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BLUMER, GEORGE, M. D., San Francisco.
BOGGS, RUSSELL H., M. D., Pittsburg.
CLARKE, ALBERT B., L. R. C. P., Shebbear, England.
DAVIDSON, GREEN L., M. D., Wharton, Texas.

DIXON, ARCH., JUN., El Paso, Texas.

FIELD, D. L., M. D., Jeffersonville, Ind.

FLETCHER, W. B., M. D., Indianapolis.

FORCHHEIMER, F., M. D., Cincinnati.

*FORD, W. HUTSON, M. D., St. Louis. *FRY, FRANK R., M. D., St. Louis.

GOULD, GEORGE M., A. M., M. D., Philadelphia.

HAGGARD, W. D., M. D., Nashville, Tenn.
HARLAN, EARL, M. D., Cincinnati.
HOWARD, WILLIAM LEE, M. D., Baltimore.
HUGHES, C. H., M. D., St. Louis.
KNOTT, JOHN, M. A., M. D., Dublin, Ireland.
MCMURTRY, LEWIS, S., A. M., Louisville.

*LEMEN, J. R., M. D., St. Louis.


OSLER, WILLIAM, M. A., M. D., Oxford, England. PETERSON, REUBEN, Ann Arbor, Mich.

PORTER, WILLIAM, M. D., St. Louis.

REED, C. A. L., M. D., Cincinnati.


ROBB, HUNTER, M. D. Cleveland.

ROSE, A., M. D., New York.

*SCHERCK, H. J., M. D., St. Louis.

SCHUELLER. PROF. DR. MAX, Berlin, Germany.

*SEELIG, M. G., M. D., St. Louis.


TAYLOR, ARTHUR N., LL. B., New York.
WARREN, J. COLLINS, M. D., Boston.
WALLIAN, SAMUEL S., M. D., New York,

ZAHORSKY, JOHN, M. D., St. Louis.

*Authors marked with an asterisk have contributed editorial matter.



3837 West Pine Boulevard.




LG13 1906




Abdomen, upper, practical significance of certain common symptoms in the, 229.

Abdominal troubles, errors in the diagnosis of, 35. Abducens,


paralysis of, 396


Abscess, prostatic, 510; cold, 399. Accidents, street car, 503.

Acne and the sexual organs, 248; acne vulgaris and its treatment, 171.

Adenoids, postoperative treatment of, 479.

Adolescence and the etiology of puberty, 394.

Adrenalin chloride, injection of
serous infusion, 491.
Advertising, objectionable, 295.
Addison's Disease, for, 546.
Albumen in the urine of healthy
children, 142.

Albuminuria, cyclic, and tuberculo-
sis, 330; orthostatic, 480.
Alcohol, effect of on circulation, 38.
Alimentation, rectal, 211.

American Medical Association, Origin, Progress, and Purpose of, 41. Amoebas infesting human intestines, 335.


Among the Pamphlets, 125, 190,313. Anaesthetic inhaler, a new, 462. Anaesthesia, 15; Scopolamine-morphine as an adjuvant in the administration of, 129; local, summary of, 25; radical operations on the rectum under, 123, 7; ether, clinical effects on renal activity, 453; spinal, 452. Anatomy, lady professors of, 365. Angeiotribe, experience

Downes's, 543, 553.


Angina pectoris, experiences with,

331; for true, 546.

Animal emanations, conjunctival ir

ritation from, 61.

Animals experiments on, bill to prevent, 464; leucaemia in, 413. Ankle, sprained, 389.

Ankylosis, 189.

Anticigarette law, 76.

Antitetanic serum in gunshot wounds, 85.

Antitoxin, a smallpox, 376; in dis

eases other than diphtheria, 15; free for poor, 483. Antral disease, treatment of through the nose, 355. Appendicitis, 389; shall the profession or the laity be responsible for the death rate in? 389; pyaemia following operation for, 389. Appendix, inflammatory conditions accidentally brought to light in pelvic operations, 21; endothelioma of, 413.

Arctic expedition, the surgeoncy

to, 94.

