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been for many years, a Commissioner of discover the slightest symptoms of ingrathe Excise in England; and, if my infor- titude.-Admiral, Sir Alexander Cochmation be correct, this noble Harbour rane, after a life of service, after being, Master has demanded, from the persons like his gallant nephew, Lord Cochrane, who held these offices from the time of actually afloat one half of the time since the capture to the date of his appointment he came into the world, and after many in the island, the amount of the fees, re- hard fought battles, has a large family ceived by them, or in their behalf, from with a very scanty purse; and, surely, the date of his commission in England. this trifling temporary provision for his Look at this, you cursed "Jacobins and son might have been left to his enjoyment. Levellers," and continue in your disloyal The only pension; the only gratuity ways if you can!With respect to the from the public, to the family of Cochpropriety of making sinecures of such offi- rane, as far as I have been able to discover, ces, I have no hesitation to say, that the or to hear of, is a pension of £. 200 a year practice is wrong. But, such having been to the Lady of Sir Alexander Cochrane, the practice; and the Commanders by which pension was formerly enjoyed by sea and land having uniformly appointed the Countess dowager of Dundonald, who, officers of the navy and army, to be Har- out of twelve sons, had seven in the navy bour Masters and Naval Officers in the and army. There are of this family, at conquered ports, the commanders, upon this time, seven persons in the country's the occasion now referred to, cannot be service: namely, Sir Alexander Cochblamed for what they did. At Martinico, rane, commander in chief on the WestSir Charles Grey appointed his son, Capt. India station; Lord Cochrane, in the Grey, to be Harbour Master; at Surinam, Mediterranean; Capt. Archibald CochLord Hugh Seymour appointed his son to rane, of the Fox frigate, in the East-Inthe same situation; Sir Samuel Hood, up- dies; Capt. Thomas Cochrane of the Jason on the reduction of Surinam, this war, ap- frigate, in the West Indies; Capt. Nathapointed Capt. Maxwell, of the Centaur, niel Cochrane of the Alexandria frigate, in who still holds the post; and upon the the North seas; Lieut. Colonel Cochrane capture of Curaços, Capt. Wood, of the of the 36th regiment of foot; and Capt. Latona, was appointed Harbour Master. William Cochrane of the 15th Regt. of draNone of these appointments were set aside. goons, now in Spain. Where the SeyAll were confirmed. These posts of pro-mours, the Moores, the Staples, and the fit appear to have been considered as a perquisite of the Navy and Army, particularly the former, in the gift of the capturing commanders. The three officers, amongst whom this perquisite was divided upon the occasion referred to, are, by the navy and army, well known to be very meritorious men. They were, at any rate, men engaged in actual and very perilous service, if we think only of the nature of the climate, under which they were compelled, and are still compelled, to remain. Lord George Seymour was not in the West Indies. He had run no risks from cannon balls or from yellow fever. He had, all his life long, been safe at home, and, for a considerable part of that life, a Commissioner of Excise, with a salary of £. 1,500 a year. He had had no buffetings of the seas to endure. His life had not been a life of suffering and of toil in that service, in that arduous service, in that navy, upon the fidelity, skill, valour, and zeal of the officers of which the safety of this kingdom does now almost solely depend, and towards which officers, therefore, policy as well as justice, imperatively forbid us to

Vandeleurs are; where they are existing ; what actual service they are upon, I must leave the reader to find out; but, I am afraid, the remainder of our lives will pass away before we shall hear as much of them, as we heard of Lord Cochrane alone in the Gazette of the other day.-Surely, when all this was considered; when the long and arduous services of this family were taken into view; when the family, and the pecuniary circumstances of Sir Alexander Cochrane were thought of, Lord Castlereagh might have spared to Captain Cochrane a few thousand pounds of fees, as Harbour-Master, in an island, recently reduced by his father. If to no one else, this little forbearance right, one would think, have been thought due, to Lord Cochrane, in behalf of so near a relation. To Lord Cochrane, who has grown up to manhood amidst battles and sieges; whose whole life, body and mind, has been devoted to the service of the country; and who, while, from his modest demeanour, he excites envy in no man, is the boast even of that glorious service, barely to be enrolled in which is no mean distinction. If there had been only this consideration,

