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with threats to dethrone the Emperor, un- | by those, over whom they have tyranless he withdraws his armies and negociates nized; many a mob of vile wretches, who, an immediate peace with England. What instead of exercising the power of making would this hireling say, if a number of laws, ought to be working at the galleys or persons in England were found to engage in the mines; many a set of these most in a plan to excite an insurrection for a detestable of mankind, who inflict all similar purpose: to compel the king, for the pains and penalties of despotism, instance, to make peace with Buonaparté? under the names and forms of liberty and What would the hireling say? Why, law. I am satisfied, that, if the people away with the traitors to the gallows and of this country enjoy their rights, France "the gibbet!" Those, who should be never can invade us with success, howguilty of such a crime in England, would ever powerful she may be. Being satisbe traitors." And, why are they not fied of this, I look upon Buonaparte's traitors in Russia? That is a "regular go- power with much less terror than most "vernment" as well as this. Where is people do; and I can truly say, that, for the difference, then? The fact is this; that some years past, his successes have given we appear to have laid it down as a maxim, me no uneasiness. Knowing that he canthat nothing, in any creature, is criminal not beat us if we have our rights, I know, that tends to our advantage; or, rather, to of course, that there is no danger to be the advantage of those, who live upon the apprehended from him, which danger it taxes in England.- -I am, however, most is not in our power to remove. With surprized at the Morning Chronicle, which those, who think that the people ought seems to have enlisted under the banners not to have their rights, the case must of the most sanguine Deliverers, and which be very different; but, an excellent genereally seems to suppose, that to cut Buona- ral rule is, that, what is good for them parte's throat would produce a restoration is bad for us, and what is bad for them is of the golden age. The Morning Chro- good for us; and, I must confess, that, nicle is continually belabouring poor when I hear certain people express their Buonaparté; and without rhyme or rea- sorrow at events upon the continent, I deson. I should like to have an opportunity rive great consolation from reflecting, that of seriously asking the editor of that paper, what makes them sorry, must, somehow or whether he really believes; whether he other, contain that which ought to make can believe, that totally to destroy the me glad. I do not stop to ask how this power of Buonaparté would be an unequi- is. I draw the consolatory conclusion at vocal good. I should like to put this once, feeling it impossible that their inquestion to him, and to receive his answer, terests and mine should ever, in any case, in a frank manner. This editor must cer- be the same. Seeing things in this tainly see, that, if all the old governments way, I am not in such haste to wish for of Europe were, all at once, again restored, the total overthrow of the power of Buonathey would not only restore all their parté, which power, as I said before, is not abuses, but would create tens of thousands at all dangerous to us, if we have our of new ones, and would take care so to rights; for, in that case, it is quite imbind down their subjects, so to load them possible for him to set his foot in England. with chains, as to relieve themselves from We ought, therefore, to think well before all future danger of revolution. In short, we make any further effort to send troops a system of slavery, such as never was upon the continent. At sea we ought to before heard of, would be established from be very careful to preserve a decided suone end to the other of the continent. I periority; but, I really cannot see what should suppose, that, without tracing the we have to do with any part of the conconsequences to England, here is quite tinent, the coasts of Spain and France exenough to make any reflecting man doubt cepted.- On we shall go, however, in the wisdom of wishing for the total de- the old way; millions upon millions struction of the power of Buonaparté. more will be expended upon continentBesides, as he goes on, he does some good al projects; we shall be so much the as well as mischief. He must sweep away weaker, and he, whose power we are so many a gang of public-robbers; many a anxious to annihilate, will be so much the nest of harpies lie tramples to death in stronger. This is my opinion as to what his progress; many knots of petty tyrants will take place; and I shall be very glad he disperses, stripped of their ill-gotten au- to find myself deceived. The war, with thority, and leaves them to be cuffed about our government, has long been a war of

passion. Reason and policy have no longer any thing to do with it. It is a war against Napoleon's person. So it really appears; for the moment there is, a chance of getting at him, away we send men and money and ships and every thing that we can rake together.This is fine sport for the contractors and jobbers; but, what say those who have their incomes from the funds, and which incomes must go regularly on diminishing? No matter; for, it is to their credulity in the first place, and their baseness in the next place, that we owe all the complicated evils under which we now labour.

