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18 Placemen and Pensioners, who, though part of what they receive was not stated, are in the said Report stated to receive £178,994 a year, out of the taxes paid by the people, and out of that money, to watch over the expenditure of which they themselves are appointed.

That we observe the names of all those Placemen and Pensioners voting against Mr. Wardle's Motion.

ments in the hands of a Minister. And we further declare, that from the proof we have always had of his Majesty's love for his people, we have full confidence in his royal support and protection, in our constitutional efforts, against a faction, not less hostile to the true dignity and just prerogatives of his Majesty's throne, than they are to the interest and feelings of his faithful, suffering, and insulted people.

That HENRY PENRUDDOCK WYNDHAM and RICHARD LONG, esqrs., the Representatives of this County, have, by their late conduct in Parliament, proved themselves undeserving the confidence of their constituents, and of the future support of this county.

That in the Act called the Bill of Rights, it is declared, "That the Election of Mem"bers of Parliament ought to be free;" and in the same Act it is declared, "That "the violating the freedom of Election of "Members to serve in Parliament, was "one of the crimes of King James II. and "one of the grounds upon which he was Resolved unanimously, That the Thanks "driven from the throne of this king-of this Meeting be given to the High She"dom." But that, notwithstanding that riff for calling the same, and for his imlaw, this Meeting have observed, that on partial conduct in the Chair. the 11th instant, Mr. Madocks did, in the House of Commons, distinctly charge Mr. Perceval and lord Castlereagh with having actually sold a seat in Parliament to Mr. Dick, and with having endeavoured to prevail upon the said Mr. Dick to vote against Mr. Wardle in the case of the Duke of York; and that Mr. Madocks having made a motion for an inquiry into the said transactions, the House, by a very large majority, decided that there should be no such inquiry.

AMERICA.-Orders in Council.

At the Court of the Queen's Palace, the 24th of May, 1809.-Present-The King's most excellent Majesty in Council:

Whereas his Majesty was pleased, by his Order in Council of the 20th of April last, to declare certain ports and places of the countries which have been lately styled the kingdom of Holland, to be subject to the restrictions incident to a strict and rigorous blockade, as continued from his Majesty's former Order of the 11th Nov. 1807; and whereas advices have been re

That from these facts, as well as numerous others, notorious to us, and to the whole nation, this Meeting have a firm conviction, that it is in the House of Com-ceived of a certain Provisional Agreement mons, as at present constituted, that exists the great and efficient cause of all such scandalous abuses, in various departments of the State, as have, in other countries, alienated the subject from the Sovereign, and eventually produced the downfal of the state.

That therefore this Meeting, anxious alike for the preservation of his Majesty's throne and legitimate authority, and for the restoration of the rights and liberties bequeathed them by the wisdom, the fortitude, and the valour of their forefathers, hold it a duty which they owe to their Sovereign and his successors, to themselves and to their children, and to the safety, happiness, and renown of their country, to declare their decided opinion and conviction, that no change for the better can be reasonably expected, without such Reform in the Commons' House of Parliament, as shall make that House in reality, as well as in na me, the Representatives of the People, und not the instru


entered into by his Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary in America, with the Government of the United States, whereby it is understood that his Majesty's Orders in Council of the 7th Jan. and of the 11th Nov. 1807, shall be withdrawn so far as respects the United States, on the 10th of June next.

And whereas, although the said Provisional Agreement is not such as was authorised by his Majesty's Instructions, or such as his Majesty can approve, it may already have happened, or may happen, that persons being citizens of the said United States may be led by a reliance on the said Provisional Agreement, to engage in trade with and to the said ports and places of Holland, contrary to, and in violation of the restrictions imposed by the said Orders of the 7th Jan. and of the 11th Nov. 1807, as altered by the Order of the 26th April last; his Majesty, in order to prevent any inconveniences that may ensue from the circumstance above

recited, is pleased, by and with the advice of his Privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered, That the said several Orders shall be suspended, so far as is necessary for the protection of vessels of the said United States, so sailing under the faith of the said Provisional Agreement, viz. That after the 9th day of June next, no vessel of the United States, which shall have cleared out between the 19th of April last, and the 20th of July ensuing, for any of the ports of Holland aforesaid from any port of the United States, shall be molested or interrupted in her voyage by the Commanders of his Majesty's ships or privateers.

