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LONDON Geological Society, Nov. 6.-Prof. Ramsay, F.R.S., P., in the chair. A Report by F. T. Gregory, Mining Land mmissioner in Queensland, on the recent discoveries of Tinin that Colony. According to this report, the district in eensland in which tin-ore has been discovered is situated out the head-waters of the Severn river and its tributaries, Emprising an area of about 550 square miles. The district is scribed as an elevated granitic table-land intersected by ranges abrupt hills, some attaining an elevation of about 3,000 feet ove the sea. The richest deposits are found in the beds of the eams and in alluvial flats on their banks, the payable ground rying from a few yards to five chains in extent. The aggregate gth of these alluvial bands is estimated at about 170 miles, 2 average yield per linear chain of the stream-beds at about ten as of ore (cassiterite). Numerous small stanniferous lodes have en discovered, but only two of much importance, namely, one ar Ballandean Head Station on the Severn; and another in a ef of red granite rising in the midst of metamorphic slates and ndstones at a distance of about six miles. The lodes run in rallel lines bearing about N. 50° E.; and one of them can be iced for a distance of nine or ten miles. The ore, according Mr. Gregory and Mr. D'Oyly Aplin, is always associated with d granite, i.e. "the felspar a pink or red orthoclase, and the ica generally black; but when crystals of tin-ore are found in tu, the mica is white." The crystals of tin-ore are generally und in and along the margins of quartz threads or veins in inds of loosely aggregated granitoid rock, but are sometimes nbedded in the micaceous portions. The report concludes with >me statements as to the present condition and prospects of the istrict as regards its population.-Observations on some of the cent Tin-ore discoveries in New England, New South Wales, y G. H. F. Ulrich. The district referred to by the author in the most northern part of the colony of New South Vales, almost immediately adjoining the tin-region of Queensand described in the preceding report. It forms a hilly levated plateau, having Ben Lomond for its highest point, early 4,000 feet above the sea-level. The predominant rocks re granite and basalt, enclosing subordinate areas composed of metamorphic slates and sandstones; the basalt has generally roken through the highest crests and points of the ranges, and pread in extensive streams over the country at the foot. The workings of the Elsmore Company, situated on the north-west ide of the Macintyre river, about twelve miles E. of the townhip of Inverell, include a granite range of about 250 feet in height, and nearly two miles in length. The granite of the range is micaceous, with crystals of white orthoclase, and is traversed by quartz veins which contain cassiterite in fine druses, seams, and scattered crystals, and by dykes of a softer granite, consisting chiefly of mica, and with scarcely any quartz, in which cassiterite is distributed in crystals, nests, and bunches, and also in irregular veins of several inches in thickness. This granite yields lumps of pure ore up to at least 50 lbs. in weight. The quartz veins contain micaceous portions which resemble the "Greisen" of the Saxon tin mines. The deepest shaft sunk in one of the quartz veins was about 60 feet in depth. The author noticed certain minerals found in association with the tin ore, and the peculiarities of the crystalline forms presented by the latter. In conclusion the author referred to the probability that a deficiency of water may prove a great obstacle to the full development of the tin-making industry in this district, but stated that "it seems not unlikely that the production of tin ore from this part of Australia will reach, if not surpass, that of all the old tin-mining countries combined."-"On the included Rockfragments of the Cambridge Upper Greensand." By W. Johnson Sollas and A. J. Jukes-Browne. The occurrence of numerous subangular fragments in the Upper Greensand formation was so far remarkable that it had already attracted the notice of two previous observers (Mr. Bonney and Mr. Seeley), who had both briefly hinted at the agency of ice. While ignorant of the suggestions of these gentlemen, the authors of this paper had been forced to the same conclusion. A descriptive list had been prepared of the most remarkable of the included fragments. The infallible signs of the Upper Greensand origin consisted in incrustations of Plicatula sigillum, Ostrea vesiculosa, and "CoproI e," without which, it was stated, the boulders would be undi tingishable from those of the overlying drift. The following gene ralisations were then put forward:-1. The stones are mostly

