Apocalypse Revealed: Wherein are Disclosed the Arcana There Foretold, which Have Hitherto Remained Concealed, Том 2American Swedenborg Printing and Publishing Society, 1912 |
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acknowledge adore adulterated Apoc appear Babel Babylon beast behold called cast Catholic religious persuasion celestial celestial Divine celestial kingdom charity commandments conjoined consociated Decalogue Divine Human Divine love Divine truth Divine wisdom doctrine dominion dragon ephod evils and falsities Exod external Ezek faith Father fire flesh former heaven glory gold hath heaven and earth hell hence holy things horses infernal love Jehovah Jerusalem Jesus John xiv kingdom kings Lamb Last Judgment light linen live according Lord's Lord's Divine Luke manifest Matt nified passages plagues precious stone profaned prophet purple and scarlet reason religion Roman Catholic Roman Catholic religious saying seen seen above n seven angels signi signified the Word signified truth signifies the Divine soul spiritual sense spiritual world temple thee thence thou shalt throne truth n unto vers Verse vials virgins voice wherefore whoredom wine worship xvii xxviii Zion