the trifling thing of Harbour-Master might, | [the Council of the Masta is composed of surely, have been left where the Admiral the great proprietors in cattle.] the Proand General had placed it. But, Lord curators; the Alguazil-Majors; the SufGeorge Seymour wanted more; wanted fragan Bishops; the Vicars; the Body of more of good service; wanted fresh and the Curates and beneficed Clergy; the additional opportunities of demonstrating heads of the different Commonalties; the the feelings of his loyal heart; and, the body of the Nobility; the deputies of the appointments were set aside by the autho- five principal Corporations; and all the rity of his nephew, whose mandates were deputations representing the 64 divisions conveyed, too, through the channel of of the city of Madrid.-The Corregidor "His Excellency" General Harcourt, a pu- rose to address the meeting, and informed pil of the Wellesley school, and since, as them, that he had had the honour of being the people of that place well know, a can- admitted to present the homage of his redidate for Lincoln. This title of Excellency spect to his imperial and royal Majesty, to a Lieutenant Governor is new in the and to lay at the foot of his throne the West Indies, which now, it seems, are, in tribute of gratitude of the inhabitants of this respect, as well as in all others, to Madrid for the kindness and clemency bend to the predominance of the East.—— which his Majesty had shewn towards that Reader, what is your opinion, as to the city.-The Corregidor expressed to his influence of these things upon the fate of imperial and royal Majesty the happiness the country? How do you think, that which his presence shed over the city, such a distribution of the favours of the and the desire with which all the inhabicrown, and of the money of the people, is tants were animated to deserve-and to juslikely finally to operate with respect to tify such a peculiar mark of favourdefence against a mighty conqueror, who The Corregidor observed, that his impeis, and who naturally must be, an impla- rial and royal Majesty had condescended cable foe? What do you think must be to converse with him in the most benevothe feelings of those, who, after having, lent manner, and added, that the object of under a pestilential climate, fought and this meeting was to acquaint the Deputies subdued, see the fair fruits of their toils of the city of Madrid with the beneficent and dangers bestowed upon those, who intentions of his Majesty. Accordingly have remained at home in security and he had to repeat to them in the same ease? Who see, that which might have terms he had heard them, the sentiments diminished their wants, carried to augment of his Majesty, and the favourable dispothe luxuries of others? The answer to these sitions he entertained towards the whole questions I leave to your sense of justice of Spain; adding, that the fate of Madrid and of policy. would depend upon its own conduct. That that would be a happy and prosperous one, if the inhabitants adhered faithfully to the constitution, and acknowledged with sincerity, for their legitimate king, Don Joseph Napoleon I.; but that, on the other hand, Spain should be reduced to a province of France.-Here, the Corregidor, drew a faithful picture of the good nature of king Joseph, who had employed his best offices and entreaties for the conservation of that capital, as well as of the neighbouring cities, and who treated them with the tenderness of a generous father.The Corregidor impressed upon the minds of all the deputies, that the presence of the King in his capital, should be considered as the greatest advantage that could be wished for. Accordingly, the Deputies deeply penetrated with the same sentiments, and anxious to contribute their best endeavours for the happiness of the inhabitants of Madrid, determined humbly to implore his imperial and royal Majesty to indulge the capital with the

Botley, 19th January, 1809.

OFFICIAL PAPERS. SPANISH REVOLUTION.-Proclamation by Buonaparte. (Concluded from p. 61.) Bur should all my efforts prove fruitless, and should you not merit my confidence, nothing will remain for me but to treat you as conquered provinces, and to place my brother upon another throne. I shall then place the crown of Spain upon my own head, and cause it to be respected by the guilty; for God has given me power and inclination to surmount all obstacles. Given at our Imperial Camp at Madrid, Dec. 8, 1808.-(Signed) NAPOLEON.H. B. MARET.

