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which we sum up the light-do not localise the light, but throw it together-it does not matter whether your clock goes well or not, you are certain to have a result worthy of credit. But if you employ such an instrument as Prof. Respighi employed, and abolish the slit altogether, the weight of any observations made with such conditions is very great.

Captain Maclear, who was observing with me at Bekul, has undoubtedly shown that when the light of our atmosphere is cut off by the interposition of the dark moon, we see very many more bright lines than we do when this is not the case, the lines being of unequal height.

Mr. Pringle, also at Bekul, showed that, at the end of totality, many lines flashed into one of these instruments, carried under these difficult conditions.

Captain Fyers, the Surveyor-General of Ceylon, observing with a spectroscope of the second kind, saw something like a reversal of all the lines at the beginning, but nothing of the kind at the end.

Mr. Fergusson, observing with a similar instrument, saw reversal neither at the beginning nor the end.

Mr. Moseley, whose observations are of great weight, says that at the beginning of the eclipse he did not see this reversal of lines. Whether it was visible at the end he could not tell, because at the close the slit had travelled off the edge of the


Prof. Respighi, using no slit whatever, and being under the best conditions for seeing the reversal of the lines, certainly did not see it at the beginning, but he considers he saw it at the end, though about this he is doubtful.

From the foregoing general statement of the observations made on the eclipse of last year, it will be seen that knowledge has been very greatly advanced, and that most important data have been obtained to aid in the discussion of former observations. Further, many of the questions raised by the recent observations make it imperatively necessary that future eclipses should be carefully observed, as periodic changes in the corona may then possibly be found to occur. In these observations the instruments above described should be considered normal, and they should be added to as much as possible.

I had intended, if time had permitted me, to point out how much better we are prepared for the observation of an eclipse now than we were when we went to India, and how a system of photograph record should be introduced into the spectroscopic and polariscopic work; but time will not allow me to do more than suggest this interesting topic. I am anxious, however, that you should allow me one minute more to say how very grateful we feel for the assistance rendered by all we met, to which assistance so much of our success must be ascribed. I wish thus publicly to express the extreme gratitude of every one of our Expedition to the authorities in India and in Ceylon for the assistance we received from them, and our sorrow that Admiral Cockburn, a warm and well-known friend to Science, who placed his flagship at the disposal of the expedition, and the Viceroy, whose influence in our favour was felt in every region of India whither our parties went, and to whom we gave up our ship, are now, alas! beyond the expression of our thanks. We are also anxious to express our obligations to the directors and officers of the Peninsular and Oriental Company for the magnificent way in which they aided us. If they had not assisted us as they did, Science would have gained very much less than she has done from the observations of the last eclipse.


THE Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club for October 1872, contains but three papers, of which the first is a short one by Dr. Guy, F.R.S., on the "Hand Illuminator Microscope," which is followed by a more elaborate communication of considerable length, by Mr. M. C. Cooke, on "Old Nettle Stems and their Micro-fungi," in which twenty-seven species of fungi are enumerated and described which develop themselves on the old stems of the common nettle.-C. H. Peck, of Albany, U.S., communicates an article on the disease of plum and cherry trees in the United States known as "black knot," and his observations on the structure and growth of the Sphæria morbosa (Schweinitz) which accompanies, or causes, these gouty excrescences. The record of the proceedings of the club completes the contents of the present number.

Bulletin de l'Académie Royale de Belgique, No. 7. This number contains a paper, by M. P. J. Van Beneden, on the fossil