subangular; some consist of friable sandstones and shales, which could not have borne even a brief journey over the ocean bed. 2. Many are of large size, especially when compared with the fine silt in which they were imbedded; the stones and silt could not have been borne along by the same marine current. 3. The stones are of various lithological characters, and might be referred to granitic, schistose, volcanic, and sedimentary rocks, probably of Silurian, Old Red Sandstones, and Carboniferous age. Such strata are not found in situ in the neighbourhood, and the blocks must have come from Scotland or Wales. Numerous arguments were adduced in favour of their Scottish derivation. The above considerations, that numerous rock fragments, some of which are very friable, have been brought from various localiities and yet retain their angularity, were thought sufficient evidence for their transportation by ice; the majority showed no ice scratches, but the small proportion of scratched stones in the moraine matter borne away on an iceberg, and the small percentage of ice-scratched boulders in many deposits of glacial drift, show that the absence of these strix is not inconsistent with the glacial origin of the included fragments. Besides this the stones of the Greensand consisted of rock, from which ice marks would readily have been removed by the action of water. authors stated, however, that they had found more positive evidence in a stone which was unmistakably ice-scratched, consisting of a siliceous limestone, and preserved in the Woodwardian Museum. The fauna, so far as it proved anything, suggested a cold climate; though abundant, the species were dwarfed, in striking contrast to those of the Greensand of Southern England and the fauna of the succeeding Chalk. The authors concluded that a tongue of land separated the Upper Greensand sea into two basins, the northern of which received icebergs from the Scottish-Scandinavian chain; the climate of this was cold, that of the southern basin much warmer.



Academy of Sciences, Nov. 4.-M. Faye, President.The first paper read was by M. Becquerel, on the solar origin of atmospheric electricity. A large portion of the paper was preliminary, and contains a sketch of modern solar discoveries; the subject is to be continued.-M. Pasteur then read a note on the production of alcohol by fruits. His remarks referred to some experiments by M. Lechartier, who has found that alcohol is developed in fruit on simple keeping.-Another note by the same author followed, replying to some of M. Fremy's late assertions. To this M. Fremy replied, and was immediately answered by M. Pasteur, who demanded the appointment of a commission to examine his experiments, when M. Fremy arose and proposed that he, M. Pasteur, and M. Trécul should work in common. M. Dumas then stated that the Academy should grant the request of M. Pasteur. M. Wurtz supported M. Pasteur's demand, and M. Pasteur then asserted that he would not agree to M. Fremy's proposed joint work, and urged the appointment of a commission to examine the contested experimental evidence. After this the discussion dropped.-Another of MM. Favre and Valson's papers on crystalline dissociation was then read. The authors described a new method for the investigation of the " COercive" action of a salt on water at any temperature.-M. Faye then read a paper on Mr. L. Rutherfurd's lunar photographs. -Next came a report on a memoir by Dr. Dufossé on the noises and sounds which the sea and freshwater fish of Europe can hear. The report recommended that the thanks of the Academy should be awarded to the Doctor for his discoveries. M. Max Marie then presented a paper on the elementary theory of Integrals of any order, and of their periods. M. Becquerel then presented an addendum to M. E. Jannettaz's late note on the coloured rings of gypsum. The note by M. Jannettaz contained some additions to and corrections of his former communication.-M. D. Colladon then presented a note on the effects of lightning on trees, which was referred to the Lightning Conductor Commission. MM. Becquerel and Edm. Becquerel made some remarks on this paper in relation to the change in colour of stricken trees and flowers.-M. C. Dareste's third part of his paper on the osteological types of the osseous fishes followed, and was sent to the Anatomical and Zoological section.-M. Sainte-Claire Deville then presented a memoir by M. F. Fouqué on some new processes for the proximate analysis of minerals, and on their application to the lavas of the late cruption of Santorin. -The Phylloxera Commission next received a proposal from M. de Wissocq, proposing calcic sulphide and hydrosulphuric acid as remedies for the diseased vines.-M.

