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Sw. Prin.


Sw. Prin.

Sw. to Haut.

Do.&Gt O.D.



Nunc dimittis.-St. Luke ii. 29.

1. Lord, now lettest thou thy ser-VANT de- | -part in | peace: || AC- |-cord- . -ing | to thy word.

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2. FOR mine eyes have seen : || THY |

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sal- | -vation.

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3. WHICH thou hast pre- | -pared: || be-FORE the | face of all people; 4. To be a LIGHT to lighten the | Gentiles: || and to be the GLO-ry | of thy | peo- -ple | Israel.

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Glory be to the Fa-THER, and to the | Son: || and | to the | Ho-. -ly | Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is Now, and | ev-·-er | shall be || WORLD | with--out | end. A- |-MEN.

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3. Let the PEO-ple | PRAISE thee O | God: || YEA, let | all praise thee.

4. O let the na-TIONS re- |-joice, righteously, and go-VERN the | na

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the people |

be glad I for thou shalt judge the folk -tions up- -on earth.

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5. Let the PEO-ple | PRAISE thee O | God: || YEA, let | all praise thee.

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the peo- · -ple |

6. Then shall the EARTH bring forth her increase: || and God, even our own GOD, shall give us his blessing.

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7. GOD shall | bless us : || and ALL the | ENDS of. the world. shall | fear him. Glory be to the Fa-THER, and to the Son: || and | to the | Ho--ly | Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is Now, and | ev- -er | shall be: || WORLD | with-. -out | end. · A- | -MEN.





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1. Blessed is the man that hath not walked in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stood IN the way of | sinners: || and HATH not | sat in scornful.

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the SEAT of the |

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2. But his delight is IN the | LAW of the | Lord: || and in his law will he Ex-er-cise him--self | day and night.

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3. And he shall be like a tree planted By the wa--ter- |-side: || that will BRING | forth his fruit in due season.

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4. His leaf al-so | shall not | wither: || and look, whatsoev-ER he | do-·-eth, | it shall prosper.


5. As for the ungodly, it is not | so with them || but they are like the chaff, which the wind scattereth a-WAY | from the FACE of the earth.

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6. Therefore the ungodly shall not be able to STAND in the judgment : || neither the sinners in the coN-gre- | -ga- · -tion of the righteous. 7. But the Lord know-ETH the way of the un- |-godly shall perish.

MAJOR. Full Swell.


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Why do the heathen so furious-LY | rage to- | -gether: || and why do the peo-PLE i- |-magine · a | vain - thing?

Sw. Hautboy


Soft Choir.

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2. The kings of the earth stand up, and the rulers TAKE | counsel to- | -gether: || against the LORD, | AND a- -gainst | his A- | -nointed. 3. Let us BREAK their

cords from us.

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bonds a

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|-sunder: || AND | CAST a- -way their

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4. He that dwelleth in HEAVEN shall | LAUGH them to | scorn: || the LORD shall | have them in de- | -rision.

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5. Then shall he speak unto THEM | in his | wrath: || and VEX them | in his | sore dis--pleasure:

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-to me: I Thou

6. Yet have I set my | King: || up-on my | ho- -ly | hill of | Sion.
7. I will preach the law, whereof the LORD hath said un-
art my Son, this day have I be--gotten thee.

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8. Desire of me, and I shall give thee the hea-THEN for | thine in- | -heritance : || and the utmost parts of the earth for | thy pos. | -session.

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9. Thou shalt bruise them WITH a | rod of iron: || and break them in PIE-ces | like a pot-· -TER'S | vessel.

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10. Be wise now there-FORE, | O'ye | kings: || be learned, ye that ARE | judg-·-es | of the earth.

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11. SERVE the Lord in | fear: || and re-JOICE | un--to | him with | reverence. 12. Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and so ye per-ISH | FROM the right way: || if his wrath be kindled, (yea, but a little,) blessed are ALL they that | put their trust in him.

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1. Lord, how are THEY in- |-creased that | trouble me: || ma-NY are ❘ they · that rise a- | -gainst me.

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Do. Flute.



Sw. Prin.

Gt. O. D.


3. But thou, O LORD, art | my lift- -er up of my head.

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4. I did call upon the LORD with my voice: || and he HEARD me out of his | ho-· -ly | hill.

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5. I laid me down and slept, and ROSE | up a-
-tained me.


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-| -gain: || FOR |

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the Lord.

6. I will not be afraid for ten THOU-sands of the people : || that have set themSELVES a--gainst me | round a- | -bout.

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7. Up, Lord, and HELP me, O my | God: || for thou smitest all mine enemies upon the cheek-bone; thou hast bro-KEN the teeth or the un- -godly.

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8. Salvation belong-ETH un- -| -to the Lord: || and thy bless-ING | is. -on. thy people.

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1. Hear me when I CALL, O God of my righteousness: || Thou hast set me at liberty when I was in trouble; have mercy upon ME, and | hearken • un- -to my prayer.

2. O ye sons of men, how long will YE blas- |-pheme mine | honour: || and have such pleasure in vani-TY, and seek | af- -ter | leasing?

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3. Know this also, that the Lord hath chosen to him-SELF the | MAN that is | godly || when I CALL up- |-ON the Lord, he will | hear me.

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4. STAND in awe, and | sin not: || commune with your own heart, and IN your cham--ber, and be still.

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5. Offer the SA-cri- | -fice · of righteousness: || AND | put your trust IN the Lord.

6. THERE be many that say: I WHO will shew us | a--NY | good? 7. LORD, lift thou | up: || the light of THY | coun

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Sw. Diaps.

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9. I will lay me down in PEACE, and take my rest: || for it is thou, Lord, onLY, that makest me | dwell in | safety.

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Do. Diaps.

Gt. O. D.


PSALM 5.-Verba mea auribus.

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1. Pon-DER my | words, O Lord: || CON- -sider my med-i- | -tation. 2. O hearken thou unto the voice of my call-ING my | King, and my | God: | for unto thee will I make my prayer.

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3. My voice shalt thou HEAR be- |-times, O Lord: || early in the morning will I direct my prayer UN-to | thee, and will look | up.

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4. For thou art the God that HAST no pleasure in | wickedness: || neither shall a-NY e- -vil | dwell · with | thee.

5. Such as be foolish SHALL not | STAND in all | THEM that work | vanity.

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6. Thou shalt des-TROY | THEM that speak | leasing: || the Lord will abhor both the blood-THIRS-ty | and de- | -ceit- · -ful | man.

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7. But as for me, I will come into thine house, even upon the multi-TUDE | of· thy mercy || and in thy fear will I wor- SHIP to- | -ward thy | ho- -ly | temple. 8. Lead me, O Lord, in thy righteous-NESS, be- | CAUSE of mine | enemies: || make thy WAY | PLAIN be- |-fore my face.

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9. For there is no faithful-NESS | in his mouth : || their IN-ward | parts · are | ve- • -ry wickedness.

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