whales of Antwerp, in which he describes several new types, among others, one (named Cetotherium) characterised chiefly by the articular condyle on the inferior maxillary, and forming a transition-type between the Balaenoptera and the Cetodonts. Four species of Cetotherium are described. G. Dewalque gives a description, with plate, of a new fossil sponge, met with in the Eifel system; a species of the Astræospongium of Roemer, so named from the six-rayed star forms composing it. A new mode of estimating the advantage of binocular vision over monocular, as regards the brightness or clearness of objects, is proposed by H. Valerius. He employs Foucault's photometer, which consists of a long box, having a glass disc fixed in one end of it, and a pasteboard diaphragm in the direction of the axis of the box, moveable to or from the disc with screws. Lights are placed on either side of the diaphragm, which thus forms shadows on the disc, and the diaphragm is so adjusted that the shadow from each light occupies half of the disc. The lights having been so adjusted that the disc seems uniformly lighted, their relative intensities are as the squares of the distances separating them from the disc. M. Valerius uses, for his purpose, a prismatic_tube, through which he observes the disc of the photometer. It contains a vertical screen which conceals one-half of the disc from one of the eyes. Suppose the disc to be receiving equal quantities of light from the two sources, the observer, on looking through the tube, finds that the half-disc seen with only one eye, appears less illuminated than the other. The equality is restored by moving one of the lights, and the distance of the motion is measured. This paper is followed by one on formulæ in Ballistics, by J. M. De Tilly.-In the literature department, Baron Kervyn de Lettenhove gives an interesting account of certain documents which he examined at Hatfield House, bearing on the later history of Mary Queen of Scots. He discusses the celebrated casket letters, two of which are preserved at Hatfield, and are considered by him to be translations from the Scotch text. The letters are given in lithograph.-E. Varenbergh communicates an account of a journey made by three Flemish gentlemen to Nuremberg in the thirteenth century; an exact statement being made of the expenses incurred in travelling. One or two minor articles complete the number.

Poggendorff's Annalen der Physik und Chemie.-No. 7 (1872) commences with a paper of careful research, by H. Knoblauch, on the passage of heat-rays through inclined diathermanous plates. The rays, polarised by a Nicol's prism, were caused to pass horizontally to the plate, which was moveable about a vertical axis, and, passing through it, affected a thermopile. Two things determine the passage of radiant heat through inclined plates-the nature of the ray's polarisation, and the absorptivity of the substance composing the plate. These two influences are fully investigated and their effects described.-A continued account, by Hagenbach, of researches on Fluorescence is followed by a somewhat mathematical paper by Ketteler (also a continuation), on the influence of astronomical motion on optical phenomena. Dr. Stoletow discusses at some length the "Func tion of Magnetisation" of soft iron, and a description is given by G. Vom Rath, of the meteoric stones which fell at Ibbenbühren in 1870. W. Beetz, in a short note, contests the assertion of Zöllner, that an electric current is generated in the flowing of water, pointing out that, in the experiments made, the electric phenomena probably arose from the actual formation of a voltaic element consisting of two different metals (of tap and pipe), and the water, so that the same thing might be observed though the water was at rest. Zöllner's theory of terrestrial magnetism connects itself with the observation in question, as he supposes the flowing liquid masses in the earth's interior generate electric currents by their motion. This number contains, in addition, two contributions on the structure of hailstones, and one or two other short notes.

No. 8 contains the concluding part of Herr Hagenbach's researches on Fluorescence. His experiments, made with a great variety of substances, confirm Stokes's laws. He considers that all the rays are capable of exciting fluorescence. The maxima of the fluorescence varied from 7 (in chlorophyll) downwards. The spectrum of the fluorescent light varied also for different substances, but no necessary connection was apparent between the "'intermittence" in the fluorescence of the ordinary spectrum, and that in the fluorescence spectrum. Change of solvent often displaced the maxima. He points out the similarity between 'phosphorescence and fluorescence, and thinks these are phenomena differing not in kind, but only in degree.-In the next paper

