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Wilson, Dr. Steere, &c., for the text. As auxiliaries to its study, Bishop Ken, Dickson, Hampden's "Philosophical Evidences of Christianity;" Tatham's


Scale and Chart of Truth;" Locke's 46 "Essay," B. iv.; D. Stewart's "Philosophy of the Human Mind," part ii., chap. v.; Beattie's "Essay on Truth," part i., chap. ii.; Brown's "Lectures on the Philosophy of the Human Mind," XXXV.; Reid's "Intellectual Powers," Essay I., chap. iv.; Mill's "Logic," B. iii., chap. xx.; Dr. Turton's "Natural Theology;" Blunt's papers on Butler in the Quarterly Review, 1828 and 1839; Maurice's "Modern Philosophy," chap. viii.; Napier's "Lectures on Butler," delivered before the Dublin Young Men's Christian Association; Hobart's Analysis of Butler;" Bishop Halifax's "Summary of Butler's Writings," prefixed to the edition 1809; Crawford's "Questions on Butler's Analogy;" the notes to Fitzgerald's edition of Butler; Dr. Chalmers' "Lectures on Butler;" C. A. Swainson's "Handbook to Butler's Analogy;" Lord Brougham's "Discourse on Natural Theology," sec. i.; Whately's "Rhetoric," part i., chap. ii., and Appendix, also "Logic," Book iv. S. Neil's paper on "Butler" in the. present issue of the British Controversialist. It is not intended that all these should be obtained and studied; but these are suggested, that those who can procure any of them may know that help is to be had in them.]

Class questions on Butler's "Analogy of Religion."

N.B.-A people's edition of the 66 Analogy" at 1s. 2d., is issued, sewed, by Messrs. Chambers.

INTRODUCTION.-State the distinction between proof and confirmation. What is the difference between proba. bility and demonstration? What is verisimilitude? What is analogy? Is experience a positive ground for arriving at negative conclusions? What are the steps by which the mind passes from analogy to conviction? What is the true force of analogy? Is the possible a

good criterion for determining regarding the probable or the proper ?

Class II-PRACTICAL LOGIC. Practical exercises on "The Art of Reasoning."

Arrange the following words according to the power of sensation by which the ideas they express are made known to us, viz.:-Adhesion, angle, astringency, acridity, blue, beauty, brittleness, circle, cone, concavity, coherence, ductility, density, distance, duration, effervescence, fatigue, flatulence, feebleness, flexibility, friction, glutinousness, gruffness, horizon, hunger, insipidity, infusibility, lamination, material, motion, nutrition, opacity, portability, pulverability, plasticity, porosity, pungency, quiescence, rotundity, robustness, slipperiness, suppleness, sphericity, solidity, sonorousness, saturation, thirst, transparency, tickling, translucency, velocity, vitality, viscidity, unctuosity.

Take a book and note down all the ideas primarily attributable to sensation it suggests to your mind.

Mention the qualities made known by sensation in the following objects, viz.:-wool, sponge, india-rubber, cork, gold, honey, oil.

ARITHMETIC. This class will consist of two divisions,-junior and senior; the former including the four elementary rules, simple and compound as well as reduction: the latter extending from proportion onwards. The text-books recommended for the junior class are, Cornwell and Fitch's "School Arithmetic;" Colenso's, and Flint's: for the senior, Cornewall and Fitch's "Science of Arithmetic;" Copeland's "Arithmetic of Fractions and Proportion;" Chambers' School Arithmetic;" and J. R. Young's in Weale's Series. In our next we shall give a series of questions on the theory of arithmetic, and a set of exercises founded on those contained in the above books, for working.

BOOK-KEEPING.-The text-books in this class will be Chambers' "Bookkeeping," 1s. 6d., for which ruled books are obtainable at 74d. each; Haddon's "Book-keeping," 1s. 6d.; Weale's "Se

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GRAMMAR English).—“ Essentials of Grammar and Composition," in Briish Controversialist, 1855; Neil'st "Rhetoric," chaps. iv. and v.; Bain's "English Grammar," 2s. 6d. (Longman). Findlater's paper on "English Grammar," in Chambers's Information for the People, 14d. Study the definitions of the parts of speech, on which exercises will be prescribed in our next.

HISTORY (English).-Junior.-J. F. Corkran's" Concise History of England," 2s. 6d. (Stanford); Curtis's "School and College History of England," 3s. 6d. Senior.-" Macaulay's "History," people's edition, in 14 parts, 1s. (Longmans).

