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his Parliament had reached a climax.
left the Prince-Regent of Prussia deter-
mined on bringing about a radical reform
of his army, and concentrating his entire
activity on this object and that of the re-
form of the Federal army. The death of
his brother and his own accession to the
throne had not tended to diminish his con-
viction that the army and all that affected it
was wholly within the province of his pre-
rogative, and wholly outside the sphere of
the Constitution. The Liberal majority of
the Lower Chamber, on the other hand,
backed up by the country, were determined
to assert the constitutional right of voting
the blood-tax, as well as the money taxes
imposed on the people. They, no less than
the King, desired a reform of the army, and
insisted upon a large increase of the mili-
tary power of Prussia by the bona fide en-
forcement of the tax of universal service;
but in return they claimed a curtailment of
the term of service.

Weternal political situation. The phase in which Prussia found herself was one inseparable from all Parliamentary systems recently introduced, and where sufficient time has not elapsed to reconcile and harmonize the old absolutist traditions with the new popular franchises. A school of Parlia mentary orators and debaters had started up into precocious life, but as yet there had been neither time nor opportunity to form a school of Parliamentary statesmen. The Crown had no choice but to surround itself with professional Ministers, who, even when they professed Liberal opinions, were not of Parliamentary growth-were not flesh of its flesh, or bone of its bone. Throughout the conflict it was clear that the Parliamentary ability, and even the legislative capacity, resided in the Liberal majority; but it was equally clear that that majority, had it succeeded in carrying its point, could not have accepted the logical consequence of its victory by installing a Ministry of its own in power. Consequently, throughout the entire contest there runs a thread of unreality. We feel that in the ablest speeches and in the most consistent votes the majority are not acting with the Damocles-sword of responsibility over their heads, and that the regulating force of Parliamentary life-the having on the morrow to give practical effect to the vote of yesterday-is wanting. We are involuntarily reminded of the Chorus in the Greek play. There is much excellent talking, and a clear insight into the situation, but a barrier, not the less impassable that it is invisible, absolutely precludes the grave and venerable citizens in front of the stage from joining in the action of the piece.

It may safely be asserted that there were no insuperable difficulties in the way of a compromise between the views of the King and those of the Chamber. The real contest was whether such organic changes could be made in virtue of the prerogative, or whether the Parliament had come to years of discretion, and acquired in practice as well as in theory the right to legislate on such matters. It was a contest for power. That from the constitutional point of view the Chamber was in the right and the Crown in the wrong, no one who recollects the incidents of the conflict will deny. Certain fundamental constitutional principles were at stake, which were asserted and defended with an ability, a determination, and a perseverance plainly denoting how the Liberal party in Prussia had ripened in Parliamentary training, and how sound it was in constitutional doctrine.

We are not minded here to make a postmortem examination of the Auerswald Ministry, or to consider the immediate causes which led to its fall. It was a well-meaning, but a weak Government, at a time when a strong Government was a question of vital importance to the existence of the Prussian State-and it fell; and this is a sufficient epitaph.

There were two real forces alive in Prussia,-the party of Progress, who had now got the monopoly of the Lower House, and the Conservative, or, as it is more correctly called, the Feudal party, who had got the monopoly of the Upper House.

Nevertheless, viewing the conflict in its connection with the external position which Prussia occupied at the tme, and the work which the Würzburg Coalition had cut out for her, it may be doubted whether, as a question of political opportunity, the Chamber was wise in pushing the constitutional doctrine to its logical consequences. The safety of Prussia as a State was at stake, and imperatively demanded that she should be at one with herself; and, above all, pointed to the absolute necessity of a strong Government. But the necessary consequence of the conflict was to shake the political fabric of Prussia to its foundation. We do not, however, lay the blame of the The former designated itself the German conflict so much to the account of the Li-party of Progress, to express its solidarity beral party as to the vis major of the in- with the National party, and to proclaim

The former was strong, as representing the people and the future; the latter as identified with the Crown, and representing the traditions of the past.

