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Great Organ.

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Glory be to the Fa-THER, and to the | Son: || and | to the | Ho- -ly | Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is Now, and | ev-.-er | shall be: || WORLD | with--out | end. A- |-men.

Te Deum Laudamus.



Gt. O. D.

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1. WE PRAISE thee O | God: || we ac-KNOW-ledge | thee to | be · the | Lord. 2. All the EARTH doth | wor--ship | thee: || THE | Fa--ther | ev--er- |-lasting. 3. To Thee all AN-gels cry a- | -loud: || the HEAVENS, and all the | | | powers there- | -in. 4. To thee Cheru-BIN and | Ser-· -a- | -phin: || CON- | -tin- · -ual- | -ly · do | cry. 5. Ho-ly Ho--ly | Holy: || LORD | God of Sa--ba- | -oth. 6. Heaven and EARTH are | full of the Majesty: || or | 7. The glorious compa-NY | of the A- |-postles: || PRAISE |

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8. The goodly fellow-SHIP | of the Prophets: || PRAISE
9. The No-ble army of | Martyrs: || PRAISE |

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10. The holy Church through-our | all the world: || DOTH | -ledge thee.

| Father || OF

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11. THE
12. Thine HON-Our- -a--ble true : || AND |
13. Al-so the Ho- -ly | Ghost: || THE |
14. Thou ART the King of glory: || O |
15. Thou art the ev-ER- |-last--ing | Son: || OF |
16. When thou tookest upon thee to de- |-li-
ab-|-hor the | Vir--gin's | womb.

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only Son; com--for--ter.

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| Christ.

⚫ the Father.

-ver man: I thou didst NOT

17. When thou hadst over-coмE the sharpness of death: || thou didst open the King-DOM of | heaven to all be--lievers.

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Sw. Prin.

Gt.O.D. S.H.


Gt. O. D.

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18. Thou sittest at the RIGHT | hand of God: || IN the | glo--ry | of the | Father.

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19. We be-LIEVE that thou shalt | come: || TO | be our judge. 20. We therefore PRAY thee, help thy | servants: | whom thou hast reDEEM-ed | with thy | pre- · -cious | blood.

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21. Make them to be NUM-ber'd with thy | saints: || IN | glo- -ry | ev-·-er- | -lasting.

22. O LORD, save thy people : || AND |

23. Go-
24. DAY

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25. AND We

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| bless thine | heritage.

-vern them: AND | lift them up for | ever.
by day || WE


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| mag-·-ni- | -fy thee. worship thy | Name: || ev-ER | world

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26. VOUCH-|-safe | Lord: || to KEEP us | this day
27. O LORD, have | mercy up- |-on us: || HAVE |
28. O Lord, let thy mer-cy lighten up- | ·

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-on us: || AS

with--out | end. with--out | sin.

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29. O LORD, in | thee have I | trusted: || LET me | ne-founded.

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our trust is in |

-ver | be con

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4. That we should be SA-ved | from our | enemies : || and FROM the hands. of | all that hate us:

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Gt. O. D.




5. To perform the mercy promis-ED to our fore--fathers: || and To re-member his holy covenant:

6. To perform the oath which he sware to OUR | fore-· -father | Abraham ; || THAT | - | he would | give us :

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7. That we being delivered out of the | HAND of our | enemies: || MIGHT | serve him with--out | fear;

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8. In holiness and RIGHT-eous- | -ness be- | -fore him : || ALL the | days · — ] of our life.

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9. And thou, Child, shalt be called the PRO-phet of the | Highest : || for thou shalt before the face of the LORD to pre- | -pare his | ways; go

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10. To give knowledge of salva-TION un- |-to his | people: || FOR the re- | -mis-sion of their sins,

11. Through the tender mer-cy of our | God: || whereby the Day-SPRING | from on | high hath | visited us;

12. To give light to them that sit in darkness, and IN the | shadow of | death :|| and to guide our FEET in- | -to the way of peace.

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Glory be to the Fa-THER, and to the Son: || and | to the | Ho--ly | Ghost; As it was in the beginning, is Now, and ev--er | shall be: || WORLD | with- · -out | end. · A- | -MEN.

Jubilate Deo.-Psalm c.

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1. O be joyful in the LORD | all ye | lands: || serve the Lord with gladness, and come be-FORE his pre- -sence with a song.

2. Be ye sure that the LORD he is | God: || it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his peo-PLE, | and the | SHEEP of his pasture.

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3. O go your way into his gates with thanksgiving, and in-To his | courts with | praise || be thankful unto HIM, | and speak | good of his | Name.



Gt. O. D.


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-er- |-lasting || and his truth

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4. For the Lord is gracious, his mer-cy is | ev-
endureth from GE-ne--ration to ge- -ne- | -ration.
Glory be to the Fa-THER, ❘ and to the | Son: || and | to the | Ho- · -ly
As it was in the beginning, is Now, and | ev-·-er | shall be: || WORLD
-out | end. A- | -men.

Evening Service.
Magnificat.-St. Luke i. 46.

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1. My soul doth MAG-ni- | -fy the | Lord: || and my spirit HATH re- | -joiced · in | God my Saviour. 2. FOR he hath • re- | -garded: || the Low-li- | -ness of his hand- -maiden. 3. FOR be--hold, from | henceforth : || all GE-ne- |-rations shall | call · me | blessed.

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4. For he that is migh-TY hath | MAG-ni- · -fied | me: || AND | Ho- -ly | is · his | Name.

5. And his mercy is on them that | fear him : || THROUGH-rations.

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6. He hath shewed STRENGTH | with his | arm : || he hath scattered the proud in the iMA-gi- | -na- · -tion of their | hearts.

7. He hath put down the MIGH-ty | from their | seat : || and HATH ex- | -alted · the humble and meek.

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8. He hath filled the HUN-gry | with good | things: || and the RICH he hath · sent empty. a- | -way.

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9. He remembering his mercy, hath holp-EN his | ser- -vant | Israel : || as he promised to our forefathers, Abra-HAM | and his | seed for | ever. Glory be to the Fa-THER, and to the

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As it was in the beginning, is Now, and | ev--er | shall be: || WORLD | with--out | end. A--MEN.

Gt.O.D. S.H.


Do.with F.S.


Cantate Domino.-Psalm xcviii.

1. O sing un-To the LORD a new | song: || FOR | he hath done | MAr-vel- ~ -lous things.

2. With his own right hand, and WITH his | ho- -ly | arm; || BATH he | gotten him--self the victory.

3. The Lord de-CLAR-ed | his sal- | -vation: || his righteousness hath he openly SHEW-ed in the | SIGHT of the heathen.

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4. He hath remembered his mercy and truth to-WARD the house of | Israel : || and all the ends of the world have SEEN the sal- | -va- -tion of our | God. 5. Shew yourselves joyful unto the LORD | all ye | lands: || SING, re- | -joice, · and give. - thanks.

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6. Praise the LORD up- |-on

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the harp || sing to the HARP | with · a | psalm

7. With TRUM-pets also. and | shawms: || O shew yourselves joy-FUL be- | -fore the Lord the King.

8. Let the sea make a noise, and ALL that there--in | is: || the round WORLD, and | they · that | dwell there- | -in.

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9. Let the floods clap their hands, and let the hills be joyful toge-THER be- | -fore the Lord for HE cometh to judge the | earth.

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10. With righteousness SHALL he judge the world: || AND |
with equity.

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Glory be to the Fa-THER, ❘ and to the | Son: || and | to the | Ho--ly | Ghost ; As it was in the beginning, is Now, and | ev--er | shall be: | WORLD | with--out | end. A- |


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