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ther information I could obtain from books. At the same time I made a careful study of the affinities and distribution of all the Tasmanian species, and of all those Australian ones which I believed to be found in other countries. I also determined as accurately as I could the genera of the remainder, and especially of those belonging to genera which are found in other countries, and I distinguished the species from one another in those genera which had not been previously arranged. In this manner I have brought together evidence of nearly 8000 flowering plants having been collected or observed in Australia, of which I have seen and catalogued upwards of 7000. About two-thirds of these are ascertained specifically with tolerable accuracy, and the remainder are distinguished from one another, and referred to genera with less certainty, being either undescribed, or described under several names, whilst some are members of such variable groups that I was left in doubt how to dispose of them.

To many who occupy themselves with smaller and better worked botanical districts, such results as may be deduced from the skeleton Flora I have compiled for Australia may seem too crude and imperfect to form data from which to determine its relations. But it is not from a consideration of specific details that such problems as those of the relations of Floras and the origin and distribution of organic forms will ever be solved, though we must eventually look to these details for proofs of the solutions we propose. The limits of the majority of species are so undefinable that few naturalists are agreed upon them;* to a great extent they are matters of opinion, even amongst those persons who believe that species are original and immutable creations; and as our knowledge of the forms and allies of each 'increases, so do these differences of opinions; the progress of systematic science being, in short, obviously unfavorable to the view that most species are limitable by descriptions or characters, unless large allowances are made for variation. On the other hand, when dealing with genera, or other combinations of species, all that is required is that these be classified in natural groups; and that such groups are true exponents of affinities settled by Nature is abundantly capable of demonstration. It is to an investigation of the extent, relations, and proportions of these natural combinations of species, then, that we must look for the means of obtaining and expressing the features of a Flora; and if in this instance the exotic species are well ascertained, it matters little whether or not the endemic are in all cases accurately distinguished from one another. Further, in a Flora so large as that of Australia, if the species are limited and

The most conspicuous evidence of this lies in the fact, that the number of known species of flowering plants is by some assumed to be under 80,000, and by others over 150,000.

estimated by one mind and eye, the errors made under each genus will so far counteract one another, that the mean results for the genera and orders will scarcely be affected. As it is, the method adopted has absorbed many weeks of labor during the last five years, and a much greater degree of accuracy could only have been obtained by a disproportionately greater outlay of time, whilst it would not have materially affected the general results.

With regard to my own views on the subjects of the variability of existing species and the fallacy of supposing we can ascertain anything through these alone of their ancestry or of originally created types, they are, in so far as they are liable to influence my estimate of the value of the facts collected for the analysis of the Australian Flora, unaltered from those which I maintained in the 'Flora of New Zealand.' On such theoretical questions, however, as the origin and ultimate permanence of species, they have been greatly influenced by the views and arguments of Mr. Darwin and Mr. Wallace above alluded to, which incline me to regard more favorably the hypothesis that it is to variation that we must look as the means which Nature has adopted for peopling the globe with those diverse existing forms which, when they tend to transmit their characters unchanged through many generations, are called species. Nevertheless I must repeat, what I have fully stated elsewhere, that these hypotheses should not influence our treatment of species, either as subjects of descriptive science, or as the means of investigating the phenomena of the succession of organic forms in time, or their dispersion and replacement in area, though they should lead us to more philosophical conceptions on these subjects, and stimulate us to seek for such combinations of their characters as may enable us to classify them better, and to trace their origin back to an epoch anterior to that of their present appearance and condition. In doing this, however, the believer in species being lineally related forms must employ the same methods of investigation and follow the same principles that guide the believer in their being actual creations, for the latter assumes that Nature has created species with mutual relations analogous to those which exist between the lineally-descended members of a family, and this is indeed the leading idea in all natural systems. On the other hand, there are so many checks to indiscriminate variation, so many inviolable laws that regulate the production of varieties, the time required to produce wide variations from any given specific type is so great, and the number of species and varieties known to propagate for indefinite periods a succession of absolutely identical members is so large, that all naturalists are agreed that for descriptive purposes species must be treated as if they were at their origin distinct,

and are destined so to remain. Hence the descriptive naturalist who believes all species to be derivative and mutable, only differs in practice from him who asserts the contrary, in expecting that the posterity of the organism he describes as species may, at some indefinitely distant period of time, require redescription.

I need hardly remark that the classificatory branch of Botany is the only one from which this subject can be approached; for a good system must be founded on a due appreciation of all the attributes of individual plants,-upon a balance of their morphological, physiological, and anatomical relations at all periods of their growth. Species are conventionally assumed to represent, with a great amount of uniformity, the lowest degree of such relationship; and the facts that individuals are more easily grouped into species limited by characters, than into varieties, or than species are into limitable genera or groups of higher value, and that the relationships of species are transmitted hereditarily in a very eminent degree, are the strongest appearances in favor of species being original creations, and genera, etc., arbitrarily limited groups of these.

The difference between varieties and species and genera in respect to definable limitation is however one of degree only, and if increased materials and observation confirm the doctrine which I have for many years labored to establish, that far more species are variable, and far fewer limitable, than has been supposed, that hypothesis will be proportionally strengthened which assumes species to be arbitrarily limited groups of varieties. With the view of ascertaining how far my own experience in classification will bear out such a conclusion, I shall now endeavor to review, without reference to my previous conclusions, the impressions which I have derived from the retrospect of twenty years' study of plants. During that time I have classified many large and small Floras, arctic, temperate and tropical, insular and continental: embracing areas so extensive and varied as to justify, to my apprehension, the assumption that the results derived from these would also be applicable to the whole vegetable kingdom. I shall arrange these results successively under three heads; viz., facts derived from a study of classification; secondly, from distribution; thirdly, from fossils; after which I shall examine the theories with which these facts should harmonize.