Yson Villarceau then presented the elements and ephemerides of the planet 125, calculated by M. G. Leveau. This planet was discovered by M. Henry at the Paris Observatory. Astronomers having powerful instruments are requested to observe it, and communicate their results, as it is exceeding difficult of observation. -M. Maurice Lévy then communicated a paper on the theory of equations of partial differences of the second order of two independent variables.-Next came a continuation of M. Th. du Moncel's paper on the accidental currents which are developed in telegraphic lines, of which one end remains insulated in air.-Next followed a note by M. P. Yvon on a photometer founded on the perception of relief, and a note on the action of a copper and cadmium couple on a solu tion of cadmic sulphate, by M. F. Raoult, and M. P. Havrez's paper on the formula for the laws of colour, and number of "Chevreulian" tints connected with the doses of different generating agents.-This long paper was followed by a note on the paces of horses, studied by the graphic method, by M. E. J. Marey. Several traces of trot and gallop movements accompanied the paper.-Mr. Grace Calvert sent a paper on the power of certain substances in stopping putrefaction and preventing protoplasmic life, which was then read, and followed by a note on the febrifugic and anteperiodic properties of the leaves of Laurus nobilis by M. A. Doran, and by a paper on the causes of intermittent fevers, and the means of preven tion and cure, by M. E. Ferrière-M. Picot then read a paper on the "antifermentescible" properties of sodic silicate. M. Ch. Robin presented a note by M. E. Dubrueil, on the Capreolus of Zonites Algirus. This was followed by a note by M. Carbonnier on the reproduction and development of the telescope fish. This fish is of Chinese origin, its name being Long-tsing-ya in Chinese (Cyprynus macrophthalmus Bloch). M. Claude Bernard then presented a note by M. L. Ranvier, on the annular strictures and inter-annular segments of the rays and cramp-fish. Another communication from M. Thomas on his asserted discovery of fluorine was submitted to the examination of M. Balard.-M. Le Baron Larrey presented an extract from M. Berenger-Féraud, naval surgeon-in-chief at Senegal, on the larvæ and flies (mouches) which are developed, in the human skin. At the conclusion of the paper M. Emile Blanchard made some remarks on it as regards the Cayor fly, no specimens of which have yet reached Europe. M. Chevreul then presented a copy of M. Paul de Gasparin's work on the "Valuation of Arable Land in the Laboratory;" and after some remarks from him on M. Gasparin's discovery of phosphoric acid in the subsoil waters of the Plain of Orange, the session was adjourned.

Nov. 11.-M. Faye, President.-The first paper was by Capt. Perrier on the determination of a great geodesical base in Algeria. -The President followed with a paper on the triangulation of Algeria for the new military map of the province.-M. Becquerel then read the second part of his paper on the solar origin of atmospheric electricity. He considers that the protuberances come from solar volcanoes, and that they are charged with positive electricity.-A letter from M. Faye to the author on his last paper followed.-M. Le Verrier then read a note on the determination of the secular variations of the elements of the four planets -Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.-Next came a paper by M. Trécul on the origin of the lactic and alcoholic ferments. The author is very severe on M. Pasteur, who, he states, if 999 experiments are favourable to spontaneous generation and one against it, adopts the one and rejects the 999. This, of course, drew a reply from M. Pasteur, and his reply an answer from M. Trécul.-M. Pasteur then read a note on M. Fremy's paper read at the session of Nov. 4. M. Fremy answered M. Pasteur's criticisms, and M. Pasteur in a few words of answer again demanded a commission of inquiry.-M. Dareste then presented the fourth part of his researches on the osseous fishes, after which two papers on aerostation, by M. Hopin and M. Lamole respectively, were sent to the commission on that subject. -MM. Paul and Prosper Henry then announced the discovery at Paris, on the night of November 5 and 6, of two planets-126 and 127 of the 11th and 115 magnitude respectively; and M. Yvon Villarceau then read a letter on the two planets by M. Stephan, who had received information and observed them at Marseilles.-Next came a paper by M. H. Durrande on the acceleration in the displacement of a system of points which remains homographic with itself. At the conclusion of this came a paper on "Chloride of Lime" (bleaching powder), by M. J. Kolb. The author gives a method of valuation of this important commercial product.-M. Balard then presented M.

Scheurer-Kestner's note on the loss of sodium in the pres of soda-ash by Le Blanc's process. The author decides. loss occurs in the "waste," and augments with the ex lime compounds.-M. Wurtz presented a note by M... chardat on the neutral combinations of Mannite and its by -M. L. de Saint-Martin presented some researches in tonin. This was followed by MM. Legros and Onima experimental researches on the physiology of the premcy nerve; and by an account of "Experimental Researches Functions of the Brain," by M. E. Fournie.-M. Broge presented MM. Renault and Grand'Eury's paper on the Botany of the Dictyoxylon and its specific attribus Béchamp then gave an account of some researches on the and transformation of mildews.-M. Pasteur presented by MM. G. Lechartier and F. Bellamy on the "Fr tion of Fruits."-M. A. Gaudin next read a note on Te arguments necessary to clear up the fermentation q after which came a note by M. A. Leclerc on the Estie: Manganese in soils and vegetables. After some observat the geometric markings of microscopic alga from M.j. the session was adjourned.



