THIS INTRODUCETH TO MIE LIBRARIE. FROM moulderinge Abbayes' darke Scriptorium broughte See vellum tomes by monkysh laboure wroughte; Ne yette the Comma borne, Papyri see, And uncial letterres' wizarde grammarie. View mie Fyfthteeneres in their ruggedde line; Swylke Inkes! swylke Linnenne! only knowne longe syne Enteringe, where Aldus mote have fixt his throne, Or Harrie Stevenes covetedde his owne. DRURIE. IN MUSÆI. MEI. ADITU. PONTIFICUM. VIDEAS. PENETRALIBUS. ERUTA. LABSIS ANTIQUAS. MONACHUM. VELLERA. PASSA. MANUS ET. VETERES. PUNCTO. SINE. DIVISORE. PAPYROS QUÆQUE. FREMIT. MONSTRIS. LITERA. PICTA. SUIS ÆTATIS. DECIMÆ . SPECTES. INDUSTRIA. QUINTÆ QUAM. PULCRA. ARCHETYPOS. IMPRIMAT. ARTE.DUCES ALDINAS. ÆDES. INEUNS. ET. LIMINA. JUNTÆ QUOSQUE. SUOS. STEPHANUS. VELLET. HABERE. LARES H. J. T. D. PRECEDENCE. 'SIR, will you please to walk before?" No pray, Sir, you are next the door:' Upon my honour, I'll not stir’— 'Sir, I'm at home-consider, Sir!" Excuse me Sir, I'll not go first:' 'Well if I must be rude, I mustBut yet I wish I could evade it; 'Tis strangely clownish-be persuaded.' Go forward cits go forward squires; Nor scruple each what each admires. Life squares not friends with your proceeding, It flies while you display your breeding: SHENSTONE. THE QUIET OLD LADY. THERE was an old woman lived under a hill, And if she's not gone, she lives there still. GAMMER GURTON. PRÆCEDERE. 'I PRE, pone sequar, Domine'-' haud præcedere possum'- Sed quid ego plura? En præsto stat Mors! nisi vultis Ire, hæc attonitos protrudet et ire negantes. B. ANUS TRANQUILLA. LEGIT Anus sub colle domum: domus illa morantem, Si non ipsa abeat, jam retinebit anum. F. H. THE BUD. LATELY on yonder swelling bush, And did but half itself disclose : With such a purple light they shone, And spreading so would flame anon. If our loose breath so much can do, Of purest love and music too, When Flavia it aspires to move? When that, which lifeless buds persuades To wax more soft, her youth invades? WALLER. HARRY'S CALF. 'HARRY, I cannot think,' says Dick, What a great calf they have to carry!" PRIOR. |