O Jesus, Thou hast made known to us another death, beside that, which separates the soul from the body. O may thy grace and mercy secure us from the bitter pains of eternal death! Luke vii. 7. Say the word, and my servant shall be healed. I acknowledge, O Jesus, the almighty power of thy grace, to beal all the disorders of my soul; O deal with me according to the multitude of thy mercies, and heal my soul of its sad disorders. John iii. 24. God is a spirit; and they, that worship him, must worship him in spirit and in truth. Give me, O Jesus, an inward disposition to holiness, a humble and contrite heart, dependance on the will of God, acknowledgment of his goodness, and zeal for his glory; to which all the ordinances of his law and gospel should lead us. Good use of Time. Grant, O Lord, that, as I have but a short time to live, and an eternal interest depending, I may not squander away one moment in vanity, or in that, which will not profit me in the day of adversity. Rom. xi. 16. Blindness in part is happened to Israel, until the fulness of the Gentiles be come in; so all Israel shall be saved. O God, the God of Abraham, look upon thy everlasting covenant; cause the captivity of Judah and of Israel to return. They were thy people; O be Thou their Saviour, that all, who love Jerusalem, and mourn for her, may rejoice with her, for Jesus Christ's sake, their Saviour and ours. May I, O Jesus, love the truths of thy word; make the gospel my delight; and continue in the practice of them to my life's end! In time of public distraction. O Sovereign Lord, I prostrate myself before Thee, confessing my own sin, and acknowledging the justice of any scourge, which Thou shalt bring upon us; and trembling, to think how much I may have contributed toward it; beseeching Thee to have compassion on us in these days of confusion. O Lord, prevent the judgments, that threaten us; purge this nation from all such crimes, as may be the cause of thy heavy displeasure against us; from whoredom and drunkenness ; from swearing, lying, and perjury; from sacrilege, injustice, fraud, disobedience, malice, and uncharitableness. Take from among us the spirit of atheism, irreligion, and profaneness; and in mercy rebuke and convert all such, as give encouragement or countenance to any of these vices, which may provoke Thee to give us up to infidelity or destruction. Olet thy anger be turned away from us; give us not over unto the will of our adversaries, and I unto such, as strive to bring all things into confusion. Preserve thy Church in the midst of all dangers, and restore unto us peace and unity; and grant us grace, to make a better use of these blessings in time to come, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen. We complain of oppression; of our laws being perverted and trampled upon; of arbitrary government, &c. Let us not be wiser, than God, who judges these things to be necessary, to exercise the good, to punish the wicked, to reclaim the sinner, to recover those, that are going astray, and to make all serious. Let us not impeach the ways of God, who brings good out of evil; but reverence and submit to his will, wisdom, and justice. Isaiah lxii. 6. Ye, that are the Lord's remembrances, keep not silence; give him no rest, till he establish and till he make Jerusalem (his Church) a praise on the earth. Thy kingdom come. Though we are altogether unworthy of the good times, Thou hast promised thy Church, yet, we beseech Thee, deprive us not of them. O Lord, hear; O Lord, forgive; O Lord, hearken; and do not defer these good days, for thy own sake, O our God. We hope the day is coming, when all the world will come, and worship Thee, O God. See Jer. xxxi. Christ's Patience. What sorrows did he undergo, and with what patience did he suffer them! Patient, when Judas betray him with a kiss; patient, when Caiaphas despitefully used him; patient, when hurried from one place to another; patient, when Herod with his men of war set him at nought; patient, when Pilate so unrighteously condemned him; patient, when scourged, and crowned with thorns; patient, when his cross was laid upon him, when he was reviled, reproached, scoffed at, and every way abused. Lord Jesus, grant me patience, after this example, to bear thy holy will in all things. Christ's love and charity. Where shall we take our pattern, but from Thee? Thou callest thy followers thy friends. Thou didst stoop down to wash their feet, who were not worthy to untie thy shoe. Thou didst forgive and restore Peter, when he had abjured Thee. Thou didst vouchsafe to satisfy Thomas, who would not believe, but upon his own terms. Thou didst forgive and pray for thy bloody persecutors. O thou Fountain and Pattern of love, grant that I may love Thee, above all things, and my neighbour, as myself. : SATURDAY MEDITATIONS. PREPARATION for DEATH. Deut. xxxii. 29. O that they were wise, that they would consider their latter end. John ix. 4. The night cometh, when no man can work. A Very gracious intimation. Lord, grant that I may never forget it; and that now, now is the time, in which to provide for eternity. What a wise man, when he comes to die, would wish he had done, that he ought to do forthwith; for death is at hand, and the consequences of a surprise most dreadful. He will then wish, if he have not done it, with all his soul, First, that he had made a just and Christian settlement of his worldly concerns; so as not to be distracted with the cares of this world, when all his thoughts should be upon another. Secondly, that he had made his peace with God by timely repentance. Thirdly, that he had faithfully discharged the duties of his calling. Fourthly, that he had weaned his affections from things temporal, and loosened the ties, which fasten us to the world. Fifthly, that he had crucified the flesh with |