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Anne, Queen, reign of, 286.

Ante-Nicene Christian Library, vol. xiv.: The Writings of Methodius, Alexander of Lycopolis, Peter of Alexandria, and several Fragments, 269.

Arian controversy, 13.

Arnold (Matthew), St. Paul and Protestantism, with an Introduction on Puritanism and the Church of England, 311.

Assyrian Annals, B.C. 681-625, pp 169-188; invasion of the surrounding countries by early Assyrian monarchs, and the deportation of tribes introduced by Tiglath-Pileser, 169; Syria and Judea, ib.; extent of the empire at the accession of Esarhaddon, son of Sennacherib, ib.; disputes with his brothers for the crown, 170; his subjugation of Babylon, 170, 171; his conquest of Syria, 171; invasion of Asia Minor, 171, 172; and of Arabia, 172, 173; he undertakes the conquest of Egypt, 173; penetrates to Thebes, 173, 174; list of the kings he appointed, and their districts, 174; return home from the Egyptian expedition, ib.; his son's narrative of these events, 174, 175; Tirhakah re-conquers Egypt, 175; Esarhaddon's public works, ib. ; his policy towards Babylonia, ib.; Assyrian commerce, 176, and literature, ib.; Esarhaddon's family, 177; his son Assur-banipal (Sardanapalus) subjugates Egypt, ib.; a second campaign necessary, 178; siege of Tyre, ib.; dealings with Gyges of Lydia, 178, 179; Harbit, Mannai, and Elam, 179-182; states in revolt, 182-187: literature of the reign of Assur-bani-pal, 187; his patronage of the arts, ib.; characteristics of his reign, 188. Audiganne (A.), La Morale dans les Campagnes, 302.

Austen (Jane), 67-80; her place in literature, 67; circumstances amidst which she wrote her novels, 68; the critical spirit underlying her artistic faculty, ib.; her notable deficiency in the poetic faculty, 69; didactic purpose of her novels, ib.; their characteristics, 69, 70; her descriptions of the perturbations of love, 70; her writings as compared with those of Lamb and Thackeray, 71; the action of her critical faculty in her power of composing characters, 72; her circumscribed sphere, and its influence on her works, 72, 73; similarity in her views with those of Cowper, 73; the power she had over her wit, ib. ; inspiration and judgment, 74; her six stories divisible into two trilogies, ib.; her tales had avowedly a moral purpose, 74, 75; how this is shown in each, 75, 76; Macaulay on her characters, 76; her fools, 77, 78; analogy between her own character and the characteristics of her novels, 79; her naval officers, 80; conclusion, ib.

Austria-The Cisleithan Constitutional Crisis,

255-265; policy of Scimerling and Belcredi,— dualism the only system which could re-establish the monarchy on its natural and historical base, 255; difficulty of determining the precise limits between the autonomy of the provinces and the prerogatives of the ruling power, -the problem in Hungary, ib.; and in the Cisleithan portion of the Empire, ib.; Belcredi and the manifesto of September 1865,-the tide of opposition rising, 256, 257; the war of 1866, 257; measures of the new premier, Count Beust, 258; the first sessions of the Cisleithan Reichsrath, 259; influence of the proceedings on the hopes of nationalities, ib. ; the local Parliaments disapproving the dualistic organization of the Empire, 260; the question of electoral reform, -division in the Cabinet, 261; the Cisleithan council of ministers ordered to prepare a scheme of reform, 262; dissolution of the first parliamentary ministry, ib.; the short-lived Hassner Cabinet, 262, 263; formation of a new ministry under Count Potocki, 263; difficulty of his task, 263, 264; the result, the first step towards a reconciliation of nationalities achieved in Austria, 265.


Babington (Prof.), Polychronicon Higden: vols. i. and ii. 124. Bacon, Francis, Life and Letters of, vol. v. 131. Baguenault de Purchèse (G.), Jean de Morvillier, évêque d'Orléans, Garde des Sceaux de France (1506-1577), 277.

Bain (Dr. Alex.), Logic, 312. Bartsch (Prof.), Sancta Agnes: Provenzalisches geistliches Schauspiel, 274.

Bartsch (Prof.), Altfranzösische Romanzen und Pastourellen, 123.