ESSEX MEETING. From the documents, relating to this Meeting, which will be found below, it will be seen, that the Sheriff took upon him to refuse to call a County-Meeting, because some persons sent him a requisition not to call one. The impudence of this surpasses every thing. It is very clear, that if this be permitted, there can be no County-Meeting, unless the minister of the day pleases, that there should be one; for, the minister has the chusing of the Sheriff, and the Sheriff can always get people to send him a paper, if he will ask for it, requesting him not to do what he wishes not to do. The "glorious Constitution" would come to be a fine thing at last. The people might have Meetings to petition the king; Oh, yes! certainly, meetings to petition the king, just as often as the king's servants please, but no oftener; and, of course, they would please only when the evident intention of the people was to praise them, or their conduct. What a despicable farce! Really one cannot talk of it with patience. To confine oneself within common bounds of expression, is to wrong one's indignant feelings.

-I am told, that Essex is a famous county for Political Parsons, who are also Justices of the Peace. Some of these, at the Cintra-Meeting, acted a most indecent part. A gentleman, who was present, told me, that they split and tore up a large mahogany dining table, and flew at their opponents, brandishing the legs and other parts of it. And yet there are those who wonder why the Churches are empty!— There has been a good deal of talk about "popular encroachment;" but, I do not believe, that, at any period of the history of England, the people were ever treated with such contempt as they have now been treated with in Essex. A County Meeting is the usual mode of assembling for the purpose of addressing or petitioning or

doing any thing as to which the sense of the county is to be taken; and, if the Sheriff, an officer appointed by the king, is to be the judge whether, upon any occasion, a meeting is to be held, or not; why, then, of course, the people are never to meet in County Meeting without the king's permission. And this is "the constitution," is it? This is that constitution, is it, for which we are to fight, and to spend our last shilling?Upon this occasion, there is something peculiarly odious in the refusal of the Sheriff; because he makes use of the authority of the king in opposition to Mr. Wardle. Well, let him do it: we shall see who will lose by it in the end.

N. B. Mr. WARDLE'S Speech in my next, at full length if possible; and, when we have that before us, we shall, with the greater advantage, proceed with our discussion of the subject of Parliamentary Reform.

Botley, Thursday, 29 June, 1809.


In COUNTIES, CITIES, BOROUGHS, &c. relative to the recent INQUIRY in the House of Commons, respecting the Conduct of the DUKE OF YORK. (Continued from p. 945.)

ESSEX MEETING. To the Nobility, Clergy, Freeholders, and Inhabitants of the County of Essex: WE, the undersigned Freeholders and Inhabitants of the County of Essex, request you to assemble at the Shire-hall, at Chelmsford, on Tuesday next the 27th inst. at twelve o'clock, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of returning thanks to G. L. Wardle, esq. for bis spirited and upright conduct in the House of Commons, and the members who supported him during the late Inquiry; and also of expressing your sentiments on the corrupt Practices and gross Abuses which have been brought to light by evidence given in that house during the late session of parliament. We are compelled to make this direct application to you, in consequence of the refusal of the Sheriff, to whom two Requisitions have been presented, desiring him to use that authority to convene the County, which, by late practice, has devolved officially upon him, and the ministerial exercise of which has been rarely, if ever, before refused. The first Requisition he rejected on the ground of the subscribers not having designated themselves Freeholders, and on account of the Inhabitants being summoned as well