Arena, the November, 514.
Army Medical Department, need of

a seat among the powers that be for, 515; the President on the re

organization of the, 483. Arsenic at New Orleans, 264. Arteriosclerosis, experimental, 12. Artery, pulmonary, aortic aneurysm compressing the, 332; atresia of, 332; pulmonary, innominate, ligature of the, 188. Arthritis, puerperal, 20. Arthropathy and heart disease, 39. Asthma, relation of ethmoidal inflammation to, 57. Autointoxication, 422, 430.

Bacteria and rubber gloves, 413. Baldness, 169; treatment and cause of, 170.

Banti's disease, pathogenesis of,


Benedict, A. L.-Street Car Acci

dents (Letter to Editor), 503. Beri-Beri, etiology of, 192. Berlioz, biographic clinic on, 517, 537.

Bladder, diverticulum, isolated inflammation of, 510; extraperitoneal rupture of, complicating fracture of pelvis, 382; irritation of, 368; primary tuberculosis of,249. Blastomycosis, systemic, 332. Blindness, transitory, a case of complete,with recovery of vision, 64; coffee, 505.

Blood pressure in Surgery, 553. Blood, yellow fever, examination of, indicating protozoan origin, 497; study of in relation to therapeutics, 376.

Blumer, George M.- -The Influence which the Acquisition of Tropical Territory by the United States has had and is likely to have on American Medicine, 69. Body, gases of the, 295. Boggs, Russell H.-The Adjustment of X Radiations for Various Physiological Effects, 397.

Book Notices:

Abbott, A. C.-The Principles of Bacteriology, 416.

Allbutt, Sir T. Clifford.-Notes on the Composition of Scientific Papers, 255.

Anders, James M.-A Text-Book of the Practice of Medicine, 514. Boston, L. Napoleon.-A Text

Book of Clinical Diagnosis by Laboratory Methods, 372. Brickner, Walter M.-The Surgical Assistant, 83.

Cohen, S. Solis, eet alii.-A System of Physiologic Therapeutics, 420. .de Fursac J. Rogues.-Manual of Psychiatry, 210.

Era Key to the U. S. P., 374.
Green, T. Henry.-Pathology and
Morbid Anatomy, 395.

Hall, Winfield S.-A Text-Book of Physiology, Normal and Pathological, 210.

Hirst, Barton Cooke.-A TextBook on the Diseases of Women,


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Metzenbaum, Myron.-Radium, Radioactive Substances, and Aluminum, 125..

Brill, N. E. (Editor).-Mt. Sinai Hospital Reports, 1903-4, 456. Moynihan, B. G. A.-Abdominal Operations, 555.

Mumford, James G.-Surgical Aspects of Digestive Disorders,475. Park, Wm. Hallock and Williams, Anna, W.-Pathogenic Microorganisms, Including Bacteria and Protozoa, 513. Pharmacopoeia, U. S., the New, 82. Practitioner's Visiting List for 1906, 514. Ricketts, B. Merrill.-The Surgery of the Heart and Lungs, 83. Rose, A.-Carbonic Acid in Medicine, 373.

Sahli, H.-A Treatise on Diagnostic Methods of Examination,494. Satterthwaite, Thomas E. Dis

eases of the Heart and Aorta,147. Smith, E. Noble.-Management of Lateral Curvature of the Spine, 356.

Sprigge, S. Squire.-Medicine and the Public, 455.

Stimson, Lewis A. A Practical Treatise on Fractures and Dislocations, 40.

Taylor, J. J.-Physician's Pocket
Account Book, 435.
Tuckey, C. Lloyd.-Treatment by
Hypnotism and Suggestion, or
Psychotherapeutics, 334.

von Noorden, Carl.-Clinical Trea-
tises on the Pathology and Ther-
apy of Disorders of Metabolism
and Nutrition VI. Drink Restric-
tion in Obesity, 40; VII Diabetes
Mellitus, 494.
Wainwright, J. U.-A Manual of
Acute Poisoning and First Aid
to the Injured, 40.
Welch, Wm., and Schamberg, J. F.
-Acute Contagious Diseases,125.

Bosher, Louis C., M. D.-The Requirements and Qualifiactions for a Successful Career in Surgery, 525.

