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PACIFIC Ocean, vastness, 197; lagoon isl-
ands, 203.

Palm, 143, 164, 171, 200.

| Point Venus, Tahiti-so called because Cap-
tain Cook observed there the transit of the
planet Venus, June 3, 1769-136.
Polyp, the coral insect, 200, 203.
Poncho (Span. pron., pon'tcho), a blanket with
a hole in the middle, through which the
wearer puts his head, 101.
Ponsonby Sound, between Hoste and Nava-
rin Islands, which form the south coast of
Beagle Channel, 102, 175.

Pampas, South American plains or prairies,
home of the bizcacha, 48; Indian inhabi-
tants, 105; Gaucho, 120, 123; unfavorable
to growth of trees, 144; not absolutely flat,
148; fossil remains, 149; mud formation, 183.
Pan de Azucar (Span. pron., pahn dā ath-oo'- | Poplar, 143.

kar)-"sugar-loaf "--a prominent landmark Porphyry, a hard rock, often of a green color,

on the south coast of Uruguay, 143.
Parana (Span. pron., pah-rah-nah'), one of the
chief tributaries of the river Plate, 46, 48,
135; broad, 147; full of islands, 144; mud-
dy, a neglected highway, 145.

Paris, the chief city of France, 177.
Parrot, 41.

Patagonia, the southernmost country of South
America, so named by Magellan on ac-
count of the supposed "big feet " (patagōn')
of the native inhabitants, 41, 43, 45, 47, 71,
72; impressive plains, 150, 182.
Patagonian, like some of the Fuegians, 93;
like northern Indians, 105; height, painted
skin, behavior at table, stock of horses, 105.
Peach-trees used for firewood, 143.
Peat in Tierra del Fuego, 151.
Penguin, noise, 53; bravery, 66.
Pepsis, a kind of wasp, 84.
Pernambuco (Port. pron., perr-nam-booʻko),
a seaport of Eastern Brazil, 113.

Peru (Span. pron., pā-roo'), a Spanish-Ameri-
can republic on the Pacific coast of South
America, 118.

Petrel, 197.

Petrified trees, 178, 181.
Phosphorescent sea, 53, 54.
Pineapple, 163.

Plata (Span. pron., plah'tah), the Plate river
and estuary, separating Uruguay and the
Argentine Confederation - the Spanish
word, like Argentine and our English plate,
means "silver"-29, 46, 53, 145; a muddy
expanse, 146, 183.

Plaza (Span. pron., plath'-ah), the Spanish
name for an open square in the heart of a
town-in Italian, piazza (pë-at'sa), 153.


Porpoise, mode of swimming, outstrips a ship,
53; feeds among the kelp, 175.
Port Famine, in Patagonia, on the Strait of
Magellan, at the point where the letter a of
Famine is printed on the map, 151, 172.
Portillo Pass (Span. pron., por-tèl'yo), a route
over the Andes between Chile and the Ar-
gentine Republic-the name means a "gap"
or "gate "-33.

Port Valdes (Span. pron., val-dāce'), a station
on the east coast of Patagonia, 44, 72.
Posta, a post-station, 109, 111.
Promethean matches, consisting of a roll of
paper treated with sugar and chlorate of
potash, and a small cell containing sulphuric
acid-when the cell was broken the acid set
fire to the composition-125.

Pulperia (Span. pron., pool-per-e'ah), a drink-
ing-shop, 116.

Puma, or South American lion, range and
prey, 44, 45; mode of killing, 45; drives
off condor, 45, 68; flesh like veal, 45, 47.
Pyramids of Egypt, 204.


QUE Cosa (Span. pron., kay kos'sah)--"what
an idea"-115.

Quillota (Span. pron., kèl-yo'tah), a town of

Chile, south-east of Valparaiso, 157, 159.
Quiriquina (Span. pron., kë-rë-kë'nah), an isl-
and on the west coast of Chile, affected by
earthquake, 184, 185.


RADACK Archipelago, lagoon islands in the
North Pacific, near the equator, 203.

Rain, scanty fall in northern Chile, 193; effect | San Luis, a town in the central part of the
on vegetation, 193, 194.
Argentine Republic, 182.

Rancho (Span. pron., ran' tcho), a half-way San Nicolas, a La Platan town on the Pa-
house, 111.

Rastro, a track or trail, 109, 110.

Recado (Span. pron., rā-kuh'do), saddle of the
Pampas, 120, 128.

Renous, a German naturalist suspected of
heresy, 132.

Rio Colorado (Span. pron., rè'o ko-lor-ah'do),
a river of the Argentine Confederation-the
name means "red river"-- 30, 105, 110,
111, 182.

Rio de Janeiro (Port. pron., rẻo dá zhah-nā'è-
ro), or simply Rio, the capital of Brazil, and
bay of the same name, which means "river
of January," 38, 53, 84, 113, 114.
Rio Negro (Span. pron., rè'o na'gro), a river
formerly the southern boundary of the Ar-
gentine Republic-the name means "black
river "-105, 110.

also, a river of Uruguay, 126.
Rosario (Span. pron., ros-sar'e-o), a La Platan
town on the Parana--the name means a
rosary "--145, 147, 148.

rana, 145, 147, 148.

Santa Cruz (Span. pron., krooth), a river of
Patagonia-the name means "holy cross"
-42, 44, 67, 72.

also, the chief town in the island
of Teneriffe, 155, 156.

Santa Fé (Span. pron., ƒã), a town in the Ar-
gentine Confederation - the name means
"holy faith "-46, 124, 146; plains, 149.
Santa Lucia (Span. pron., loo-the'ah), a river
of Uruguay, 29.

