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its affections and lusts; so that, being weary of this life, he might be more desirous of a better.

Sixthly, that by acts of justice, mercy, charity, and alms, he may be entitled to the mercy of God at the hour of death.

Seventhly, that he had gotten such habits of patience and resignation to the will of God during his health, as might render death, with all the train of miseries leading to it, less frightful and amazing.

Eighthly, that by constant practice of devotion prepartory for death, he had learned what to pray for, what to hope for, and what to depend on in his last sickness.

This, gracious Lord, is what I wish for, what I pray for, and what I purpose shall be the constant practice of my life. Amen.

2 Kings xx. 1. Set thine house in order, for thou shalt die, and not live.

May God, who has every way provided for me, and put it into my power to be just to all men, charitable to the poor, grateful to my friends, kind to my servants, and a benefactor to the public; may He add this to all his favors, and grant that in making my last will I may faithfully discharge all these engagements; and that for want of this no curse may cleave to myself, nor to any thing, I shall leave behind Amen.


But above all things I beg of Thee, O God, to enable me to set my inward house, my soul, in order, before I die.


Give me true repentance for all the errors of my life past, and stedfast faith in thy Son Jesus Christ; that my sins may be done away by thy mercy, and my pardon sealed in Heaven..

Prov. xxviii. 13. Whoso confesseth, and forsaketh his sin, shall have mercy.

Behold, O God, a creature, liable every mo ment to death, prostrate before Thee, begging, for Jesus Christ's sake, that faith and repentance, to which Thou hast promised mercy and pardon.

Discover to me, O Thou Searcher of hearts, the charge, that is against me; that I may know, and confess, and bewail, and abhor, and forsake, and repent of, all the evils, of which I have been guilty.

Have mercy upon me, most merciful Father, who desirest not the death of a sinner; for thy Son Jesus Christ's sake forgive me all, that is past.

O Blessed Advocate, who art able to save them forever, who come unto God by Thee, seeing Thou ever livest to make intercession for us, I put my cause into thy hands; let thy power defend me; thy blood and merits plead for me; supply all the defects of my repent nce; procure for me a full discharge of all my sins before I die; and by thy mighty grace confirm and strengthen me in all goodness during the remainder of my life, that my death may be a blessing to me, and that I may find mercy at the great day. Amen

Ephes. iv. 24. Put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

This, O God, is what I desire and purpose, by thy grace, to do; and do again renew the vows, which I have so often made and so often broken.

I renounce the devil and all his works; the vain pomp and glory of the world with all covetous desires of the same, and the carnal desires of the flesh, resolving, by thy grace, neither to follow, nor to be led by them.

O God, assist me, that neither sloth nor corruption may ever make me lay aside or forget these resolutions; but that I may live to Thee; be an instrument of thy glory by serving Thee faithfully; and that I may be found so doing, when thou art pleased to call me hence, for Jesus Christ's sake. Amen.

Col. iii. 2. Set your affections on things above, not on things on the earth.

May Almighty God, who alone can do it, effectually convince me of the vanity of all, that is desirable in this present life, that I may not, like an unbeliever, look for happiness here..

Give me, O Lord, perfect indifference to the world, its profits, pleasures, honors, fame, and all its idols.

Represent Thyself unto me, as my true happiness, that I may love Thee with all my heart, and soul, and strength; so that, when called out of this world, I may rejoice in hope of going to the Paradise of God, where the souls of the faithful enjoy rest and felicity, in hope of a blessed resurrection, through Jesus Christ our Saviour. Amen.'

Luke ix. 23. If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

Blessed Jesus, who pleasest not thyself, but tookest upon Thee the form of a servant, give me resolution to deny my inclinations for the good things of this world, even while I may command them; to subdue my corrupt affections, and to take revenge upon myself, for my intemperance, by mortification; for mispending my time, by retirement; for the errors of my tongue, by silence; and for all the sins of my life, by deep humiliation, patiently submitting to all the troubles, with which Thou shalt think fit to exercise or punish me; so that, being effectually weaned from this world, and weary of its corruptions, I may long to repose myself in the grave, in hope of a better life, through thy mercy and merits, O Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

1 Pet. iv. 8. Charity covereth the multitude of sins. Possess my soul, O God, with sincere love for Thee, and for all mankind.


no malice nor ill will abide in me. Give me grace to forgive all, who have offended me; and forgive my many offences against Thee, and against my neighbour.

Make me ever ready to give, and glad to distribute, that thy gifts, passing through my hands, may procure for me the prayers of the poor; and that I may lay up in store for myself a good foundation against the time to come, that I may attain eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Thy will be done.

Fortify my soul, blessed Jesus, with the same spirit of submission, with which Thou underwentest the death of the cross, that I may receive all events with resignation to the will of God; that I may receive troubles, afflictions, disappointments, sickness, and death itself, without amazement; these being the appointment of thy justice for the punishment of sin, and of thy mercy for the salvation of sinners.

Let this be the constant practice of my life, to be pleased with all thy choices, that, when sickness and death approach, I may be prepared to submit my will to the will of my Maker.

O that in the mean time my heart may always go along with my lips in this petition, THY WILL BE DONE. Amen.

Heb. ix. 27.

It is appointed unto men once

to die; but after this the judgment. May the thoughts of death, and of what must follow, by the grace of God, mortify in me all carnal security, and fondness for this

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