[Class announcements on other studies will be issued in our next.]

Literary Notes.

DR. Wm. Mackelvie, biographer of Michael Bruce, and editor of his "Poems," died 14th Dec.

"Francis Bacon and the Connection between Philosophy and Science," is the subject of a new work by H. Böhmer.

"Shakspere in his Relation to the Church of our Age" is discussed in a German work by A. Schwarzkopff.

Two volumes of Napoleon III.'s "Life of Cæsar" are ready, but unpublished.

Cassell, Petter, and Galpin have commenced an annotated and illustrated tercentenary Shaks pere, edited by Mr. and Mrs. Cowden Clarke.

The Copley medal of the Royal Society has been awarded to Prof. Adam Sedgwick (b. 1785), author of a " Discourse on the Studies of the University of Cambridge," &c.

At the annual meeting of the Historical Commission of the Academy of Munich, Prof. Leopold Ranke (b. 1795), author of "Germany in the Time of the Reformation," &c, read an obituary notice on the Life and Works of J. Grimm.

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Chambers' "Cyclopædia of English Literature" has been made the basis of a work by Mr. H J. Grainger, intended for the students of Heidelberg.

J. Foster Kirk, author of "Charles the Bold," hails, like Judge Haliburton, from Nova Scotia.

A testimonial for the Welsh bard Talhairn-the Cymric Burns-is afoot. It is to take the form of an anuuity, and will, we hope, be productive.

A work by George Chalmers (17441825), author of a "Life of Mary Queen of Scots," exists in MS., entitled "Lives of Writers on Trade and Political Economy."

James Hannay (b. 1827), author of "Satire and Satirists," &c., has issued a brief Memoir of Thackeray, who died suddenly on the 24th December, aged 52.

R. C. Trench (b. 1807) has been installed as Archbishop of Dublin.

An edition of the "Works of Leibnitz," under the care of Onno Klopp, is to be issued at the cost of the King of Hanover.

M. Emile-Edmond Saisset (b. 16th Sept., 1814), editor of Spinoza, Clarke, &c., died 27th December,

The present Earl of Camperdown is said to be engaged in collecting materials for a complete biography of his grandfather, Admiral Duncan (1731— 1804), the hero who conquered the Dutch admiral, De Winter, at Camperdown.

The fourth volume of Carlyle's "Frederick" is ready.

M. Guizot has ready, "Religious Meditations."

The Tales about the Popes current in the Middle Ages," is the subject of a work just issued at Munich by Dr. J. J. I. Döllinger (b. 1799), Professor of Church History there, author of an "Essay on Luther" (1851), &c.

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Mr. Geo. Burgess, the Greek critic, died at Ramsgate, 11th January.

Dr. Turton, Bishop of Ely, the vindicator of Porson, the antagonist of Cardinal Wiseman regarding "The Eucharist," &c., &c., died 7th Jan., aged 84.

Count Auersperg, who writes under the nom de plume of "Anastasius Grün," author of "Blätter der Liebe" (Leaves of Love), &c., will shortly publish a book of ballads (original) on Robin Hood, preceded by a preface on the legends of Sherwood Forest.

George Ticknor (b. 1791), historian of Spanish literature, biographer of La Fayette, has just supplied a memoir of his friend Wm. Hickling Prescott.

Franz Dingelstedt (b. 1814), Director of the Weimar Theatre, author of "The House of Barneveldt," &c., will complete Hebbel's "Demetrius," and the whole works of the Knowles of Germany will be edited by Emil Kuh and Professor Glaser.

Baron J. A. Plana (b. 1781), Professor of Analysis at the University, and Director of the Observatory of Turin, author of many scientific Me moirs, died 20th February.

Seven hundred and twenty-nine periodical works issued from London, viz., 254 dailies and weeklies, 359 monthlies, 81 quarterlies, and 31 transactions of societies, fixed or occasional.

M Louis Ratisbonne, translator of Dante, is the heir to, and the editor of, the Works of Alfred de Vigny.

Mr. William Chambers has been engaged for the two previous years on a history of his native county, Prebles, which is now almost ready for the press.

Shakspere works, in threatening abundance, are reported as being in the press and on the tapis.

Forensic Eloquence.