the German mission of Prussia as the first article of its faith. The latter never missed an opportunity of letting the world know that their patriotism was a purely Prussian patriotism, and that beyond the line of black and white posts which mark the Prussian frontier they know of no Fatherland. They were, to borrow the barbaric term by which in Germany the party corresponding in America to the States' Rights party is designated, the "Particularists" of Prus


The programme of the former was in the highest degree positive. As regards internal politics, they wished to make Prussia a model constitutional and liberal State, and thus to effect the moral conquest of public opinion in Germany. As regards the external, or, more correctly speaking, the German policy of Prussia, they inscribed the Constitution of 1849 on their banner, and aimed at seeing the King of Prussia exchange the crown of Königsberg for that of Emperor of the Germans.

The programme of the latter was essentially negative. As regards internal matters, their object was to resist all progress in a consitutional direction, and to destroy as much as possible of the Stein and Hardenberg foundations of the Prussian State, with a view to recovering the feudal privileges of a past period. As regards foreign politics, the ideal to which they looked back was the period of the Holy Alliance, and a hearty understanding with Austria and Russia with a view to combating the revolutionary spirit of the age was the dream which they wished to see realized. Indeed, so strong was the anti-revolutionary feeling, that, if we judge the party out of the columns of its great organ, the Kreuz Zeitung, it must appear even to overrule their specific Prussian patriotism. At least, during the crisis which ended in the battle of Bronzell, there can be little doubt that the joy at the defeat of the national party by the battalions of Austria and Bavaria was greater than the sense of Prussian humiliation.

Hence the two legacies bequeathed to M. de Bismarck by his predecessors were the conflict of the Crown with the Lower House, i. e., with the Constitutional and National party throughout the country, and the conflict with the Würzburg Coalition.

Had he assumed the post of Premier in accordance with Parliamentary custom, i. e., as the nominee of his party, he would have found his action hopelessly crippled by the Particularist sympathies of the party he represented for the Particularist heroes of the Würzburg Coalition. As it was, he

boldly proclaimed himself the Minister of the King, in the literal and unconstitutional sense of the term, i. e., the executive officer of the irresponsible element in the Constitution, and made no attempt to reconcile the two lines of policy which he simulta neously took up. At home he brought the whole power of the Conservative party to bear against the National and Liberal par ty. In taking up his position against the Würzburg Coalition, he spoke and wrote as if he had the whole of the National party at his back.

It is no part of our intention to criticise M. de Bismarck's public life, or to discuss the question of the political morality or immorality of the means by which he obtained the results which so much astonished Europe. Apart, however, from his tactics on the political field, we are inclined to seek the cause of his success mainly in his having from the first more correctly estimated than any of his contemporaries what he might term the specific gravity of Prussianism amidst the various forces at work in the German Cosmos. From the death of Frederick the Great, the policy of Prussia had been singularly deficient in that self-confi dence which had in so remarkable a degree characterized that monarch's reign. Tentative, vacillating, and not clearly conscious of its own ends, it contrasted strangely with the traditional assurance and outrecuidance inherent in the manner and external forms of Prussian statesmen and diplomatists, which have contributed so much to the international unpopularity of Prussia. With the accession of the new Minister to office, the self-confidence returned, and, as it then appeared, in an exaggerated form.

M. de Bismarck was before all things a Prussian minister, serving a Prussian sovereign, and ruling a Prussian people with the clear conviction that if he succeeded in compassing bona fide Prussian ends, in adding to the glory and increasing the power of Prussia, he would have with him not only the sovereign whom he served, but the people whom he governed. "Particularism" was mean and despicable only in so far as it was of Lilliputian proportions; let it assume the Brobdignag dimensions of 700,000 bayonets, and it would approve itself to the conscience of the most fastidiously national mind. And here lay the secret lever of his power. The education of his own party was comparatively an easy task. A few high-handed and arbitrary against the Parliament sufficed to secure the allegiance of the feudalists, and to make them abandon, one after the other, every distinctive tenet of a creed hitherto adhered