ROYAL SOCIETY, at 8.30.-On the Mechanical Conditions of the Be
Movements in Man: Dr. A. Ransome.-Further Exper. cuts on?':
Important Physiological Changes induced in the Human Em
Change of Climate: Dr. Rattray.-On Linear Diferental Eq
and VII: W. H. L. Russell, F. R.S.

LINNEAN SOCIETY, at 8-On the Composite of Bengal: CL
F.L.S. On Diversity of Evolution under one set of External Con
Rev. J T. Gulick.

CHEMICAL SOCIETY, at 8.-On some New Derivations of Anthra W. H. Perkin.

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T is one of the great attractions of the science of Botany, an attraction common to all the other branches of the study of Nature, that wherever we may happen to be, and under whatever circumstances, something interesting and suggestive is continually brought before the eye and mind educated to understand its teachings, and no true naturalist ought long to be in a difficulty seeking for a suitable subject for illustration. At this season of dearth of flowers I hold in my hand a basket of "Duchesse" pears. These have, after their kind, been plucked in France before they were ripe, and some few of them are hard, green, and flavourless; others are soft, full, and mellow, with a rich, delicate aroma-morsels fit for the gods-while others have gone too far, and show


-"little pitted speck on garner'd fruit, That rotting inward slowly moulders all."

If you will allow me, I will, during the few minutes still at my disposal, give you a brief sketch of what has been done of late towards the explanation of the two phenomena which are for the moment the most prominent in connection with these pears, their ripening, and their decay.

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early condition protoplasm, and increasing and multiplying by its agency; and afterwards containing other substances in addition, such as starch and sugar, the products of its assimilation and excretion. These masses of protoplasm with their investing membranes composing the so-called "cells" of the pear, feed, indeed, upon the ternary and more complex compounds produced by the leaves of the pear tree, and are aërated by the fluids which are passing through the tissues of the pear tree; but, secluded from the light, and developing no special colouring matter, their reactions are not in the strict sense vegetable;" they absorb the organic compounds and breathe the distributed air in the true animal sense, just as Amabæ would do. To take the function of respiration as a test, they absorb oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide, while in the green parts of plants, which alone perform the great function of the vegetable kingdom in keeping up the "balance of organic nature," the exhalation of carbonic acid is in the sunshine entirely masked by the exhalation of oxygen the product of its decomposition. A green tree may be likened to that wonderful animated tree, one of the oceanic Siphonophora, where a certain set only of the polyps are set aside to feed and to supply nutrition for the whole, while others, identical with these in essential structure, feel, or sting, or reproduce the species, or palpitate through the water as locomotive swimming-bells.

It is, perhaps, not easy at once to realise this difference in the vital relations of the different parts of the same

parasites, for example Cuscuta. The dodder possesses no
endochrome cells of its own; it feeds like an animal upon
the organic compounds elaborated by its host.
It con-
tributes in no way as a vegetable to the balance of
organic nature, and yet it is evidently a plant nearly
allied to the ordinary bird-weeds, with all the characters
of their well-known natural order.

These changes depend upon fermentation and putrefac-plant, but it becomes clear enough in the case of pale tion, two processes which are very familiar, and which have of late engaged the attention of some of the most able and skilful men of science, both on account of their vast importance in the economy of nature and of art, and of the singular phenomena which accompany them. These phenomena are very complex and difficult; but chiefly through the patient researches of botanists such as De Bary on the one hand, and of chemists and physiologists who may be represented by Pasteur, Lister, Burdon Sanderson, and Hartley on the other-steady progress is undoubtedly being made towards their solution, although much still remains obscure.