THE eloquence of the bar, as a phrase, includes not only the speeches of advocates, but also the charges of recorders, and the summaries of judges. It is theoretically exerted only in the maintenance of right or the suppression of wrong. Practically, however, it has become a mediatorial agent. Law has now grown into a vast and powerful entity, whose influence and whose officers are everywhere; whose halls are open to all comers; and whose administrators are bound to afford audience to every one claiming her aid or protection. And though

66 'Tis not ever

The justice and the truth o'the question carries

The due o'the verdict with it,"


the convenience of supposing that no means or effort can "partialize the unstooping firmness" of the law compels society to acquiesce in the ordinary judgments given in her courts. And yet, taken all in all, it may be safely averred now that substantial justice is available for every claimant,-although to special individuals the decrees given may seem to be rigour, and not law,- a few of the unpleasantest words that ever blotted paper.' This universal presence of law in our midst, with her strict statutes, gives it a magisteriality before which men's passions in general quail; and when they come, or are brought, into the courts, they come into its presence hesitantly and shy, anxious to conciliate it, and looking upon it as something to be moved, yet not easy to be won. This gives the form of mediatorship to forensic eloquence, and imparts to it its generally submissive rather than resistant character. In most cases, therefore, the eloquence of the bar assumes a controversial tone,— those who employ it deferring to law as umpire, but sedulous to turn the fairest aspect of their case to the scrutiny of the judge. Hence, the forensic orator requires, in most cases, to keep a double purpose constantly before his mind, viz.,—1st. The establishment of his case by all the means the law allows, and all the proofs the matter under consideration affords. 2nd. The refutation of the case of the opposing counsel by any legal means, or by the use of any feasible and available retort or argument which the matter or method of the suit supplies.

That these functions of the advocate may be effectively performed, there are three matters to which the powers of his mind must be applied, viz.,-1st. The attainment of a complete knowledge of the facts of the question in dependence, and the objects in view in bringing it before the court. 2nd. The proper arrangement of these facts in their relations to the law and to the case of the opposing party, so as best to effect the given object. 3rd. The 1864.


effective expression of them in speech, so as at once to state the case for the client to the judge or jury, against the opposition, with due regard to public decorum, and in accordance with the kind and amount of evidence able to be brought forward in support of the position taken.

The pleader's one object is to gain his case: like every orator, his business is to persuade, and so to win "the hearts of all that he may angle for," that they shall consent to the rightness, if not the righteousness, of his claim or his defence. Persuasion depends upon the proper employment and presentment of proofs, the manner in which these are set forth, and the method and keenness with which they touch some passions or emotions, active or excitable in the hearts of those whom he addresses. These all require prudent management, and are each dangerous instruments if not warily used. The inexorable rigour of a true logic, and the inseparable requirements of a thorough-going rhetoric, must be well known to, and readily brought into active use by, one whose business it is to cog the hearts of men to his own purpose, or to resist the aim of another to acquire the mastery of men's minds.

Logic, of course, teaches, as a practical art, the methods of forming, employing, and criticizing arguments; and the adept in its processes soon acquires a readiness in bringing from its repertories such help as it may yield. These, after arrangement by rhetoric, become topics, of which, as regards forensic eloquence, there are two sorts, viz., internal, self-contained in the subject itself; external. or lying beyond, yet attached or related to the subject. Proof depends upon the right use and proper arrangement of the several topics which a suit supplies, and the ability of the orator is displayed in the gathering together of these, in the arrangement of them so as to help each other and his case, and in the pointedness with which he brings them, in their aggregated force, to bear upon the matters in dispute or under consideration, in their relations to his client, to the opposers of his case, and to the law.*


The logic of evidence," which is involved, either directly or indirectly, in every act and effort of life, is brought prominently before the intellect in an especial manner in every appeal to law. In our present paper we could not possibly give even a synopsis of a subject so extensive, and we must reserve that topic for a separate paper at a subsequent opportunity. The capacity of fixing in one's mind, however, all that lies within the sphere of a case available for expounding it properly, and of determining readily the relations any suit bears at once to the facts on which it is founded, and the law to which it is about to be referred, is one of supreme importance in

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* A useful (as the author believes) "Synopsis of the Principles of Proof" is given in his " Elements of Rhetoric," p. 216. in which book also there are two chapters on Method (22 and 23), which, with the two in "The Art of Reasoning' (19 and 20), afford a tolerably complete view of the subject in its double relationship to thought and expression. To these he respectfully refers those earnest students who wish or require further information on this subject.

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