Savage man, 92; mimicry, 95; keen senses,


Scurvy-grass, 98.

Sea-bed become dry land, 181, 182.
Sea-eggs, 100, 174.

Seal, piggish habits, 50; noise, 53; skin for
wigwam covers, 99; flesh for food, 100.
Sea-otter, 52; plays with fish, 65; skin for
clothing, 99.

Shell-heaps of Fuegians, 98.
Shingle, sea-shore gravel, 182.

Ross, Captain, an English colonist of Keeling Shropshire, also called Salop, a western coun-
Island, 203.

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ty of England, where Mr. Darwin was born,

Siberia, the northernmost country of Asia, 31,

Silex, flint, 181.

Snails hibernating, 196.

Snow-line in Tierra del Fuego, 151, 176.
South Africa, ostriches in, 73; Kaffirs, 95;
root-eating tribes, 103.

South America, extinction of the horse in,
31; range of the condor in, 66.
South Sea Islanders, Pacific Ocean, 103.
Spain, the south-western peninsula of Europe,


Spaniard, cruelty to slaves and animals, 115;
ignorance of natural history, 132; prefers
traitors to cowards, 135.

San Blas Bay, the southernmost in the Ar- Spider, surrounded by ants, 83; killed by a
gentine Republic, 72.

San Felipe (Span. pron., fă-lë' på)—“St. Phil-
ip "—an

'—an inland town of Chile, 159.

San Fernando, an inland town of Central
Chile, 132, 159.

wasp, 84; kills a wasp, 85; hibernation, 195,

Star-fish, 174, 175.

Strata, layers, 181.

Stru'thio rhea, the American ostrich, 71.

Sugar-cane, 163.

Sumatra, a large island on the equator, south
of Asia, 198.

Superstition about earthquakes, 188, 190.
Swan, black-necked, 52, 80.
Sweet-potato, 163.


TAHITI, the principal one of the Society Isl-
ands in the South Pacific, 135; valley of
Tia-auru, 136; coral reef, vegetable pro-
ducts, 163.

Tahitian, mildness, tattooed, 133; women in-
ferior, 136; fire-making, 137; cooking, 138.
Talcahuano (Span. pron., tal-kah-hwah'no), a
seaport of Chile, destroyed by earthquake,
184, 185, 187, 188, 192; liability to great
waves, 190.

Tapulquen (Span. pron., tah-pool-kān'), a town
in the south-eastern part of the Argentine
Republic, 123.

Tattooing in Tahiti, 135, 136.

Teneriffe, the largest of the Canary Islands,
155, 156.

Tern, 51, 75.

Tia-auru, a valley of Tahiti, 136.

Tierra del Fuego (Span. pron., tè-er'ra del
foo-a'go), a large island south of Patagonia,
called "land of fire" by Magellan on ac-
count of the native bonfires on the coast,
43, 45, 53, 79, 98, 101, 155; mountainous
and peaty, 151; full of bays and inlets, 159;
forests, 170, 172; mountains and glaciers,
175, 176.

Tides, affected by earthquakes, 183–185, 187;
on shallow coasts, 190.

Toad, black with red belly, in hot desert, un-
able to swim, 63; hibernation, 196.
Tortoise, of Galapagos Islands, vast numbers
and size, 60; difference between the sexes,
food, long journeys for drink, 61, 62; pow-
er to go without water, rate of travel, egg-
laying, old age, deafness, 62; carrying a
man, 63.

Toucan, 41.

Trade-wind, a steady wind blowing from north-

east or south-east toward the equator, 199.
Trafalgar', a cape on the south-western coast

of Spain, off which the British fleet under

Nelson defeated the French and Spanish,
Oct. 21, 1805, 135.
Tree-fern, 171.

Trees of Australia, 165-167; of the Tropics,
170; petrified, 178, 181.

Tropilla (Span. pron., tro-pèl'yah), a little
troop, 34.

Turkey-buzzard, companion of seals, 50; feeds
on young tortoises, 62.
Turtle-dove, tameness, 77, 78.
Tyrant fly-catcher, 76.


URUGUAY (Span. pron., oo-roo-
0-gwah'è), a
country of South America (see Banda Ori-
ental), 48, etc.; also the name of the river
which forms its western boundary, 47, 48;
clearness, 145.

Uruguayan, astonishment at compass and
matches, ignorance of geography, 125-
127; wonder at face-washing and beard-
growing, 126; indolence, requirements of
legislative representatives, 128.
Uspallata range and pass (Span. pron., oos-
pal-yah'tah), on the western border of the
Argentine Confederation, 178.


VALDIVIA, a southern port of Chile, 158, 167;
earthquake of 1835, 183, 189; of 1837, 190.
Valparaiso (Span. pron., val-par-ah-ë'so), the
principal seaport of Chile-the name means
“paradise valley"—69, 154; immunity
from earthquake waves, 190; earthquake
of 1822, 192; rainfall, 193.
Villarica (Span. pron., vèl-yah-rë’kah), a vol-
cano in the south-eastern part of Chile, 189.
Volcano of Aconcagua, 156; Osorno, Corco-
vado, 177; Antuco, 188, 190; Villarica,
189; volcanic soil in western La Plata, 178.


WAIMATE, a town in the north-western part
of New Zealand, on New Ulster Island, 171.
Walleechu, an Indian name for a sacred tree
in the southern part of the Argentine Re-
public, 110, 111, 122.

Wasp, hunts down a spider, 84; caught by
spider, 85.

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