Municipal Sitting.-Madrid, Dec. 9, 1808. THIS day at 11 o'clock in the morning, the hour appointed for the opening of the Sitting, the following persons assembled: -The Corregidor; the Regidors; the Alcades; the deputies of the Third Estate; the heads of the Assembly of the Masta;


presence of the King, that city, and even them oblivion of the crimes which they all Spain, being convinced of the signal have committed against us, our nation, advantages which must be derived from and the King, our brother :-Wishing at the wisdom of his government.-The the same time to mark those, who, after Deputies insisted, that a fresh tribute of having sworn fidelity to the King, have thanks should be presented to his impe- violated their oath who, after having acrial and royal Majesty, for the kindness cepted places, have made use of the auwith which he had treated that city, which thority confided to them, only to betray his triumphant arms had conquered, and the interests of their Sovereign; and who, for the generous pardon of what had hap- instead of employing their influence to enpened during the absence of king Joseph. lighten the citizens, have only made use -His imperial and royal Majesty is of it to mislead them :--Wishing, in fine, also to be implored to extend pardon to that the punishment of great culprits, those whom fear had induced to desert should serve as an example for posterity, the city, as well as to all the peasants to all those who, placed by Providence at who had taken up arms. His imperial the head of nations, instead of directing and royal Majesty is also finally to be the people with wisdom and prudence, implored, that he will be pleased to order pervert them, involve them in the disorder his troops to respect property, the holy of popular agitations, and precipitate them temples, the religious institutions; in a into the miseries of war:-We have deword, the property of every class. creed and decree as follows:-Art. 1. This humble supplication is to be laid be- The dukes of Infantado, of Hijar, of Mefore his imperial and royal Majesty, and is dina Celi, of Ossuma, the marquis of Santo be presented to him by a deputation ta Cruz, the counts of Ferran-Nunez and taken from among the representatives of Altamira, the prince of Castel-Franco, the the city of Madrid.-It was resolved, in the sieur Piere Cevallos, ex-minister of state, same sitting, that a tribute of the most and the bishop of Santander, are declared lively gratitude should be presented to the enemies of France and Spain, and traitors king Joseph Napoleon, whose happy in- to the two crowns. As such they shall tercession with his august brother, the em- be seized and carried before a military peror of the French, saved the city of commission. Their property moveable Madrid. His royal Majesty shall be hum- and immoveable, shall be confiscated in bly supplicated to grant the favour of his Spain, in France, in Italy, in Naples, in presence to the city of Madrid, that under the Papal States, in the kingdom of Holhis just and beneficent government, good land, and in all the countries occupied by order, justice, and tranquillity, may be re- the French army, to pay the expences of stored within its walls.-His royal Ma- the war.-2. All sales and dispositions, jesty shall be implored to employ his royal whether with the living, whether testagood offices with his imperial brother, that mentary, made by them or their attornies, pardon may be obtained to the absent, and subsequent to the date of the present deto those inhabitants, who had taken up arms. cree, are declared null and of no value.-The present proces-verbal shall be pre- 3. We grant, in our name, and in the sented to bis imperial and royal Majesty. name of our brother the king of Spain, ge[Here follows several thousand signatures.]neral pardon and full and entire amnesty On the 11th a similar meeting was held, for the deputies of the inhabitants of the parishes, and who acceded to a similar measure, which was likewise accompanied with a vast number of signatures.

Imperial Decrees relative to Spain. In our imperial camp, at Burgos, Nov. 12, 1808.-Napoleon, emperor of the French, king of Italy, and protector of the Confederation of the Rhine.-Considering that the troubles of Spain have been principally the effect of the plots formed by several individuals, and that the greater part of those who have been engaged in them, have been misled or deceived:Wishing to pardon the latter, and to grant

to all Spaniards who, in one month after our entrance into Madrid, shall have laid down their arms and renounced all alliance, adherence, and communication with England; shall rally round the constitution and throne, and shall return to order, so necessary to the repose of the great family of the continent.-4. Are not excepted from the said pardon and amnesty, neither the members of central and insurrectional Juntas, nor the generals and officers who have borne arms, provided that both the one and the other conform to the dispositions established by the preceding article.-(Signed) NAPOLEON. In our imperial camp of Madrid, Dec. 4, 1808.-Napoleon, emperor of the