And his Majesty is pleased further to order, and it is hereby ordered, That the said several Orders of the 7th of Jan, and 11th of Nov. 1807, as altered by the said Order of the 26th of April last, shall also be suspended, so far as is necessary for the protection of vessels of the said United States which shall clear out, to any ports not declared to be under the restriction of blockade from any port of Holland between the 9th day of June and the 1st day of July next, provided always, that nothing that is contained in the present Order shall extend, or be construed to extend, to protect any vessels or their cargoes, that may be liable to condemnation or detention for any other cause than the violation of the aforesaid Orders of the 7th of Jan. and the 11th of Nov. 1807, as altered by the said Order of the 26th of April last.

And it is further ordered, that no vessels of the United States, which shall have cleared out from any port of America previous to the 20th of July next, for any other permitted port, and shall, during her voyage, have changed her destination, in consequence of information of the said Provisional Agreement, and shall be proceeding to any of the ports of Holland aforesaid, shall be molested or interrupted by the Commanders of any of his Majesty's ships or privateers, unless such vessel shall have been informed of this Order on her voyage, and shall have been warned not to proceed to any of the ports of Holland aforesaid, and shall, notwithstanding such warning, be found attempting to proceed to any such port.

Provided also, that nothing in this Order contained shall extend, or be construed to extend, to protect any vessel which shall attempt to enter any port actually blockaded by any of his Majesty's ships of war.

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And the right hon. the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury, his Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State, the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty, and the Judge of the High Court of Admiralty, and the Judges of the Court of Vice-Admiralty, are to give the necessary directions herein as to them may respectively appertain.



And it is further ordered, that after the said 9th day of June next, no vessel of the said United States which shall have cleared out, or be destined to any of the ports of Holland from any other port or place not subject to the restrictions of the said Order of the 26th of April last, after notice of such Provisional Agreement as aforesaid, shall be molested or interrupted in her voyage by the Commanders of his Majesty's ships or privateers, provided such vessel shall have so cleared out previous to actual notice of this Order at such place of clearance, or in default of proof of actual notice previous to the like periods of time after the date of this Order, as are fixed for constructive notice of his Majesty's Order of the 11th of Nov. 1807, by the Orders of the 25th Nov. 1807, and of the 18th of May, 1808, at certain places and latitudes therein mentioned, unless such vessel shall have been informed of this Order on her voyage, and warned by any of his Majesty's ships or privateers not to proceed to any port of Holland, and shall, notwithstanding such warning, attempt to proceed to any such port.


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tin, (concluded from p. 832.) The Austrian cavalry, strong and numerous, attempted to cover the retreat of their infantry, but they were attacked by the division of St. Sulpice on the right, and by the division of Nansoutz ca the left, and the enemy's line of hussars and cuirassiers routed, more than 3,00 Austrian cuirassiers were made prisoners. As the night was commencing, our cuirassiers continued their march to Ratisbon. The division of Nansoutz met with a column of the enemy, which was escaping, and attacked it, and comp elled it to surrender; it consisted of taree Hungarian battalions of 1,500 men.--The division of St. Sulpice charged anot' aer division of the enemy, where the arc' duke Charles narrowly escaped being taken. He was indebted for his safet to the fleetness of his horse. This colur An was also broken and taken. Darkness at length compelled our®

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troops to halt.

In this battle of Echmuhl, not above half of the French troops were engaged. The enemy, closely pressed, continued to defile the whole of the night in small divisions, and in great confusion. All their wounded, the greater part of their artillery, 15 standards, and 20,000 prisoners, fell into our hands.

