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trusting in thy mercy and goodness, and promises in Jesus Christ, at the hour of death, and in the day of judgment. Amen.

Ephes. iv. 6. Let not the sun go down upon your wrath.

Lord, grant that I may lie down to sleep with the same charitable dispositions, with which I desire and hope to die.

I beseech thee for all my enemies; not for judgment and vengeance, but for mercy, for the remission of their sins, and for their eternal happiness.

Psa. xiii. 3. Lighten mine eyes, O Lord, that I sleep not in death.

Deliver me from the terrors of the night, and from the pestilence, that walketh in darkness. Let my sleep be free from sin; preserve me, Q Lord from evil dreams, and evil demons.

Into thy hands I commend myself, my spirit, soul, and body, O Lord, thou God of truth. Grant that I may remember Thee upon my bed.

Psa. iv. 9. I will lay me down in peace, and take my rest; for it is Thou, Lord, that makest me dwell in safety.

May the Saviour and Guardian of my soul take me under his protection this night and evermore L



A daily form of thanksgiving.

0 ALMIGHTY God and most merciful Father, who day after day dost minister to sinful man infinite occasions of praising Thee, accept my unfeigned thanks for all the blessings I have, and every day receive, from thy good providence.

That of thy own mere goodness, and without any merit of mine, or of my forefathers, Thou hast given me being from honest and religious parents, and in a part of the world, where the Christian religion is purely taught, and thy sacraments duly administered.

That Thou didst endue me with reason and perfect senses; and, to make these more comfortable to me, didst give me a sound and healthful body.

That Thou gavest me early knowledge of Thee, my Creator and Redeemer. That Thou hast preserved me ever since my birth, and hast vouchsafed me health and liberty, and a competency of means to support me.

That Thou hast redeemed me by thy Son, and given me a share in his merits; sanctified me by thy Holy Spirit, and hast heaped many favors upon me.

That Thou hast given me honest friends, to ad

monish, to consult, to encourage, and to support me, by their interest and advice.

That Thou hast been my refuge in tribulation, and my defence in all adversities; delivering me from dangers, infamy, and troubles. For all known and unobserved deliverances, and for the guard thy holy Angels keep over me, I praise thy good providence.

When I went astray, Thou didst reduce me; when I was sad, Thou didst comfort me; when I offended Thee, Thou didst forbear and gently correct me, and didst long expect my repentance, and when, for the grievousness of my sins, I was ready to despair, Thou didst keep me from utter ruin; Thou hast delivered me from the snares and assaults of the devil; Thou hast not only preserved my soul, but my body, from destruction, when sicknesses and infirmities took hold of me.


O Lord and Father, I cannot render due thanks and praise for all these mercies, bestowed upon me. Such, as I have, I give Thee; and humbly beseech Thee to accept this my daily sacrifice of thanksgiving.

Pardon, O God, all my former ingratitude; and that I have passed so many days without observing, without admiring, without acknowledging and confessing, thy wonderful goodness to the most unworthy of thy servants.

For (now I soberly consider my dependence upon Thee) as there is no hour of my life, that I do not enjoy thy favors, and taste thy good

ness; so (if my frailty would permit) I would spend no part of my life without remembering Thee.

Praise the Lord then, O my soul, and all, that is within me, praise his Holy Name.

Glory be to Thee, O Lord my Creator. Glory be to Thee, O Jesus, my Redeemer. Glory be to the Holy Ghost, my Sanctifier, my Guide, and Comforter.

All love, all glory be to the high and undivided Trinity, whose works are inseparable, whose dominion endureth world without end. Amen.

When I seriously consider, great God, my dependence upon thy Providence, and that the fa vors and mercies, I have received, are infinitely more in number, than the acknowledgments I have made, I am justly ashamed of my ingratitude, and afraid, lest my unthankfulness provoke Thee to hinder the current of thy blessings from descending upon me.

Forgive, O merciful Father, my past negli gence, and give me grace for time to come to observe and to value thy kindnesses, as becomes one, who has received so much more, than he deserves.

Preserve in my soul, O God so constant and clear a sense of my obligations to Thee, that upon receipt of every favor I may immediately turn my eyes to him, from whom cometh my sal vation. That thy manifold blessings may fix such impressions upon my soul, that I may always praise Thee faithfully here on earth, until


it shall please Thee, of thy unbounded mercy, to call me nearer the place of thy heavenly habitation, to praise my Lord and deliver to all eternity. PROVIDENCE.

God has more ways of providing for us, than we can possibly imagine; it is infidelity to desire to confine him to our ways and methods. Matth. viii. Lord, save us, we perish. Nothing can better express our own inability and our whole dependence upon God. Two sure conditions of obtaining help.

Since thy mercy, O God, is ever ready to help all, that call upon Thee in time of distress, let thy goodness answer my wants. Keep me under the protection of thy good providence, and make me to have perpetual fear and love of thy Holy Name, through Jesus Christ.

The more destitute we are of human aid, the more ought we to trust to that providence, which God is pleased to exert in extreme necessity. O God give me grace never to condemn thy providence; let me adore the wisdom of thy conduct, the holiness of thy ways, and the power of thy grace.

How many sins should we commit, if God did not vouchsafe to oppose our corrupt will! Blessed be his holy name for not leaving me to my own choice.

Psa. xc. 12. So teach us to number our

days, that we may apply our hearts unto wis


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