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2. On the direct eonversion of lactic into propionic acid.-The conversion of lactic into propionic acid was first observed by Ulrich who obtained chloropropionic acid by distilling lactic acid with perchlorid of phosphorus. Lautemann has succeeded in a more direct transformation of lactic acid by the agency of iodid of hydrogen. When concentrated lactic acid is diluted with half its volume of water and the cooled liquid is saturated with iodohydric acid gas, iodine is set free and if the liquid is heated in a closed tube to 140° C. iodine is separated in quantity. The filtered liquid neutralized with potash and then distilled with dilute sulphuric acid yields propionic acid mixed with some iodine and iodohydric acid which are easily separated by carbonate of silver. The reaction which yields propionic acid is expressed by the equation

C6H5(HO2)04+2HI= C6H6O4+2HO+I.
Propionic acid.

Lactic acid.

The same result may be still more easily obtained by distilling lactic acid with biniodid of phosphorus when propionic acid passes over colored by free iodine. Lautemann considers these results as confirming Kolbe's view that lactic acid is propionic acid in which one equivalent of hydrogen is replaced by one of the compound radical HO2.—Ann. der Chem. und Pharm., exiii, 217.

3. On the Formation of Alanin from Lactic Acid.- STRECKER's, discovery that alanin may be converted into lactic acid by the action of nitrous acid is familiar to chemists. Kolbe has succeeded in effecting the reverse process, that is, in obtaining alanin from lactic acid. Lactate of lime is to be converted into chlorid of propionyl by distillation with perchlorid of phosphorus and this by treatment with absolute alcohol into chloropropionic ether. The ether is then to be treated with a concentrated solution of ammonia in a closed tube for several hours. The solution on evaporation gives a mixture of sal-ammoniac and alanin which are easily separated. The reaction in this case is expressed by the equation

C6H4ClОз, C4H50+2NH3+2H0=C6H4(NH2)O3, HO+NH4Cl+ C4H5O, HO.

Ann. der Chem. u. Pharm., cxiii, 220.

4. On the Constitution of Lactic Acid-KOLBE has communicated a very interesting discussion of this subject, maintaining his view that lactic acid is monobasic and is to be regarded as oxypropionic acid. We must however refer to the original paper which does not admit of condensation.—Ann, der Chem. und Pharm., cxiii, 223.

5 Contributions to the Chemistry of the Platinum-metals.-CLAUS has continued his investigations of this most difficult subject and has obtained many new and interesting results, the most important of which we shall here state.

In the present paper, the author confines his attention chiefly to ruthenium and its analogies with osmium. The hydrated deutoxyd of ruthenium has the formula RuO2+5HO and may be obtained either by digesting the corresponding chlorid with carbonate of potash and washing the oxyd with boiling water, or by precipitating the sulphate of the oxyd with potash or soda. The sulphate in question may be prepared by oxydizing the sulphid with nitric acid. The oxyd when freshly precipi


tated is a slimy ochre-colored substance which dries to a rust colored mass resembling hydrated sesquioxyd of iron. It dissolves in acids with a bright yellow color, and gives on heating with chlorhydric acid, a beautiful red solution of the chlorid. When heated to 300 C. the oxyd loses a portion of its water, and when more strongly heated, explodes in consequence of the instantaneous separation of the remaining water.

The author describes in full the double salts RuCl2, KCI and RuCl2, NH4Cl and gives their reactions with the usual reagents. Ruthenium forms, like osmium, an acid containing four equivalents of oxygen, as well as the ruthenic acid RuOs already described by Claus. To this acid Claus gives the name of hyper-ruthenic acid; it may be prepared by passing a current of chlorine into an alkaline solution of ruthenic acid, prepared by fusing metallic ruthenium with caustic potash and saltpetre.


The hyper-ruthenic acid, being volatile, distils over, and may be collected in a receiver. The new acid is a golden yellow crystalline and volatile substance. On gentle heating, it melts into golden yellow drops, which again solidify as a crystalline mass. The acid is volatile and evaporates at ordinary temperatures; its gas has a golden yellow color, and the acid has a peculiar smell which resembles that of nitrous acid. The gas irritates the lungs and produces a cough, but does not attack the eyes, like osmic acid. It has little taste, but is somewhat astringent, though not acid. Its boiling point lies not far above 100° C.

The acid is very easily reduced. In the moist state its solution is decomposed after a few hours, with formation of the sesquioxyd. Alcohol and the greater number of organic bodies easily reduce it. Potash dissolves the acid slowly, but the solution passes after a time into one of ruthenate of potash. The author gives the relations of this body to other reagents in detail, but for these we must refer to the original memoir.