Beale (L.), Protoplasm, or Life, Matter, and Mind, (second edition), 165.

Bell.-Letters of Sir Charles Bell: selected from his Correspondence with his brothers George and Joseph Bell, 139.

Bell (W. A.), New Tracks in North America,


Bénard (Th. L.), Le Socialisme d'Hier et celui d'Aujourd'hui, 315.

Bernard (M.), A Historical Account of the Neutrality of Great Britain during the American Civil War, 299.

Bienemann (F.), Aus Baltischer Vorzeit. Sechs Vorträge über die Geschichte der Ostseeprovinzen, 285.

Blanford (W. T.), Observations on the Geolog and Zoology of Abyssinia, made during t progress of the British Expedition to Country in 1867-68, 321. Bonnet (Victor), Etudes sur la Monnaie, Bonwick (J.). Daily Life and Origin c manians, 316.

Brazil, ornithology of, 319.

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Brewster, Sir David, Home Life of, 143.
Buchanan (R.), The Book of Orm: A Prelude to
the Epic, 308.

Burress (W. R.), The Relation of Language to
Thought, 158.

Burton (Capt. R. F.), Letters from the Battle
Fields of Paraguay, 300.

Busson (Dr. A.), Die Florentinische Geschichte
der Malespini und deren Benutzung durch
Dante, 277.

CHABAS (F.), Le Calendrier des Jours Fastes et

Néfastes de l'Année Egyptienne, Traduction complète du Papyrus Sallier IV., 110-112. Chatellier (A. du), Administrations Collectives de la France avant et depuis 1789, 292. Church Policy of Constantine, 1-15; the three great Revolutions of ancient history, 1; the recognition of Christianity by Constantine the greatest of the three, 1; Constantine's predecessors, 1, 2; division of the empire under Diocletian, his persecution of the Christians, 2, 3; position in which Christianity outwardly stood towards Paganism at the time of Constantine's conversion, 3, 4; motives of the Western Cæsar for preferring the Christian to the Pagan cause, 5; Constantine's collisions with and defeat of Maxentius, 5,6; his compromise between Paganism and Christianity, 6; the edict of Milan, ib. ; the toleration allowed by Polytheism, 7; Roman policy towards Christianity, ib.; fruits of the Christian victory of the Milvian Bridge, 8; effects of the recognition of Christianity on the legislation of the first Christian Emperors, ib.; civil reforms of Constantine, 9; the Christian priesthood, ib.; attitude assumed by Constantine towards Paganism, 10, and towards the interests and government of the Church, 10, 11; schism of the Donatists, 11; appeal to the Emperor, 12; Council of Arles, 13, and result of its decision, ib.; the Arian controversy, ib.; the Council of Nicæa, 14; subsequent policy of Constantine, ib. ; the first Council of Constantinople, ib.

Cirencester Agricultural College.-Practice with Science. A Series of Agricultural Papers, vol. ii. 163.

Cobbold (Dr.), Entozoa: Being a Supplement to the Introduction to the Study of Helminthology, 166.

Conches (T. Feuillet de), Louis XVI., Marie Antoinette, et Madame Elisabeth. Lettres et Documents inédits, vol. v. 135.

Constantine, the Emperor; see Church Policy.
Councils, Early, 12-14.

Cowper, the poet, 73.

Crimean War, the, 81, 90.

Dümichen (Joh.), Eine vor 3000 Jahren abgefasste Getreide rechnung, copirt an der südlichen Russenmauer des Tempels von MedinetHabu in Oberägypten und mit Ergänzung und Berichtigung sammtlicher an der Wand zerstörten oder fehlerhaft eingemeisselten Stellen in ihrem Zusammenhange erklärt, 110, 113. Dunoyer (Prof. A.).-Euvres de Charles Dunoyer; notices d'économie sociale, 294.

