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See this pret-ty bas-ket of flow-ers. We gath-ered them this mor-ning in the gar-den. There are tu-lips and roses and lil-ies, and they all look so fresh and smell so sweet! Pa-pa took us all out,-Fred-dy, and Har-ry, and Er-nest, and me. Nell-ie did not go. Poor Nell-ie sprained her an-kle last week skip-ping in the lane.

Fred-dy was rush-ing up trund-ling his big hoop, and Nell-ie was run-ning to get out of the way, when she fell, and now she lies in bed.

We shall put the bas-ket in her room,

and when she sees the flow-ers it will seem as if she had been out in the garden too with dear Pa-pa.

But let me tell you what Er-nest did in the gar-den. He stood be-fore a tall fox-glove - one of those plants, you know, that shoot up in a long stem, and have red flow-ers with wide-open mouths hang-ing down the sides. Well, a Bum-ble Bee popped in-to one of the o-pen flowers, and what did Er-nest do but close the mouth of the flow-er on the bee be-tween his fing-er and thumb. Of course it stung him. How he roared with the sharp pain! He will not do such a thing a-gain, for he knows now what sort of fel-lows Bum-ble Bees are.

half-pen-ny play-fel-lows whis-tle pud-ding Girls and boys, come out to play, The moon does shine as bright as day; Leave your sup-per, and leave your sleep, And come with your play-fel-lows in-to the street;

Come with a whis-tle, come with a call,
Come with good will, or not at all.
Up the lad-der and down the wall,
A half-pen-ny roll will serve us all.

You find milk, and I'll find flour,
And we'll have a pud-ding in half-an-




dri- dro


Har-ry dreads drink-ing drugs.

Let us make a fire of dross to dry your drab dress.

Poor Jane Drake! they make her quite a drudge!

The drum-mer dropped his drumstick at drill yes-ter-day.

They drag the dredge through the canal, and bring up the drowned man, drip-ping wet.

The dray-man drives his dray slow-ly past a drove of sheep.


Hen. "You prom-ise me shoes, year af-ter year, year after year, and yet I get no shoes."

Cock. "You shall have them, never fear, Hen-ny-Penny."


Hen.-"I lay egg af-ter egg, egg af-ter egg, and yet I go a-bout barefoot."

Cock. "Well, take your eggs, and be off to the mar-ket, and buy your-self shoes, and don't go any long-er bare-foot."


be-cause naugh-ty


Oh! where do you come from,
You lit-tle drops of rain;
Pit-ter-pat-ter, pit-ter-pat-ter
Down the win-dow-pane?

They won't let me walk,

And they won't let me play,
And they won't let me go
Out of doors at all to-day.

They put a-way my play-things
Be-cause I broke them all;

And then they locked up all my bricks,
And took a-way my ball.

Tell me, lit-tle rain-drops,
Is that the way you play-
Pit-ter-pat-ter, pit-ter-pat-ter,
All the rain-y day?

They say I'm very naugh-ty;
But I've no-thing else to do
Than sit here at the win-dow;
I should like to play with you.

The lit-tle rain-drops can-not speak;
But pit-ter-pat-ter-pat

Means, "We can play on this side,
Why can't you play on that?"

[blocks in formation]

I asked the lit-tle joy-ous bird,
Who taught him how to fly,
And sing such pret-ty songs

In the bright blue morn-ing sky;
And he told me it was God

Who had given to him his wing,
And taught him how to build his nest,
And taught him how to sing.

I asked the lit-tle love-ly flow-er,
Who gave her per-fume sweet,

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