In all these battles our loss amounted to
1,200 killed and 4,000 wounded!!!-[Then
follows a list of the French officers killed
and wounded, and very high eulogiums
upon the different French generals.]-Of
222,000 of which the Austrian army was
composed, all have been engaged except
20,000 men, commanded by general Bel-
legarde. On the other hand, near one
half of the French army has not fired a
shot. The enemy, astonished by rapid
movements, which were out of their cal-
culation, were in a moment deprived of
their foolish hopes, and precipitated from
a delirium of presumption to a despon-
dency approaching to despair.
Second Bulletin, dated Muhldorf, April 27.

Battle of Ratisbon, and taking of that place. On the 23rd, at day break, the army advanced upon Ratisbon; the advanced guard, formed by the division of Gudin, and by the cuirassiers of Nansoutz and St. Sulpice, and they very soon came in sight of the enemy's cavalry, which attempted to cover the city. Three successive charges took place, all of which were to our advantage. Eight thousand of their troops having been cut to pieces, the enemy precipitately repassed the Danube. During these proceedings, our light infantry tried to get possession of the city. By a most unaccountable disposition of his force, the Austrian general sacrificed six regiments there without any reason. The city is surrounded with a bad wall, a bad ditch, and a bad counterscarp. The artillery having arrived, the city was battered with some twelve pounders. It was recollected that there was one part of the fortifications where, by means of a ladder, it was possible to descend into the ditch, and to pass on the other side through a breach in the wall. The duke of Montebello caused a battalion to pass through this opening: they gained a postern, and in troduced themselves into the city. All those who made resistance were cut to pieces: the number of prisoners exceed 8,000. In consequence of these unskilful dispositions, the enemy had not time to destroy the bridge, and the French passed pell-mell with them to the left bank. This unfortunate city, which they were barbarous enough to defend, has suffered considerably. A part of it was on fire during the night, but by the efforts of general Moraud, and his division, it was extinguished. Thus, at the battle of Abensberg, the Emperor beat separately the two corps of the archduke Louis and general Keller; at the battle of Landshut, he took the centre of their communications, and the general depôt of their magazines and artillery; finally, at the battle of Eck-varia has shewn himself at Munich. He muhl, the four corps of Hohenzollern, Rosenberg, Kollowrath, and Lichtenstein, were defeated. The corps of general Bellegarde arrived the day after the battle; they could only be witnesses of the taking of Ratisbon, and then fled into Bohemia.

On the 22d, the day after the battle of Landshut, the Emperor left that city for Ratisbon, and fought the battle of Echmuhl. At the same time he sent the duke of Istria with the Bavarian division under general Wrede, and Moltor's division, to proceed to the Inn, and pursue the two corps of the Austrian army beaten at Abensberg and Landshut-The duke of Istria arrived successively at Wilsburg and Neumark, found there upwards of 400 carriages, caissons and equipages, and took from 15 to 1800 prisoners in his march.The Austrian corps found beyond Neumark, a corps of reserve which had arrived upon the Inn. They rallied, and on the 25th gave battle at Neumark, where the Bavarians, notwithstanding their extreme inferiority, preserved their positions.-On the 24th the Emperor had. sent the corps of the duke of Rivoli from Ratisbon to Straubing, and from thence to Passau, where he arrived on the 26th. The duke made the battalion of the Po pass the Inn-it made 500 prisoners, removed the blockade of the citadel, and occupied Scharding.-On the 25th the duke of Montebello had orders to march with his corps from Ratisbon to Muhldorff. On the 27th he passed the Inn and proceeded to the Salza.-To-day, the 27th, the Emperor has his head-quarters at Muhldorf.-The Austrian division, commanded by general Jellachich, which occupied Munich, is pursued by the corps of the duke of Dantzic.-The king of Ba

afterwards returned to Augsburg, where he will remain some days, intending not to fix his residence at Munich till Bavaria shall be entirely delivered from the enemy.-On the side of Ratisbon the duke of Auerstadt is gone in pursuit of prince

has shewn the same sentiments, and has declared that if the Austrians advanced to his territories, he should retire, if necessary, across the Rhine-so well are the insanity and the invectives of Vienna appreciated! The regiments of the petty princes, all the allied troops are eager to march against the enemy.-A notable circumstance, which posterity will remark as a fresh proof of the signal bad faith of Austria, is, that on the day she wrote the annexed letter to the king of Bavaria, she published, in the Tyrol, the proclamation signed by general Jellachich. On the same day she proposed to the king to be neutral, and invited his subjects to rise. How can we reconcile this contradiction, or rather how justify this infamy?

