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Note on Fruiting of the Holly,
App. xix.

on Recent Sunless Summers--
their Effects, App. liv.

Birds and Berries, App. lix.
Obituary Notice of, 381.
Death Noticed, App. cl.
Maw, George, Botanical Tour in
Levant, 68.

Mawson, Dr Thomas William, Obitu-
ary Notice of, 10.

Measurement of Trees, Exact, 217;
part ii., 394; part iii., 410.
Mello, Señor Joaquim Correa de,
Obituary Notice of, 378.
Members of the Botanical Society,
App. xliii, lxxxviii, cxxvii.
Members Elected, App. v, ix, xi,
xii, xvi, lii, liv,`Îvii, lx, lxiii,
lxiv, lxviii, c, c, cvii, cvii, cix.,
cxii, cxiv.

Menzies, John, Obituary Notice of, 10.
Miller, John, of Burgo Park, Obitu-
ary Notice of, 125.

Miscellaneous Communications, App.
iii, vi, ix, x, xi, xii, xx, xxiii,
lii, lvi, lxii, lxiv, lxvii, xcix,
ciii, clx, cx, exiii, cxvi.
Morren's, Professor E., Views on Vege-
table Digestion, 39.
Mull, Flora of, 234.

Munby Giles, Obituary Notice of, 12.
Murray, Andrew, Obituary Notice of,

Museum, Donations to, xli, lxxxvi,

Mycelium of Fungi on Scotch Firs,
App. xcvii.

Newman, Edward, Obituary Notice
of, 143.

Obituary Notices, 3-16.-John Joseph

Bennett, Adolphe Theodore Brong-
niart, Thomas Barclay, Thomas
Marshall Bennett, Dr François
Simon Cordier, John Gibson, Louis
Van Houtte, Thomas William
Mawson, John Menzies, William
Graham M'Ivor, Giles Munby,
Edward Newman, Neil Stewart,
Gilbert A. C. Stewart; Professor
Fries, App. cvii.

119-125.-Alexander Braun,
Hugh D'Algernon Weddell, Prof.
Wilhelm F. B. Hofmeister, John

Scott Bowerbank, Fillippo Parla-
tore, Dr John Duncanson, John
Millar, Henry N. L. James, M.D.

377-389.-Sir William Gibson-
Craig, Bart.; Señor Joaquim Correa
de Mello, Andrew Murray, James
M'Nab, Professor Fries.

Open-Air Vegetation in Royal Botanic
Garden, 55, 278.

Office-Bearers, 1876-77, App. iv;
1877-78, App. liii; 1878-79, App.

Oscar II., King of Sweden, elected as
a Royal Honorary Fellow, App. lvi.

Parlatore, Fillippo, Obituary Notice
of, 123.

Peach, C. W., on Fossil Plants from
Calciferous Sandstone around Edin-
burgh, 46.

Pearson, W. H., Discovery of Har-
panthus Flotovianus in Scotland,


Peziza cocotina of Cooke, App. xii.
Peziza at Inverleith House, by M. C.
Cooke, 44.

Peziza Ada, Sadler, 45.
Polyporus, Enumeration of, 131.
Plumule, Envelope of, in Grass Em-
bryo, 437.

Rheum palmatum var. tanguticum,
App. xxi.

Rheum, on some species cultivated in
Botanic Garden, 435.
Rhubarb, Turkey or Russian, of Com-
merce, 403.

Ross, G., on the Flora of Mull, 234.

Sadler, John, on Alpine Flora of Ben
Nevis, Inverness-shire, 50.

App. xii.


on Peziza cocotina, of Cooke,
on a New Species of Agaric,

on Vegetation resembling Soot,
App. iii.
Salmon Disease on Esk and Eden,

Schomburg, K., on Economic Value
of South Australian Eucalyptus,
App. lxv.

Senebiera didyma, Prof. Dickson on
Inflorescence of, App. lxi.
Shapter, Dr, Remarks by Professor
Balfour on Plants grown by him
near Exeter, 23.

Societies and Universities receiving
Transactious, App. xev, cxxxiv.
Soot on Conifera, 343; App. lxii.
Stewart, Gilbert A. C., Obituary
Notice of, 16.

Stewart, Neil, Obituary Notice of,

Taylor, Andrew, on Ulodendron, App.


Temperatures, Low Night, on slightly
unequal surfaces, 48.

Tillandsia usneoides, App. x.
Thompson, W. D'Arcy, on Uloden-
dron, App. cvi.

Thomson, Prof. Sir W., Notes on
Character of Vegetation of Fuegia
and Southern Patagonia, App. xiii.
· Presidential Address, 115.
Treasurer's Statement for 1875-76,
App. v.; 1876-77, lx.; 1877-78,

Tsi-shu, or Varnish Tree of China,
App. xvi.

Turnip Seeds, Experiments with, 25.
Ulodendron, App. evi, cxv.

Uruguay, Journey in, in 1867, 242.
Webb, F. M., Obituary Notices for
1876, 3.

Notes upon some Plants in the
British Herbarium at Royal Botanic
Garden, 88; App. cviii, cx.
Weddell, Hugh D'Algernon, Obituary
Notice of, 122.

Wilson, Alexander Stephen, Experi-
ments with Turnip Seeds, 25.

Envelope of Plumule in Grass-

Embryo, 437.

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