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The editors and publishers desire to express their appreciation for valuable advice and suggestions received from the following: Hon. Andrew D. White, LL. D., Alfred Thayer Mahan, D. C. L., LL. D., Hon. Charles Emory Smith, LL. D., Professor Edward Gaylord Bourne, Ph. D., Charles F. Thwing, LL. D., Dr. Emil Reich, William Elliot Griffis, LL. D., Professor John Martin Vincent, Ph. D., LL. D., Melvil Dewey, LL. D., Alston Ellis, LL. D., Professor Charles H. McCarthy, Ph. D., Professor Herman V. Ames, Ph. D., Professor Walter L. Fleming, Ph. D., Professor David Y. Thomas, Ph. D., Mr. Otto Reich and Mr. O. M. Dickerson.

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