A. Helland adduces a large amount of evidence to show that the fjords in Norway have been formed by glacial action.-H. C. Vogel describes some careful experiments on the spectrum of aurora, which he compared with the spectra of various gases in Geissler tubes. He regards it as a modification of the air spectrum; one line of the former, at least, corresponding with the maximum brightness of the latter, while the remaining lines probably appear in the spectra of atmospheric gases under certain conditions of temperature and pressure.-A new mode of measuring rate of rotation is proposed by A. Schuller. The principle is briefly this: A disc divided into three sectors (black, red, and green), rotates on a horizontal axis; a seconds pendulum fitted with a screen, in which is a vertical slit, oscillates at the back of it, and a ray of light passes through the slit and disc to a telescope through which the observer looks. The recurrence of particular colours observed gives a means of estimating the speed of rotation.-Among the remaining papers are one on a block of lava from the recent eruption of Vesuvius, one on compounds of thallium, and one on a new form of the Noë thermopile.


supported that, when disturbed from the position of equilibrium,
it is urged back by a force proportional to the displacement.
The mathematical solution is worked out without any limitation
as to the size of the sphere; but in drawing conclusions from it,
attention is confined for the most part to the case when the
diameter of the sphere is small compared to the length of the
sound waves. Mr. Strutt then considers the problem of a fluid
spherical obstacle, working it out in full for a very small sphere;
and afterwards he investigates anew the same problem by a very
different analysis, not restricted to the case of a sphere or an
abrupt variation of mechanical properties on the one hand, but
on the other less general in requiring the variation and the
region over which it occurs to be small. In conclusion he indi
cates the solution of the problem when the source of sound is at
a finite distance from the obstacle, the primary waves being
accordingly spherical instead of plane.-The following abstract
of M. Hermite's paper 66
sur l'intégration des fonctions circu-
laires," was furnished by Prof. Cayley. M. Hermite's paper
relates to the integral

where is any rational

ff (sin x, cos x) dx

function of sin x, cos x. The substitution of 2, where = I, converts this into an integral of the form is a rational function of 2, viz. F1 ș and

F1 (2)

F (2)

[ocr errors]

F z


Fz are each of them a rational and integral function of z.
last mentioned integral is treated by the ordinary method of the
decomposition of rational fractions; and the gist of the paper
is in the transformation of the resulting expressions back from
the new variable ≈ to the original variable x, so as to obtain the
required integral ƒ (sin x, cos.x) dx, in terms of the circular
functions of x. It is shown that the process leads to an equation
(sin x, cos x) = 11 x + ♦ x, where II x is a rational
and integral function of, sin x, cos x and x is of the form

of the form



+b cot x- -B

+ &c.


[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

each series, and also the number of the different series, being finite: so that the integration is made to depend upon the integrals

II xdx and

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

The paper contains processes for the complete determination of the coefficients, C, a, a, &c. and other interesting matter.