Earl Godwin and Earl Harold, 15-36; historical characters as judged by posterity, 15; estimates formed of Godwin and Harold by different historians, 15, 16; the question of Godwin's parentage, 16-20; bearing of this genealogical inquiry on a correct estimate of his character, 21; inaccuracy in William of Malmesbury's notice of Godwin's family connections, 22; Godwin gains a place in the new peerage under Canute, ib; state of England consequent on Canute's death, 23; the Ethelings invited over from Normandy,-the fate of Alfred, 23, 24; Godwin's share in the tragedy, 24; Harald and Hardicanute, 25; Edward the Confessor chosen king, 26; marries Edith, Godwin's daughter, 27; Godwin becomes alienated, ib; his son, Swegen, is outlawed for seducing a nun, ib; an open rupture with the king, 28; Godwin's flight, ib.; and subsequent restoration, 29; his death, ib; charges brought against him, 30; Harold, Godwin's son, ib; the case of the Etheling Edward, 31; Harold's quarrel with Tostig, and his oath to William of Normandy, 32-34; last days of the Confessor, 34, 35; Har old made king, 35; sketch of his short career, 35, 36; concluding remarks, 36. Eastlake (Sir C.), Contributions to th Literature of the Fine Arts: Second Series. With a Memoir by Lady Eastlake, 146.

Ebeling (Dr.), Friedrich Ferdinand Graf von Beust. Sein Leben und vornehmlich Staatsmännisches Wirken, vol. i. 145.

Eckardt (Dr.), Baltische und russische Culturstu-
dien aus zwei Jahrhunderten, 148.
Education bill of 1870; see Home Policy.
Emblem-Literature, 281.

England, History of, by Froude, vols. v. and vi. 128.

Epigrammatic Literature, 306.

Esarhaddon, King of Assyria, events of his reign, 169-177.

Fairfax, Lord, Life of, 282.

Fano (E.), Della Carità preventiva e dell' ordinamento delle società di mutuo soccorso in Italia, 147.

France, University of, 106.

Curtis (G. T.), Life of Daniel Webster, vol. i. 140; Frederick the Great, 134. vol. ii. 295.

DAHLMANN'S (F. C.), Quellenkunde der Deutschen Geschichte. 3te Auflage. Quellen und Bearbeitungen der Deutschen Geschichte neu Zusammengestellt von G. Waitz, 122. See Springer.

Der enbourg (H.), Le Dîwân de Nâbiga Dhobyânî. Texte Arabe publié pour la première fois suivi d'une traduction Française, et précédé d'une introduction historique, 122.

sjardins (A.), Les Moralistes français du Seizme Siècle, 279.

Dix (W. H.), Free Russia, 302. Dodd . P.) The Epigrammatists: a Selection frome Epigrammatic Literature of Ancient, Mediava and Modern Times, with Notes, Observations, Instrations, and an Introduction, 307.

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Freitag (G.), Carl Mathy: Geschichte seines Lebens, 144.

Froude (J. A.), History of England from the Fall
of Wolsey to the Defeat of the Spanish Arma-
da: Reign of Elizabeth. Vols v. and vi. 128.

Galileo, Private life of, 132.
Gayangos (P. de), Cinco cartas de D. Diego Sar-
miento de Acuña, primer Conde de Gondomar,

Geibel, Emanuel, 145.

Giles (H.), Human Life in Shakespeare, 156.
Godwin; see Earl Godwin.

Gordon (Mrs.). The Home Life of Sir David
Goedeke (Karl), Emanuel Geibel, 145.
Green (H.), Shakespeare and the Emblem wri-
Brewster, 143.
ters; an Exposition of the Similarities of their

Thought and Expression: Preceded by a View
of Emblem-Literature down to A.D. 1616, 281.
Greg (W. R.), Political Problems for our Age and
Country, 152.

Hamilton, Sir W., 60.

Haneberg (Dr), Canones S. Hippolyti Arabice e
Codicibus Romanis cum versione Latina Anno-
tationibus et Prolegomenis, 117.

Hannah (Dr. J.) The Courtly Poets from Raleigh
to Montrose, 280.

Harold, Earl; see Earl Godwin.

Hazard (R. G.), Two Letters on Causation and
Freedom in Willing, addressed to John Stuart
Mill, 158.

Hirsch (Dr. T.), Scriptores rerum Prussicarum,
oder die Geschichtsquellen der Preussischen
Vorzeit: herausgegeben von Dr. Theodor
Hirsch, Dr. Max Toeppen, und Dr. Ernst
Strehlke, 123.

Hitzig (Dr. F.), Geschichte des Volkes Israel von
Anbeginn bis zur Eroberung Masada's im
Jahre 72 nach Christus, 116.
Holland Kingdom of, 293.

