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daughter of Sir John Inglis, Bart. of Cramond, aged, 86.

6. At Kinnalty House, in Forfarshire, the Right Hon. David Earl of Airly. This nobleman was the only son of David, Lord Ogilvy, by his Lady,,Margaret, daughter of Sir James Johnstone, of Westerhall, Bart. Lord Ogilvy was, in 1746, attainted for his adherence to the interest of the former Royal family of Stuart, but the honcurs and estate of the family of Airly were saved by his father, John, Earl of Airly, being then alive, and in possession of them. Lord Ogilvy lived many years after his father, and during his life the honours of the family were in abeyance, but on his death in 1803, they revived in the person of his son, the Earl now deceased; and as he died unmarried, and the patent was, in 1639, granted to the first Earl and his heirs male, without all question, the honours of this noble family now belong to the Right Hon. Walter Earl of Airly, the second son of the above Earl John.

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8. At Powis House, Hugh Leslie, Esq. of Powis,

At Alloa, Miss Anne Johnston, second daughter of the deceased Mr James Johnston, merchant, Alloa.

At Musselburgh, Archibald Cochran, Esq. of Ashkirk, in the 81st year of his age.

11. At London, her Grace Jane Duchess of Gordon. Her Grace was the 2d daughter of Sir William Maxwell, Bart. was born in 1746, and married to the present Duke of Gordon, Oct. 1, 1767, by whom she had, now living, one son, the Marquis of Huntly, and five daughters, viz. the Duchess of Richmond, Lady Magdalen Palmer, the Duchess of Manchester, the Marchioness of Cornwallis, and the Duchess of Bedford. She lost a second son, Lord Alexander, who died some years ago. Her Grace received the Holy Sacrament a few hours before her dissolution, of which all her children were partakers. 12. At London, Sir William Plomer, Knight, Alderman of the city of London. At Cupar Fife, Robert Johnston, Esq. of Kedlock.


At Montrose, Mr David Taylor, cabinet-maker. He attended a funeral in the forenoon, and retired to bed in the evening, when he shortly after expired. He had been in a declining state for some time.

13. At Gilmore Place, Mrs Jane Hamilton, wife of John Hamilton Esq. Depute Receiver-General of Customs.

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April 27. May 4.

102 145 68 76

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Account of Tumuli or Laws, which have been lately levelled and examined in Strathmore.......................... 425 On the Advantages to be derived from Planting. From Nicol's Planter's Calendar.................. 428 List of Scottish Trees of remarkable Magnitude. From the same...... 430 Observations on the Topaz of Scotland. By Professor Jameson..... 432 Letter written by her present Majes

ty when Princess of Mecklenburgh Strelitz, to the King of Prussia... 435 A short Account of the celebrated

Guerilla, Colonel Don Francis Espoz y Mina........................ 436 Account of the Foundation and present State of the Edinburgh Lancastrian School. By Sir H. Moncreiff Wellwood ....................................................... 441

Stanzas written on a Summer's

PROCEEDINGS OF PARLIAMENT. House of Lords .................................................. 457 Commons


United States.
South America

France and Russia
Spain and Portugal.............................
Naval Intelligence.







Domestic Intelligence - Negocia-
tions for a New Ministry.......... 467
Revocation of the Orders in Council 468
Riots in England
Threatening Letters

General Assembly....
Births and Marriages..........





..... 477



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Stocks and Markets................

1 402 ]

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