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" The Parliament of Great Britain sits at the head of her extensive empire in two capacities : one as the local legislature of this island, providing for all things at home, immediately, and by no other instrument than the executive power. The other, and... "
Celebrated Speeches of Chatham, Burke, and Erskine: To which is Added, the ... - Стр. 87
авторы: William Pitt (Earl of Chatham) - 1845 - Страниц: 540
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Speech ... on American taxation, April 19, 1774

Edmund Burke - 1775 - Страниц: 64
...legiilaiijr.es, and guides, and controls th ;rn all without, annihilating any. As all thefe proviiicial legislatures are only co.ordinate to each other, they ought all to be fubordinate to her, elfe v they ., they can neither 'preferve mutual peace, nor hope for mutual . juftice,...
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The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Collected in Three ..., Том 1

Edmund Burke - 1792 - Страниц: 604
...other inftrument than the executive power.— The other, and I think her nobler capacity, is what I call her imperial character ; in which, as from the throne of heaven, fhe fuperintends all the feveral inferior legiflatures, and guides, and controls them all without annihilating...
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The History, Debates, and Proceedings of Both Houses of Parliament of ..., Том 7

Great Britain. Parliament - 1792 - Страниц: 612
...no other inftrument than the executive power. The other, and I think her nobler capacity, is what I call her imperial character ; in which, as from the throne of heaven, fhe fuperintends all the feveral inferior Legiflatures, and guides and controls them all without annfhilating...
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The Beauties of the Late Right Hon. Edmund Burke: Selected from the Writings ...

Edmund Burke - 1798 - Страниц: 330
...other inftrument than the executive power. — The other, and I think: her nobler capacity, is what I call her imperial character; in which, as from the throne of heaven, fhe fuperintends all the feveral inferior legiflatures, and guides, and controls 'them all without...
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The History of England: From the Accession of King George the Third ..., Том 2

John Adolphus - 1802 - Страниц: 570
...other instrument than the executive power. " The other, and I think her nobler capacity, " is what I call her imperial character; in " which, as from the throne of heaven, flie *' fuperintends all the fevcral inferior le»;i(la" tu res, and guides aiul controuls them all...
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The Works of ... Edmund Burke, Том 2

Edmund Burke - 1803 - Страниц: 462
...other inftrument than the executive power.; — The other, and I think her nobler capacity, is what I call her imperial character ; in which, as from the throne of heaven, fhel'uperintends all the feveral inferiour legiilatures, and guides, and controuls them all without...
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The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Том 1

Edmund Burke - 1806 - Страниц: 520
...other instrument than the executive power. — The other, and I think her nobler capacity, is what I call her imperial character ; in which, as from the...throne of heaven, she superintends all the several inferiour legislatures, and guides, and controuls them all without annihilating any. As all these provincial...
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Select Speeches, Forensick and Parliamentary: With Prefatory Remarks, Том 1

Nathaniel Chapman - 1808 - Страниц: 512
...no other instrument than the executive power. The other, and I think her nobler capacity, is what I call her imperial character ; in which, as from the...throne of heaven, she superintends all the several inferiour legislatures, and guides, and controls them all vvidiout annihilating any. As all these provincial...
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The history of England, from the accession of George iii to 1783, Том 2

John Adolphus - 1810 - Страниц: 484
...inftrument than xxn^ the executive power. The other, and I think her 1774 nobler capacity, is what I call her imperial character ; in which, as from the throne of heaven, {he fuperintends all the feveral inferior legiflatures, and guides and controuls them all without annihilating...
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The Speeches of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke: In the House of ..., Том 1

Edmund Burke - 1816 - Страниц: 542
...executive power. — The other, and I think her nobler capacity, is what I call her imperial characters in which, as from the throne of heaven, she superintends...the several inferior legislatures, and guides and controuls them all without annihilating any. As all these provincial legislatures are only co-ordinate...
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