Mathematical Society, Nov. 14.-Mr. W. Spottiswoode, F.R.S., President, in the chair.-The following gentlemen were elected as officers and members of council for the ensuing session-President, Dr. Hirst, F.R.S.; Vice-Presidents, Prof. Crofton, Mr. S. Roberts, and Mr. Spottiswoode; Treasurer, Mr. S. Roberts; Secretaries, Mr. M. Jenkins, Mr. R. Tucker; other members, Prof Cayley, Prof. W. K. Clifford, Mr. T. Cotterill, Mr. J. W. L. Glaisher, Rev R. Harley, Prof. Henrici, Mr. C. W. Merrifield, Prof. H. J. S. Smith, Mr. J. Stirling, and Mr. J. J. Walker. Messrs. Glaisher and Harley were elected in the room of Dr. Sylvester and the Hon. J. W. Strutt. The new president having taken the chair, alluded in feeling terms to the loss the mathematical world and the Society had just experienced by the death of Dr. Clebsch, of x=C+a cot Göttingen, who had been elected a foreign member in December last. Mr. Spottiswoode then read his "Remarks on paper, some recent Generalisations of Algebra." It gave an analysis of methods used by Prof. Peirce, of Harvard, in his "Linear Associative Algebra," and by Dr. Hermann Hankel in his "Vorlesungen über die complexen Zahlen und ihre functionen," Part i. Prof. Henrici exhibited a series of models of cubic surfaces, and pointed out the several singularities, and explained how the models were constructed. Prof. Clifford next read a paper "On a theorem relating to polyhedra analogous to Mr. Cotterill's theorem on plane polygons," and exhibited several illustrative models. The plane theorem is "for every plane polygon of n vertices there is a curve of class n-3 touching all the diagonals; the number of diagonals is such as to exactly determine this curve and no more; and when the curve touches the line at infinity the area of the polygon is zero." The analogous theorem in space should therefore apply in the first instance to those solids whose volume can be expressed as the sum of tetrahedra, having one vertex at an arbitrary point of space, and the other three at three vertices of the figure; that is to say, it should apply to solids having triangular faces. For such solids the author finds that the analogy is very complete and exact. Defining the plane which contains three vertices and which is not a face, as a diagonal plane and a line joining two vertices, but not įbeing an edge as a diagonal line, he proves the following theorems :-"Forevery poly. hedron of summits having only triangular faces (A faced nacron, Cayley) there is a surface of class -4, touching all the diagonal planes. This surface contains all the diagonal lines. The diagonal planes and lines are so situated, however, that the conditions of touching the planes and containing the lines are precisely sufficient to determine a surface of class -4. When this surface touches the plane at infinity, the volume of the solid is zero." Prof. Clifford then proceeded to apply these propositions to polyhedra having other than triangular faces.-A paper by the Hon. J. W. Strutt was, in his absence, taken as read. Its title was Investigation of the disturbance produced by a spherical obstacle on the waves of sound." The problem to which chief attention is given in the paper is that of a rigid spherical obstacle, which is either fixed, or (more generally) so


Meteorological Society, Nov. 20.-Dr. Tripe, president, in the chair. On the storms experienced by the Submarine Cable Expedition in the Persian Gulf on November 1 and 2, 1869, by Mr. Latimer Clark. The first storm occurred at 9 o'clock at night, when the vessels of the expedition were about 130 miles from Bushire, and burst upon them without any preliminary warning, lowering the temperature by nearly 30 in a few minutes. It was accompanied by heavy rain and much lightning and thunder, and progressed from N. W. to S.E. the tempest had lasted for two hours the wind changed to a gale from S. E., and subsequently fell calm as before The next day the cable was spliced up, and paying out had scarcely re-commenced, with a strong south-east wind, when notice was received that another violent storm from the north-west had passed Bushire, and was on its way down the Gulf. At 3 o'clock black clouds were seen rising, and at 3.52 the storm burst forth with the same suddenness and fury that characterised the previous one. Being daylight many phenomena were observed which were missed the night before. As the clouds approached they gathered into a peculiar form, resembling the cap of a large mushroom, extending across the heavens from one horizon to the other. The lower edge had a rounded and wrinkled margin, but was very sharply defined; the surface was composed of innumerable similar strata, as if melted pitch had been poured out and allowed to solidify in numerous cakes, each rather smaller than the one below. Suddenly there came a profound calm, This is the form of cloud mentioned by M. Poey in NATURE, Vol. iv. No. 103.

23'97 per cent. of organic matter.-Next came M. A. Laboulbène's paper on the elevation of central temperature in cases of acute pleurisy, on the abstraction of the liquid from the pleura, the temperature rose from o°2 to 03 C. after the operation.-M. Béchamp followed with observations on M. Pasteur's paper, in which he stated that the wine ferment came from the grape skin.

and a few hundred yards ahead the squall was seen approach-primigenius from Alaska. The tooth contained as much as ing. The sea was elsewhere covered with full-sized waves, but under the influence of the hurricane it became one dead-level of creamy foam, the top of every wave being swept off into spray as soon as it arose. When the squall struck the vessels the thermometer fell at once from 81° to 53°; torrents of rain swept the decks, accompanied with continuous thunder and lightning. After two hours the wind changed into a gale from the southeast, followed by a calm. It was noticed that the barometer was unaffected till the last moment, but as soon as the storm arrived it rose two-tenths of an inch, and fell again as it passed over. The electrical instruments, although of the most sensitive character, were not at all affected during the storm. The other papers read were "On the Meteorology of Southland, New Zealand, in 1871," by Mr. C. R. Martin, and "On a Self-registering Tide-gauge and Electrical Barograph," by Mr. H. C. Russell, B.A., Government Astronomer, Sydney. PARIS