Home Policy of the Session (1869-70), 95-110;
legal reforms, 96; finance, ib;-the Irish Land
Bill, ib; conflict between the system long do-
minant in Ireland, and alien legislation, ib;
the Norman invasion, ib; the English Revolu-
tion of 1688, 97; subsequent legislative enact-
ments, ib; customs recognised by the Bill, 98;
its fundamental principles, ib; freedom of con-
tract, 99; Tory opposition, ib: objections and
amendments, 99, 100; results of these on the
Government scheme, 100, 101; Irish land laws
the constant cause of tumult-agrarian crime,
101; the relation between landlord and tenant
-provisions of the Bill as to contracts, 102;
misinterpretations and their results, ib; the
Peace Preservation Act, necessary as an ad-
junct, 103, 104;-the Education Bill, 104; op-
position from a section of the Liberal party,
ib; the Secularists and their claims, 105, 106;
Napoleon I. and the University of France, 106;
secular versus clerical education, 107; schemes
of the semi-secularists, 108; Prussia and Hol-
land, ib; Lord Russell, ib; principles of the
Bill:-rating, 108, 109; local-agency, 109; the
conscience clause, ib; the compulsory provi-
sions, ib; the question of fees, 109, 110;-
University tests, 110; characteristics of the
Government policy, ib.

Hüffer (Franz), Der Trobador Guillem de Cabe-
stanh sein Leben und seine Werke, 124.

Ireland, Ancient Laws of. Senchus Mor. Part II.
Law of Distress, (completed); Laws of Hostage-
sureties, Fosterage, Saer-stock Tenure, Daer-
stock Tenure, and of Social Connections, vol. ii.

Irish Land Bill, the (1870); see Home Policy.

James (Henry), The Secret of Swedenborg: be-
ing an Elucidation of his Doctrine of the Divine
Natural Humanity, 156.
Joanne (A.), Dictionnaire Géographique de la
France, 160.

Jonson's (Ben) Quarrel with Shakespeare, 203-
221; the histrionic element in many of the
literary quarrels of the Elizabethan age, 204;
Jonson's duel with Gabriel Spenser, ib; his
relations with Shakespeare, ib; Jonson's early
plays, and the theatres for which they were
written, 204, 205; he is thrown into prison
for his "Poetaster," 205; his severe criticism
of the Dramatists of other theatres than that
to which he was attached, and their revenge on

him in the "Satiro-mastix," ib; the "purge"
administered by Shakespeare, ib; endeavour
to trace the antagonism between him and
Jonson, ib; his attacks on Shakespeare, both
as to the form and the matter of his plays, 206,
207; he accuses Shakespeare of want of art,
207; literary side of Jonson's moral divergence
from him, ib; the remarkable place Jonson ag-
signs to himself in some of his plays, 208; at-
tack on Marston and Dekker in "Cynthia's
Revels," ib; the composition of the responsivo
drama, the "Satiro-mastix," 208, 209;
of matter of offence to Shakespeare and his
company, 209: the theatres acting in the in-
terest of the Earl of Essex, a rival company
(the Children of the Chapel), is set up by the
Court, and Jonson engaged to write a play for
it (Cynthia's Revels), 209, 210; Jonson's pur-
pose in this play, 210; Amorphus probably in-
tended for Shakespeare, 210, 211; Jonson's
next play, the "Poetaster,"-its plot, 211;
how he treats Shakespeare in it, 212; allusion to
his pedigree, 212-214; Malvolio (in "Twelfth
Night") Shakespeare's first "purge" to Jon-
son, 215, 216; allusions to a ridiculous custom
of courtship, 216, 217; "Troilus and Cressida"
Shakespeare's reply to the "Poetaster," 217-
219; Jonson's attack on new words, 219; list
of unusual terms in Troilus and Cressida,"
219,220; characteristics of the satire of Jonson,
Dekker, and Shakespeare respectively, 220.
Juste (T.), Le Soulèvement de la Hollande en
1813, et la Fondation du Royaume des Pays-
Bas, précédés d'une Introduction sur le Règne
de Louis Bonaparte, 1806-1817, 293.


