Longman's Magazine, Том 17Longmans, Green, 1891 |
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... lives are still yearly sacrificed , and in the whole of the United Kingdom up- wards of 100,000 fall victims to gross causes which are preventible . . England pays not less than £ 21,000,000 per annum ( that is to say , about three ...
... lives are still yearly sacrificed , and in the whole of the United Kingdom up- wards of 100,000 fall victims to gross causes which are preventible . . England pays not less than £ 21,000,000 per annum ( that is to say , about three ...
... live . But Junot , being of a bold , venturesome disposition , sought frequently to increase his supply by gambling . The new luxury had no sooner appeared than VOL . XVII . NO . XCVII . B P270.3 1890 , JNov . 12-1891 , 142.8 . Sever.
... live . But Junot , being of a bold , venturesome disposition , sought frequently to increase his supply by gambling . The new luxury had no sooner appeared than VOL . XVII . NO . XCVII . B P270.3 1890 , JNov . 12-1891 , 142.8 . Sever.
Стр. 1
... live . But Junot , being of a bold , venturesome disposition , sought frequently to increase his supply by gambling . The new luxury had no sooner appeared than VOL . XVII . NO . XCVII . B numerous public gambling tables were started ...
... live . But Junot , being of a bold , venturesome disposition , sought frequently to increase his supply by gambling . The new luxury had no sooner appeared than VOL . XVII . NO . XCVII . B numerous public gambling tables were started ...
Стр. 10
... live the people ! Sovereign people ' then he grew incoherent , sank back into his chair , his head fell on his arm on the table , and he slept again ! Then Annette seized both pistols , and , with trembling fingers , threw back the ...
... live the people ! Sovereign people ' then he grew incoherent , sank back into his chair , his head fell on his arm on the table , and he slept again ! Then Annette seized both pistols , and , with trembling fingers , threw back the ...
Стр. 12
... live the sovereign people ! ' Annette paused no longer , but joined the crowd in which she seemed qualified to take her place . Gaunt and haggard , with her eye newly swollen from the recent blow , and her hair untidy and uncombed , she ...
... live the sovereign people ! ' Annette paused no longer , but joined the crowd in which she seemed qualified to take her place . Gaunt and haggard , with her eye newly swollen from the recent blow , and her hair untidy and uncombed , she ...
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Часто встречающиеся слова и выражения
Alverstoke Annette asked Beauce beautiful Bell Bering Strait better Bingley Hall birds called Carnforths Célimène CHLORODYNE course creature cried Cullingdon Daisy Schofield Dalrymple dear Donna door eyes face fancy father feel felt girl Greenland hand head heard heart hippopotamus honour horses Houmea Isabel Jacques Jean Jean Durand Junot knew La Beauce Lady Dorrien laughed Lincolnshire live London London Stone LONGMAN'S MAGAZINE looked Lord Houghton Louison Mahout mind Miss Lavenham Monica Moreen Morgan mother never Night Refuge once Ossetes passed Pemberton perhaps Pinard poor round Sally Sapphira Sark Sebald seemed seen Siberian Islands side Sir Arthur sister smile spider Spitzbergen Stone stood street sure talk tell thee thing thou thought told took turned Uncle Schofield Virginie walk wish woman wonder word young
Популярные отрывки
Стр. 332 - they cried, ' O look at the trees ! ' With lessened load a few carts creak and blunder, Following along the white deserted way, A country company long dispersed asunder : When now already the sun, in pale display Standing by Paul's high dome, spread forth below His sparkling beams, and awoke the stir of the day.
Стр. 606 - ... property" and something to do with the Bible Society. It couldn't have been but that he was a good type. Pemberton himself remembered Mrs Clancy, a widowed sister of Mr Moreen's, who was as irritating as a moral tale and had paid a fortnight's visit to the family at Nice shortly after he came to live with them. She was "pure and refined...
Стр. 331 - ... might I let thee go. I will not let thee go. The stars that crowd the summer skies Have watched us so below With all their million eyes, I dare not let thee go. I will not let thee go. Have we not chid the changeful moon, Now rising late, and now Because she set too soon, And shall I let thee go ? I will not let thee go.
Стр. 508 - ... master exchanged a longish glance in which there was a consciousness of many more things than are usually touched upon, even tacitly, in such a relation, It produced for Pemberton an embarrassment; it raised in a shadowy form a question this was the first glimpse of it - destined to play a singular and, as he imagined, owing to the altogether peculiar conditions, an unprecedented part in his intercourse with his little companion...
Стр. 104 - It is neither to be chilled by selfishness, nor daunted by danger, nor weakened by worthlessness, nor stifled by ingratitude. She will sacrifice every comfort to his convenience ; she will surrender every pleasure to his enjoyment; she will glory in his fame, and exult in his prosperity : — and, if...
Стр. 332 - The eye marvelled — marvelled at the dazzling whiteness The ear hearkened to the stillness of the solemn air; No sound of wheel rumbling nor of foot falling, And the busy morning cries came thin and spare. Then boys I heard, as they went to school, calling, They gathered up the crystal manna to freeze...
Стр. 612 - Elysees, of which Mrs. Moreen had given him the address. A deep if dumb dissatisfaction with this lady and her companions bore him company: they couldn't be vulgarly honest, but they could live at hotels, in velvety entresols, amid a smell of burnt pastilles, surrounded by the most expensive city in Europe. When he had left them in Venice it was with an irrepressible suspicion that something was going to happen; but the only thing that could have taken place was again their masterly retreat. "How...
Стр. 224 - What can ennoble sots, or slaves, or cowards? Alas! not all the blood of all the Howards.
Стр. 372 - Now is Mortimer lord of this city. And here, sitting upon London Stone, I charge and command that, of the city's cost, the pissing conduit run nothing but claret wine this first year of our reign.
Стр. 509 - Morgan had the easy reply that he hadn't dreamed of abusing them; which appeared to be true: it put Pemberton in the wrong. "Then why am I a humbug for saying I think them charming?" the young man asked, conscious of a certain rashness. "Well— they're not your parents." "They love you better than anything in the world— never forget that," said Pemberton. "Is that why you like them so much?" "They're very kind to me," Pemberton replied, evasively.