Academy of Sciences, Nov. 18.-M. Faye, president, in the chair. The meeting commenced with another instalment of the ferment controversy, M. Pasteur rising and objecting to M. Fremy's remarks as reported in the Comptes Rendus of the last meeting. M. Bouillaud followed, expressing his regrets that M. Pasteur's proposition with regard to the experiments had not been acceded to. M. A. Trécul then rose, and regretted that certain words which had appeared in the same number had not been uttered at the meeting. He then read a note criticising M. Pasteur's remarks at that meeting. The discussion then dropped, and M. Tresca read a note on the best form for the international standard meters. He proposes a section like the letters H or X. -M. Bouillaud then read a paper on the theory of the production of animal heat.-M. F. Perrier read a paper on the prolongation of the French meridian into the Sahara by means of the trigonometrical junction of Algiers with Spain. -The next paper was by M. Jeannel on the natural production of nitrates and nitrites. Among other conclusions the author arrives at this, that "calcareous humus" in drying determines the combination of the elements of the air.-M. Max Marie presented the concluding paper of his series on the elementary theory of integrals of any order and their periods, after which followed a paper on a new method of analysis founded on the use of imagi nary co-ordinates, by M. F. Lucas.--M. C. Dareste presented his fifth paper on the osteological types of osseous fishes.- "Studies on the ventilation of transports was a paper by. M. E. Bertin, giving the results of some experiments on ventilation made on board the Calvados and Garonne, transports. The apparatus used, worked by the waste heat of the furnaces, evacuated 35,000 cubic metres of air per hour from the lower decks.-Notes on the Phylloxera were received from M. Saint-Pierre and M. Loarer. The former has found the insects on the wild vines of Vaucluse known as lambrusques, and hence considers that the general opinion that this disease is the result of cultivation is erroneous. Both letters were sent to the Phylloxera Commission, and notes from M. F. Barilla on a remedy for cholera, and M. G. Fabretti on the transmission of infectious miasmata were sent to that appointed to administer the Bréant legacy.—A note from M. Curral on the realisation of perpetual motion in the planetary system was submitted to the examination of M. Phillips, while a note from M. Andru on the quadrature of the circle was, in accordance with a very old rule of the Academy, considered as not received.-M. Serret then presented a note on the planetoid 116 Sirona, by M. F. Tisserand.-M. J. Bourget's Memoir on the Mathematical Theory of Kundt's acoustic experiments followed, after which came a note on "Magnetic Energy by M. A. Cazin.-M. E. Becquerel next presented a note on the multiplicity of images, and the theory of accommodation, a paper on optical physiology, by M. F. P. Le Roux.-M. SainteClaire Deville then communicated an account of M. Cailletet's researches on liquid carbonic anhydride and M. F. Pisani's description and analyses of a new silver amalgam from Konsberg in Norway.-M. Becquerel presented M. Aug Guerout's researches on the action of sulphurous anhydride on recently precipitated insoluble sulphides. The author finds that a hyposulphite is the result of the reaction which takes place in three successive stages, these are the formation of a sulphite and hydrosulphuric acid, the decomposition of the latter, and of the sulphurous anhydride into sulphur and water, and the combination of this sulphur, whilst in the nascent state, with the sulphite formed at first.-A note on the geographical distribution of the Percina by M. Léon Vaillant came next; and then M. A. Gaudry's note on a tooth of Elephas

BOOKS Received.