Kelchner (E.) und Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (Dr.
K.), Briefe des Königlich Preussischen Staats-
minister Karl Ferdinand Friedrich von Nagler
an einen Staatsbeamten, 141.
Klinkowström (K. von), Aus der alten Registra
tur der Staatskanzleis: Briefe politischen
Inhalts von und an F. von Gentz, 292.
Kopp (H.), Beiträge zur Geschichte der Chemie
(second part), 119.

Lacordaire, Père, 297.

Laveleye (Emile de), Etudes et Essais, 152.
Lavergne (L. de), Les Economistes français du-
18 Siècle, 287.

Leibniz, see Pfleiderer; Pichler.
Lennep (Dr. Van), Travels in little known Parts
of Asia Minor, 299.

Lepsius (R.), Ueber den Chronologischen Werth
der Assyrischen Eponymen und einige Berüh-
rungspunkte mit der Aegyptischen Chronolo-
gie, 114.

Lewis (Sir Gilbert), Letters of the Right Hon-
ourable Sir George Cornewall Lewis, Bart., to
various Friends, 297.

Lipsius (Dr. R. A.), Chronologie der römischen-
Bischöfe bis zur Mitte des vierten Jahrhun-
dert, 118.

Locker (F.), London Lyrics, 308.
Lothair, 234-244; its political side, ib.;


between this and Mr. Disraeli's other romances
in historical value, ib.; this, no new philoso-
phy, ib.; the contention of three sibyls for the
soul of Lothair-the battle-ground religious,
235; Mr. Disraeli and Catholicism, ib.; rival-
ries in religion, antagonisms of rival principles,
236; Lothair and his position introduced, 236,,
237; development of the conspiracy, 237 seq.;
sarcasm of the book, 238, 239; the character of
Phoebus, 240; Corisande and her court, 241:
the book carries its own refutation on the face

of it, 242, 243; its style, 243, 244; comparison | Paraguay, the war in, 300.
with the author's other novels, 244.

Lowell (J. R.), Among my Books: Six Essays,

Magyars, the, 148.

Markham (C. R.), A Life of the Great Lord Fair-
fax, 282.

Mätzner (E.), Altenglische Sprachproben, nebst
einem Wörterbuche, Part ii., 274.

Maurice (F. D.), Social Morality: Twenty-one
Lectures delivered in the University of Cam-
bridge, 157.

Menant (M. J.), Le Syllabaire Assyrien : Mémoire
présenté à l'Académie des Inscriptions et
Belles-Lettres de l'Institut Impérial de France,


Meyer (Dr. Leo), Die Gothische Sprache: Ihre
Lautgestaltung insbesondere im Verhältniss
zum Altindischen, Griechischen, und Lateini-
schen, 118.

Mill, J. S., 58, 59, 65 et seq., 158.

Montalembert (Comte de), Le Testament du P.
Lacordaire, 297.

Morinerie (M. de la), Souvenirs d'Emigration de
Madame la Marquise de Lâge de Volude,
Dame S. A. S. Madame la Princesse de Lam-
balle, 1792-1794. Lettres à Madame la Com-
tesse de Montejo, 288.

Morris (William), The Earthly Paradise: a Poem.
Part III., 153.

Morvillier, Jean de, Bishop of Orleans, Life of,

Müller (Max); see Rogers.
Musset, Alfred de, 296.

Napoleon 1. and the University of France, 106.
Natural Selection, Essays on the theory of, 317.
Newman's (Dr.) Grammar of Assent, 221–233;

what the book professes to be, 221; its object,
221, 222; the author's style of writing, 222;
the purpose of the book, to justify the logical
method of faith by comparing it with the logical
methods of prudence and philosophy, ib. ;
Newman, Hegel, and Butler, 223; the argu-
ment psychological, the author's terminology,
ib.; what he means by 'assent,' ' notional as-
sent,' 'real assent,' and 'certitude,' 223, 224;
assent and inference, 224-226; the genesis of
certitude from assent, 227, 228; the indefecti-
bility of certitude, 228; "religious assents,"-
his chapters on "Natural Religion" and "Re-
vealed Religion," 229; analysis of an idea, ib. ;
three periods through which the idea has to
pass in the general mind of man, 230; pro-
gress of assent to the idea, ib.; faith as a ven-
ture-as a reason for acting, distinguished
from theological faith, ib.; the duty of in-
quiry in reference to things to which assent is
given, 231, 232; this book intended to recom-
mend a system separated by a broad margin
of absence of proof from the author's proved
conclusions, 232; similarity in some points be-
tween Newman and Descartes and Kant, 232,
233; importance of his investigation as to the
genesis of religious and moral assents, 233.
Nohl (Ludwig), Gluck und Wagner: Ueber die
Entwicklung des Musikdramas, 310.
Norris (Edwin), Assyrian Dictionary; intended
to further the Study of the Cuneiform Inscrip-
tions of Assyria and Babylonia. Part II., 115.