The character which most broadly distinguishes the vegetable from the animal kingdom is certainly the power which the former possesses when taken in mass of winning over from the inorganic kingdom binary compounds which cannot contribute directly to the nutrition of animals, decomposing them, and re-combining their elements into organic compounds suitable for the support of animal life. process-the decomposition of water into oxygen and hydrogen, of carbon dioxide into carbon and oxygen, and of ammonia into hydrogen and nitrogen, and the re-combination of these four elements while in a nascent condition into starch, sugar, gum, protoplasm, &c.-is, so far as we know, carried on in plant-cells containing endochrome under the influence of light, and in such cells and under such circumstances alone. We thus find that this truly vegetable process is performed by a very small portion of an ordinary plant. The cells of the internal organs of plants and of large pulpy masses, such as these pears, connected with the function of reproduction, are perfectly colourless; simple sacs of cellulose, containing in their From the Opening Address for the Session 1872-73 to the Botanical Society of Edinburgh, delivered on Nov. 14, by Prof. Wyville Thomson, FRS, President of the Society.

No. 161-VOL. VII.

These "Duchesse" pears are separated from the tree. They were probably separated physiologically before they were taken off, for before we would consider them fully ripe a certain shrivelling takes place in the cells and vessels of the fruit-stalk at a kind of joint, and the communication between the pears and the tree is at first partially and then entirely interrupted. But the pear does not die; it hangs out in the sunshine, and certain chemical changes take place within it, still under the guidance of vital action, sweetening it and developing its flavour. We learn from the beautiful researches of M. Bérard that if fruit be placed to ripen in air or in oxygen gas, a considerable quantity of oxygen is absorbed and an equivalent proportion of carbon dioxide is given off; that, in fact, a notable quantity of oxygen is burned in a true process of respiration. It is calculated by De Bary that the number of plants in which chlorophyll is absent-that is to say, which have no power of decomposing and re-combining the elements of water, carbon dioxide, and ammonia, and which consequently require to have their food presented to them in the form of organic matter-is fully equal to that of green plants, say 150,000. These plants are chiefly fungi. The part they play in the economy of the organic world is wonderful. The moment a plant gets worsted in the battle of life, becomes delicate from uncongenial soil or other circumstances, or gets smothered by a more vigorous rival, they set upon it and burn it.


If we look just now in the Botanic Garden at any of the old summer beds of half-hardy plants, we shall see them shrouded in a maze and network of white fleecy mould. That mould is a fungus finishing the work of extermination which the frost has begun, and then burning the bodies. In all the odd corners there are heaps of rotting vegetation. These stems and leaves are not rotting of themselves; heat them to 212° F., so as to kill the seeds of the fungi, and seal them up in closed cases, and although they will slowly decompose, they will never rot. They are being burned by the process of respiration of fungi just as effectually as they would be if they were collected into a heap, dried, and set fire to. Most of these fungi are very minute, but each of them, when it is found in anything like a well-developed condition, is thoroughly characteristic. Still they are so small and so simple that it is difficult to distinguish parts of those organs whose form is not strongly marked.

I will give a brief sketch of the life-histories of one or two of these fungi, and the first I will choose is a wellknown mildew, Mucor stolonifer. This species is often found on juicy fruits, covering them with white woolly patches scattered over with small black heads, and producing a very rapid putrefaction beneath the surface of the fruit. A number of delicate branching filaments form a rich network in the substance of the fruit, filaments which are easily distinguished from those of some nearly-allied forms by their long simple tubes without partitions. These delicate filamentous tubes, which are the parts first to appear, and form the basis, as it were, of the fungus, are called the mycelium, and are found in almost all fungi. From the mycelium, at certain points, long rather wide tubes start from the surface on which the fungus is growing obliquely into the air, and, after running along for a time, again dip down and give origin to other tufts of mycelium tube-roots. At the point where these roots come off, as at the bud of a strawberry-runner, a little tuft of

turn originate stolons as before; but the zygospores do not produce mycelial filaments when they germinate, but form one or two sporangium-bearers directly at the expense of the substance of the zygospore, and the ordinary course of growth is resumed from their spores. There are thus two modes of multiplication in Mucor-one by sporangia and spores, non-sexual, a simple method of propagation by buds-the other a true reproductive process, by the conjugation of male and female elements. It seems to be only occasionally and under specially favourable circum stances that the latter process occurs, and this mildew often goes on reproducing itself by spores alone for many generations.