ENGLISH.-How I found Livingstone in Central Africa: H. M. Stanley (Sampson Low and Co.).—A Report on the Expedition to Western Yunan, vid Bhamo: Dr. Anderson, Calcutta.-Mineral Phosphates and Pure Fertilisers: C. Morfit (Trübner)-The Physiology of Man; Nervous System: A. Flint (Appleton and Co).—Elements of Zoology: Andrew Wilson (A and C. Black).-Small Pox and Vaccination: Dr. C. Both (Trübner). FOREIGN. Beiträge zur Biologie der Pflanzen: Dr. F. Cohn, Heft IL



ROYAL SOCIETY, at 8.30.-On the Colouring Matters derived from Aromatic
Azodiamines. 2. Safranine: Dr. Holmann, F. R.S, and Dr. Geyger.-
Synthesis of Aromatic Monamines, by intra-molecular atomic interchange:
Dr. Hofmann, F.R.S.-Investigation of the Attraction of a Galvanic
Coil on a small Magnetic Mass: J. Stuart.
SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES, at 8.30-On Certain Prevailing Errors respect-
ing French Chambered Barrows: Rev. W. C. Lukis, MA.
LINNEAN SOCIETY, at 8-On the Skeleton of the Apteryx: Thomas
Allis-On New and Rare British Spiders: Rev. O. P. Cambridge, MA.
CHEMICAL SOCIETY, at 8.-On the Reducing Power of Phosphorous and
Hypophosphorous Acids and their Salts: Prof. C. Rammelsberg -Un
Hypophosphites: Prof. C. Rammelsberg.-On New Analyses of some
Mineral Arseniates and Phosphates: Prof. A. H. Church.

FRIDAY, December 6,
GEOLOGISTS' ASSOCIATION, at 8.-On Coal Seams in the Permian at Ifton,
Shropshire, with Remarks on the Supposed Glacial Climate of the Perman
Period: D. C. Davies.-Note on a Well Section at Finchley: Caleb

SUNDAY LECTURE SOCIETY, at 4-On Arctic Experience; with a descrip-
tion of the Esquimaux; John Rae, M.D.


LONDON INSTITUTION, at 4.-On Elementary Physiology: Prof. Rutherford
PHOTOGRAPHIC SOCIETY OF LONDON, at 8.-Landscape Photography: F.
C. Earl-A New Actinometer: J. R. Johnson.

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tive character of scientific work, the want of intelligent appreciation on the part of the public, of even the value and importance of such work by which the student

SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND UNIVERSITY is deprived of that most powerful stimulus to exertion,


NOTWITHSTANDING the great development of

scientific education, and the firm and prominent position which Science holds in public estimation, it must be admitted that a profound dissatisfaction and anxiety are the prevailing feelings with which the conditions and prospects of English science are regarded by the cultivators of knowledge. To the outside observer these sentiments appear simply captious and unreasonable. When so much has been done, why on earth should we complain? The truth, however, unhappily is, that in the midst of our apparent abundance we have still a great deficiency; and those fruits and results of Science, in the way of scientific research and discovery, which afford the true measure of our scientific condition, have by no means proportionably increased. Indeed it may be doubted whether the annual harvest of scientific truth is even as abundant as twenty or thirty years since, when Science had hardly penetrated even the outer crust of English society. The character of our scientific periodicals is essentially altered. The Journal of the Chemical Society, for example, of which the original and proper function was to print the investigations of English chemists, now appears to exist simply to inform us of what is accomplished elsewhere. The volume for the year 1871 is a stout octavo of 1,224 pages; of these, however, not more than 154 are occupied with original communications read before the Society, while the rest of the volume is filled with innumerable abstracts of the investigations of the chemists of Germany and France. Ten years ago the same journal contained on the average at least 400 pages of original matter.

Now, the perfection of science, in all the various aspects in which it appears as an instrument of human progress, is manifested only in scientific inquiry; and to the scientific mind no technical skill, no abundance of information, can be a substitute for this, or compensate for its absence.

This view of the condition of Science is not invalidated by the circumstance that a certain number of distinguished Englishmen are to be found whose scientific work is of the highest order.