French, king of Italy, &c.-Considering that the Council of Castile has shewn, in the exercise of all its functions, equal falsehood and feebleness :-That after having published throughout the kingdom the renunciation of king Charles the 4th, and of the princes Don Fernando, Don Carlos, Don Francisco, and Don Antonio, of the crown of Spain, and after having recognised and proclaimed our legitimate rights to the throne they had the meanness to declare, in the eyes of Europe, and posterity, that they only subscribed these different acts, with interior and perfidious restrictions :—We have decreed and decree as follows:-Art. 1. The members of the Council of Castile are removed as cowards, and unworthy of being the magistrates of a brave and generous nation.-2. The presidents and procurators of the King shall be arrested as hostages. The other members of the Council shall be required to remain at Madrid in their houses, under pain of being prosecuted and punished as traitors; are nevertheless excepted from the present disposition, all the members of the said Council who shall not have signed the declaration of the 11th August 1808, as dishonourable to the dignity of the magistrate as to the character of the man. (Signed) NAPOLEON.-H. B. MA


In our imperial camp of Madrid, Dec. 4, -Napoleon emperor of the French, &c. -We have decreed and do decree as follows:-Art. 1. The Court of Cessation, erected by the second title, Art. 101 of the constitution of the kingdom of Spain, shall be immediately organized.-(Signed) NA


In our imperial camp of Madrid, Dec. 4. Napoleon, emperor of the French, &c.We have decreed, and do decree as follows:-Art. 1. The tribunal of the Inquisition is abolished, as contrary to the civil sovereignty and authority.-2. The property belonging to the Inquisition shall be put under sequestration, and be united to the domain of Spain, to serve as a guarantee for the Vales, and for all other parts of the public debt.-(Signed) NAPOLEON.

In our imperial camp of Madrid, Dec. 4. Napoleon, emperor of the French, &c.We have decreed, and do decree as follows:-Art. 1. The same individual cannot possess more than one commandery.-2. From the 1st of January next, every individual possessing several commanderies, shall designate the one he prefers preserving the others shall revert to the disposal of the King.-(Signed) NAPOLEON.

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In our imperial camp of Madrid, Dec. 4. Napoleon, emperor of the French, &c.— Considering that the religious of the different monastic orders in Spain are too multiplied :-That if a certain number be useful to assist, the ministers of the altar in the administration of the sacraments, the existence of too considerable a number is injurious to the prosperity of the state.We decree as follows:-Art. 1. The number of convents at present existing in Spain, shall be reduced to a third.This reduction shall be produced by uniting the religious of several convents in one single house.-2. Dating from the publication of the present decree, no admission to the noviciate, no religious profession shall be permitted until the number of the religious of each sex shall have been reduced to the third of the number of the said religious now existing. In consequence, and in the space of a fortnight, all the novices shall quit the convents into which they have been admitted.—3. All the regular ecclesiastics who wish to renounce their usual living, and to live as secular ecclesiastics, shall be free to quit their houses.-4. The religious who shall so renounce, conformably to the preceding article, shall be admitted to the enjoyment of a pension whose amount shall be regulated by their age, but which shall not be less than 3000 reals, nor exceed the maximum of 4000.-5. Upon the amount of the property of the convents which shall be suppressed in execution of the first article of the present decree, shall be raised the sum necessary to increase the portion of the cures, so that the minimum of the salary of the curates shall be raised to 2400 reals.-6. The property of the suppressed convents which shall be disposable after the raising of the sum ordered by the foregoing article, shall be united to the domain of Spain, and to be employed as follows:-1. The half of the said property to guarantee the Vales and other parts of the public debt.-2. The other half to reimburse the provinces and cities the expences occasioned by the supplying the French armies and the insurrectional armies, and to indemnify the cities and country for the damages, losses of houses, and other losses occasioned by the war. (Signed) NAPOLEON.

In our imperial camp of Madrid, Dec. 4. Napoleon, emperor of the French, &c.We have decreed, and decree as follows:

Art. 1. Dating from the publication of the present decree, the feudal rights are abolished in Spain.-2. All personal dues,

Dec. 5, 1808.

all exclusive rights of fishery, or other | Capitulation of the Town of Rosas.—Rosas, rights of the same nature, on the coasts, rivers, and banks of rivers, all bannalities of mills are suppressed.-Each shall be permitted by conforming to the laws, and give a free impulse to her industry.-browski, chief of the staff of the Italian (Signed)-NAPOLEON.