as Freeholders. Whether, maintaining as we still do the right of the Inhabitants, we can be justified or not in our concession to his opinion, we did concede those points, which his letter led us to imagine formed the only objections to our Requisition, and presented another in the manner he prescribed. This second Requisition however was, to our surprize, likewise refused, upon a ground totally different from those alleged in the first instance; namely, on account of an application conveyed to him from a great number of persons in various parts of the County, expressing an opinion that such Meeting was unnecessary and inexpedient. This application, it is to be observed, the Sheriff states to have received on or before the 31st ult., although in his answer, dated the 2d inst., he makes no mention of that circumstance as forming any ground for, his refusal at that time. We shail abstain now from any comment upon these proceedings; but we most anxiously call upon you to maintain the Right of the People to meet and consider the conduct of their Representatives, to canvas public measures, and to prefer any petition, complaint, remonstrance, or other declaration or address to the King, or either House of Parliament. This is a fundamental right, which it is the duty of every man to assert and defend; and which would be practically destroyed if a judicial power founded on any authority or advice of individuals can be assumed by the Sheriff, and is allowed to prevent the assembling of the people for such purposes, and on such occasions. (Signed) Montagu Burgoyne, Mark Hall; S. Chamberlayne, Ryes; John Disney, The Hyde; J. B. Chamberlayne, Ryes; T. H. White, Sewells, Harlow; W. Lord, Gladwyns; Daniel W. Harvey, Feering House; W. Newman, Brentwood; W. Bliss, Brentwood; J. Barnard, Harlow; Ralph Polley, Bocking; J. Mumford, Harlow; G. W. Potter, Rochford; James Hobbs, Braintree; James Dighy, Rochford; Robert King, Brentwood; Joseph Aldridge, Baddow; Joseph Joyner, High House; W. B. Jarrold, Manningtree; T. Chaplin, Harlow; David Taylor, Harlow; Frederic John Nash, Bishop Stortford; John Cochran, Plaistow; W. Cordell, London; Joseph Jackson, London; W. Hibbit, West Ham.

At a Meeting of the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the County of Essex, held at the Crown and Anchor, in the Strand,

the 8th of June, 1809, the following Resolution was adopted :-That, having learnt that a Requisition, signed by 100 respectable gentlemen and yeomen of the County, has been presented to the High-Sheriff, to convene a Meeting of the County for the purpose of returning Thanks to G. L. Wardle, esq. for his spirited and upright conduct in the House of Commons during the late Inquiry, and also to express their sentiments on the corrupt practices which have been brought to light by evidence given in that House; and having likewise heard that an application has been made to the Sheriff, with a view of preventing such Meeting from taking place, and that the High-Sheriff has declined to convene the County, upon the ground of the Requisition not purporting to be a Requisi-` tion of the Freeholders, and of the Subscribers to it not being designated themselves as such: We, the undersigned Freeholders and Inhabitants of the County, without giving any opinion upon the questions that may be submitted to a County Meeting, do declare our sentiments, that Meetings of the Freeholders and Inhabitants, to consider the conduct of their Representatives, and to discuss public measures on occasions that they deem sufficiently important, are highly expedient; that this is an inalienable right of the People, the exercise of which ought not to be impeded, and which cannot be taken away without an infringement of the Constitution which is the pride and boast of Britain, and the envy and admiration of the world. (Signed) T. Brand, H. St. John Mildmay, W. Honywood, W. Smith, S. Whitbread, C. C. Western, R. Baker, M. Burgoyne, P. Ducane, jun., T. Holt White, W. Martin, J. Reddin. J. Claridge, T. Wood, Daniel Ross, S. Chamberlayne, Peter Wright, Osgood Hanbury, John Luard, John Disney, J. B. Chamberlayne, T. W. Western, Charles Onley, Philip Salter, T. T. Cock, J. Griggs, R. M. Robinson, Jeffrey Salter, J. Godfrey, G. Wyatt, J. Joyner, D. W. Harvey, Wm. Newman, G. Prentice, J. Digby, J. Hobbs, Robert King, Jos. Aldridge, W. Lord, J. Barnard, Ralph Polley, W. B. Jarrold, J. Mumford, Tho. Marsh, John Richardson, T. Joslin, T. Wright, James Kavanah, John Grove, John Clarke, Wm. Bliss, John Offin, Abraham Offin, T. Finch, John Sturgeon, Wm. Overhead, Charles Marston, John Offin, jun., Rob. White, Win. Offin, J. Jackson, T. Keye, James Keye.



Thirteenth Bulletin, dated Ebersdorf, May 28.