It is so difficult at the present day to realize the fact that such dreams could at so recent a period have been entertained as serious realities, that it is necessary specially to note the fact, and to bear in mind, that up to this period the Coalition is the aggressor, and that Prussia's attitude is a defensive one.

to with the apparent fervour of religious | brought about in opposition to the will of devotion. With the exception, we believe, Prussia. of one contributor to the Kreuz Zeitung, no Prussian Peels, Cranbournes, or Carnarvons turned away and veiled their faces when the last relics of the ancient faith were taken from their shrines and sacrilegiously cast forth upon the dunghill. Having had on our side of the Channel some experience in this school of neo-Conservatism, it is not so much this phase of M. de Bismarck's political activity that strikes us, as the sure instinct by which he detected and appropriated the Prussianism latent under the German outside of his political opponents. He felt he could strain the internal conflict to any length which suited his purpose without fear of an ultimate collapse, because the sense of Prussian self-preservation would make the most ardent of the National party recoil before a catastrophe which might endanger the safety of the Prussian State. He felt, on the other hand, that he could push his external policy to a crisis, because in the hour of danger and extremity the "Prussian people in arms" would rally to

his rescue.


In giving his vote as member of the committee, the Prussian Plenipotentiary had contented himself with recording a protest against the competency of the Diet to take the initiative in an organic change of this kind otherwise than is provided by the Act of Confederation, viz., by an unanimous vote of the Plenum,* and had reiterated the objections already formulated to the plan as such.

M. de Bismarck chose other ground than that of Frankfort to parry the blow aimed at Prussia's position in Germany, and addressed himself directly to Austria. In a celebrated conversation held on the 13th of December with the Austrian Minister at Berlin, he put the case with a plainness and bluntness of speech very unusual in diplo

The conflict with the Würzburg Coalition had by this time assumed the follow-matic intercourse. ing aspect-Prussia having declined all further discussion of the plans for Federal reform proposed by the Allies, had, like Achilles, retired to her tents. The Coalition, on the other hand, had held conferences at Vienna, at which it was determined that the Diet should be the scene of future operations, and that the trial of strength should be made there. On the 14th of August, 1862, the Governments of Austria, Bavaria, Saxony, Hanover, Würtemberg, Electoral and Grand-Ducal Hesse, and Nassau, moved that a committee be appointed to take into consideration a proposal for the convening of an Assembly of Delegates, to which should be submitted certain projects of law as further specified.

On the 14th of December the committee delivered its report. The majority recommended the convocation of the Assembly; the minority, consisting of Prussia and Baden, voted against it.

The dilatory forms in use at Frankfort required that some weeks should elapse before the Diet itself pronounced its verdict upon the committee's report, but the Coalition now felt assured that they would obtain a majority, and that by this simple expedient the reconstruction of Germany according to their programme could be

*The 20th of September, 1862, was the day on which the Bismarck Cabinet took office.

The relations, he said, between Austria and Prussia must get either very much better or very much worse; the Prussian Government desired they should get better, and it lay in the power of Austria that they should do so. She had but to withdraw her support from the Würzburg Coalition, and return to the status quo of the relations which existed between the two Governments previously to 1848. Up to that date there had been a tacit understanding between the two great German Powers, to the effect that Prussia should support Austria's foreign policy, and that Austria should, in return, not interfere with Prussia in Germany. It was owing to this happy understanding that for many years Austria had never had an anxious thought in regard to her external relations, and that Prussia had been able to call such institutions into life as the Zollverein. Since the reconstruction of the Diet in 1851, this policy had been departed from, and Austria had placed herself at the head of all the influences hostile to Prussia in Germany. The climax of this policy was reached when she identified herself with a Coalition the avowed purpose of which was to "majorize" Prussia at the

*By a shallow device the Coalition had sought to circumvent this provision of the Constitution by proposing merely to summon the delegates ad hoc, and for the discussion of a certain limited number of laws, and therefore not as a permanent institution.

