Foundations of Biogeography: Classic Papers with Commentaries, Части 1-4Mark V. Lomolino, Dov F. Sax, James H. Brown University of Chicago Press, 2004 - Всего страниц: 1291 Foundations of Biogeography provides facsimile reprints of seventy-two works that have proven fundamental to the development of the field. From classics by Georges-Louis LeClerc Compte de Buffon, Alexander von Humboldt, and Charles Darwin to equally seminal contributions by Ernst Mayr, Robert MacArthur, and E. O. Wilson, these papers and book excerpts not only reveal biogeography's historical roots but also trace its theoretical and empirical development. Selected and introduced by leading biogeographers, the articles cover a wide variety of taxonomic groups, habitat types, and geographic regions. Foundations of Biogeography will be an ideal introduction to the field for beginning students and an essential reference for established scholars of biogeography, ecology, and evolution. List of Contributors John C. Briggs, James H. Brown, Vicki A. Funk, Paul S. Giller, Nicholas J. Gotelli, Lawrence R. Heaney, Robert Hengeveld, Christopher J. Humphries, Mark V. Lomolino, Alan A. Myers, Brett R. Riddle, Dov F. Sax, Geerat J. Vermeij, Robert J. Whittaker |
54 | 2 |
Briggs and Christopher J Humphries | 5 |
42 | 8 |
Carolus Linnaeus 1781 | 14 |
Excerpt from Essai Élémentaire de Géographie Botanique | 28 |
Alexander von Humboldt 1805 | 49 |
72 | 57 |
Edward Forbes 1844 | 58 |
Edward Forbes 1844 | 58 |
70 | 60 |
66 | 66 |
James Dwight Dana 1853 | 88 |
8 | 95 |
9 | 99 |
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker 1853 | 109 |
Sven Ekman 1953 | 245 |
19 | 267 |
Excerpt from The Origin of Continents and Oceans | 277 |
20 | 283 |
7 | 334 |
An Equilibrium Theory of Insular Zoogeography | 336 |
24 | 372 |
Philip J Darlington Jr 1965 | 407 |
25 | 419 |
Francis Dov Por 1971 | 426 |
Holloway and Nicholas Jardine 1968 | 451 |
31 | 556 |
Charles S Elton 1958 | 575 |
32 | 594 |
33 | 607 |
Vicki A Funk | 647 |
37 | 679 |
Platnick and Gareth J Nelson 1978 | 732 |
Donn E Rosen 1978 | 748 |
Leon Croizat 1962 | 776 |
44 | 779 |
Excerpt from Evolution above the Species Level | 789 |
45 | 804 |
Ernst Mayr 1942 | 811 |
Raup 1972 | 901 |
Jürgen Haffer 1969 | 908 |
51 | 915 |
Assembly Rules | 938 |
55 | 985 |
Nicholas J Gotelli | 1027 |
A TwoYear Record of Colonization | 1118 |
Chance or Competition? | 1135 |
67 | 1145 |
Robert H Whittaker and William A Niering 1975 | 1152 |
Theodosius Dobzhansky 1950 | 1155 |
Alfred G Fischer 1960 | 1168 |
George Gaylord Simpson 1964 | 1186 |
56 | 1263 |
References | 1275 |
James Dwight Dana 1853 | 1277 |
8 | 1284 |
Index | 1289 |
Excerpts from Natural History General and Particular | 1305 |
27 | |
Lars Brundin 1966 | |
Excerpt from Systematics and the Origin of Species | |
The Geographic Distribution of Animals | |
Robert H MacArthur and Edward O Wilson 1963 | 2 |
Augustin de Candolle 1820 | 7 |
Sir Joseph Dalton Hooker 1853 | 9 |
17 | 12 |
29 | 16 |
Excerpt from Essai Élémentaire de Géographie Botanique | 28 |
48 | 48 |
Alexander von Humboldt 1805 | 49 |
72 | 57 |
Evgenii Vladimirovitch Wulff 1943 | 249 |
19 | 267 |
Excerpt from The Origin of Continents and Oceans | 277 |