[To the Bulletins are annexed a Proclamation from the Austrian general Jellachich, inviting the Tyrolese to throw off the Bavarian yoke, and to resume their allegiance to their old master; and a letter from the archduke Charles to the king of Bavaria, soliciting his co-operation in a war undertaken for the general deliverance of Germany.]

Charles, who cut off from his communica- | burg, the emperor of Austria's brother, tion with the Inn and Vienna, has no other resource than that of retiring into the mountains of Bohemia, by Waldmunchen and Cham.-With respect to the emperor of Austria, he appears to have been before Passau, in order to besiege that place with three battalions of the Landwerk.-All Bavaria and the Palatinate are delivered from the presence of the enemy. At Ratisbon, the Emperor passed several corps in review, and caused the bravest soldiers to be presented to him, to whom he gave distinctions and pensions, and the bravest officers, to whom he gave baronies and lands.-Hitherto the Emperor has carried on the war almost without equipage and guards; and one has remarked, that in the absence of his guards, he had always about him the allied Bavarian and Wirtemberg troops; wishing thereby to give them a particular proof of confidence.-A report has been circulated that the Emperor has had his leg broken. The fact is, that a spent ball grazed the heel of his boot, but did not touch the skin. Never was his majesty in better health, though in the midst of the greatest fatigue.—It has been remarked as a singular fact, that one of the first Austrian officers made prisoners in this war, was the aide de camp of prince Charles, sent to M. Otto with the famous letter, purporting that the French army must retire. The inhabitants of Ratis-diers of Cæsar and the armed cohorts of bon having behaved very well, and Xerxes.-Ina few days we have triumphed evinced that patriotic and confederated in the three battles of Tann, Abensberg, and spirit which we have a right to expect Echmuhl, and in the actions of Peising, from them, his majesty has ordered that Landshut, and Ratisbon. One hundred the damages done shall be repaired at his pieces of cannon, 40 standards, 50,000 expence, and particularly the rebuilding prisoners, 3,000 waggons, full of baggage, of the houses burnt, the expence of which all the chests of the regiments-Such is will be several millions.-Alt the sovereigns the result of the rapidity of your march and territories of the Confederacy evince and your courage. The enemy, besotted the most patriotic spirit. When the by a perjured cabinet, scemed no longer Austrian minister at Dresden delivered to preserve any recollection of us.-They the Declaration of his court to the king of have been promptly awaked-You have Saxony, the latter could not contain his appeared to them more terrible than ever. indignation" You wish for war, and Lately they crossed the Inn, and invaded against whom? You attack and you in- the territory of our allies. Lately they veigh against a man, who three years presumed to carry the war into the heart ago, master of your destiny, restored of our country. Now, defeated and disyour states to you. The proposals made mayed, they fly in disorder. Already my "to me afflict me; my engagements are advanced-guard has passed the Inn-be"known to all Europe; no prince of the fore a month is elapsed we shall be at Vi"Confederacy will detach himself from enna. From our Head-quarters, Ratis"them."-The grand duke of Wurtz-bone, 24th April.-(Signed) NAPOLEON.


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Soldiers, you have justified my expectations. You have made up for numbers by your bravery. You have gloriously marked the dillerence that exists between the sol

LONDON:-Printed by T. C. HANSARD, Peterborough - Court, Fleet Street; Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent Garden :---Sold also by J. BUDD, Pall-Mall.

VOL. XV. No. 23.]


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[Price 18.