The life history of Mucor mucedo, one of the com monest of the mildews, is not yet thoroughly know Here the cells are again simple and undivided, but each sporangium-bearer usually ends in several large sporangia Under certain circumstances this sporangium-bear.: sends out tufts of finely dividing twigs, each of which ends in a small sporangium, which, to distinguish i from the larger form, has been called a sporangiolus At other times processes are produced from the main cals which rise into delicate tubular branches, and give of globular cells which are called conidia-simple extern spores, differing entirely in their character from the spores produced in sporangia; and if this mould be grow in a solution in which it is fairly nourished without full supply of oxygen gas, long fibres are produce which break up into a multitude of separate beadcells filled with protoplasm, and capable of reproducing the organism. WYVILLE THOMSON

(To be continued.)


tubular stems rises upvertically, and ends in round vesicles WHILE Balleny was making the discoveries to

which at first are entirely filled with transparent protoplasm. These are cut off from the stem by a partition which is at first flat, but afterwards assumes an arched form, giving the space between it and the outer wall the shape of a very deep meniscus. The protoplasm in the space ultimately breaks up into a mass of black polygonal spores, which escape by the giving way of the outer wall of the sporangium. These spores are thus produced by no process of true reproduction, but are simply separated particles of the protoplasm of the parent plant. In hot summer weather, chiefly on the surface of sour fruit, Mucor stolonifer forms thick patches, with broad stolons, and from these, twigs spread over the surface of the fruit. When two of these twigs meet one another they form large vesicular expansions, and then apply themselves to one another. A diaphragm is formed across each of the vesicles, thus cutting off the distal end of the vesicle, which is filled with protoplasm. The double wall between the two cells gives way, and the protoplasm in the two unites, as in the union of the cell-contents in the conjugation of Zygnema. These "coupling cells" have thus become fused into a single cell called a zygospore, which goes on enlarging, and is covered with a thick skin.

The simple spores, when scattered on moist ground, send out filamentous shoots of mycelium, which in their


we alluded at the close of the previous article tr other expeditions were actively pursuing their researc and extending our knowledge of the Antarctic regionsa French expedition under Dumont d'Urville and a American under Lieutenant Wilkes. Neither expedic was originally intended for South Polar exploration, to this among other reasons is it to be ascribed that th results, with respect to the exploration of the South F regions, are of but little value compared with those d tained by the almost contemporaneous English expedit

From the South Shetlands D'Urville directed his cours to the south, and discovered on February 27, 1838, in " 10' S. lat. and 57° 5' W. long., a coast which bears th name of Louis Philippe Land, and rises to a height between 2,000 and 3,000 feet above the sea. The gene outlines of this coast were already indicated on Wedde chart.

Two years later we find the same explorer again act and with a better result. In January 1840 he left T. mania for the south, steering for the region between 15 and 160° E. long. On January 19, in 66° S. lat. found land from 2,000 to 3,000 ft. high, entirely cove with snow and ice. On the 21st some of the sailors land on a little island consisting of gneiss, which D'Urnamed Adelie Land. On the 30th and 31st D'Urville sa

round a promontory in 64° 40′ S. lat. and 132° 20′ W. long., - naming this part of the coast Clairie Land. Shortly after this the expedition turned northwards, a number of the men having been lost through illness. Dr. Neumayer seems to think that the French constitution is not at all well adapted for expeditions of this kind.

On February 25, 1839, four ships, under the command of Lieutenant Wilkes, set out from Orange Harbour in Terra del Fuego, for the purpose of exploring these southern seas. The season was, however, too far advanced to admit of much being accomplished, though one of the ships, the Flying Fish, under Lieutenant Walker, penetrated as far south as the 70th degree of latitude in 100° 16′ W. long., and that at the end of March. This in itself is a fact of some interest and value, that so late in the season a point was reached as far south as Cook and Bellinghausen attained to, two months earlier. On December 27 of the same year the squadron left Sydney, again for the south. Two of the ships, the Flying Fish and the Peacock, were soon compelled to return on account of injuries, so that there were only the two vessels, the Vincennes and the Porpoise, left to pursue their discoveries. On January 30, 1840, in 140° 2' 30" E. long., and 66° 45' S. lat., Wilkes saw for the first time clearly and distinctly the land standing out of the mist; to this he gave the name of "Antarctic Continent." Five days previously the Vincennes reached its farthest south point, 67° in 147° 30′ E. long., where it was hard bestead by the ice. Indeed both vessels during their course along the coast had constantly to fight with the ice, and were frequently in the greatest danger of being crushed. Wilkes found the coast girt by a wall of ice, 150 to 200 ft. high, behind which rose the mountains to a height of 3,000 ft. He advanced thus to 98° E. long., and hoped on February 17 to be in a position to reach the point in this quarter to which Cook had come in 1773; but the ice-wall compelled him to turn to the northeast, quite away from the desired point. After he had followed the wall of ice to 62° S. lat. and 100° E. long., he had to give up all hope of being able to penetrate farther west, and returned to Sydney.