Bovee, J. Wesley.-Experience with Downes's Electrothermic Angeiotribe in Pelvic and Abdominal Surgery, 543.

Brain, neoplasms of the, diagnosis and pathology of, 98; syphilis, 440.

"Bradycardia" and "tachycardia,"


Breast, anaesthesia and hyperalgesia of areola-nipple area, a stigma of hysteria, 359. Brickner, S. M.-An Analytical and Critical Study of Thirty Cases of

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Cholera, Asiatic, in Europe, 224,

287; and sanitation at Hamburg,

287; new treatment of, 305; in

Manila, 224; in Russia, 202; flies
the disseminators, 385.

Chorioepithelioma malignum, 311.

Choroid, tubercle of the, 143; pecu-

liar case of, 330.

Chromodiagnosis, 295.

Cigarette, the.its relation to mental
and nervous diseases, 430.

City of St. Louis vs.



Copper, in secondary spanaemic

states, 430.

Cord, loosing of the, 125.

Correspondence: Letter from the

Portland Meeting, 74, 92; Letter

from London, 200, 302, 402, 481;

Letter from the Mississippi Val-

ley Medical Association, 302,343.

Cradle, the, 337.

Crane, W. W.-The Psychology of
Dreams, 262.

Craniotomy on the living child, is
it ever justifiable? 20.
Creeping eruption, report of a case,

Cryoscopy in kidney surgery, the

value of, 80.

Cushion diseases, 375.

Cystoma, ovarian, 389.

Cystoscopy, and renal lavage, 172.
Cystotomy, suprapubic, in children,


Damage suits, protection against,
75; unsuccessful, 464.
Davidson, Green L.-Cardiac Neu-
rosis: The Necessity of its Pro-
per Diagnosis, 211.

Death, an electrical test for, 148;
the fear of, 252.
Degeneration or infiltration, cal-
careous, 17.

Delirium tremens, cold affusion in,

Dementia praecox, epileptiform at-

tacks during, 394.

Dermatitis herpetiformis in chil-
dren, 353.

Dentistry in antiquity, 463.

Diabetes and nephritis, radioactiv-
ity in, 179; diabetes mellitus,
treatment of, 145; rye bread in,



Diagnosis, urinary, 61.

Diaphragm, paradoxical

tions of, 331.

Diarrhoea,summer, in infancy, etio-
logy and classification of, 142;
summer, prevalence of in infants,
suggestions for reducing, 143;
for chronic, 531; chronic inflam-
matory, 509.

Digestion, chemistry of, 37; gas-
tric, inference of William Beau-
mont concerning, 38.
Diphtheria in Kentucky and Illi-
nois, 304; in Troy, Ill., 265; closes

schools, 528; in Oklahoma, 423.

Diseases, transmissible, manage-

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Journal of the New Mexico Med-
ical Association, 168.
Law and Medicine, 326, 533.
Legislation, the Difficulties of Fad-
dist, 269.

Level Railroad Crossings, 140.
Life Beyond Consciousness, 244.
Life, The Creation of, 11.
Loaves, the Multiplication of, 309.
Lupus Erythematosus, Treatment
of, 431.

Promiscuous Medical Class Charities, 32.

Medical Profession, the, as a Factor in Politics, 429.

Medical Secret, the, in Criminal Cases, 485,

Medical Volapuk, 56.

Modern Medical Journalism, 429. Methods of Cervical Dilatation of the Pregnant and Parturient Uterus, 207.

Misconception, a Regrettable Public, 32.

Modesty, the Devolution of, 140. Murder by Railroad, 97; More About, 119.

New Orleans Imbroglio, the, 466. Newspapers as a Source of Crime, 97.

Noisome Odors, 245.
Noisy St. Louis, 140.
Odors v. Noise, 186.
Official English, 141.

Organized Water, Prof. Lloyd on,


Ovarian Tumors, the Prognosis of,


Patrick Case, The Medical Evi

dence in the, 99.

