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Reversing the position, and beginning at the southern extreme of this arc of vegetation, there is first the Antarctic flora (the complement of the Scandinavian), with its decided Australian representatives in Centrolepidee and Stylidieæ, commencing in Fuegia, the Falklands, and Lord Auckland's and Campbell's group, reappearing in the alps of New Zealand, Tasmania, and Australia, and disappearing under the equator, on the alps of Borneo, being thus strictly confined to the southern hemisphere. Next there is the Australian flora proper, a large and highly developed one, diminishing rapidly after crossing the southern tropic, and as it advances towards the northwestern shore of the continent, reappearing in very small numbers in the Malay Islands, and terminated by a Casuarina on the east coast of the Bay of Bengal, and a Stylidium on the west. Not one representative of this vegetation advances further northwest.

Analogous appearances are presented by Africa and America. In Africa Indian forms prevail throughout the tropics, and, passing southwards, occupy the northern boundary of the south temperate zone; but there a very copious and widely different vegetation succeeds, of which but few representatives advance north to the tropic, and none to India, but with which are mingled Scandinavian genera and even species. In the New World, Arctic, Scandinavian, and North American genera and species are continuously extended from the north to the south temperate and even Antarctic zones; but scarcely one Antarctic species, or even* genus (Forstera, Calceolaria, Colobanthus, Gunnera, etc. etc.) advances north beyond the Gulf of Mexico.

These considerations quite preclude my entertaining the idea that the southern and northern floras have had common origin within comparatively modern geological epochs. On the contrary, the European and Australian floras seem to me to be essentially distinct, and not united by those in intervening countries, though fragments of the former are associated with the latter in the southern hemisphere. For instance, I regard the Indian plants in Australia to be as foreign to it, botanically, as the Scandinavian, and more so than the Antarctic; and that to whatever lengths the theory of variation may be carried, we cannot by it speculate on the southern flora being directly a derivative one from the existing northern. On the contrary, the many bonds of affinity between the three southern floras, the Antarctic, Australian, and South African, indicate that these may all have been members of one great vegetation, which may once have covered as large a southern area as the European now does a northern. It is true that at some anterior time these two

* Acana is a remarkable exception.

floras may have had a common origin, but the period of their divergence antedates the creation of the principal existing generic forms of each. To what portion of the globe the maximum development of this southern flora is to be assigned, it is vain at present to speculate; but the geographical changes that have resulted in its dismemberment into isolated groups scattered over the Southern Ocean, must have been great indeed. Circumscribed as these floras are, and encroached upon everywhere by northern forms, their ultimate destiny must depend on that power of appropriation in the strife for place which we see in the force with which an intrusive foreign weed establishes itself in our already fully peopled fields and meadows, and of the real nature of which power no conception has been formed by naturalists, and which has not even a name in the language of biology. Everywhere, however, we see the more widely distributed, and therefore least peculiar forms of plants, spreading, and the most peculiar dying out in small areas, and the progress of civilization has introduced in man a new enemy to the scarce old forms, and a strong ally of those already common. Nor can it be doubted but that many of the small local genera of Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, will ultimately disappear, owing to the usurping tendencies of the emigrant plants of the northern hemisphere, energetically supported as they are by the artificial aids that the northern races of man afford them.

ART. XXVII.-On the Coloring Matter of the Privet and its application in the Analysis of Potable Waters; by Mr. JEROME NICKLÈS.

THE berries of the privet (Ligustrum vulgare), which are often employed in Europe to color wines, contain, besides water and ligneous matter, a portion of glucose, a waxy substance and a beautiful crimson coloring matter, which is the principal element. This matter is soluble in water, alcohol and ether; it contains no nitrogen, and is much more stable than many allied substances. When exposed to a sufficient heat it gives a black porous charcoal, but the uncharred portions remain unchanged. It was not altered by boiling for forty-eight hours with distilled water, nor by digestion during six weeks with sulphurous acid. The fixed alkalies and their neutral carbonates turn its color to green, but the red is restored by acids so that it may be employed as a delicate test in place of litmus or the coloring matter of the dahlia. With a solution of acetate of alumina it gives a violet blue liquid, from which by boiling a fine blue lake is precipitated, which is insoluble in acetic acid, but dissolves in tartaric, citric and mineral acids to a red liquid, from which alkalies

throw down again the blue lake. The basic, and even the neutral acetate of lead, yield with the red coloring matter of the privet a blue precipitate, which is soluble in acetic acid. Ammonia readily alters this coloring matter, giving rise to a yellow substance not well defined in its character. From these observations it would appear that the red coloring principle of the berries of the privet is a substance sui-generis and distinct from any hitherto known. I therefore propose to designate it by the name of liguline.

In order to obtain liguline in a state of purity, the filtered juice of the berries was precipitated by neutral acetate of lead, and the well washed lake suspended in a small quantity of water was decomposed by sulphuretted hydrogen. The residue was then thoroughly washed by ether, in which the liguline is insoluble.* Being taken up by alcohol, and again treated by acetate of lead, sulphuretted hydrogen and ether, it might be supposed to be pure. I was, however, unable to obtain concordant results in a series of elementary analyses, the carbon of the direct lead compound varying between 21:56 and 23.00 per cent, and the hydrogen from 1.89 to 2.58.