The expedition under Wilkes had travelled over a stretch of 1,500 miles along the margin of the ice, and frequently in sight of land. Even if through their labours the continuity of the land through its whole extent was by no means proved, yet the extension of Balleny's discovery in connection with that of D'Urville's considerably increased the probability of the existence of a great mass of land in these regions. Moreover, the observations made by Wilkes and his officers are of the highest value to science. It has been latterly disputed to whom belongs the merit of having first discovered the Antarctic Continent, both French and Americans claiming it each for themselves. But in the present state of our knowledge we must characterise such a dispute as perfectly objectless, for Balleny two years earlier had discovered his Sabrina Land, and had seen the coast at other points; therefore to him, if, indeed, an Antarctic Continent of the extent indicated by Wilkes exists, the honour of discovering it must be ascribed.

The researches initiated by Gauss and the Göttingen Society into the nature of the magnetism of the earth had given rise to a number of undertakings which had for

their object to assist inquiry in this direction. From the southern hemisphere trustworthy data were altogether wanting, and on this account the British Government resolved to send an expedition to the magnetic South Pole, and that moreover, under the leadership of Captain James Ross, who had spent the greatest part of his earlier youth in the North Polar regions, and already in the year 1831 had discovered the magnetic North Pole. The results of his expedition, therefore, are incomparably rich and valuable.

After some preparatory cruising, the two ships, the well-known Erebus and Terror, well appointed for their work, set out from Hobarton on November 12, 1840, directing their course southwards, after a brief visit to Campbell Island. On December 27 the first ice was seen in 63° 20' S. lat., and 176° 30′ E. long., and on January 1, 1841, the Polar circle was passed in 170° E. long., where the ships first encountered the pack-ice. Sir James, after careful consideration, determined to endeavour to penetrate the inner masses of pack-ice which, by the two previous voyagers, had only been skirted, and on the 9th, in 69° 15′ S. lat., and 176° 15′ E. long., came out into open sea. On the 11th land was discovered in 71° 15′ S. lat., the mountains of which, covered with perpetual snow and ice, reared themselves high into the air. The highest of these was named after Sir Edward Sabine, who for more than half a century, says Dr. Neumayer, has devoted his energies to researches in physical geography in all regions and in all parts of the earth, and who has largely added to our knowledge, especially of terrestrial magnetism.

The whole land, which Ross followed to nearly 79° S. lat., he named South Victoria Land, and an active volcano, 12,400 feet high, which he discovered on January 28, he named Mount Erebus. The name of the Terror was given to an extinct volcano, somewhat higher than the other, lying farther to the east. On the same day it was found that farther advance was impracticable, as the explorers found themselves suddenly face to face with an immense wall of ice, from 150 to 200 feet high, exactly similar to that which had been seen by D'Urville, Wilkes, and others. In the far distance over this wall they descried mountain peaks of great height and covered with ice: Ross named them after Parry.

In the vain attempt to reach the end of the ice-wall or find an opening in which the ship could pass the winter, they gained, on February 2, in 173° E. long., their greatest south latitude of 78° 4'. The rest of the month Ross spent in the further exploration partly of the southern sea and partly of the coast of the newly discovered Victoria Land from Franklin Island to the North Cape, when he turned his course to the west in 70° 40'S. lat. In 68° S. lat. and 165° E. long. was seen a series of what seemed either islands or mountain peaks belonging to the continent, and farther on were seen the islands discovered by Balleny. Ross found that the land placed by Wilkes on his chart under 65° 40′ S. lat. and 165° E. long., in reality did not exist. As about the beginning of March the young ice began rapidly to form, Captain Ross determined to return northwards. On the return voyage, magnetic researches of the highest value were made. More especially was determined the position of the line of nondeflection of the compass.

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