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Nominative absolute case, 71, 72, 74, 179, Orthography, function of, 56.

208, 209.

Nominative case, 69, 73, 205, 206.
Nominative, predicate, 206.
Normal use of words, 227.

Not a, limits singular noun, 81.
Note, promissory, 55.
Nouns, abstract, 69.

adjective use of, 31, 233.
adjectives used as, 78.

case of, 69-74, 103, 179, 205-212.
cautions regarding, 103, 104.
common, 63, 64.

declension of, 73.

defined, 21.

gender of, 65, 66.

in apposition, 72, 175, 176, 207, 208.

infinitive used as, 220.

number in, 67-69.
order of parsing, 74.
participial, 109, 110, 188.
person of, 66, 67.

proper, 63, 64, 247, 249.
Number, of nouns, 67-69.
of pronouns, 89.

of verbs, 123, 124.
Numeral adjectives, 81.

O, capital letter for, 52.

Objective case, 71, 74, 209-212.

without governing word, 210-212.

Objective clause, 194.

Own, use of, 91, 94.

Paragraph, defined, 12.
Parentheses, use of, 245.
Parsing, defined, 74.
of adjectives, 84.
of adverbs, 149.
of conjunctions, 160.
of interjections, 163.

of interrogative pronouns, 101.
of nouns, 74.

of participles, III.

of personal pronouns, 92.

of possessive pronouns, 95.
of prepositions, 155.

of relative pronouns, 98.
of verbs, 140.

Participial adjectives, 78, 109.


Participial nouns, 64, 109, 10. 188, 210.

Participial phrases, 193.

Participles, as adjective elements, 175.

compound, 109, 110.
defined, 36, 109.

order of parsing, III, 112.
perfect, 109, 110.

position in sentence, 176.
present, 109.

uses of, 109.

Parts of speech, 27, 53-161.

Passive voice of verbs, 107, 108.
Past perfect tense, 119, 120.

Objective element, arrangement in sen- Past tense, 119, 120.

tence, 174.

complex, 188.

defined, 26, 172, 173.

Objects, direct, 71, 172, 209.

indirect, 71, 173.

infinitive used as, 220.

modifiers of, 188.

of phrase, 152.

preceding subject, 209.

two, 210.

Perfect participle, 36, 109, 110.
misuse of, 144.

Period, use of, 52, 242.

Person, of nouns, 66, 67.

of pronouns, 89.

of verbs, 123.

Personal pronouns, 89-91.

distinguished from relative, 96.
order of parsing, 92.

Personification, defined, 65, 213.

Of, with objective, to denote possession, Phrases, as adjective elements, 181.


One another, use of, 81.

Only a, limits singular noun, 81.

Ordinal numerals, 81, 87.

Orthography, defined, 13.

elements of, 56-62.

as adverbial elements, 148, 182, 211.
as object of verb, 210.

classification of, 193.

defined, 48.

infinitives as, 183.

inseparable, 180, 211, 233.

[blocks in formation]

Pronouns, agreement of, 212.
antecedents of, 88, 89, 96, 213–215.

antiquated forms of, 91.

capitals for, 248.

case of, 69-74, 89.

cautions regarding, 103, 104.

declension of, 90.

defined, 24.

gender of, 65, 89.

in apposition, 207, 208.

interrogative, 88, 100, 101, 209, 212.

masculine form of, 92, 213.

modifiers of, 188.

number of, 89.

person of, 66, 89.

personal, 88-92.

possessive, 88, 94, 95.

relative, 88, 96-100, 209, 213.
representing collective nouns, 213.
rule for cases of, 73, 74.

syntax of, 92, 212, 213.

Proper nouns, 63, 64, 247, 249.
Propositions, abridged, 198.

defined, 18.
principal, 40.

principal elements of, 169.

subordinate, 40.

Prose, defined, 11.

Prosody, defined, 13.

Punctuation, 52-54, 237-246.

Prepositions, cautions regarding, 156, Purpose, clause of, 194.

[blocks in formation]

Second person, defined, 66
Secondary accent, 60.


Semicolon, use of, 54, 239-241.
Sentences, analysis of, defined, 20.
arrangement of, 171, 172, 174, 178.
classification of, 50, 167.
complex, 41, 53.

compound, 43, 53, 54.
contracted, 195-199.
declarative, 50, 52.
defined, 12.

elements of, 20, 169-194.
exclamatory, 51.
imperative, 51, 52.
interrogative, 51, 52.
inversion of, 172.
members of, 43.
simple, 18.

Separable phrase, 180.

Shall, use of, 120.

will misused for, 144. ·
Should, would misused for, 144.
Simple elements, 186.

Simple personal pronouns, 89, 90.
Simple relative pronouns, 96.
Simple sentences, 18, 50, 167.
contraction of, 195.

Since, as conjunction, 155.

as preposition, 154.

Singular number, of possessive case, 70.
use of, 67.

Solemn form of verb, 123.
Sound, elementary, 56–58.
Speech, parts of, 27, 63-161.
Stanza, defined, 12.
Strengthened copula, 170.
Subject clause, 193.

Subject phrase, 193.

Subjects, complex or logical, 187.

connected by and, 218.
connected by or or nor, 219.
defined, 14, 20.

forms of, 169.

grammatical, 186.
infinitive used as, 220.
nominative case for, 205,
of imperative mode, 205, 217.
Subjunctive mode, defined, 115.
in expressing supposition, 145.
tenses in, 121.

Subordinate conjunctions, 158-160.

syntax of, 226.


[blocks in formation]

sequence of, 145.

signs of, 121, 122.

Than, but misused for, 162.
subject omitted after, 205.
That, as conjunction, 97.

as pronominal adjective, 97.
as relative pronoun, 96, 97, 213.
how misused for, 163.
misused for why, 162.
use of, 80.

That 'ere, misused for that, 87.
The, use of, 86.

Them, misused for those, 87.
There, as expletive, 147, 223.

Thine, used before vocal sound, 91.

Third person, defined, 67.

This 'ere, misused for this, 87.
This, these, use of, 80, 81.

Those, them misused for, 87.

[blocks in formation]

To be, in progressive form of verb, | Verbs, with subjects connected by or or


To-day, how to parse, 147.

To do, in emphatic form of verb, 122.
To love, conjugation of, 127-134.
Together with, misused for and, 162.
To-morrow, how to parse, 147, 182.
Transitive verb, 105, 106.
Trisyllable, defined, 60.

Unipersonal verb, defined, 124.
Unless, without misused for, 162.
Use, determines classification, 227.

Verb group, 113.

Verbs after collective noun, 217.
agreement with subject, 217.
auxiliary, 113, 114.
cautions regarding, 143–145.
conjugation of, 124-134.

copula and predicate form, 170.
copulative, 105, 106.

defective, 139.
defined, 22, 105.
forms of, 122, 123.
intransitive, 105-107.
irregular, 107, 135-138.
mode of, 114-117.
number of, 123, 124.
order of parsing, 140.
person of, 123.

principal, in verb group, 113.
principal parts of, 124.
redundant, 139.

regular, 107.

syntax of, 139, 218, 219.

tense of, 118-122.

transitive, 105, 106.

[blocks in formation]

unipersonal, 124.

voice of, 107, 108.

Yes, use of, 223.

Yesterday, yesternight, how to parse, 147.

with subjects connected by and, 218. | You, singular and plural use of, 91.

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