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18 the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.


none deceive himself: if any one among you thinketh himself to be wise, let him become a fool in this world, 19 that he may become wise. For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God; as it is written, * He taketh the 20 wise in their own craftiness. And again, + The Lord

knoweth the reasonings of the wise, that they are vain. 21 Therefore let none glory in men; for all things are 22 yours: Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas; or the world, or life, or death, or things present, or things to 23 come, all are yours, And ye are Christ's, and Christ is God's.

CHAP. IV. 1. Let a man so account us, as servants 2 of Christ, and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found 3 faithful. But it is a very small thing with me, to be judged by you, or by any man's judgment; yea, I judge 4 not myself. For I am not conscious to myself of any

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V. 18. Let him become a fool in this world-Such as the world accounts so; that he may become wise-In God's account.

V. 19. For all the boasted wisdom of the world is mere foolishness in the sight of God. He taketh the wise in their own craftiness-Not only while they think they are acting wisely; but by their very wisdom, which itself is their snare, and the occasion of their destruction.

V. 20. That they are but vain-Empty, foolish; they and all their thoughts. V. 21. Therefore-Upon the whole, let none glory in men-So as to divide into parties on their account, for all things are yours-And we in particular. We are not your lords, but rather your servants.

V. 22. Whether Paul, or Apollos, or Cephas-We are all equally yours to serve you for Christ's sake: or the world-This leap, from Peter to the world, greatly enlarges the thought, and argues a kind of impatience of enumerating the rest. Peter, and every one in the whole world, however excellent in gifts, or grace, or office, are also your servants for Christ's sake: or life, or death These, with all their various circumstances, are disposed as will be most for your advantage: or things present on earth, or things to come in heaven. Contend, therefore, no more about these little things, but be ye united in love as ye are in blessings.

V. 23. And ye are Christ's-His property, his subjects, his members, and Christ is God's-As Mediator he refers all his services to his Father's glory.

CHAP. IV. Ver. 1. Let a man account us as servants of Christ-The original word properly signifies, such servants as laboured at the oar in rowing vessels: and accordingly intimates the pains which every faithful minister takes in his Lord's work. O God, where are these ministers to be found? Lord, thou knowest! And stewards of the mysteries of God-Dispensers of the mysterious truths of the gospel.

V. 3. Yea, I judge not myselfMy final state is not to be determined by my own judgment.

V. 4. I am not conscious to myself of any thing evil: yet am I not hereby

thing, yet am I not hereby justified; but he that judgeth 5 me is the Lord. Therefore judge nothing before the time, until the Lord come, who both will bring to light the hidden things of darkness, and manifest the counsels of the hearts. And then shall every one have praise from God.


These things, brethren, I have by a figure transferred to myself and Apollos, for your sakes; that ye may learn by us not to think of men above* what is here written, that ye may not be puffed up for one against another. 7 For who maketh thee to differ from another? And what hast thou which thou hast not received? But if thou hast received it, why dost thou boast, as if thou hadst not 8 received it. Now ye are full : now ye are rich : ye have 9 reigned as kings without us. And I would did reign, ye that we also might reign with you. For I know assuredly God hath set forth us the apostles last, as appointed to death; for we are made a spectacle to the world, both to

* Chap, iii. 7.

justified-1 depend not on this, as a sufficient justification of myself in God's account: But he that judgeth me is the Lord-By his sentence I am to stand or fall.

V. 5. Therefore judge nothing before the time-Appointed for judging all men until the Lord come, who, in order to pass a righteous judgment, which otherwise would be impossible, will both bring to light the things which are now covered with impenetrable darkness, and manifest the most secret springs of action, the principles and intentions of every heart. And then shall every one-Every faithful steward, have praise of God.

V. 6. These things-Mentioned chap. i. 10, &c. I have, by a very obvious figure, transferred to myself, and Apollos, and Cephas, instead of naming those particular preachers at Corinth, to whom ye are so fondly attached, that ye may learn by us-From what has been said concerning us, (who, however eminent we are, are mere instruments in God's hand,) not to think of any man above what is here written, or above what Scripture warrants.

V. 7. Who maketh thee to differ-Either in gifts or graces? As if thou hadst not received it-- As if thou hadst it originally from thyself.

