Will When I am in heaviness, I will think upon God; when my heart is vexed, I will complain. Will the Lord absent himself forever? he be no more intreated? Hath God forgotten to be gracious? I said, it is my own infirmity; but I will remember the years of the right hand of the Most High. Luke xii. 33. Sell all, that ye have, and give to the poor. That is, renounce all the pleasures of wealth rather, than defraud the poor and distressed of their right. It is utterly impossible to take delight in wealth, and to love God with all the soul. Matth. xxv. 40. For as much (for as often) as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. As often! Who then would miss any occasion? The least! Who then would despise any object? To me! So that in serving the poor we serve Jesus Christ. O comfortable declaration. Mark ix. 41. Whosoever shall give you a cup of water to drink in my name, because ye be• long to Christ; verily he shall not loose his reward. This should always, if possible, be our intention; this poor, oppressed, miserable man belongs to Christ. This would wonderfully inhance the value of our good deeds before God. ALMS. 1 Cor. xiii. 3. And, though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and have not charity, it profitteth me nothing. If external acts of charity do not proceed from charity, that is, from love of God, and of our neighbour for his sake; they are nothing in the sight of God. My God, pour into my heart this most excellent gift of charity, the very bond of peace and of all virtue. Gal. vi. to. Let us do good unto all men. For our earthly things, O Lord, give us heav enly; for temporal, eternal. Luke iii. 11. He, that hath two coats, let him impart to him, that hath none. That is, let him, that hath plenty of the necessaries of life, let him give to him, that wants. The proportion of charity, appointed by God himself to his own. people for the relief of the poor, was every year a thirtieth part of their income, or a tenth every third year. This was the Jews proportion. He, that came short of this, was a breaker of the law, and without repentance and restitution had no hope of pardon. The Christian's proportion ought to be greater, as his hope and reward are greater. We should in all our charities direct our eye toward Christ in his members; it is this, which heightens the smallest gifts. Men reward, what is done on human motives; God, what is done for his sake. He, that for his good actions expects the applause of men, runs the hazard of loosing the reward of God. The poor are, as it were, the receivers of the rights and dues belonging unto God; we must have a care of defrauding them. Luke xi. 41. - But rather give alms of such things, as you have, (or as you are able) and all things are clean to you. That is, proportion your alms to your estate, lest God proportion your estate to your alms. It is a necessary Christian duty (whatever men think of it) to part with our worldly enjoyments for the sake of Christ. i The very best of men are only instruments in God's hands to receive and to give, what God bestows upon them. This they should do without any desire of glory or self interest. Let us make light of money, and send it before us into the heavenly treasures, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt ; but where it will be kept, to our eternal advantage, under the custody of God himself. Thou, O Lord, hast been all mercy to me; grant that I may be all mercy to others, for Christ's sake. Remember to give to those, that are ashamed to ask; and do not forget your poor relations, lest you be worse, than an infidel. Rom. xii. 18. He, that showeth mercy, let him do it with cheerfulness. The good Lord preserve me from vanity, and from seeking applause for my charity. Not unto me, but unto Thee, O God, be the thanks, and praise, and glory. The merits of the poor are not to be the rule of our charity. God himself maketh his sun to shine upon the evil and the good. If we would but moderate our vanity, we should always have enough for charity. Send thy blessing upon my substance, and continue to me a willing mind to help such, as have need, according to my ability. Good advise and devout petitions should accompany our charity. O God, who knowest the necessities of all thy creatures, give thy poor the spiritual graces, they need. Support thy poor members, O Jesus, under all their difficulties, and sanctify their bodily wants to the salvation of their souls. Lord, grant that they may bear their poor estate with patience and resignation, and that we may one day meet in the paradise of God. Jesus Christ is continually humbled in his mem ん SACRA PRIVATA. 125 bers; some are poor, in prison, sick, naked, hungry, &c. Let me, O Lord, see and help Thee in all these objects. A man, who has faith, will be glad to discharge. himself of some part of the burthen of the temporal goods, in order to secure those, that are eternal; and to be in some measure the preserver of his brethren. Psa. cxii. 5. A good (charitable) man will guide his affairs with discretion; that is, he will. retrench all needless expenses in apparel, diet, diversions, &c. that he may give to him, that needeth. Let your alms be in secret as much, as may be. Charity, or the love of God and our neighbour. It is but the first essay of charity to give alms. Whoever shows mercy to men, will certainly receive mercy from God. 1 John. iii. 15. Whosoever hateth his brother, is a murderer. A man has already killed him in his heart, whose life is grievous to him, and at whose death he would rejoice. 14. in death. He, that loveth not his brother, abideth Can we believe that God saith this, and delay one moment to be reconciled ? ( It is not enough to love cur brethren; we must L2 ハ |