When a solution of RuCl2, NH4Cl is evaporated to dryness with an excess of ammonia, the chlorid of a new base is formed, the formula of which, according to Claus, is 2NHs. RuCl+3HO. The salt has an Isabel yellow color, and crystallizes in rhombic tables, which are soluble in water and yield on heating pure metallic ruthenium. When this chlorid is digested with an excess of freshly prepared oxyd of silver, it yields a solution of the oxyd. On evaporation, this solution gives a rather porous, yellow, crystalline mass; this base appears to be even more caustic than caustic potash itself. The author promises a more complete description of this interesting base, as well as additional contributions to the chemical history of iridium and rhodium.-Journâl für prakt. Chemie. vol. lxxix, 28, January 31st.

6. Synthesis of new Bases containing Oxygen.-WURTZ has observed the remarkable and important fact that oxyd of ethylene C4H4O2 combines directly with ammonia, forming very well defined and powerful bases. When concentrated aqueous ammonia is mixed with oxyd of ethylene and the mixture is allowed to stand, combination ensues with a strong evolution of heat. On evaporation an alkaline syrup is obtained which gives with chlorohydric acid a solution from which colorless rhombohedra separate. These have the formula C12H1SNO6+HCI: the platinum salt is C12H15NO6, HCI+PtCl. The mother liquor of these rhombohedra contains another chlorid, the platinum salt of which has the formula—

CHINO4, HC1+PtCla. The formation of these bases is indicated by the equations


These results may perhaps lead to the discovery of the true constitution of the complex organic alkaloids containing oxygen. They appear to show that Berzelius' view that the alkaloids are conjugates of ammonia may be true in some cases at least.-Comptes Rendus, xlix, 898.

7. On a new series of Alcohols.-WURTZ has also found that oxyd of ethylene unites with water to form new alcohols which he terms diethylene and triethylene alcohols. The reactions involved are represented simply by the equations

C4H4O2+2H0 C4H6O4. Glycol.

C4H4O2+2HO=C8H1006. Diethylene-alcohol.

3C4H4O2+2H0=C12H14O8. Triethylene-alcohol.

Oxyd of ethylene also unites directly with glycol so as to form the diethylene and triethylene alcohols. The equations are

2C4H4O2+C4H604 C12H1409.
C4H4O2+C4H604 C8H10O6.

All these substances behave like alcohols. The diethylene alcohol was also discovered by Lourenço and called by him the intermediate ether of glycol.-Comptes Rendus, xlix, 813.

8. Researches on the Platinum metals; from a letter of Dr. WOLCOTT GIBBS to one of the editors." The completion of my researches on the platinum metals has been delayed much longer than I expected. This has arisen partly from the intrinsic difficulty of the subject and partly from its expansion in particular directions in a very unexpected manner. A brief sketch of the results already obtained-imperfect as they aremay perhaps interest you.

The osmium-base of which Dr. Genth and myself published a brief notice about two years since in the Journal, proves to be the type of a very extensive series of compounds which promise to be of much theoretic interest. You will remember that the chlorid of that base is produced when osmite of potash, KO, OsO3, is added to a solution of salammoniac. I now find that new complex bases are formed when the osmite is added to solutions of the chlorids of narcotin-ammonium, cinchonin-ammonium, &c., &c.; in short, almost all the complex alkaloids which I have yet tried give analogous bases containing osmium in the radical. The new bases are very easily decomposed with evolution of osmic acid. They are more stable in the presence of an excess of chlorhydric acid and give crystalline double salts with the chlorids of gold and platinum.

These however are not the only or even the most remarkable basic compounds which I have discovered. Many of the ammonia-metal bases already described are capable of forming new bases into which osmium enters either as a conjugate body or as replacing hydrogen. When, for instance, osmite of potash is added to a solution of the chlorid of pallad-diamin, 2NHz. PdCl, a yellowish brown solution is formed

which on addition of chlorhydric acid gives a beautiful yellow crystalline precipitate insoluble in cold water and containing palladium, osmium and the elements of ammonia.

When osmite of potash is added to a solution of chlorid or sulphate of luteocobalt, 6NH3. Co2Cl3 or 6NH3. Co2O3. 3SO3, a buff-yellow precipitate is thrown down, which on addition of HCl gives a wine-yellow solution. This solution after a short time deposits beautiful crystals of the chlorid of a new base containing osmium, cobalt, and the elements of ammonia. The chlorid gives well crystallized salts with the chlorids of platinum, gold and mercury. Its solution is decomposed by gentle heating, osmic acid being evolved while a black powder is thrown down.

The other ammonia-cobalt bases give analogous compounds which however are decomposed almost as soon as formed. It is my intention if possible to examine the relations of osmite of potash to one or two of the arsenic and antimony bases, as for example to the chlorids having the formulas (C4H5)4AsCl and (C4H6)4SbCl.