V. 8. Now ye are full-The Corinthians abounded with spiritual gifts. And so did the apostles. But the apostles, by continual want and sufferings, were kept from self-complacency. The Corinthians suffered nothing, and having plenty of all things, were pleased with and applauded themselves. And they were like children, who, being raised in the world, disregard their poor parents. Now ye are full, (says the apostle, in a beautiful gradation,) ye are rich, ye have reigned as kings-A proverbial expression, denoting the most splendid and plentiful circumstances, without any thought of us. And I would ye did reign-In the best sense: I would ye had attained that height of holiness: that we might reign with you-Having no more sorrow on your account, but sharing in your happiness.

V. 9 God hath set forth us last, as appointed to death-Alluding to the Roman custom, of bringing forth those persons last on the stage, either to fight with each other, or with wild beasts, who were devoted to death: so that if they escaped one day, they were brought out again, and again, till they were killed.

10 angels and to men. We are fools for Christ's sake; but ye are wise in Christ: we are weak; but ye are strong: 11 ye are honourable; but we without honour Even to

this present hour, we both hunger and thirst, and are naked, and are buffeted, and have no certain abode. 12 And labour, working with our own hands: being reviled, 13 we bless: being persecuted, we suffer it: Being defamed,

we intreat: we are made as the filth of the world, and 14 off-scouring of all things to this day. I do not write these things to shame you, but as my beloved children 15 I warn you. For if ye have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet have ye not many fathers; for I have begotten 16 you in Christ Jesus through the Gospel. I beseech you, 17 therefore, be ye followers of me. For this cause I have

sent to you Timotheus, who is my beloved son, and faithful in the Lord, who shall remind you of my ways in 18 Christ, as I teach every where in every church. Now 19 some are puffed up, as if I would not come to you. But

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V. 10. We are fools, in the account of the world, for Christ's sake: but ye are wise in Christ-Though ye are Christians, ye think yourselves wise; and ye have found means to make the world think you so tuo. We are weak-In presence, in infirmities, in sufferings: but ye are strong-In just opposite circumstances.

V. 11. And are naked-Who can imagine a more glorious triumph of the truth, than that which is gained in these circumstances? When St. Paul, with an impediment in his speech, and a person rather contemptible than graceful, appeared in a mean, perhaps tattered dress, before persons of the highest distinction, and yet commanded such attention, and made such deep impressions upon them!

V. 12. We bless-suffer it-intreat-We do not return revilings, persecution, defamation: nothing but blessing.

V. 13. We are made as the filth of the world, and the off-scouring of all things -Such were those poor wretches among the heathens, who were taken from the dregs of the people, to be offered as expiatory sacrifices to the infernal gods. They were loaded with curses, affronts, and injuries, all the way they went to the altars. And when the ashes of those unhappy men were thrown into the sea, those very names were given them in the ceremony.

V. 14. I do not write these things to shame you, but as my beloved children I warn you-It is with admirable prudence and sweetness the apostle adds this, to prevent any unkind construction of his words.

V. 15. I have begotten you-This excludes not only Apollos his successor, but also Silas and Timothy his companions. And the relation between a spitual father and his children, brings with it an inexpressible nearness and affection.

V. 16. Be ye followers of me-In that spirit and behaviour, which I have so largely declared.

V. 17. My beloved son-Elsewhere he styles him brother, (2 Cor. i. 1,) but here paternal affection takes place. As I teach-No less by example than precept.

V. 18. Now some are puffed up-St. Paul saw by a divine light, the thoughts which would arise in their hearts. As if I would not come-Because 1 send Timothy,

I will come to you shortly, if the Lord permit, and will know, not the speech of them who are puffed up, but the 20 power. For the kingdom of God is not in speech, but in 21 power. What will ye? That I come to you with a rod? Or in love, and the spirit of meekness?

CHAP. V. 1. It is commonly reported, that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not even among the heathens, that one should have his 2 father's wife. And are ye puffed up? Have ye not rather mourned, that he who hath done this deed, might 3 be taken from among you? For I verily as absent in body, but present in spirit, have already, as if I were 4 present, judged him who hath so done this. In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, 5 To deliver such a one to Satan, for the destruction of the

flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord 6 Jesus. Your glorying is not good: know ye not, that a 7 little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? Purge out the

old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are un

V. 19. I will know He here shews his fatherly authority, not the big, empty speech of these vain boasters, but how much of the power of God attends them.