20 | 283 |
Lars Brundin 1966 | 295 |
21 | 298 |
Sherwin Carlquist 1966 | 315 |
22 | 333 |
An Equilibrium Theory of Insular Zoogeography | 336 |
George Gaylord Simpson 1940 | 339 |
Holloway and Nicholas Jardine 1968 | 451 |
Joseph Grinnell 1922 | 456 |
28 | 464 |
52 | 556 |
Charles S Elton 1958 | 575 |
32 | 594 |
33 | 607 |
34 | 612 |
John R Flenley 1979 | 619 |
John R Flenley 1979 | 628 |
35 | 641 |
The Late Quaternary Vegetational History of the Equatorial Mountains | 645 |
Philip Lutley Sclater 1858 | 647 |
Gareth J Nelson 1974 | 728 |
James W Valentine 1969 | 875 |
Raup 1972 | 901 |
Jürgen Haffer 1969 | 908 |
51 | 915 |
The Importance of Islands | 931 |
Paul S Martin 1973 | 940 |
53 | 947 |
55 | 985 |
James H Brown 1971 | 989 |
57 | 992 |
Diamond 1974 | 1003 |
Edward F Connor and Daniel S Simberloff 1979 | 1033 |
1120 | |
Robert H MacArthur 1972 | 1122 |
Diamond 1975 | 1127 |
Chance or Competition? | 1135 |
67 | 1145 |
Robert H Whittaker and William A Niering 1975 | 1152 |
Theodosius Dobzhansky 1950 | 1155 |
Alfred G Fischer 1960 | 1168 |
George Gaylord Simpson 1964 | 1186 |
Eric R Pianka 1966 | 1203 |
1215 | |
References 1275 | 1275 |
Lessons of Modern Biogeographic Studies | 1277 |
Patterns in the Distribution of Species | 1278 |
Excerpts from Outline of the History of Arctic and Boreal Biota | 1279 |
The Discovery of America | 1281 |
On the General Geographical Distribution of the Members of the Class Aves | 1284 |
1289 | |
Другие издания - Просмотреть все
Foundations of Biogeography: Classic Papers with Commentaries, Части 5-8 Mark V. Lomolino,Dov F. Sax,James H. Brown Ограниченный просмотр - 2004 |
Foundations of Biogeography: Classic Papers with Commentaries, Части 5-8 Mark V. Lomolino,Dov F. Sax,James H. Brown Недоступно для просмотра - 2004 |
Foundations of Biogeography: Classic Papers with Commentaries, Части 5-8 Mark V. Lomolino,Dov F. Sax,James H. Brown Недоступно для просмотра - 2004 |
Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
Africa Amer ancestral animals Antarctic Antarctica apomorph Arctic Asia austral Australia barrier Basin biogeography biological biota birds boreal BRUNDIN center of origin changes chironomid cladistic cladograms climate coast connection continental drift continents Cretaceous Croizat Darlington Darwin Darwin's finches desert disjunct dispersal eastern ecological elevation endemic Eocene Europe evidence evolution example existence extinction fact fauna flora forest forms fossil Galapagos genera genus geographical distribution geological glaciation Guinea habitats Hawaiian hypothesis immigrants inhabitants insects isolation land bridges latitude LESSEPSIAN MIGRATION mammals marine Mayr Mediterranean meters migration Miocene monophyletic mountains natural North northern occur oceanic islands organisms overlap Pacific Palaeoclimatol patterns period phylogenetic plants Pleistocene plesiomorph populations present probably races range recent region result separate sister group South America southern speciation spread subspecies taxa taxon taxonomic temperate temperature Tertiary theory tion Transantarctic relationships tropical vegetation vicariance Zealand zone Zool