The language of M. de Bismarck could not be plainer. An eventual alliance of Prussia with Italy, if the Imperial Cabinet did not withdraw from the Coalition, was the prospect held out to Austria. Imme diate war with the Middle States, if they persisted in their Frankfort policy, was the prospect held out to the latter.

The warning was lost on Austria, who voted for the project, but the threat produced its effect on the rest of Germany, and in February Prussia found herself in a majority at Frankfort.

The plans of the Confederates to force the hand of Prussia by means of Federal machinery had broken down; they resolved to play out their trump card, the mise en scène of the Congress of Sovereigns. The Prussian Government had been obstinate, and had refused to give way. The Prussian Sovereign in person should be challenged.

Diet, and to bring about an organic change | maintain the communication between her in the constitution of Germany, in direct Eastern and Western Provinces, to occupy opposition to the wishes and interests of Hesse-Cassel and Hanover. Prussia. If Austria persisted in this policy, she must be prepared to take the consequences. Prussia, thwarted in Germany by her, would become the natural ally of any non-German Power hostile to her. The year 1859 should serve as a warning. The estrangement brought about between the two Governments by Austria's German policy during the preceding eight years had made itself felt to her detriment. There was not that hearty coöperation and goodwill such as between intimate allies would have precluded all idea of misunderstanding. That Prussia had, nevertheless, not availed herself of the opportunity to advance her own interests, but had armed with a view to assist Austria, was owing to the lingering traditions of the former good understanding. Were similar circumstances to occur again, however, Austria's German policy remaining the same, the alliance of Prussia with the enemies of Austria was a contingency that should not be lost sight of. As to the results of a hostile vote at Frankfort, M. de Bismarck's explanations were yet more explicit. Prussia, he said, would regard the acceptation by a majority of the Diet of the proposal to convoke an Assembly of Delegates as an illegal proceeding, and therefore as a formal breach of the contract by which the States of the Confederation were bound to each other, and would at once withdraw her Minister from Frankfort, and cease to consider herself as a member of the Confederation. The immediate consequence of this step, M. de Bismarck observed, would be that the Prussian garrisons in Mayence, and other Federal fortresses, would no longer be Federal troops under Federal orders, but remain where they were in the capacity of soldiers of His Majesty the King of Prussia.

Such was the burden of this eventful conversation, as recorded by the Prussian Prime Minister in a circular despatch addressed to the Plenipotentiaries of Prussia at the Courts of Germany. But a version current at the time, and undoubtedly authentic, added several important particulars, amongst others that the Prussian Premier had very plainly told the Austrian Minister that Austria was an Eastern, and not a Western Power, that her capital was Pesth, not Vienna, and that the sooner she seceded from Germany the better for herself and Germany. Also, that in the event of Prussia being forced by an adverse vote at Frankfort to quit the Confederation, it would be necessary for her, in order to

On the 2d of August, 1863, the Emperor of Austria had an interview with the King of Prussia, then at Gastein, and left with him a memorandum on the German question. It was a strange document, when we consider out of whose hands the King of Prussia received it. The entire fabric of 1815 was condemned as utterly rotten and worthless. Germany was described as in a state of chaos, the several members of the Confederation as practically no longer united by any common ties, but as merely living on beside each other, awaiting the moment when some tremendous revolution should bring down the tottering walls about their heads. Under these circumstances Austria had resolved boldly to take the initiative into her own hands, and to propose a searching plan of reform.