On the 12th of May, 1809, MR. MADOCKS made, in the House of Commons, a charge in substance as follows: "I affirm, then, that MR. DICK purchased a seat in the House of Commons for the borough of "Cashel, through the agency of the HONOURABLE HENRY WELLESLEY, who acted for, and on behalf of "the Treasury: that, upon a recent question, of the last importance, when Mr. Dick had determined to vote according to his conscience, the noble Lord, CASTLEREAGH, did intimate to that gentleman the "necessity of either his voting with the government, or resigning his seat in that House; and that Mr. "Dick, sooner than vote against principle, did make choice of the latter alternative, and vacate his "seat accordingly. To this transaction I charge the Right Hon. Gentleman, MR. PERCEVAL, as being "privy and having connived at it. This I will engage to prove by witnesses at your bar, if the House "will give me leave to call them."- At the end of a long Debate upon this subject, the question was taken upon a motion for an Inquiry into the matter; that there appears from the reports of the proceedings, published in the papers, to have been 395 Members present, that, out of 395, only 85 voted for the motion, which, of course, was lost, there being 310 out of the 395, who voted against the motion for Inquiry.In the year 1802, this same MR. PERCEVAL, being then Attorney General, prosecuted PHILIP HAMLIN, a Tinman of Plymouth, for having committed the crime of offering Mr. Addington £.2,000, to give him a place in the Custom House; upon this occasion, Mr. Perceval demanded judgment upon the said Hamlin, for the sake of PUBLIC JUSTICE; and the Judge, after expatiating upon the "incalcu"lable mischief," to which such crimes must naturally lead, sentenced the said Hamlin to pay a fine of a hundred pounds to the king, and to be imprisoned for three Calendar months. same Mr. Perceval, who, in 1807, set up the Godly cry of "No Popery."



-N. B. This is the


And although I am at all times unwillBELONGING to this subject, nothing more ing to request the attention of the Comimportant has taken place, than the Speech, mittee of this House, thinking that I should made by the SPEAKER of the House of Com-render them no service by mixing in their mons, on Thursday, the 1st of this month. general Debates, and feeling also the inconvenience of being precluded afterwards by my other duties in this House from explaining or defending my opinions in any subsequent stage of discussion; nevertheless there are some subjects of a paramount importance, upon which I do conceive that I have a personal duty imposed upon me (and perhaps the House may think in some degree an official duty) to deliver the sentiments which I entertain:

This Speech, of which I am fully warranted in saying, that I have a correct report, I shall here insert, at full length; and, afterwards offer, in the shape of a Letter, such observations upon it, as appear to me necessary, and likely to be useful.- This Speech was made in a Committee of the whole House upon MR, CURWEN'S Reform bill; and, I beg the reader, as he proceeds in the perusal, to contrast the doctrines and the sentiments, which-And such is the present. the Speaker has now thought proper to express, with the doctrines and the sentiments proclaimed, by both sides of the House, upon Mr. MADOCKS's motion of the 12th of May; and to apply these doctrines and sentiments to the notorious cases of CASTLEREAGH, HENRY WELLESLEY, and PERCEVAL, and to what was advanced, upon Mr. Madocks's motion, by those more immediately connected with the borough-mongers, that is to say, those who sell and deal in Seats in Parliament.



Thursday the 1st of June, 1809.

BEFORE you proceed to put the Question of Reading this Bill a first time, I wish to offer myself to your notice :

The Question now before us, is no less than this-Whether Seats in this House shall be henceforth publicly saleable? — A, proposition, at the sound of which, our Ancestors would have startled with indignation; but a practice, which in these days and within these walls, in utter oblivion of every former maxim and feeling of Parliament, has been avowed and jus


We are now, however, come to a pass from which we have no retreat. Upon this Question we must decide, Aye or No. To do nothing is to do every thing. If we forbear to reprobate this traffic, we give it legality and sanction. And unless we now proceed to brand and stigmatize it by a prohibitory Law, I am firmly persuaded that even before the short remnant of this Session is concluded, we shall see that Seats in this House are advertised for

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