In this country there are now, as has been the case in each generation for the last two hundred years, a limited number of individuals of powerful intellect and elevated aspirations, who have made scientific research the main purpose and object of their lives. Of such we have happily sufficient living examples to preserve among us the true type of the scientific investigator, and to dispel the apprehension of intellectual degeneracy. The labours, however, of modern Science are on far too extensive a scale to be carried on simply by the efforts of eminent individuals. Science requires the services of a class devoted to the extension of knowledge, precisely as other classes of society are devoted to commerce, to politics, or to agriculture. Such a class does not exist among us, and its absence is the greatest defect in our social system. Undoubtedly there are many causes which interfere with the growth of such a class. The unremuneraNo. 163-VOL. VII.

the sympathy and support of others, deter many from the career of Science. Moreover, the very spread of scientific knowledge and education is, in its results, by no means in all respects favourable to the pursuit of pure Science. A demand is created for the services of scientific men in a technical direction which it is very difficult to meet, and which induces the student of Science to turn his attention to the practical and remunerative rather than to the theoretical aspect of his vocation. Many a man, too, of genius for research is compelled by the sad necessities of life to labour at the oar for the service of the community, is drafted into the ranks of popular lecturers to amuse the public with ready talk and brilliant experiments, or spends a life which he would willingly devote to scientific investigation as an officer of health, or an analytical and manufacturing chemist.

Such impediments, however, to the indulgence of men's higher tastes and desires, have their root in the very organisation and necessities of modern society, and are not peculiar to English life. But Science has in this country one special difficulty to contend with the utter apathy in regard to the advancement of knowledge which has so long prevailed at the English Universities, which, without any doubt, is the main cause of our disasters. In Germany the universities are the very centres of intellectual progress; and we might reasonably have hoped that here also amid the distractions of modern life these great institutions would have afforded at least one refuge for science and learning, and have supplied the few who might possess any exceptional capacity for these pursuits with the means of existence and the means of work. Such, indeed, was undoubtedly the main object to which these noble institutions were destined by their founders, who equipped them with all the appliances necessary for the cultivation of the knowledge of their day. But, unfortunately, they fell into wrong hands, and the class to whose protection and care these great interests were confided betrayed in every way the trust committed to them; until at length abuses reached such a point that, after a prolonged agitation, university reformers succeeded in obtaining the interference of the Legislature in the form of the Executive Commission of 1854. The unsatisfactory way in which this commission proceeded to remedy the evils complained of is even now not generally understood.

When we consider the profound importance of learning and scientific discovery, not alone to the material and physical, but also to the intellectual and moral progress of the nation, we might well have anticipated that in any reform of the universities the first object of our statesmen and legislators would have been to provide for these great interests, and to restore the endowments of the university in this respect to their ancient uses. But the commission did nothing of the kind; its efforts were mainly directed to the suppression of pecuniary jobbery. But this having been effected, the further changes which they introduced proceeded upon the lowest possible estimate of the functions of an University, which they appear to have regarded not at all as a national instrument for the


furtherance of knowledge, but simply as a superior kind of Grammar School. Of the University, as thus understood, pecuniary prizes were to be the motive power, and competitive examination the regulating principle. The resources of the colleges were dealt with from this point of view. Numerous scholarships were founded for the support of students, on a scale so extensive, that, as has been computed, one-third of the students of Oxford are thus subsidised during their University career. The remainder and greater part of the endowments was nearly all devoted to fellowships, varying in value from 200l. to 300l. a year; on these two objects it is estimated that at least 120,000l. is annually expended by the colleges of Oxford.

The fellowship which they thus created is indeed a unique and singular institution. It is a life-estate conferred by a corporate body, without exacting in return any services whatever from its possessor, either to the college or to the community at large; and the chief result of the labours of the Executive Commission, whose business it was to reform the University, was the establishment of this gigantic system of sinecure pensions, conferred upon young men in the prime and vigour of life, as the reward of having passed a successful examination. When the ordinances framed by the Commissioners come fully into operation, there will be, in Oxford alone, about 300 sinecure fellowships.

