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friend; you will then sympathize and commend."

"No doubt I shall," rejoined Ellen, coldly; "and I shall merely bid you now, as I did Villetta some time since, to spare me from being a confidant. I detest being called upon to pity where I could not perhaps altogether approve."

"Remember," the Duke emphatically urged, "that this is the only minute I may see you alone. Will you not then permit me to repose entire, implicit confidence in you as my chosen, dearest relative? I am unfortunate enough: do not let me leave England under the certainty that some unfavourable ideas regarding my conduct will be implanted in your bosom."

"I am a weak afflicted creature," Ellen replied; "but I will be attentive and faithful in preserving sacred all you may wish to impart."

Lorevaine drew his chair close to her's, and with a beaming animation he thus began:—

"There is one dear friend whom I love!" A deep-drawn sigh from Ellen's heart startled him. Her hand was pressed over her forehead

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so as to conceal her face from view. you not well, dear Miss De Lastre ?"


"I am not better, I have a distracting headache; but you must be convinced," she subjoined, "that I do acquit you of all apparent inconsistency that I know you are kind and amiable. Let me then be as a beloved sister, and some time hence make me your confidant, as if I were so. Our friendship is strong as ever; that must not, cannot die."

This was breathed in murmuring words, more than in firm, intelligible sentences. Lorevaine would have detained her, but she was not to be prevailed upon. He put her into the vis-a-vis, scarcely knowing how thoroughly miserable he was, till the door closed her from his sight.


Though it is hard to judge of the hearts of people, yet where they declare their resentment and uneasiness at anything, there they pass judgment upon themselves.


THE final arrangements were now completed for Lorevaine's journey. He had sent a note to Lord Darmaya, requesting to see him in the course of the evening.

The deeply-felt discourse with Ellen almost unnerved him; and he was meditating alone in solitude when Francisco ushered in his expected visitor.

"You desired to have an interview with me, of importance, I suppose, from your despatch at such an hour; so I have hurried over my dinner, and left my company to amuse themselves, rather inconveniently - but you quit London to-morrow, your courier informed us ?"

"Yes," the Duke answered, sighing involun


tarily, "I go to-morrow."

The lamps were placed on the table, and Francisco seemed unwilling to leave the apartment. "Will your Grace please to let me put your coffee by you ?" he said; you have quite let it cool, and have not tasted a morsel the whole day."


Lorevaine waved his hand, and Francisco understood that he must go away.

The Duke was reclining in his chair, apparently still absorbed by his inward reflections, when Lord Darmaya again inquired whether he had anything to say to him.

"Oh yes, much, and of importance too," Lorevaine subjoined, starting up, and dashing the soft wavy curl from his forehead. "My friend Morgan is arrived from the Cape with his son, who is thoroughly recovered, I rejoice to add; and it is requisite that they should be made fully acquainted with the predicament of their family affairs, so as to recover some share of their property, if it be possible.”

The tone in which he uttered this, carried a penetrating alarm into his auditor's mind.

"Family property!" echoed the Earl, with an effort at composure: 66 are you not aware that the old man died intestate, and that no clue whatever could be found to unravel the web of his foreign possessions?"

"There was a mystery-" Lorevaine was proceeding, when the restless movement of Darmaya's foot struck against a basket by the table, and a dog sprang suddenly out and seized it. Kicking the animal off harshly, the Earl observed, "How could you come by such a venomous cur as this—a mongrel of the worst species ?"

"Go to bed, Rover," said Lorevaine, gently patting the animal's head as it looked up in his face and obeyed.

"Rover !" repeated Darmaya, " I remember that name. The first terrier I ever had of my

own was so called."

"Which was given you by Samson Nichols, alias Frasier?"

The dog peeped out, and growled at the expression of Darmaya's countenance, which was ferociously bent downwards. The Earl did not articulate for a minute. The machinery of his

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