When ammonia is added to a solution of osmite of potash, the red color of the latter passes immediately to wine-yellow. Fremy supposes that an osmiamid is formed here having the formula OsO2. H2N. I find that the product is a new osmium base, the chlorid of which is formed at once by neutralizing the yellow solution with HCl. This chlorid has probably the formula NC, though it may be UNCI,

H3 OsO2


NCI. In like manner I am still doubtful whether the true formula of the other ammonia-osmium base is 2NH3. Os02.0 or 2NH3. OsO+2HO. Experiments now making will decide this point. Meantime I may say that I do not agree with Claus in considering the formula 2NH3. ÓsO2. O improbable since we have many analogous cases, as for instance in xanthocobalt and flavocobalt, the formulas of the chlorids of which are, you will remember,

NO2. 5NH3. Co2 O. Cl2 and 2NO2. 5NH3. Co2 O. Cl2.

The chlorid 2NH3. OsO2. Cl or 2NH3. OsCl+2HO is decomposed by boiling with chlorhydric acid, giving sal-ammoniac and a new chlorid which is perhaps identical with that just mentioned. This is easily explained by the equation

2NH3. OsCl+HCl=NH3. OsCl+NH4Cl,

and the decomposition would then be exactly analogous to that of pallad-diamin under the same circumstances

2NH3. PdCl+HCl=NH3. PdCl+NH1 Cl.

I hope soon to decide these questions by experiment and analysis, but the analyses are very difficult and tedious, and I have to feel my way and find out new methods for almost every determination.

You will see from the above that osmium is likely to become one of the most interesting of the elements, and that it is capable of forming an extraordinary number and variety of compounds. I am also very busy with the remarkab e class of double nitrites which I described at the meeting of the Am. Association for the Advancement of Science in August last. There are still some difficulties to be overcome, but I am

confident that I shall be able to effect a perfect separation of all the metals of the platinum group. The white iridium salt appears to have the formula Ir2 03.2NO3+3KO. NO3, but it contains a small quantity of chlorine which may be essential. Its stability and insolubility are very remarkable, and will I think prove of great value in separating iridium from the other metals. The corresponding salts of the other metals of the group appear to be all soluble. The ruthenium salt is soluble even in alcohol and ether, and gives with sulphid of ammonium a magnificent red solution. This is by far the most delicate test for ruthenium yet discovered as the reaction is peculiar to that metal. Claus' beautiful reactions with sulphocyanid of potassium and sulphydric acid are much inferior for qualitative purposes."

New York, March 30, 1860.


9. Solution of Cellulose in Ammonio-oxyd of copper.-Some time since ERDMANN, in his Journal für praktische Chemie (lxxvi, 386) expressed the opinion that cellulose is not really dissolved by cuprate of ammonia, as stated by SCHWEIZER (ibid, lxxii, 109), but only swollen to a sort of thin mucilage like the well known limpid "solution" of starch.

This view was based upon the fact that when a clear solution of cellulose in NH3 CuO is diluted with a large excess of water, the cellulose separates entirely in the course of a few days.

In defense of his original statement Schweizer now urges that the cellulose must be really dissolved by ammonio-oxyd of copper: since its fibres are unquestionably destroyed when this reagent comes in contact with them-as may be distinctly seen with the microscope; and since the cellulose precipitated from a solution of cotton in the above mentioned reagent no longer exhibits any trace of definite structure.

A solution of cotton in NH3 CuO may also be filtered perfectly clear-although this operation is somewhat difficult when large quantities of the liquid are operated upon. The solution is moreover capable of passing through the cell membranes of plants as shown by CRAMER (ibid, lxxiii, 6).

The destruction of the solvent power of the cuprate of ammonia by dilution appears to depend upon alterations which this compound itself undergoes under certain circumstances. It often happens that a solution of ammonio-oxyd of copper which at first dissolved cotton with the greatest ease gradually loses this power even when kept in carefully closed vessels completely filled with the liquid. It is moreover well known to chemists that solutions of ammonio-oxyd of copper, and of the ammoniocopper salts, undergo decomposition when diluted with large quantities of water;-hydrate of copper being precipitated.

This decomposing influence which water exerts upon solutions of the compound of ammonia and oxyd of copper is in the opinion of Schweizer the cause of the gradual precipitation of cellulose from such solutions when these are largely diluted.-Journal für praktische Chemie, lxxviii, 370; compare also CRAMER, ibid. lxxiii, 1, et seq.

10. Decoloration of Indigo by Sesquioxyd of Iron.-According to KUHLMANN, when a solution of blue indigo is acted upon at the temperature of 150° (C.) by hydrated oxyd of iron its color is, almost immediately, completely destroyed. The same thing occurs with a number of other coloring matters.-In noticing this fact BARRESWIL suggests that persul

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