During the night of the 26th and 27th, our bridges on the Danube were carried away by the waters and the mills which have been set free. We had not time to finish the piles and fix the great iron chain. To day one of the bridges has been re-established, and we expect the other will be completed to morrow. The Emperor spent yesterday on the left bank surveying the fortifications which are raising on the island of In-der-Lobau and in order to inspect some regiments of the duke de Rivoli's corps, stationed at this sort of tête-de-pont.-On the 27th, at night capt. Baillie, aid-de-camp of the Viceroy, brought the agreeable tidings of the arrival of the Army of Italy at Bruck. Gen. Lauriston had been sent in advance, and the junction took place on the Simeringberg. A chasseur of the 9th, who was proceeding as scout to a detachment of the Army of Italy, met a chasseur of a platoon of the 20th, sent by gen. Lauriston. After having observed each other for some time, they discovered that they were Frenchmen, and embraced. The chasseur of the 20th proceeded to Bruck to repair to the Viceroy, and the chasseur of the 9th repaired to gen. Lauriston, to inform him of the approach of the Army of Italy. During twelve days the two armies had received no intelligence of each other. On the evening of the 26th, gen. Lauriston was at Bruck, at the head-quarters of the Viceroy. The Viceroy has displayed, during the whole campaign, a calmness and an extent of observation which are the presages of a great general.-In the relation of facts which have graced the Army of Italy during these last 20 days, his Majesty has marked with pleasure the destruction of the corps of Jellachich. It was this general whose insolent proclamation enkindled the fury and sharpened the daggers of the Tyrolese. Pursued by the duke of Dantzic-in danger of being flanked by the brigade of gen. Dupellin, whom the duke of Auerstadt had dispatched by way of Mariazell, he ran as into a snare upon the van of the Army of Italy. The archduke John, who, so short a time since in the excess of his presumption, degraded himself by his letter to the duke of Ragusa, evacuated Gratz yester


day, the 27th, taking with him hardly 251 or 30,000 men, of the fine army with which he entered Italy. Arrogance, insults, excitements to revolt, all his actions, which bear the stamp of rage, have turned to his shame.-The people of Italy have conducted themselves as the people of Alsace, Normandy, or Dauphine, would have done.-On the retreat of our soldiers, they accompanied them with their vows and their tears, and led individuals who had lost their way, by bye-paths, five days march to their army; and when any French or Italian prisoners were brought by the enemy into their towns or villages, the inhabitants brought them assistance, and during the nights endeavoured to disguise them and assist them in their flight.

The proclamations and the discourses of the archduke John inspired only contempt and scorn; and it would be ditlicult to describe the joy of the people of the Piave, the Taglimento, and of the Frioul, when they saw the army of the enemy flying in disorder, and the army of the sovereign and the country returning in triumph.-When the papers were examined which belonged to the intendant of the Austrian army, who was at. the head both of the government and the police; and which were taken at Padua, in four carriages, the proof of the love which the people of Italy bear to the Emperor was then discovered. Every body refused the places offered them; no one was willing to serve Austria; and among seven millions of men, who compose the po pulation of the kingdom, the enemy could not find more than three wretches who did not repel seduction.-The regiments of Italy, who had distinguished themselves in Poland, and who had emulated in the campaign in Catalonia, the most ancient French campaigns, covered themselves with glory in every engagement. The people of Italy are marching with rapid strides to the last period of a happy change. That beautiful part of the Continen t, to which are attached so many great and illustrious recollections, which the Court of Rome, that swarm of monks, and its own divisious, had ruined, is appearing with honour again on the theatre of Europe.-All the details which reach us of the Austrian army shew, that on the 21st and 22nd its loss was enormous. The choice troops of the army have perished. The good folks of Vienna say, that the manoeuvres of gen. Danube saved the Austrian army.— The Tyrol and the Voralberg are com