The same evening an aide-de-camp brought an invitation to the King to attend a Congress of the Sovereigns of Germany, to meet at Frankfort on the 16th of the month (i. e., a fortnight from that date), and to which his Imperial Majesty in person would submit his programme of reform. The King was taken altogether by surprise, as profound secrecy had been ob served in regard to the preparations for this last coup. He replied by an autograph letter to the Emperor, in which he expressed his readiness to take into consideration any scheme that might be submitted to him by his Imperial Majesty for a reform of Germany, but in which he declined to at tend a Congress of Sovereigns before he had been made acquainted with the meas ures proposed to be discussed, and had

submitted them to that mature examination | superadded the positive attributes of a body and careful deliberation to which it was with an international position to assert, and usual in Prussia to submit grave matters of therefore ready to embark upon an indeState before coming to a decision respecting pendent policy of its own. them. His Majesty proposed that the Congress should be postponed to the 1st October, and that the interval should be employed in ministerial conferences, in which the scheme should be examined by professional statesmen.

As was to be expected, this request was not attended to. The circular convoking the remaining Sovereigns of the Confederation had been despatched the day before the invitation was delivered to the King, and on the 16th of August the Parliament of Sovereigns assembled in the old imperial city on the banks of the Main,

For the purposes of a Parliamentary debate to be carried on by some thirty crowned heads in their own august persons, the Austrian programme, now for the first time made public, was sufficiently complicated. Even at the present day it is not easy to thread one's way through its complex provisions, or to get an altogether clear idea of the political "cosmos " which it proposed to substitute for the existing "chaos." We shall be materially assisted, however, in our endeavours to do so, if we bear in mind that, dating from the year 1859, the moving spring of Austria's activity in the work of Federal reform had been the recollection of her position during the Italian war. Had the question of Germany's immediate participation in the war with France been one which could have been decided by a vote of the Sovereigns of the Confederation, a large majority would have decided that Lombardy was to be defended on the Rhine. A German National Assembly, elected on the basis of population, with the preponderance in such an assembly which Prussia's fifteen millions of Germans gave her, would probably have led to a different result.

The objects of the new Confederation as compared with those of the old are clearly expressed in the first paragraph of the project. The Act of Vienna almost went out of its way to insist upon the essentially defensive character of the association. In a line and a half the object of the Union was described to be the external and internal security of Germany. As described in the corresponding paragraph of the Imperial draft, the objects proposed are manifold and complicated, but the first sentence is conclusive. It is no longer the security merely of Germany that is confided to the care of the new Confederation, but her position as a political Power (Machtstellung), i.e., to the negative function of defence are to be

Keeping this in view, we have, in order to judge of the idea underlying the scheme, to seek out, in the mechanism of the proposed Confederation, where the Germany lies which is thus in future to take an active and independent part in the affairs of Europe.

The organs which are to replace the Federal Diet are four in number:-1. A Directory; 2. A Federal Council; 3. An Assembly of Delegates; 4. An Assembly of Sovereigns.

The Directory was to consist of five Powers-Austria, Prussia, Bavaria, and two more, to be elected respectively by the States whose contingents make up the eighth and ninth Federal army Corps. Austria is to preside.

The Federal Council was to consist of the diplomatic Plenipotentiaries of the States of the Union, voting as they did in the "Restricted Council" of the old Diet; only that Austria and Prussia are in the new Council to have each three votes, so that instead of the seventeen votes, the total number would be raised to twenty-one.

The Assembly of Delegates was to consist of 302 members, supplied in equal proportions by the Upper and Lower Chambers of the local Parliaments; Austria to send 75; Prussia, 75; the remaining States, 152.

The Assembly of Sovereigns was to consist of the Sovereigns and the Plenipotentiaries of the Free Towns of the Confedera tion.

Now, in which of these bodies were the sovereign attributes of Germany as an independent national unit to reside?

The Assembly of Sovereigns may at once be dismissed from consideration. Except for the harmony of the thing, and to convey something of the impression of a very august House of Peers, the functions of this Assembly were a sinecure.

The functions of the Assembly of Delegates were strictly legislative, and all political activity was carefully excluded from its competency. It was to meet once in three years at Frankfort, and to occupy itself with the framing of laws on such subjects as the scheme specified to be of common Federal interest.

It was therefore not in this body that the political Germany of the future was to be found.

If, on the other hand, we examine the constitution of the Federal Directory and of

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