Ompteda (F. von), Politischer Nachlass des han-
növerschen Staats und Kabinets ministers
Ludwig von Ompteda aus den Jahren 1804 bis
1813, 137.

Parieu (E. de), Principes de la science politique,

Parpaglia's Mission to Queen Elizabeth, 188-203;
historical accounts of Elizabeth's policy irre-
concilable, 188, 189; her character. 189; com-
parison with her sister Mary, ib.; her feelings
towards the clergy unfriendly, ib.; her view
of her father's marriage with Catherine of
Aragon, 190; this, with her, not a question of
vanity, but of vital importance, ib.; dilemma
in which she was placed by opposite opinions
on the subject, ib.; state of the country when
she ascended the throne, ib.; Philip II. of
Spain and Pope Paul IV., ib.; terms of the
peace concluded between France and England,
left Elizabeth free to reconstitute the Church
of Henry VIII., 191; allegiance to Rome thrown
over, and the Queen legitimated, ib.; disor-
dered condition of the Church when Pius IV.
became Pope, ib.; importance, to him, of re-
gaining England, 191, 192; his consultation
with different parties in Rome-English Catho-
lics, and Italians who had been in England-
as to the course to be pursued, 192; appoint-
ment of Vincenzo Parpaglia as nuncio, 193; his
previous history, ib.; state of Europe in the
early part of the sixteenth century, 194;—
Charles V., Clement VII., and Pius IV., ib. ;
Francis II. and Mary, and their plots and in-
trigues, 195; policy of Philip II. of Spain, ib.;
his ambassador in England, Alvaro de Quadra,
ib.; apprehensions of evils to ensue on the
conflicting influences exercised by him and the
Papal nuncio, 196; Vargas remonstrates with
the Pope as to the mission of Parpaglia, ib. ;
his interview with Cardinal Borromeo there-
anent, 196, 197; Vargas still remonstrates, 197;
Parpaglia's return to Rome, ib.; the English
malcontents at Rome, ib.; John Shers, the
English agent at Venice, communicates with
Elizabeth, ib.; her policy with regard to Scot-
land-siege of Leith, 197, 198; effect on the
Queen of the news from Italy, 198; her suspi-
cion that Philip had to do with Parpaglia's
mission, and the various courses open for her
had it been fulfilled, 198, 199; her religious
policy the cause of her chief embarrassments,
199; Sir William Cecil despatched to Scotland
to treat of peace, 199, 200; De Quadra's inter-
view with the Queen, and her pliancy with
him, 200; her mistake as to Philip's attitude
with regard to Parpaglia's mission, 200, 201;
Philip's answer to Vargas, approving of his
opposition to that mission, and ordering him
to persevere in it, 201; Philip's order to the
Duchess of Parma to detain the nuncio at
Brussels, ib.; Parpaglia's eagerness to go to
London, 202; he is hindered by De Quadra,
ib.; the Queen surmounts her difficulties
through Philip's timely help, ib.; suspicions
of Philip's orthodoxy, 203; Parpaglia's recall,
ib.; consolidation of Elizabeth's power, and
her subsequent treatment of Philip, ib.
Patterson (A. J.), The Magyars: their Country
and Institutions, 148.

Paul (St) and Protestantism, by M. Arnold, 311.
Pauli (Dr.), Aufsätze zur Englischen Geschichte,


Peace Preservation (Ireland) Act, 103, 104.
Peacock (R. A.), Physical and Historical Evi-
dences of Vast Sinkings of Land on the North
and West Coasts of France and South Western
Coasts of England within the Historical Period,


Pelzeln (August von), Zur Ornithologie Brasi-

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