STATE CENTENNIAL COMMISSION JOHN W. BUNN BEN F. CALDWELL EDWIN L. CHAPIN JAMES A. CONNOLLY JAMES A. CREIGHTON SHELBY M. CULLOM J OTIS HUMPHREY WILLIAM JAYNE EDWARD D. KEYS ALFRED ORENDORFF NICHOLAS ROBERTS JAMES A. ROSE EDGAR S. SCOTT LAWRENCE Y. SHERMAN PHILIP BARTON WARREN LINCOLN CENTENNIAL ASSOCIATION [INCORPORATORS] HON. MELVILLE W. FULLER, Chief Justice U. S. Supreme Court HON. SHELBY M. CULLOM, U. S. S. HON. ALBERT J. HOPKINS, U. S. S. HON. JOSEPH G. CANNON, M. C. HON. ADLAI E. STEVENSON HON. CHARLES S. DENEEN, Governor HON. JOHN P. HAND, Chief Justice Sup. Court HON. J OTIS HUMPHREY, Judge U. S. Dist. Court HON. JAMES A. ROSE, Secretary of State HON. BEN F. CALDWELL, M. С. HON. RICHARD YATES MELVILLE E. STONE, Esq., New York JOHN W. BUNN, Esq. DR. WILLIAM JAYNE SUMMARY The memorial exercises, celebrating the one hundredth anniversary of the birth of Abraham Lincoln, were held under the general direction of the State Centennial commission, working in conjunction with the Lincoln Centennial association, (incorporated) and consisted of a number of distinct events so arranged as not to conflict with each other as to date or purpose. Each separate event was a distinct success and the numbers in attendance were limited in every instance by the capacity of the buildings in which the exercises were held. The more important events included in these memorial exercises were as follows: The Armory meeting, at which addresses were made by Ambassadors Jusserand and Bryce and by Senator Dolliver and Mr. Bryan, and a banquet served to 800 guests; The Tabernacle meeting, earlier in the day, at which an audience of 10,000 was addressed by the same distinguished speakers; The religious services held at St. John's Evangelical Lutheran church (formerly the First Presbyterian church where Mr. Lincoln worshiped while living in Springfield) at which Rev. Dr. Thomas D. Logan delivered the principal address; The Grand Army meeting at which a Lincoln tree was planted in the Court House square by the veterans, after which ceremony they marched to the Lincoln tomb, served as a Guard of Honor during the day and, in a body, attended the banquet at night; The Sons of the American Revolution meeting, at which addresses were delivered by Judges Cartwright and Creighton and a memorial tablet, marking the site of the old Lincoln law office, was unveiled at 109 North Fifth street; The Daughters of the American Revolution meetting, consisting of a reception at the old Lincoln home and a luncheon served at the rooms of the Young Men's Christian association; The State Historical society meeting in the library at the State Capitol including a reception and addresses; The High School meeting, the principal feature of which was the address of Gen. John W. Noble of St. Louis; An informal reception at the Executive Mansion at which the guests of the commission together with State officials, Justices of the Supreme Court and others paid their respects to Governor and Mrs. Deneen; A visit to the Lincoln tomb participated in by the guests of the commission, as well as by State and city officials and many citizens of Springfield; An informal luncheon served at the home of the Illini Country Club in honor of the city's guests. |