pletely subjected. Carniola, Styria, Ca-
rinthia, the territory of Saltzburg, Upper
and Lower Austria, are pacified and dis-
armed.-Trieste, that city where the
French and Italians suffered so many in-
sults, has been occupied. One circum-
stance in the capture of Trieste, has been
most agreeable to the Emperor--the de-
livery of the Russian squadron. It had
received orders to fit out for Ancona, but,
detained by contrary winds, it remained
in the power of the Austrians.-The junc-
tion of the army of Dalmatia will soon
take place. The duke of Ragusa began
his march as soon as he heard that the
army of Italy was on the Isonzo. It is
hoped that it will arrive at Laybach before
the 5th of June. The robber Schill, who
assumed, and with reason, the title of ge-
neral in the service of England, after hav-
ing prostituted the name of the king of
Prussia, as the satellites of England pros-
titute that of Ferdinand at Seville, has been
pursued and chased into an island of the
Elbe. The king of Westphalia, indepen-
dently of 15,000 men of his own troops,
had a Dutch division and a French divi-
sion; and the duke of Valmy has already
united at Hanau two divisions of the corps
of observation, commanded by generals
Rivaud and Despeaux, and composed of
the brigades Lameth, Clement, Taupin,
and Vaufieland. The rage of the princes
of the house of Lorraine against Vienna
may be painted with one stroke. The ca-
pital is fed by 40 mills, raised on the left
bank of the river. They have removed
and destroyed them.

Fourteenth Bulletin, dated Ebersdorf, June 1. The bridges upon the Danube are completely re-established: to these have been added a flying bridge; and all the necessary materials are preparing for another bridge of floats. Seven machines are employed to drive in the piles, but the Danube being in many places 24 and 26 fect in depth, much time is spent in order to fix the anchors, when the machines are displaced. However, our works are advancing, and will be finished in a short time. The gen. of brigade of engineers, Lazowski, is employed on the left bank upon a tête-de-pont of 1,600 toises in extent, and which will be surrounded by a trench full of running water.-The 44th crew of the flotilla of Boulogne, commanded by the captain de vaisseau Baste, is arrived. A great number of boats, eruizing in the river about the islands,

protect the bridge and render great ser-
vice.-The battalion of marine workmen
labour in the construction of little armed
vessels, which will serve completely to
command the river.-After the defeat of
the corps of gen. Jellachich, M. Matthieu,
capt.-adjutant of the staff of the army of
Italy, was sent with an orderly dragoon
upon the road to Saltzburgh, who having
successively met with a column of 650
troops of the line, and a column of 2,000
militia, both of whom were cut off, and
had lost their way; they, on being sum-
moned to surrender, laid down their arms.
-The general of division Lauriston is ar-
rived at Oldenburgh, the first country town
a strong advanced
of Hungary, with
guard. There appears to be some ferment
in Hungary, where men's minds are di-
vided, the greater part of them not seem-
ing favourable to Austria. The general
of division Lasalle has his head-quarters
opposite to Besbourgh, and pushes his
posts to Altenbourgh, and Rhaab.-Three
divisions of the army of Italy are arrived
at Neustadt. The Viceroy has been for
the last two days at the head-quarters of
the Emperor.-General Macdonald, who
commands one of the corps of the army
of Italy, has entered Gratz. There have
been found in this capital of Styria im-
mense magazines of provisions, clothing,
and equipments of every kind.-The duke
The prince of
of Dantzic is at Lintz.
Ponte Corvo is marching to Vienna.
general of division Vandamme, with the
Wirtemburgers, is arrived at St, Polten,
Mautern, and Crems.-Tranquillity reigns
in the Tyrol; cut off by the movements
of the duke of Dantzic and of the army
of Italy, all the Austrians who have en-
gaged in that point have been destroyed;
some by the duke of Dantzic, others, such
as the corps of Jellachich, by the army of
Italy. Those who were in Swabia had no
other resource than to endeavour to cross
Germany as partisans, directing their march
by the Upper Palatinate. They formed
a small column of infantry and cavalry,
which, after escaping from Lindau, was
met by col. Reiset, of gen. Beaumont's
corps of observation. It was cut off at
Neumarck; and the whole column, officers
and soldiers, laid down their arms.-Vienna
is tranquil; bread and wine are in abund-
ance; but meat, which this capital used
to draw from the bottom of Hungary,
Contrary to all rea-
begins to be scarce.
sons of policy and motives of humanity,
the enemy do all in their power to starve


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