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THE number of Chemists who have distinguished themselves, in times past and present, is now so great, that we have met with unaccountable perplexities in endeavouring to fulfil our promise of selecting the portrait of one as the ornament of our Supplement, and the presiding genius of our work. Chemistry, indeed, is so rich in great men, that it is like the Catholic religion, which has a saint for almost every day in the year; and the Editor of a humble weekly publication has as much difficulty in selecting a patron as a man who balances betwixt the saving faith in a St. Benedict or in a St. Francis. As in religion, however, most men have their opinions fixed by the place of their birth, so in chemistry they seem settled by the same circumstance, and by their education and occupations. In France men swear by Lavoisier, Berthollet, and Gay Lussac; in Germany by Stahl, Richter, and Stromeyer; while in England they appeal to Black, Priestley, and Davy. When we trace the. subdivisions of those who cultivate the science, in our own country only, into different sects, we shall also find that for each there is some author or some discoverer who has peculiar claims on its respect and admiration. Those who delight chiefly in bold experiments, successful inventions, enlarged views, and comprehensive theories-who are not very fastidious about neatness of composition or correctness of detail, have no great reverence for ancient doctrines, no marked respect for received opinions, and who, never having been much drilled into knowledge, have little or nothing to unlearn, unanimously look on Sir Humphrey Davy as the greatest man of the age. Elegant bred scholars, however-university men-gentlemen

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