In our imperial camp of Madrid, Dec. 4,-Napoleon, emperor of the French, &c.-Considering that one of the establishments which are most injurious to the prosperity of Spain is that of the barriers existing between the provinces; We have decreed and decree as follows:-Art. 1. From the 1st of Jan. next, the barriers existing from province to province shall be suppressed. The custom-houses shall be removed, and estab ished on the frontiers. -(Signed)-NAPOLEON.

CAPITULATION of the town of Rosas and of the castle of the Trinity, entered into between messrs. the adjutant in chief Dom

division, commanded by general Pino, and chevalier Pio, colonel commandant of the 2d French regiment of the line, appointed by general of division Reille, aid-3-camp of his majesty the Emperor and King, on the one part, and messrs. col. Don Pedro O'Daly, governor commandant of the fortress of Rosas, and of the castle of the Trinity, and Don Manuel Lemaur, col. of engineers, on the other part.-Art. 1.-The town and the fort shall be delivered in the course of the day, to the troops of his majesty the Emperor and King-2. The garrison shall lay down their arms upon the glacis of the place, shall be prisoners of war, and conducted into France. The officers shall keep all that belongs to them.

the present Capitulation, one gate of the town of Rosas, and one gate of the castle of the Trinity, shall be given up to two companies of grenadiers.-(Signed)→→→ JEAN DOMBROWSKI, Adjutant-Commandant, Chief of the Etat-Major.-Pio, ColonelMajor.-DON PEDRO O'DALY.-MANUEL LEMAUR.The present Capitulation is approved of General of Division commanding the siege, REILLE.

Napoleon, emperor of the French, king of Italy, protector of the Confederation of the Rhine, &c. &c.-Taking into our consideration, that one of the greatest abuses-3. Immediately after the signature of which have been introduced into the finances of Spain, arises from the alienation of the different branches of the imposts, and that nevertheless imposts are from their nature inalienable, we have decreed, and do decree as follows:-From the publication of the present Decree. every individual who shall be in possession, either by grant from the King, or by sale, or by any other means, of any portion whatever of the civil or ecclesiastical imposts, shall cease to receive them, and those from whom they may be leviable, shall be answerable for the payment of their respective imposts to the agents of the King or of the treasury.-The present Decree shall be published and registered in all the councils, courts, and tribunals, in order to its being carried into execution as a law of the State.-(Signed) NAPOLEON.-H. B. MARET.

Extract from the Minutes of the Office of
Secretary of State.-Imperial Camp at
Madrid, Dec. 12, 1808.

Letter of the Supreme Junta to the Marquis de la Romana.-Dated, Tudela, Dec. 4, 1808.

Most Excellent Sir,-The king and lord, Ferdinand VII. and in his royal name the Supreme Junta of government of the kingdom, omitting no means which can any ways promote the safety and prosperity of the nation, has thought proper to resolve, that your excellency is not only to command the army, of which you are general in chief, but also the armies of Old Castile, Leon, Asturias and Galicia, superinWE Napoleon, emperor of the French, tending, with regard to all the said armies, king of Italy, and protector of the confe- the troops of the mass, and putting in rederation of the Rhine, have decreed, and quisition the horses, mules, and other meado decree as follows,-Art. 1. All seignio-sures, which are required to augment our ral Courts of Justice are abolished in army, and put it on that respectable footSpain.-2. There shall exist no other ju- ing which the present extraordinary cirrisdiction than the royal Courts of Justice. cumstances require. His Majesty has been -3. The present Decree shall be pub-informed, and sees with the deepest conlished and registered in all the councils, courts, and tribunals, in order that it may be executed as the Law of the State. (Signed) NAPOLEON.-H. B. MARET.

cern, that to the want of subordination, cowardice is added by many, whence arises that scandalous desertion which excites astonishment in our allies and damps their general ardour. This conduct, so

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