It is probable that the process described by Mr. Glénard for the preparation of oenoline, the red coloring matter of wines (An. de Chim. et de Phys., Dec. 1858, p. 368), would be preferable for the extraction of liguline. I accordingly applied it, but the berries having been gathered too late in the season, the coloring matter had become so far altered that my trial was unsuccessful, so that the question of the elementary composition of liguline remains unsettled.

The following further observations on this coloring matter are not without interest. It is not precipitated by gelatine, which throws down the red coloring matter of wines. With hypochlorite of lime it gives a yellow color and a yellow precipitate. With chlorid of gold, a yellow color and reduction of the metal. With chlorid of platinum, no change in the cold, but a brown color by heat. With chromate of potash a green; with bichromate brown, and with sesquichlorid, and ferroso-ferric sulphate of iron the same color. Chlorine destroys the color of liguline. The chlorids of sodium, barium and mercury, the nitrates of baryta, lead, mercury and bismuth, as also the sulphates of starch, soda, lime, zinc, manganese and cadmium are without action on the coloring matter of the privet.

The bicarbonates of lime and of the alkalies (unlike the neutral alkaline carbonates which turn it to green) give a blue color with liguline, and the same is true of the chlorids and nitrates of zinc and calcium. The colors thus obtained offer however some

* The author has previously stated that the coloring matter is soluble in ether— there is apparently some error of the copyist.-NOTE OF THE TRANSLATOR.

peculiar differences when seen by transmitted light; in this way the blue produced by a chlorid of zinc and bicarbonate of lime appears red, while it is green with the chlorid of calcium or the nitrate of lime or zinc. The blue color produced by a solution of bicarbonate of potash, on the contrary, offers no variation when thus viewed by transmitted light.

The recent juice of the berries of privet alters readily even when mixed with alcohol; its fine crimson color turns to red, and the liquid then mingled with a solution of bicarbonate of lime gives a gray instead of a blue color, and gives a dirty blue with acetate of lead. This change appears to depend upon the development of ammonia from the transformation of the azotized matter of the juice; when separated from these matters and isolated, on the contrary, liguline may be preserved without change, either in aqueous or alcoholic solution. Its color is then an intense crimson.

Even the strong mineral acids in the cold do not alter liguline, but in the presence of alkalies on the contrary, it is rapidly altered, although the red color can be, to a certain extent, restored by an acid. This alteration is dependent upon the absorption of oxygen, as may be shown by introducing a mixture of liguline and potash ley in a glass tube over mercury, when rapid absorption takes place.

The property of liguline to produce blue with solutions of bicarbonate of lime renders it a delicate reagent for the detection of this salt in potable waters. For this purpose it suffices to let fall a drop of an aqueous or alcoholic solution of liguline into the water, the crimson tint which this communicates to distilled water is replaced by a beautiful blue. In place of the solution we may employ a test paper impregnated with the coloring matter, which is best as prepared from the lead precipitate. We may, however, employ the recent juice of the berries, taking care to redden the paper slightly by exposing it to the vapor of acetic acid before drying.

As a reagent for the detection of bicarbonate of lime in waters, liguline is greatly to be preferred to a tincture of logwood, and the paper prepared with it becomes a valuable reagent for the laboratory as well as for the naturalist in the field. I have found by this reagent that while bicarbonate of lime is indicated in the springs which flow from the jurassic strata, and especially those that supply the city of Nancy, no change of color is produced by a solution of liguline with the waters of other streams which have their source in rocks destitute of calcareous matter.

The observations which I have given above were made for the most part with the fruit of the privet gathered in the autumn of 1856, and I have in fact indicated in a note in the Bulletin of the local Society of Acclimation for the North-West district

(Nancy, 1857, p. 121). I have delayed publication in the hope to render my research more complete by a good elementary analysis, but I am now induced to publish the results already obtained that I may claim the right to continue and complete the investigations, having learned that Mr. Glenard proposes to undertake a similar research.

In conclusion, we may remark that the coloring matter of the privet offers a great analogy with that of the wines of Villefranche isolated and examined by Mr. Glenard; this analogy is shown by their composition and their properties. Its reaction with bicarbonate of lime may render it a valuable reagent in chemical analysis. The fact that it is not precipitated by gelatine, which, as is well known, throws down the red coloring matter of wines, will serve to distinguish the two when associated. It still remains to be decided whether the coloring principle of all red wines is the same, but this is a question, foreign to our present subject.

ART. XXVIII.-On the Method of Measurements, as a diagnostic means of distinguishing Human Races, adopted by Drs. Scherzer and Schwarz, in the Austrian circumnavigatory Expedition of the "Novara"; by JOSEPH BARNARD DAVIS.

WEIGHT and measure have been very frequently applied as means to determine the physical proportions of different human races, and to ascertain their essential diversities. But it may well be doubted whether they have ever been employed in that systematic and comprehensive manner, which will afford the results they are capable of yielding. Travellers have generally contented themselves by speaking in indefinite comparative terms of the people with whom they have come into contact. But few have submitted any considerable number of these people to the test of measurement, and thus ascertained their dimensions. Anthropology stands in need of many more accurate and extended observations, to derive the full results from these sources of knowledge.

The subject itself is a large one, and some have confined themselves to one branch of it, some to others. Where actual measurements have been carried out, many have contented themselves with taking the stature of a few, or a number, of the people; others have, besides, ascertained the length of the limbs; and a few have subjected the head to a series of superficial measurements. As we are fully assured that this latter division of


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