Salt Lake City, Utah-The Kindergarten club held a special meeting Saturday evening, October 24th. Miss Rose Jones of the University of Utah was present and gave an excellent talk on "Truth Telling." "Training Children to a competent and ready use of the GOD AND OUR NATION There is but one sentiment permissible today-that sentiment is absolute unity. God and our nation! Let us lift up that cry to Heaven. Neither base hate nor sullen anger may dim the glory of our flag. But let the love of true freedom-blessed, God-given freedom-which above all other lands our country has cherished and defended, let that be the thrilling power that will quicken our pulse into a still greater love of America than we have ever known till now. We are of all races; today we are one-Americans.-Cardinal O'Connell. SOME STICK AND RING LAYING SUGGESTIONS AGENCIES FOR KINDERGARTNERS AND PRIMARY TEACHERS THIS 'HIS list of Teachers' Agencies is published for the benefit of our subscribers. It includes only those who claim to be able to secure positions for Kindergartners or Primary Teachers. We advise those in need of positions to write one or more of these agencies for particulars. Even though now employed you may be able to secure a position in a larger or better school MIDLAND TEACHERS' AGENCY RELIABLE TEACHERS' AGENCY 547 S. 3 E. Salt Lake City, Utah. Warrensburg. Missouri. Trained Primary and Kindergarten Teachers needed. Good positions. Per"Sixteen years in learning how has manent membership. Write to-day. fitted us to serve you now.' Write either office. 612-613 Majestic Building, Oklahoma City, Okla. LECTURES ON Home Occupations AND The TEACHERS' EXCHANGE of Boston INTERSTATE Teachers' Agency Mothers' Meetings Recommends Teachers, Tutors and year. Some Kindergartners. No charge until teacher is located by us. Send for 501-503 Livingston Building, Rochester, registration blank. A. H. Campbell, SOUTHERN TEACHERS' AGENCY American Teachers' Agency Myrick Building, Springfield, MASS. The Pratt Teachers' Agency 70 Fifth Avenue New York Recommends college and normal graduates, specialists, and other teachers to colleges, public and private schools, in all parts of the country. COLUMBIA, S C. There is an increasing demand for Pri- W. H. JONES, Manager and Proprietor. WESTERN TACHERS' AGENCY Mont'na Advises parents about schools. A. J. JOELY, Mgr. 406 Broadway, Cincinnati, Ohio ALBANY TEACHERS' AGENCY P. Wendell Murray, Manager. The J.D.Engle Teachers' Agency MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. A Placing Agency for Teachers. Estab Provides public and private schools Kindergarten-Primary positions. Send lished 20 years. Register for Western with competent teachers. for circalar Assists teachers and kindergartners in obtining positions. Chapel Street. ALBANY, NY. Kindergartners and Primary Teachers Teachers Wanted! always open. No en- We also supply school Are in constant demand in the South at boards with the most capable teachers. good salaries. We can place both. TEACHERS NEEDED-- sary. 666 Scarritt Building, Kansas City, Mo. WESTERN POSITIONS FOR TEACHERS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF SCHOOL AND COLLEGE WORK Our openings come direct from school boards and superintendents who ask fo. our recommendations. Many authoritize us to select their teachers outright, year after year. We are in touch with Western schools. We publish "THE ANNUAL ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEACHERS' AGENCY SCHOOL DIRECTOR- Our 96 page booklet, "How to Apply for a School and Secure Promotion, with Laws of Certification of BY Bertha Johnston Address, 389 Clinton Street, Brooklyn, N. Y Earn $1,200 a Year in Spare Time Sabins' Educational Exchange (Inc.) DES MOINES, IOWA. Wants to hear from kindergarten or primary teachers desiring places west of Mississippi river. Write fully. Will answer frankly. AN AGENCY is valuable in proportion to its influence If it merely hearsof va cancies and tells THAT is some you about them thing. but if it is asked to recommend a teach you that er and RECOMMENDS Ours recommends. C. W. BARDEEN, Syracuse, N. Y. THE OKLAHOMA TEACHERS' GEARY, OKLAHOMA Only Competent Teachers Enrolled. PRIMARY PLANS A sixty page pamphlet, well NEW MEXICO JOURNAL PRICE $1.00 PER YEAR New Mexico Journal of Education EMPIRE BLDG. DENVER, COLO. Santa Fe, N. M. EDUCATIONAL EXCHANGE If You Want to Make More Money-If you are in earnest to the extent of giv-1 ing from three to five hours a week, we A journal of Education for American are ready to offer you a local agency as our representative -which will Teachers. Crisp, Forceful, Fatriotic. you from $15 to $50 from your first Price, $1.00 month's work. earn More Than That-your earnings will Metropolitan Meum. New York, Git bert Stirart portrait of George Washing ton, and what he said about supporting the country. The War Administration A beauti ful illus trated re increase monthly and your business Baker's Book of Opening Exercises Production of Wilson's famous WAR will be permanent, for we allow you hb. eral renewal commissions as well as splendid pay for the time you give. "Made $88 the First Month." writes an Alabama teacher who used only spare time and who had no previous experience. You can do it. Write now to the Teachers Casualty Department Provident Life & Accident Insurance Co. Birmingham, Ala., U. S. A. Free to Teachers Get a 5x8 Bunting flag, a Silk flag (32x 48 inches). mounted on staff with ornament, a framed picture of Washington, Lincoln, or Wilson (20x26 inches) or a high grade pencil sharpener For Your School Room By having your pupils dispose of our quality lead pencils or picture post Cards as selected. A $2.50 order for the Pencil Sharpener, or a $5.00 order for flag or framed picture. Pencils sell at 5cts. each, post cards at 10c per package of 10 high grade cards. Assortment it desired. All shipments prepaid. Satisfaction guaranteed. Order TO-DAY. THE LEE COMPANY The book teachers have longed for. Address E. E. Smith, Publisher Birmingham, Ala. School Supplies For Kindergarten and Primary Grades, including all supplies pertaining to the industrial branches, such as Manual Training Supplies. Drawing Paper, Reed. Raffia, Cross Stitch Canvas, Scrim, Bur laps, Construction Papers. Chair Cane, Book Binding and Weaving Materials, Maps, Globes, Charts, Crayons, Writing Paper, School Furniture, Bookcases, etc. Catalog Free. Garden City Educational Co. [Dept. 12] Saginaw (W. S.) Michigan. 4-5 515 South 5th Ave. Chicago, III. ADDRESS, with sketches of Wilson and his Cabinet, showing scene in Congress when message was delivered. Sent up on receipt of $1.00. Money refunded if n satisfied. Agents wanted everywhere Walton Advertising & Printing Co. Oliver Building, Boston, Mass. 4-7 The Red Cross should receive the earnest and efficient aid of teachers everywhere. Home Violet Ray Treatment Restores, Beautifies, Benefits, Relieves Anyone can now enjoy this wonderful, invigorating, electrical treatment. Electrical energy transmitted without shock or pair, to any part of the body in the privacy of their home, with our ViRay-O The true Violet Ray generator. Endorsed by leading physicians and setisfied users everywhere. Write for our 68-page illustrated Free book Vi-Ray-O. It tells of the soothing, delightful, nerve toning and health giving Violet Ray and all details about our wonderful Vi-Ray-O instruments. With it comes our special 10 day offer. The Y. M. C. A. Needs your help in the great work it is doing for our soldier boys. Do your "bit', and encourage others to do likewise. President Wilson strongly commends the work of the Y.M.C.A AND SUPPLIES Construction Materials of all Kinds, also Montessori Goods THOMAS CHARLES COMPANY North-Western Agents of Milton Bradley Co. 207 North Michigan Ave., Chicago. The Educational Exchange WESTERN JOURNAL OF Devoted to the discussion of the 1.90 elementary school problems in Callfornia and elsewhere. HARR WAGNER, EDITOR, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. FROEBEL As a Pioneer in Modern By E. R. Murray Devoted to Vitalising school chil- The purpose of this book is to Iren by means of fresh air class-show that Frobel's educational therooms and Open Air Schools. Beautifully printed; profusely illustrated: Reports of work in all parts of United States. Interests parents, Educators. Health Officials, whole communities. A Big Man's Journal. Issued monthly $1.00 per year. ories were based on psychological views of a type much more modern than is at all generally understood. Most educationists have read The Education of Man, but few outside the kindergarten world are likely to have bestowed much thought on Froebel's later writings. It is in these, however, that we see Froebel watching with earnest attention that earliest mental development which is now regarded as a distinct chapter in mental science, but which was then largely, if not entirely ignored. The major part of the book is intended to show the correctness of Froebel's views on points now regarded as of fundamental Imporance and generally recognized as modern theories. 224 pages. $1.25 delivered. Warwick & York, inc. Maryland |