Liturgy, Time, and the Politics of RedemptionRandi Rashkover, C. C. Pecknold Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing, 5 окт. 2006 г. - Всего страниц: 254 Many theologians contend that liturgical texts and rituals have important implications for our public life together. Liturgy, Time, and the Politics of Redemption advances a timely conversation about the place of "religious reasoning" in public discourse by attending to the way the scriptures are liturgically performed in Jewish and Christian communities. It includes diverse examinations of liturgy -- of interest to theologians, philosophers, and clergy -- and brings Jewish and Christian thinkers into conversation, showing parallels in these traditions' liturgical reasoning and opening new possibilities for Jewish-Christian relations. Contributors:Scott Bader-Saye Oliver Davies Robert Gibbs Steven Kepnes Shaul Magid Peter Ochs C. C. Pecknold Ben Quash Randi Rashkover Graham Ward Samuel Wells |
Politics and Liturgical Practice | 29 |
Morning Prayer as Redemptive Thinking | 50 |
Providence and Politics | 91 |
Rosenzweigs Liturgical Reasoning as Response | 112 |
Rolling the Scroll | 127 |
The Trisagion and the Liturgical Untilling of Time | 141 |
Esther and the Practices | 167 |
The Seven Wedding Blessings | 188 |
Cosmic Speech and the Liturgy of Silence | 215 |
Contributors | 245 |
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action agent argues Augustine Balthasar Barth become body Book of Esther Book of Revelation bride bridegroom Christ Christian act chuppah Church Confessing Church context covenantal created creation creature Derrida desire discourse divine earth essay eternal Ethics Eucharist Eugen Rosenstock-Huessy experience faith Franz Rosenzweig God’s halakhic Haman holy human imagination improvisation interpretation Isaiah Israel Jesus Jewish and Christian Jewish-Christian Jews Judaism judge judgments kabbalistic language liturgical living male marriage means mediation ment messianic modern Mordecai Morning Prayer narrative object offer oral law overaccepting participation politics of redemption practice praise propositional logic providence Psalm Rabbi reality redeemed relation Revelation ritual Rosenzweig scriptural scroll sense seven blessings Shabbat Shneur Zalman silence Sinai social Soloveitchik song speak story suggest temporality Theo-Drama theology things tion TMKHS Torah tradition transformation Trisagion University Press vision voice wedding Word worship wounds YHVH Zaddik