confidered, and in refpect of all occurrences, whereby he might be allured or copelled thereunto: foin fpeciall against the finne to which he finds himselfe most inclined, or where- with he hath at any time been overtaken. Incline not my heart to any evill thing, to practise wicked workes with Pfal.141.4 men that worke iniquity: and let me not eate of their dainties.


Fourthly, It is joyned with a readineffe of mind to acknowledge and lay open every finne as foone as it is knowne to be finne and a gladneffe to have the confcience ranfacked and ripped up, that whatsoever is finfull may be found out. David fpake it out of experience, when he pronounced the man bleffed, in whofe Plaliga. fpirit there is no guile:Now this was a branch of that fpirituall guile, that he once thought to helpe himselfe in evill doing, by holding his tongue; as who would fay he would forget it, and paffe it over: but he was never well, till he was delivered of that falfe trick, and fell to the down-right acknowledgement of his finne; he never had comfort till he had confeffed against himfelfe his wickedneffe. This he writes for a patterne, and gives his Pfalme a title accordingly; To give inAtruction and this experience taught him to intreat the Lord to pry into him, as fearing him elfe that he should deale somewhat over-favourably with himfelfe. Try me, O Lord, and know mine heart: prove me, and know my thoughts, and confider if there be any way. of wickedneffe in me: and to profeffe himselfe not only willing to beare, but defirous to be reprehended, if he fhould step awry. Let the righteous fmite me, it shall be a kindneffe: and let him reprove me, it shall be an excellent oyle,which shall not breake my head: for yet my prayer also fhall be in their calamities, or, by how much he shalt doe that the more, by how much they fhall reprove me the more diligently, by fo much I fhall pray the more fervently for them.. When a man loves not thofe meanes which tend to the difcovery, of his heart and life, and to the finding out of his fecret finnes, or reprehenfions whether publike or private, or ferious and earnest confeffion of fin before God, there is great caufe to fufpect that all. is not found within..

Fifthly, Truth dealeth not only against this or that branch of corruption, which fhooteth out to our difgrace or trouble, but against the root it felfe. As in Paul we fee, the Law of



Pfal. 1415



evill which did dwell within him, was his principall matter of conflict.

Sixthly, It zealously contendeth for the maintainance of Gods pure worship and fervice. Judah ruleth with the Lord, and is faithfull With the holy One. Judah retaineth the pure worship of God, whofe fervice is perfect freedome, and the trueft dominion: for he that ferveth the Lord purely, hath rule over Satan and his own unruly lufts.

Seventhly, In all fervice the true Chriftian ftrives to approve his heart unto God, and to performe it as in his prefence, to the 1 Cor. 14.15. glory of his name. He prayeth with the Spirit, obeyeth from the heart, heares with reverence, fpcakes as in the fight of Ged, and doth all things with life and power.





Eighthly, In all conditions or cftates of life, in all dealings fecret or open, publike or private, at home or abroad, he will carry himself as becomes the Gofpell, and ftudy to be harmeleffe, unblameable, and without rebuke before God and man. Doe all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameleffe, and harmleffe, the Sonnes of God without rebuke. Thus a ChriEph.6,6,7. ftian fervant will fhew all diligence in his Masters bufipeffe, as Col.3.22,13. well abfent as prefent, froward or courteous; and all faithfulnesse in things committed to his charge, even to the leaft pinne,though he might doe otherwife with fecrecy and fecurity from men; and that willingly,of confcience, and not for hope of credit or gaine. And not fo only, but he will reverence his Mafter, and in beart be that unto him, which he feemeth to be in carriage, and that behind his back which he is before his face. A Chriftian man will be fimple, plaine, and juft in all his dealings, inoffenfive in matters of Religion, loving and courteous in all his behaviour, and what he would feeme to be towards others in their prefence, that he is inwardly, and in their abfence.


Ninthly, Truc grace is permanent, and found Chriftians are conftant in their courfe, not fhrinking in temptation, not starting afide like a broken bow. An hypocrite is wavering in refpect of occurrences,halting and divided in refpect of objects; in fubjection to inordinate paffions, powerleffe in the performance of holy duties, wife to hide and cover finne, glorious in empty thewes of Religion, apt for advantage to fwallow leffer finnes without ftraining, flippery in earthly dealings, aiming at wrong



ends in the profeffion of the truth, indulgent to his beloved and darling finnes, defirous to feeme religious, though he much neglect the power of godlineffe. But the true Chriftian is unlike him in all these refpects: He is found and conftant, a master of his affections, a bungler to colour or guild over finne, defirous to be good, and in every thing answerable to his profession, faithfull in his place, plaine in his dealings, innocent and harmeleff, as becomes the child of God; the fame man at home and abroad, within and without, openly and in fecret, in thought and difcourfe. This is that truth and fincerity which the Lord accepteth, and the godly Atrive after, and obtaine in fome meafure.






Sept. g. Sym.eisieu. du. Aq. &

Tbeod.&visτωσαν καλευαν

There be three words in the Originall tranflated Right or Upright. The first comes cf a root that fignifieth to be right or Jer. 18.4. profper, or to direct, Ecclef.11.6. and 10.10. and it is tranflated Uprightneffe, Equitic, Industry, and Profit: of the Septuagint Valour or Fortitude. Sym. Swiftneffe or fpeed.Eccl.2.21.and 4.4. ardesia and 5.11. Efth.8.5. But it is not to be referred to the act of the mind or heart, but to fome externall work or deed, which is fo cunningly polished and skilfully contrived, that nothing can more be defired in it, or juftly be thought wanting. The second word comes of a root that fignifieth before or in prefence,as Prov. 4.25. Let thine eye-lids look straight before thee. Prov. 5.21. For the Wayes of man are before the eyes of the Lord. See Gen.25.21. And it is tranflated right, equity and uprightneffe. Prov. 8. 9. They are right to them that find knowledge. Sept. amav or cráma, T Theod, ευθεία, Sym. εκεξώμεθα οι ελεγξώμεθα : al. interp. έυκοπα bete ter quonora, Amos 3.10. They know not to doe right. Sept. varrior. Sym.xalevärk. Ifai.59.14. Equity cannot enter. Sept. Si sudeías. Ïfai. 30. 10. Prophefie not unto us right things. Ifai. 26.10. In the Land of uprightnesse be will deale unjustly. LXX. ander. Ifai.57.2. Each one walking in his uprightneffe, or before him. 2 Sam. 15.3. Thy matters are g ood and right. LXX. eux. The third word comes of a root d that fignifieth to goe ftrait, Prov.15.21. 1 Sam.6.12. Pfal.5.8.or glóμew. to direct, Prov. 3.6. And this is the moft ufuall and common: Thus God is faid to be upright: Thon most upright doft weigh the path of the Juft. Ifai.26.7. To shew that the Lord is upright. Pfal. 92.15. The word of the Lord is uprightneffe. Eccl.12.10.Pfal.33.4. His Judgements are right, or strait. Neb.9.13. Pfal.119.128,137.


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