V. 20. For the kingdom of God-Real religion does not consist in words, but in the power of God ruling the heart.

V. 21. With a rod-That is, with severity.

CHAP. V. Ver. 1. Fornication-The original word implies criminal con versation of any kind whatever. His father's wife-While his father was alive.

V. 2. Are ye puffed up? Should ye not rather have mourned, have solemnly humbled yourselves, and at that time of solemn mourning have expelled that notorious sinner from your communion?

V. 3. I verily, as present in spirit-Having a full (it seems a miraculous) view of the whole fact, have already, as if I were actually present, judged him who hath so scandalously done this.

V. 4. And my spirit-Present with you, with the power of the Lord Jesus Christ-To confirm my sentence.

V. 5. To deliver such a one-This was the highest degree of punishment in the Christian church. And we may observe, the passing this sentence was the act of the apostle, not the Corinthians: To Satan-Who was usually permitted in such cases, to inflict pain or sickness on the offender: for the destruction-Though slowly and gradually, of the flesh-Unless prevented by speedy repentance,

V. 6. Your glorying-Either in your gifts or prosperity, at such a time as this, is not good. Know ye not, that a little leaven-One sin, or one sinner, leaveneth the whole lump-Diffuses guilt and infection through the whole congregation?

V. 7. Purge out therefore the old leaven-Both of sinners and of sin, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened-That is, that being unleavened, ye may be a new lump, holy unto the Lord. For our passover is slain for us-The

leavened: for our passover is slain for us, even Christ: 8 Therefore let us keep the feast; not with the old leaven, nor with the leaven of wickedness and malignity, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth. 9 I wrote to you an epistle, not to converse with lewd 10 persons, But not altogether with the lewd persons of this

world, or the covetous, or the rapacious, or idolators, for 11 then ye must go out of the world. But I have now written unto you, if any who is named a brother be a lewd person, or covetous, or an idolator, or a railer, or a drunkard, or rapacious, not to converse with such a one, 12 no, not to eat with him. For what have I to do, to judge 13 them that are without? Do not ye judge them that are within? (But them that are without, God will judge :) And ye will take away from among yourselves the wicked person.

CHAP. VI. 1. Dare any of you, having a matter against another, refer it to the unjust, and not to the

Jewish passover, about the time of which this epistle was written, (ch. v. 11,) was only a type of this. What exquisite skill both here and every where conducts the zeal of the inspired writer! How surprising a transition is here! And yet how perfectly natural! The apostle speaking of the incestuous criminal, slides into his darling topic, a crucified Saviour. Who would have expected it on such an occasion? Yet when it is thus brought in, who does not see and admire both the propriety of the subject, and the delicacy of its introduction!

V. 8. Therefore let us keep the feast-Let us feed on him by faith. Here is a plain allusion to the Lord's supper, which was instituted in the room of the passover; not with the old leaven-Of Heathenism or Judaism. Malignity is stubbornness in evil. Sincerity and truth seem to be put here for the whole of true, inward religion.

V. 9. I wrote to you in a former epistle-And doubtless both St. Paut and the other apostles wrote many things which are not extant now. Not to converse-Familiarly; not to contract any intimacy or acquaintance with them, more than is absolutely necessary.

V. 10. But I did not mean that ye should altogether refrain from conversing with heathens, though they are guilty in some of these respects. Covetous, rapacious, idolators Sinners against themselves, their neighbour, God. For then ye must go out of the world-Then all civil commerce must cease. that going out of the world, which some account a perfection, St. Paul accounts an utter absurdity.


V. 11. Who is named a brother-That is, a Christian, especially if a mem ber of the same congregation: rapacious Guilty of oppression, extortion, or any open injustice. No, not to eat with him-Which is the lowest degree of familiarity.

V. 12. I speak of Christians only. For what have I to do to judge heathens! But ye as well as I judge those of your own community.

V. 13. Them that are without, God will judge―The passing sentence on these he hath reserved to himself. And ye will take away-that wicked person-This properly belongs to you.

CHAP. VI. Ver. 1. The unjust-The heathens. A Christian could expect

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