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"Go on about the building," rejoined Lord Darmaya; "I like historical facts and narratives en règle, and am fond of building. I wonder what it cost, from first to last? I have a plan of altering my chapel at Darmaya Castle -But proceed."

"This handsome marble chamber, or rather hall," observed St. Germain, "has sixteen niches in the side of each semicircle four rows of niches, above each other."

Lord Darmaya shuddered.

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"And in each of the niches a marble coffin is placed. Those coffins which are occupied are marked. One side of the pantheon is appropriated to the remains of the kings of Spain; the other to the queens and infantas—which is a delicate etiquette of separation. The pantheon is kept continually lighted, and the floor so polished, that if they choose to promenade, they may do so comfortably. And it was

after mass I met Señora Felissa Medinilla and her grandmother, seated in a niche, and introduced myself to their acquaintance and observation."

"What was the measurement of the building?" demanded Lord Belnovine en riant. "How was Felissa dressed?" inquired Ellen, impatiently.

"A mantilla and a fan, is the morning costume of the señoras. On an evening they begin to copy the French in their attire."

"Is she handsome, and of birth ?" asked Lord Darmaya.

"The first depends upon taste, and the latter is uncertain,” replied St. Germain.

"What a stupid recital you have given us!" remarked Ellen, when Lord Darmaya was gone.

"It was not for you, Miss De Lastre,” replied St. Germain; "and whenever you put me to the question, remember I shall make you share in the penance. And the next time you talk of my adventures, I shall give Lord Darmaya the particulars of the siege of Saragossa by the French, and relate the scene of the fire at the convent of St. Francisco, and the general hospital; nor spare the description of the maniacs throwing themselves out of the windows; and Lefebvre's negotiation with Palafox."

"He was a gallant spirit," subjoined Belnovine, interrupting him.

Leaving them in the midst of the peninsular war, Ellen went away to drive with her mother.


The greatest curiosity of Anchialos was the tomb of Sardanapalus, distinguished by the statue of that effeminate tyrant, in the attitude of clapping his hands, and by an Assyrian inscription, breathing the true spirit of modern epicurism. The original ran in verse to the following purpose: "Sardanapalus, son of Anaxyndaraxas, built Anchialos and Tarsus in one day! As to you, stranger, eat, drink, and sport; for other human things are not worth this :" alluding to the clap of his hands.

GILLIES' Hist. of Greece, vol. iv.



"Our mutual confidences strengthen; and however clearly bright our experience, the time seems arrived for recompense; and we, like true mechanics, know how to turn all into use. But caution is my immediate hand-post. It is said one must not despise little things, lest

one perish by little and little. foundation in these sayings.

There is some

Yes, me voila,

residing at a place called Ville Park, with English owls who would unplume the eagle— but I soar too high: the séjour is well enough. But I am not yet like the Bruin which Hudibras fell upon, who took men for friends, and dogs for enemies; for I am more at ease with sheep and cattle which graze and pay better for their entertainment than the picturesque deer. I laugh inly at my management of the inmates. What is it that distinguishes man from man? You, who are renowned for scholastic wisdom, answer me this simple question - what constitutes our variations? Shall I spare your ingenuity, and instruct you, with dutiful humility? Why, it is cunning and well-devised practice. There is ever in nature more of bad than good

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more of the Darmaya than the Solon fools than wise. I had nearly been foiled by that cunning knave, Darmaya. But I've bound him hand and foot-tutored his excellence, and made him mine, as you shall know.

"Belnovine is much away, pre-occupied. The fair idol-(you grow impatient !) — well!

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