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Soft Choir.

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19. It is he that hath delivered my soul in peace from the bat-TLE that | was a-gainst me: || FOR | there were | ma- -NY | with me.

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20. Yea, even God, that endureth for ever, shall hear ME, and | bring · them | down: || for THEY will not turn, | nor · fear 21. He laid his hands upon suсH as be at brake his covenant.

peace with him : || AND |

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22. The words of his mouth were softer than butter, hav-ING | war in his | heart; || his words were smoother than OIL, and yet be they | ve

-ry swords. 23. O cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall | nourish thee: || and shall not suf-FER the righteous to | fall for ever.

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24. AND❘ as for them: || thou, O God, shalt bring THEM | into the pit of de- | -struction.

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25. The blood-thirsty and deceitful men shall not live our | half their | days: || nevertheless, my TRUST shall be in | thee, O Lord.


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Morning Prayer.


Sw. Prin.

Full Swell.

11. S

PSALM 56.-Miserere mei, Deus.

1. Be merciful unto me, O God, for man go-ETH aHE is daily | fighting, and | troubling me.

-BOUT to de- | -vour me: ||

2. Mine enemies are daily in HAND to swallow me | up: || for they be many that FIGHT a- | -GAINST me, O thou most | Highest.=

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3. Nevertheless, though I AM | sometime a- | -fraid: || YET put | I my | trust · in thee.

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4. I will praise GOD, be- |-CAUSE of his word: || I have put my trust in God, and will not FEAR what | flesh can do un- | -to me.

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Do. Prin.

Do. Diapn.

Do. Full & Gt. O.D.S


Sw. Prin.

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5. They DAI-ly mis- | -take my | words: || all that they i-MA-gine | is to | do me evil.


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6. They hold altoge-THER, and keep them--selves | close: || and mark my STEPS, when they lay | WAIT for my soul.

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7. Shall they es-CAPE for their wickedness: || thou, O God, in THY dis- | -pleasure shalt | cast them | down.

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8. Thou tellest my flittings; put my TEARS | into thy | bottle: || are not THESE things no- -ted | in thy book?

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9. Whensoever I call upon thee, then shall mine ene-MIES be | put to | flight: || this I KNOW; for | God is on my side.= 10. In God's wORD Will | I

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12. Unto thee, O God, WILL I | pay my | vows: || UN-to | thee will | I· give | thanks.

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13. For thou hast delivered my soul from death, AND my feet from | falling: that I may walk before GOD | in the | LIGHT of the | living.

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1. Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto unto me, for my SOUL

trusteth ·

in | thee: || and under the shadow of thy wings shall be my refuge, un-TIL this | tyranny be|o- -ver- -past.

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2. I will call un-To the most high | God: || even unto the God that shall perform the CAUSE | which I have in hand.

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3. HE shall send from | heaven: || and save me from the re-PROOF Of | HIM that would eat · me | up.

Do. Diaps.


Gt. O. D.

Full Swell.


4. God shall send FORTH his❘ mercy -mong lions.

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5. And I lie even among the children of men, that ARE | set on fire : || whose teeth are spears and ar-Rows, and their | TONGUE a sharp | sword.

6. Set up thyself, O GOD, a- | -bove · the | heavens : || and thy glo-RY a- | -bove · - ALL the earth.

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7. They have laid a net for my feet, and press-ED | down my soul || they have digged a pit before me, and are fallen in-To the midst of it them--selves. 8. My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed : || I will | sing and give · - | praise.

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9. Awake up, my glory; a-WAKE | lute and harp || I my-SELF | WILL -wake right early.

a- | 10. I will give thanks unto thee, O LORD, a- | -mong the people : || and I will sing UN-to thee a- | -mong the nations.

11. For the greatness of thy mercy reach-ETH | unto the | heavens : || AND thy | - | unto the clouds.


12. Set up thyself, O GOD, a- |-bove the heavens : || and thy glo-Ry a- | -bove · - ALL the | earth.

PSALM 58.-Si vere utique


Sw. Prin.


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1. Are your minds set upon righteousness, O ye | con- -gre- |-gation: || and do ye judge the thing that is RIGHT, | O ye | sons of men? 2. Yea, ye imagine mischief in your HEART up- |-on · hands deal with | wickedness.

the | earth : || AND | your ·

3. The ungodly are froward, even FROM their | mo- -THER'S Womb : || as soon as they are BORN, they go a- -stray, and speak | lies.

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Sw. Diaps,

4. They are as venomous as the poi-son | of a | serpent: || even like the DEAF | adder that stoppeth her ears;

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5. Which refuseth to HEAR the | VOICE of never so wisely.

the | charmer: || CHARM |

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6. Break their teeth, O God, in their mouths; smite the jaw-bones or the O Lord: || let them fall away like water that runneth apace; and when they shoot their ar-Rows let them be | root--ed | out.

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7. Let them consume away like a snail, and be like the un-TIME-ly | fruit of a | woman: || AND | let them not | see the sun.

8. Or ever your pots be MADE | hot with thorns: || so let indignation vex HIM, | EV'N as a THING that is raw.

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9. The righteous shall rejoice WHEN he | seeth the | vengeance: || he shall wash his foot-STEPS in the blood | or the · un- -godly.

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10. So that a man shall say, Verily there is a re-wARD | for the | righteous : || doubtless there is a | God that | judgeth the | earth.

11. S

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Evening Prayer.

PSALM 59.-Eripe me de inimicis.


1. Deliver me FROM mine | enemies, O | God: || defend ME from | THEM that · rise up a--gainst me.

2. O deliver me FROM the | wick-· -ed | doers: || and SAVE me FROM the blood- | -thirsty | men.

3. For lo, they lie wait-ING | for my soul: || the mighty men are gathered against me, without any of-FENCE or fault of me, O | Lord.

4. They run and prepare them-SELVES with- |-out my fault: || arise thou thereFORE to help me, | AND be- |-hold.

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Do. Prin.

Gt. O.D.

Soft Choir.

Full Swell.

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5. Stand up, O Lord God of hosts, thou God of Israel, to vi-SIT | all the heathen: || and be not merciful unto them that of-FEND | of· ma- | -liwickedness.

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6. They go to and FRO | in the evening: || they grin like a DOG, and | run a-bout through the city.

7. Behold, they speak with their mouth, and SWORDS are | in their | lips : || FOR | - | who doth | hear?

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8. But thou, O Lord, shalt HAVE them | in de- | -rision: || and thou shalt LAUGH | all the | heathen to scorn.

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9. My strength will I a-SCRIBE | un--to | thee: || FOR thou | art the | God of · my refuge.

10. God sheweth ME his | good--ness | plenteously: || and God shall let me see MY de-sire up- | -on mine | enemies.

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11. Slay them not, LEST my people for- |-get it: || but scatter them abroad among the people, and put them DOWN, | O Lord | our · de--fence.

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12. For the sin of their mouth, and for the words of their lips, they shall be taKEN | in · their | pride: || and why? their preach-ING | is of cursing and | lies. 13. Consume them in thy wrath, consume THEM that they may | perish: || and know that it is God that ruleth in Jacob, AND un- |-to the | ENDS of the world. 14. And in the even-ING they will re- | -turn: || grin like a dog, AND will | go · a- | -bout the city.

15. They will run HERE and there not satisfied.=

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for meat: || and GRUDGE | if

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they be

16. As for me, I will sing of thy power, and will praise thy mer-cy be- |-times in the morning: || for thou hast been my defence and re-FUGE| in the day of my trouble.

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17. Unto thee, O my STRENGTH, | will. I | sing: || for thou, O God, art my reFUGE, and my merci- -ful God.

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