Panama, Reorganization in, 13. Pharmacopoeia, The Changes in,


Pneumococcus investigation, 412. Poisoning at a Picnic, 13.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

fright as causes of, 392; puberty and adolescence in relation to etiology of,394; history and treatment of, 430; National Association for, 424; prize for an essay on the etiology of, 505; remarks on the pathology of, 430; some more unusual forms, 253. Epistaxis, and diphtheria, 415. Epithelioma arising from naevous,


Ethics, medical, and the business side of practice, 305. Ethmoidal inflammation, the relation of to asthma, 57. Exudates, inflammatory, enzymes and antienzymes in, 489. Extension, double, a portable apparatus for, 454.

Eye, removal of, cases of interest, 98; injuries of due to corks, 433. Eyeball, spontaneous luxation of,


Faecal impaction, case of, in the rectum, 34.

Faeces, for hardened, 432.

Fees, physicians', and the judges,


Feet, rheumatism of, 271.

Fibroids, migratory uterine, 23; multiple and pregnancy, 473. Fibromyomata, uterine, wandering or aberrant, 125.

Field, D. L.-Autointoxication,422.
Fistula, urethrorectal, 34, 249.
Fistulae, ureterogenital and vesi-
covaginal, closure of, 389.
Fletcher, W. B.-The Cigarette, its
Relation to Mental and Nervous
Diseases, 417.

Flies, infinite torment of, 441.
Flint's symptom, 332.

Fracture deformities of the lower leg in childhood, 198.

Frederick, C. C.-Radical Abdominal Operation Versus the Vaginal Operation for Carcinoma of the Uterus, 135. Forchheimer, F.-Prophylaxis and Treatment of Yellow Fever, 149. Ford, W. Hutson,-Progressive Intensification of Toxicity by Serial Injection of Septicaemic Blood, 213; The Malarial Origin and Propagation of Yellow Fever, 151, 174. Fordyce, J. A.-Report of a Case of Brain Syphilis, 440. Foreign bodies, removal of from the lung, bronchoscopy for, 169. Gallbladder, the, and its ducts, surgery of the, 341; rupture of (continued from Vol. li), 4, 25; gangrene of; rupture of common duct; a ne wsign, 543.

Gallstone, simulation of by catarrhal condition of the liver, 15; gallstones and cholelithiasis, natural history of, 270; in the cystic duct, 542.

Genitalia, female, functional disturbances of, influenced by hydrotherapy, 124.

Germ theory, a prevision of, 495. Glaucoma simplex, iridectomy in,


Goitre, exophthalmic, pathogenesis of, 474.

Gonorrhoea, some of the fallacies in the clinical diagnosis of, 360; rectal, in vulvoraginitis infantum,


Gould, George M.-A Biographic Clinic on Berlioz, 517, 537. Grade crossings, another fatality, 464. Granulation tissue, changes in after treatment by suction apparatus

for congestive hyperaemia, 489. Graves, W. W.-Anaesthesia Associated with Hyperalgesia, sharply Confined to Areolanipple Area of Both Breasts: A New and Apparently Constant Stigma in Hysteria, 39, 359. Griffith, J. P. Crozer.-Intestinal Perforation in Typhoid Fever in Children, 401.

Gum lancing, 493.

Guillotine, is death by, instantaneous? 76.

Gunshot wounds, antitetanic serum in, 85.

Haemorrhoids, internal, treatment of ambulant, 34. Haemorrhage, climacteric, 209. Haggard, W. D.-Surgery of the Stomach, Present Status of, 340. Halo, the actual phenomenon of, 305.

Harlan, Earl.-Visceral Ptosis; Its Surgery, 477.

Harvey Society Lectures, 324, 404, 447.

Headache in childhood, 492.
Health Department of St. Louis,

proposed reorganization of, 483. Health, Cleveland board of, 9; Health Commissioner and his duties, 13; Health commissionership of Chicago,224; of St. Louis, 96, 447, 464; Health officers, conference of, 9; Health, public, and politics, 127.

Heart, change of size and position

of, in horizontal and upright postures, 331; Heart, diseases of, and their treatment, 229; Heart, hypertrophy of, without disease of the valves, 321.