In the arrangements of the Commissioners the most contemptuous disregard was manifested for the interests of science and learning. A few professorships of ancient date founded by men of a very different stamp, which the colleges had suppressed, were revived, but no real or adequate provision was made even for the maintenance of lecturers and professors necessary to carry on the education of the place, and out of these vast funds, not a sixpence was devoted to the advancement of knowledge or the promotion of scientific or literary research, or to the support of museums and laboratories.

These arrangements were not based upon any very high estimate of human motives and desires, and it would have been surprising indeed if an ideal University, devoted to the interests of learning, knowledge, and truth, should have sprung from such ashes. As a matter of fact, complaints are heard on all sides of the futility of this system, and the necessity of a redistribution of the college endowments is widely felt. In this movement the Government have taken the initiative by the appointment of a Royal Commission to inquire into the revenues of the Universities and Colleges of Oxford and Cambridge. These revenues have never as yet been fully disclosed, but we may anticipate that a good deal of surprise and even indignation will be felt when the amplitude of these re. sources is contrasted with the inadequate results attained by them. Another contingency will then arise, to be deprecated by every lover of knowledge, the possible alienation and dissipation of the noble inheritance of science and learning which has been so inappropriately employed. It was in connection with these questions and with the view of considering the best application, in the interests of mature study and scientific research, of the endowments of the Universities and Colleges of Oxford and Cambridge that the public meeting was held at the Freemasons' Tavern on November 16, of which the report appeared in

this journal on November 28. The spirit and purpose of those present at this meeting will be best understood from the resolutions passed by it. These resolutions were :— 1. That to have a class of men whose lives are devoted to research is a national object.

2. That it is desirable, in the interest of national progress and education, that professorships and special institutions shall be founded in the Universities for the promotion of scientific research.

3. That the present mode of awarding fellowships as prizes has been found unsuccessful as a means of promoting mature study and original research, and that it is desirable that it should be discontinued.

4. That a sufficient and properly organised body of resident teachers of various grades should be provided from the Fellowship Fund.

The Society for the Organisation of Academical Study, founded at this meeting, is constituted by no means in the exclusive interests of the natural sciences, but for the sake of the totality of knowledge. The apprehensions which are felt in regard to the condition of research in the physical sciences, are similarly and equally felt in other departments of knowledge, and the objects of this Society are such as to secure the good-wili and adhesion of every genuine student. Much consideration will be necessary to devise really practical arrangements, by which such ideas may be carried out. On this point the evidence of those distinguished persons who have been examined before the Science Commission will be of the greatest value; but it is to be hoped that all those who are familiar with the requirements of the several departments of Science will turn their serious attention to the subject, and give to the Society the benefit of their co-operation and advice, with the view of hereafter laying before the Government an adequate and practical scheme for the re-constitution of the Colleges and Universities, not simply as educational bodies, but as national foundations for the preservation and extension of knowledge. B. C. BRODIE

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THE METEOROLOGY OF THE FUTURE T would be a curious inquiry which we commend to those learned in statistics, to determine how many millions of observations have been made in the British Isles on dry and wet bulb thermometers, on barometers, and on other meteorological instruments. It would be a still more curious inquiry, seeing that the infinite industry displayed in these observations shows that the importance of the study of Meteorology is universally conceded, to determine why it is that meteorologists, state-endowed and otherwise, have, as a rule, been content to grope their way in the dark, and not only not seek to find, but persistently refuse the clue, which, if followed, would bring them into the light of day. When some one some centuries hence-thank heavens, we have always that to look to in all branches of research-comes to consider the work done by meteorologists during the present century, he will, unless he be some patient German Dryasdust determined to examine all minutes of Boards of Visitors, all Kew Committee Records, and the like, give up the task in the most utter despair, and on the whole perhaps this is the best thing that could happen,

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