Proceedings of the Literary & Philosophical Society of Liverpool, Выпуск 52Deighton and Laughton, 1898 |
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Стр. 15
... evil and the insolent courtesy Of offering it my baseness for a gift . And unto such as think all Art is cold , All music unimpassioned , if it breathe An ardour not of Eros ' lips , and glow With fire not caught from Aphrodite's breast ...
... evil and the insolent courtesy Of offering it my baseness for a gift . And unto such as think all Art is cold , All music unimpassioned , if it breathe An ardour not of Eros ' lips , and glow With fire not caught from Aphrodite's breast ...
Стр. 60
... And language - ah , the gift of eloquence ! Language that goes , goes easy as a glove , O'er good and evil , smoothens both to one . Then the outward man is depicted- Blue juvenile pure eyes 60 TRUTH ENTANGLED - TRUTH TRIUMPHANT .
... And language - ah , the gift of eloquence ! Language that goes , goes easy as a glove , O'er good and evil , smoothens both to one . Then the outward man is depicted- Blue juvenile pure eyes 60 TRUTH ENTANGLED - TRUTH TRIUMPHANT .
Стр. 77
... evil or for good , Promptings from heaven or hell , as if the stars Fought in their courses for a fate to be . Thus stand the wife and priest , a spectacle , I doubt not , to unseen assemblage there . No lamp will mark that window for a ...
... evil or for good , Promptings from heaven or hell , as if the stars Fought in their courses for a fate to be . Thus stand the wife and priest , a spectacle , I doubt not , to unseen assemblage there . No lamp will mark that window for a ...
Стр. 124
... and chests had all disappeared . ' This is an evil business , ' said Thorgils , and passing fur- ther in towards Thorey's bed he heard a rattling in her throat , and found her dead , the child feeding 124 WHAT THE SAGAS SAY OF GREENLAND .
... and chests had all disappeared . ' This is an evil business , ' said Thorgils , and passing fur- ther in towards Thorey's bed he heard a rattling in her throat , and found her dead , the child feeding 124 WHAT THE SAGAS SAY OF GREENLAND .
Стр. 126
... evil . ' They went , therefore , into the house , leaving the boy out- side . Thorgils asked if they had slain him ; and when they denied , he thanked them heartily . The boy was then fetched in , and lay all night beside Thorgils . In ...
... evil . ' They went , therefore , into the house , leaving the boy out- side . Thorgils asked if they had slain him ; and when they denied , he thanked them heartily . The boy was then fetched in , and lay all night beside Thorgils . In ...
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
A. C. Benson answered Arezzo Arnobius Arthur bishop C. D. GINSBURG called Caponsacchi Christ Christian colony death divine dream Dubric eastern settlement Eirik English entitled evil fact faith fallacy Flag of England Gamli Gladstone Greenland Grima Guido Guinevere hath heart human Iceland idea ideal JAMES MARTINEAU John King Lancelot land Laureate Liberal-Unionists live Liverpool LL.D London Lord moral nature never night Norway Paley passion patriotism poem poet poet's poetry political Pompilia priest Queen quote R. H. Hutton R. J. Lloyd recognised religion Rome Royal Saga sailed Sciences settlement ship Skuf song sonnet soul speak spirit Starkad story tell Tennyson thee things Thor Thordis Thorgils Thorkell Thorleif Thormod thou tion told true truth verse voice volume Watson wife William William Watson word
Популярные отрывки
Стр. 109 - It were good therefore that men in their innovations would follow the example of time itself, which indeed innovateth greatly, but quietly and by degrees scarce to be perceived...
Стр. 53 - Then saw they how there hove a dusky barge, Dark as a funeral scarf from stem to stern, Beneath them; and descending they were ware That all the decks were dense with stately forms Black-stoled, black-hooded, like a dream - by these Three Queens with crowns of gold - and from them rose A cry that...
Стр. 87 - It is the land that freemen till, That sober-suited Freedom chose, The land, where girt with friends or foes A man may speak the thing he will; A land of settled government, A land of just and old renown, Where Freedom slowly broadens down From precedent to precedent...
Стр. 82 - But Art, — wherein man nowise speaks to men, Only to mankind, — Art may tell a truth Obliquely, do the thing shall breed the thought, Nor wrong the thought, missing the mediate word.
Стр. 53 - The old order changeth, yielding place to new, And God fulfils Himself in many ways, Lest one good custom should corrupt the world.
Стр. 48 - Call'd me polluted : shall I kill myself? What help in that ? I cannot kill my sin, If soul be soul ; nor can I kill my shame ; No, nor by living can I live it down. The days will grow to weeks, the weeks to months, The months will add themselves and make the years, The years will roll into the centuries, And mine will ever be a name of scorn.
Стр. 97 - Not once or twice in our fair island-story, The path of duty was the way to glory: He, that ever following her commands, On with toil of heart and knees and hands, Thro...
Стр. 98 - LOVE thou thy land, with love far-brought From out the storied Past, and used Within the Present, but transfused Thro' future time by power of thought.
Стр. 52 - Came on the shining levels of the lake. There drew he forth the brand Excalibur, And o'er him, drawing it, the winter moon, Brightening the skirts of a long cloud, ran forth And sparkled keen with frost against the hilt : For all the haft twinkled with diamond sparks.
Стр. 56 - Blow trumpet, for the world is white with May; Blow trumpet, the long night hath roll'd away! Blow thro' the living world - "Let the King reign.