Heat exhaustion, 459.
Heidelberg Surgical Clinic, 554.
Hermaphroditism, 124.
Hernia, cure of, 270.

Herpes zoster, age incidence of, 60.
Heroine addiction, 230.

Hinsdale, Guy.-Water-and some other things (Letter to Editor), 240.

Hip, congenital dislocation of, 372; hipjoint, congenital dislocation, ultimate results after bloodless reposition, 371; desirability of replacing in infancy, 455; anatomy of after manipulation, 455. Hirschsprung's disease, (congenital dilatation of the colon) pathology and therapy of, 188. Horsley, J. Shelton, M. D.-The Surgical Repair of Injured Nerves, 525.

Hospitals: Bellevue Hospital Superintendent, 52; Frisco Hospital, 183; Germantown Hospital, Philadelphia,94; Hospital burned a, 463; Ohio State Hospital, 464; St. Ann's Foundling Asylum, 28; St. Louis City Hospital, 29, 51, 136, 165, 265, 364, 465; St. Louis Emergency Hospital, 8, 28: St. Louis Evangelical Home and Deaconess' Hospital, 185; St. Louis Insane Asylum, 94; St. Luke's Hospital, 242; St. Louis, new hospital planned for, 52; St. Louis Skin and Cancer Hospital,



29, 242; St. Louis, Smallpox Hospital demanded, 95; St. Louis quarantine hospital, 224; Mary's Jefferson City, 364. Hospitals, public support of, 200. Howard, W. Lee.-Speed Mania, 400; The Woman Who Won't, 357; Two Souls in One Body (Letter to Editor), 546. Hughes, C. H.-Immunize the Stegomyia, Anopheles, and Culex, 457.

Hunger, appetite, and anorexia, nature and cause of, 415. Hydrocele, surgical treatment of,

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Leprosy, a cure for, 184.

Lewis, Bransford,-Some Unrecognized Responsibilities of the Press and the State in Conserving Health, 339.

License,physicians practising without a, or under assumed names, 364; medical, in Missouri, 464; in Minnesota, 463.

"Lid" the, and drunkenness, 304; and crime, 439.

Life, the Creation of, 11; principles of, 415.

Liver, penetrating wound of, 98; Limbs, artificial, the history of,452. Liquor tax imposed on dispensing physicians, 464.

Literary Notes, 62, 84, 108, 172, 210, 231, 335, 435, 514.

Lloyd, J. Uri.--Organized Water Louisiana, resignation of State

Board of Health, 529. Lung, changes in elastic tissues of,


as a Food, 134.

Lydston, G. Frank-Some of the Fallacies in the Clinical Diagnosis of Gonorrhoea, 360. Macerated children, proportion of the sexes in, 391.

McCaskey, G. W.-What is the Present Conception of Bright's Disease? 399.

McGuire, Stuart, M. D.-Foreign Bodies in the Oesophagus, 526. McKinley, Dr. L. W., acquittal of, 364.

McMurtry, Lewis S.-Abstract of the Presidential Address on the American Medical Association, Its Origin, Progress, and Purpose, 41.

Malaria, a new parasite in, 489. Malarial fever, cerebral type of,


Malignant disease, x ray in, 270. Malcolm, John D.-The condition of the Bloodvessels During Shock, 540.

Manson, Sir Patrick.-Diseases of the Tropics: Their Effect on Commerce, 301.

Marriages, unfit, and the law, 325. Massage, use and abuse of in rheumatism, 57.

Mayo clinic, the, at Rochester, Minn., 147.

Mechanical principles in correcting plaster jackets for Pott's disease, 372.

Medical board resigns, 404; conventions, social factor, 336; examiners, Texas board, 224; journals, reported consolidation of New York, 404; profession, ideals and practices of, 16; practice in the United States, British view, 374; school for Lincoln, Neb.,385; societies in New York, reunion of, 446; Societies, new officers, 17, 30, 39, 52, 117, 137, 187, 266, 529; things that are not so, 436; writers, a book for, 255. Medicine, American, influence which acquisition of tropical territory is likely to have on, 69; and dentistry, 436; Curiosities of Ancient Japanese. I. Moxa, 88;

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