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" Soft and easy is thy cradle : Coarse and hard thy Saviour lay, When His birthplace was a stable And His softest bed was hay. "
Emma, Or The Little Child that Jesus Called - Стр. 59
авторы: Henry Washington Lee - 1849 - Страниц: 81
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The Poetical Works of Isaac Watts ...: Collated with the Best ..., Объемы 1-2

Isaac Watts - 1807 - Страниц: 410
...could be, When from Heaven he descended, ' And became a child like thce? Soft and easy is thy cradle : Blessed babe ! what glorious features, Spotless, fair, divinely bright ! Must he dwell with bnital creatures ! How could angels bear the sight? Was there nothing but a manger Cursed sinners could...
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A collection of hymns, for the use of the Protestant Church of the United ...

Moravians - 1809 - Страниц: 406
...attended Than the Son of God could be, When from heaven he descended, And became a child like thee. 4 Soft and easy is thy cradle, Coarse and hard thy Saviour...birth-place was a stable, And his softest bed was hay. 5 Was there nothing but a manger Cursed sinners could afford, To receive the heav'nly Stranger, Did...
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A Collection of Hymns: For the Use of the Protestant Church, of the United ...

Moravian Church - 1809 - Страниц: 428
...descended, And became a child like thee. When his birth-place was a stable, And bis softest bed was hay. 4 Soft and easy is thy cradle, Coarse and hard thy Saviour lay, 5 Was there nothing but a manger Cursed sinners could afford, To receive the heav'nly Stranger, .Did...
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Watts, A. Philips, West, Collins, Dyer, Shenstone, Young

Alexander Chalmers - 1810 - Страниц: 556
...attended Than the Son of God could be, When from Heaven he descended, And became a child like thee ! Soft and easy is thy cradle : Coarse and hard thy...birth-place was a stable, And his softest bed was bay. Blessed babe ! what glorious features, Spotless fair, divinely bright ! Must He dwell with brutal...
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The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper;: Watts, A. Philips ...

Samuel Johnson - 1810 - Страниц: 556
...attended Than the Son of God could be, When from Heaven he descended, And became a child like thai.- ! Soft and easy is thy cradle : Coarse and hard thy...Saviour lay : When his birth-place was a stable, And bis softest bed was bay. Blessed babe ! what glorious features, Spotless fair, divinely bright ! Must...
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The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper: Including ..., Том 13

Samuel Johnson - 1810 - Страниц: 556
...attended Than the Son of God could he, When from Heaven he descended, And hecame a child like thee ! Soft and easy is thy cradle: Coarse and hard thy Saviour lay : When his hirth-place was a stahle, And his softest hed was hay. Blessed hahe ! what glorious features, Spotless...
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Divine Songs, Attempted in Easy Language, for the Use of Children

Isaac Watts - 1800 - Страниц: 82
...How much better thou'rt attended Than the SON of GOD could be ; Soft and eafy is thy Cradle ; Coarfe and hard thy Saviour lay ; When his Birth-place was a Stable, And his fofteft Bed was Hfiy. Blefled Babe ! what glorious Features, Spotlefs fair, divinely bright ! Muft...
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The Works of the Rev. Isaac Watts D.D. in Nine Volumes, Том 9

Isaac Watts - 1813 - Страниц: 574
...attended Than the Son of God could be, When from heaven he descended And became a cbild like tb.ee. 4 Soft and easy is thy cradle : Coarse and hard thy...birth-place was a stable, And his softest bed was hay, 5 Blessed babe ! what glorious feature!, Spotless fair, divinely bright ! Must lie dwell with brutal...
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The new London reading made easy and spelling-book

London reading - 1820 - Страниц: 48
...a And his softest bed was Hay, Blessed babe, what glorious features, And became a Child like thee ? Soft and easy is thy Cradle, Coarse and hard thy Saviour lay, When his birth place was a Stable, And his softest bed was hay. Blessed babe, what glorious features. ly bright....
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Divine Songs for the Use of Children

Isaac Watts - 1824 - Страниц: 36
...child like thee ! Soft and easy is thy cradle ; Coarse andjiard thy Saviour lay, When his birWplace was a stable, And his softest bed was hay. Blessed...brutal creatures ? How could angels bear the sight ? Was there nothing but a manger, Cursed sinners could afford, To receive the heavenly stranger ? Did...
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