§2. On the General Phenomena of Variation in the Vegetable Kingdom.

1. All vegetable forms are more or less prone to vary as to their sensible propertics, or (as it has been happily expressed in regard to all organisms), "they are in a state of unstable equili brium."* No organ is exactly symmetrical, no two are exact

* Essays: Scientific, Political, and Speculative; by Herbert Spencer: p. 280.

counterparts, no two individuals are exactly alike, no two parts of the same individual exactly correspond, no two species have equal differences, and no two countries present all the varieties of a species common to both, nor are the species of any two countries alike in number and kind.

2. The rate at which plants vary is always slow, and the extent or degree of variation is graduated. Sports even in color are comparatively rare phenomena, and, as a general rule, the best-marked varieties occur on the confines of the geographical area which a species inhabits. Thus the scarlet Rhododendron (R. arboreum) of India inhabits all the Himalaya, the Khasia Mountains, the Peninsular Mountains, and Ceylon; and it is in the centre of its range (Sikkim and the Khasia) that these mean forms occur which by a graduated series unite into one variable species, the rough, rusty-leaved form of Ceylon, and the smooth, silvery-leaved form of the northwestern Himalaya. A white and a rose-colored sport of each variety is found growing with the scarlet in all these localities, but everywhere these sports are few in individuals. Also certain individuals flower earlier than others, and some occasionally twice a year, I believe in all localities.

3. I find that in every Flora all groups of species may be roughly classified into three large divisions: one in which most species are apparently unvarying; another in which most are conspicuously varying; and a third which consists of a mixture of both in more equal proportions. Of these the unvarying species appear so distinct from one another that most botanists agree as to their limits, and their offspring are at once referable by inspection to their parents; each presents several special characters, and it would require many intermediate forms to effect a graduated change from any one to another. The most varying species, on the contrary, so run into one another, that botanists are not agreed as to their limits, and often fail to refer the offspring with certainty to their parents, each being distinguished from one or more others by one or a few such trifling characters, that each group may be regarded as a continuous series of varieties, between the terms of which no hiatus exists suggesting the intercalation of any intermediate variety. The genera Rubus, Rosa, Salix, and Saxifraga, afford conspicuous examples of these unstable species; Veronica, Campanula, and Lobelia, of comparatively stable ones.

4. Of these natural groups of varying and unvarying species, some are large and some small; they are also variously distrib uted through the classes, orders, and genera of the Vegetable Kingdom; but, as a general rule, the varying species are relatively most numerous in those classes, orders, and genera which

are the simplest in structure.* Complexity of structure is generally accompanied with a greater tendency to permanence in form: thus Acotyledons, Monocotyledons, and Dicotyledons are an ascending series in complexity and in constancy of form. In Dicotyledons, Salices, Urtice, Chenopodiaceae, and other orders with incomplete or absent floral envelops, vary on the whole more than Leguminosa, Lythraceae, Myrtaceae, or Rosacea, yet members of these present, in all countries, groups of notoriously varying species, as Eucalyptus in Australia, Rosa in Europe, and Lotus, Epilobium, and Rubus in both Europe and Australia. Again, even genera are divided: of the last named, most or all of the species are variable; of others, as Epacris, Acacia, and the majority of such as contain upwards of six or eight species, a larger or smaller proportion only are variable. But the prominent fact is, that this element of mutability pervades the whole vegetable kingdom; no class nor order nor genus of more than a few species claims absolute exemption, whilst the grand total of unstable forms generally assumed to be species probably ex

ceeds that of the stable.

5. The above remarks are equally applicable to all the higher divisions of plants. Some genera and orders are as natural, and as limitable by characters, as are some species; others again, though they contain many very well-marked subordinate plans of construction, yet are so connected by intermediate forms with otherwise very different genera or orders, that it is impossible to limit them naturally. And as some of the best marked and limited species consist of a series of badly marked and illimitable varieties, so some of the most naturalt and limitable orders

* Mr. Darwin, after a very laborious analysis of many Floras, finds that the species of large genera are relatively more variable than those of small; a result which I was long disposed to doubt, because of the number of variable small genera and the fact that monotypic genera seldom have their variations recorded in systematic works, but an examination of his data and methods compels me to acquiesce in his statement. It has also been remarked (Bory de Saint-Vincent, Voy. aux Quatre Iles de l'Afrique) that the species of islands are more variable than those of continents, an opinion I can scarcely subscribe to, and which is opposed to Mr. Darwin's facts, inasmuch as insular Floras are characterized by peculiar genera, and by having few species in proportion to genera. Bisexual trees and shrubs are generally more variable than unisexual, which however is only a corollary from what is stated above regarding plants of simple structure of flower. On the whole, I think herbs are more variable than shrubby plants, and annuals than perennials. It would be curious to ascertain the relative variableness of social and scattered plants. The individuals of a social plant, in each area it is social upon, are generally very constant, but individuals from different areas often differ much. The Pinus sylvestris, Mughus, and uncinata are cases in point, if considered as varieties of one; as are the Cedars of Atlas, Algeria, and the Himalaya.

It should be borne in mind that the term natural, as applied to orders or other groups, has often a double significance; every natural order is so in the sense of each of its members being more closely related to one or more of its own group than to any of another; but the term is often used to designate an easily limited natural order, that is, one whose members are so very closely related to each other by conspicuous peculiarities that its differential characters can be expressed, and itself

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