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Soft Choir.

Sw. Diaps.

PSALM 60.-Deus repulisti, nos.

1. O God, thou hast cast us out, and scatter-ED been displeased; O TURN thee | un- · -to us a

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us · a- | -broad : || thou hast also -gain.

2. Thou hast moved the LAND, | and · di- | -vided it : || HEAL the | SORES there-of, | for it | shaketh.

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3. Thou hast shewed thy peo-PLE | hea- · -vx | things: || thou hast given us a | drink of dead--ly | wine.=

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Do.F.GtO.D 4. Thou hast given a to-KEN for | such as | fear thee: || that THEY may | triumph · be--CAUSE of the truth.



Gt. O. D.

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5. Therefore were тHY be- | -loved · de- | -livered: || help ME with | thy · right | hand, and hear me.

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6. God hath spoken in his holiness, I will re-JOICE, ❘ AND di- · -vide | Sichem : || and METE out the valley of Succoth.

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7. Gilead is mine, AND Ma- | -nasses is mine: || Ephraim also is the strength of my HEAD; Ju--dah | is my | law-giver.

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8. Moab is my wash-pot; over Edom will I cast out my | shoe : || PHI- | -listia, be thou glad of me.

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9. Who will lead ME in- | -To the strong | city: || WHO will | bring · me | in-to | Edom?

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in | trouble: || FOR | vain is the help of | man. 12. Through God WILL we do great acts: || for it is HE that] shall • tread |

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Sw. Prin.

Gt. O. D.

Do. & F. S.

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3. O set me up upon the rock that is
hope, and a strong TOWER for me a- |-gainst the enemy.

higher than | I: || for thou hast been my


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4. I will dwell in thy ta-BER- | -nacle for | ever: || and my trust shall be un-DER cover--ing | of thy | wings.

5. For thou, O Lord, hast HEARD | my de- |-sires: || and hast given an heritage UN-to those that fear thy | Name.

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6. Thou shalt GRANT the KING a long life: || that his years may en-DURE through--out all | ge- -ne- |-rations.

7. He shall dwell be-FORE | God for ever: || O prepare thy loving mercy and faithful-NESS, that they may pre- |-serve him.

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8. So will I alway sing PRAISE un--to

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thy | Name: || that I may | daily ·


Gto.D. &S.P


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1. My soul truly wait-ETH | still up--on | God: || for of HIM | com--eth | my · sal- -vation.

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2. He verily is my STRENGTH and | my · sal- | -vation : || he is my defence, so THAT I shall not great-ly | fall.'

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3. How long will ye imagine mischief a-GAINST | eve- -ry | man : || ye shall be slain all the sort of you; yea, as a tottering wall shall ye BE, and | like -ken | hedge.

4. Their device is only how to put him our whom | GOD will ex- | -alt: || their delight is in lies; they give good words wITH their mouth, but CURSE with ⚫

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Gto.D.& F.S



MAJOR. Choir.

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5. Nevertheless, my soul, WAIT thou | still up--on | God: || FOR | my hope | is in him.


6. He truly is my STRENGTH and my sal- | -vation : || he is my de-FENCE, SO that I shall not fall.

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7. In God Is my health · AND my | glory || the rock of my MIGHT, | and · in | GOD is my trust.

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8. O put your trust in HIM | alway, ye | people: || pour out your HEARTS be- | -fore him, for God is our | hope.

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9. As for the children of MEN, they are but | vanity: || the children of men are deceitful upon the weights, they are altoge-THER | lighter than | vanity it- |-self. 10. O trust not in wrong and robbery, give not your-SELVES | un--to vanity: || if riches in-CREASE, set not your heart up- |. -on them.

11. God spake once, and twice I have al-so | heard · the | same: || that POW'R be--long--eth | un- -to God;

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12. And that THOU, | Lord, art | merciful: || for thou rewardest every MAN ac- | -cording to his | work.

PSALM 63.-Deus, Deus meus.

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-ly will I seek thee.

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1. O GOD, thou art my | God: || EAR- | 2. My soul thirsteth for thee, my flesh al-so | long- -eth | after thee: || in a barren and dry LAND | where no | wa- -ter is.

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3. Thus have I look-ED for | thee in | holiness: || that I MIGHT be- | -hold thy | power and glory.

Gt.O.D. S.P.



4. For thy loving-kindness is better THAN the | life it- | -self: || MY | lips shall

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| praise thee.

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5. As long as I live will I magnify THEE | on this manner: || and lift up my |

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thy Name.

6. My soul shall be satisfied, even as it WERE with | marrow and | fatness: when my mouth PRAIS-eth | thee · with | joy- -ful lips.

7. Have I not remembered THEE | in thee when I was waking?

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my | bed: || and THOUGHT up- |-on ·

8. Because THOU hast | been my | helper : || therefore under the shadow of thy | wings will I re- | -joice.

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9. My SOUL | hangeth

-holden me.

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12. But the king shall rejoice in God; all they also that swear by HIм shall | be · com- |-mended: || for the mouth of THEM that | speak lies | shall be stopped.

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1. Hear my voice, O GOD, | in my | prayer : || pre-sERVE my life from | FEAR of the

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2. Hide me from the gathering toge-THER | of the froward: || and from the IN-Sur- |-rection · of | wick- · -ed | doers:


3. Who have whet their TONGUE | likea | sword: || and shoot out their ar-Rows, | -ven | bit-TER | words;

Gt. O. D.

4. That they may privily shoot at HIM | that is | perfect : || sudden-LY | do they | hit him, and | fear not.

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5. They encou-RAGE them- | -selves in | mischief: || and commune among themselves how they may lay SNARES, and | say, that | no man shall see them. 6. They i-MA-gine | wickedness, and practise it: || that they keep secret among themselves, every MAN | in the deep of his | heart.=

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7. But God shall suddenly shoot at THEM | with a swift | arrow: || THAT |they shall be ❘ wounded.

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8. Yea, their own TONGUES shall | make them | fall: || insomuch that whoso se-ETH❘ them shall | LAUGH them to | scorn.

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Gt.O.D. S.P.

DAY 12. S

Evening Prayer.

PSALM 65.-Te decet, hymnus.

1. Thou, O GOD, art | praised in | Sion : || and unto thee shall the vow BE per-form--ed | in Je- |-rusalem.

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2. THOU that hearest the prayer: || UN-to | thee shall | all flesh | come. 3. My mis-DEEDS pre- | -vail a- | -gainst me: || O BE thou | merci- · -ful | unto

our sins.

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-to thee: ||

4. Blessed is the man whom thou choosest, AND re- |-ceivest unhe shall dwell in thy court, and shall be satisfied with the pleasures of thy HOUSE, even of thy ho- -ly | temple.

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