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I am glad the far-mer goes to look af-ter his sheep, with his dog Ro-ver.

He will bring back to the farm that poor lamb that has dropped down on the deep, cold snow. See, he has lift-ed it up in his arms, and its dam runs sadly after him.

Do not fear for your pet, good sheep; no one will hurt it.

The dear lamb will soon get well, and skip and run on the green grass.


whisk-ers pret-ti-est


Three mice went into a hole to spin;

Puss came by, and puss peeped in:

"What are you do-ing, my lit-tle old men?" "We're weav-ing coats for gen-tle-men.”

"Shall I come and help you to wax your threads?"

Oh, no, Mis-tress Puss-y, you'd bite off our heads."

Says Puss-y, "You are so won-drous wise,
I love your whisk-ers and round black eyes;
Your house is the pret-ti-est house I see,
And I think there is room for you and me."
The mice were so pleased that they o-pened the

And Puss-y soon laid them all dead on the floor.

The Tea Party.

Em-ma had a nice tea par-ty. There were her play-mates, Jane, Ell-en, and Bess-ie. When they came, Em-ma told them to hang up their man-tles on pegs in the lob-by.

She had put the ket-tle on the fire, and now the lid was mak-ing a mer-ry rat-tle, that caused Dick, her can-a-ry, to start out of his nap and sing too.

Jane gave him a bit of an ap-ple, and he at once be-gan to nib-ble it, so this stopped his song.

Bess-ie, poor girl, was a crip-ple, so Em-ma set a-side the coal-box, and gave her a nice place by the fire.

Ell-en spread the ta-ble-cloth, and then Em-ma put down the cups and sau-cers. Mam-ma had cut the bread in thin slices, and but-tered it nice-ly. She had giv-en them some jam and cake too.

They were all ver-y mer-ry, and they did not soon for-get the hap-py e-ven-ing they spent.


This lit-tle pig went to mar-ket;

This lit-tle pig stayed at home;

This lit-tle pig eat all the bread and cheese;

This lit-tle pig got none;

This lit-tle pig said, "Wec, wee,


I can't find my way home!"

Ding, dong, dell!

Puss is in the well!
Who put her in?
Lit-tle Tom-my Thin.
Who pulled her out?
Lit-tle Pe-ter Stout.

What a wick-ed boy was that
To drown poor Puss-y-Cat,
Who never did him any harm,

But killed the mice in his father's


[merged small][merged small][graphic]

g.ave s.ave b.rave m.ade m.eet gr.eet cr.ied p.ond f.ond s.topped p.ool sch.ool b.ook br.ook r.ode r.oad b.oat fl.oat n.ow t.own dr.own s.is-ter w.in-ter s.um-mer m.oth-er br.oth-er 1.ove a-bove

Tom-my Carr and his sis-ter Nell-ie went to the town to school, sum-mer and win-ter. The road was long, but they loved their books and tasks. In

sum-mer, the larks sang a-bove them, and the brook by the way looked cool and fresh. In win-ter they of-ten rode in a mark-et cart.

Din-go, the dog, often went to meet them on the way from school. One day he saved Tom-my from drown-ing. He stopped to float a lit-tle boat his fa-ther gave him in a pool or pond on the road, and he fell in.

Nell-ie cried for help for her broth-er, but Din-go jumped in and dragged Tom-my out, drip-ping wet. His moth-er greet-ed him glad-ly that day. And they were now fond-er than ev-er of brave Din-go.


My dame has lost her shoe;
And mas-ter's lost his fid-dling stick,
And can't tell what to do.


What is my dame to do?

Till mas-ter finds his fid-dling stick,
She'll dance with-out her shoe.

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